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Preparation Period: Started from scratch from January 2014

Practice Materials:
Verbal Reasoning:
Word List:
1) Word Smart 1 & 2 by Princeton review
2) Barron s 333+Kaplan 400+ Princeton Hit parade
3) Barron s 800 essential word
4) Manhattan 1000 words ( From the back of the book Manhattan 7-8 series)
Books for practice according to my preference:
1) Manhattan 7-8 ( Quite useful tips but have to spend time to be comfortable wi
th the tips)
2) ETS Official guide
3) ETS verbal practice book ( No 2 & 3 are the most useful for verbal reasoning
practice as they are same standard of real time questions)
4) Princeton 1014 question
5) Manhattan 5Lb ( Started but didn t help me much as beyond difficulty level that
are likely to appear at real exam and RC s are below par level according to me)
6) Code Coax for RC practice (It helped me to come up with the lengthy passages
but again questions are not up to the ETS standard)
Quantitive Reasoning:
1. Manhattan 1-6 ( The best book available for beginners according to me and wil
l give a good grip of the whole quant section)
2. ETS Official Guide
3. ETS quantitive reasoning practice book
4. Manhattan 5lb (More advanced level math and will surely boost up your confide
nce level and it helped me to build my own approach to specific quant problems)
5. Barron s 19th/20th edition ( some useful short cuts)
6. Nova Math Bible (Those who require higher quant score should go through this
book as more practice problems are available)
Analytical Writing:
Manhattan & ETS strategies and scoring guide and practice as much as you can

Practice Tests: (Given as per sequence)

Princeton Test04: 315 (12-08-2014)
Manhattan 01:315(13-08-2014)
Princeton Test 06: 320 (17-08-2014)
Princeton Test 07: 334 (21-08-2014)
Kaptest 02: 326 (26-08-2014)
Kaptest 03: 332( 31-08-2014)
Power Prep 01: 332 (Quant 170,Verbal 162) 03/09/2014
Kaptest 04: 328(05-09-2014)
Power Prep 02: 330(Quant 170,Verbal 160) 06/09/2014

Real Test Score: 330(Quant 168, Verbal 162,AWA:04) 10/09/2014

NB:The general conception of importance of vocabulary for the verbal part of GRE
is way overrated according to me.Rather most important part is context based th
NB1: Give as many full length tests as you can.Try to give at least 4 full lengt
h tests with Essay writing part.All the practice tests stated avobe are free and

available online.
NB2: For verbal reasoning specially RC part try to focus on thinking why a parti
cular option is being an answer and why another one option is not being answer.(
Most of the times the greatest confusion is to select between 2 almost similar a
nswer choice options). In essence try to think like ETS.
NB3: For AWA part,try to prepare examples and logics of all the issues provided
by ETS issue pool before final exam. There are lots of issue based on topics tha
t are pretty tough to produce a quality writing instantly.
NB4: If anyone has problem with sleeping try 2 sleep regulary and timely from at
least 3 days before Real exam.(Altough it is a minor issue for almost everyone,
i had to face severe problem sleeping the night before exam)
Best of luck to everyone :)

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