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Access permission to the M.I.A.

(Macau International
A.D.A. or the Administration of Airports Limited, which is a wholly
owned subsidiary of C.A.M. Macau International Airport Co. Ltd. It
is an Airport Operations Management Service Provider, engaged in
the areas of Airport Operations, Air Traffic Control, Terminal
Management and Facilities & Maintenance Management.
Permission to access and work in apron and manouvering area must
be approved by A.D.A. and it is done with accordance to the Traffic
Rules and Licensing Regulations May 2015 edition (4th edition) and
Civil Aviation Authrotiy (AACM) AC/GEN/006R01.
These rules and regulations control and monitor every vehicle and
person that work s and be operated in the airport.
One of my employers, Prof. Henrique Novais Ferreira, the head of
C.A. has applied for me the Airfield Permit that allows me access
and movement in airport terminal building (the apron).
In order to work outside of the apron, I must be enrolled in two
training courses , one practical exam and one theoretical exam.
The training courses are named Training on radio communication
and aerodrome safety and the course is prepared for technicians,
engineers or equivalent to perform activities in the aerodrome
movement areas. The course on aerodrome delivers basic
knowledge to Airport management, special terminologies,
abbreivations, basic safety rules and emergency rules implmented
in the airport etc. The course is followed by a theoretical exam that
requires a minimum of 75 points out of a hundred.
The course on radio communication focuses on phraseology and
terminology used by the international civil aviation community. Its
aim is to provide technicians, engineers or equivalent the ability to
conduct basic radio communication with the ATC (Air traffic control
center). The corse is followed by a pratical exam, a fail or a pass will
be evaluated by the examiner.
Here are the samples of airfield permit.

2 Holder
apron only

1 - Holder is allowed to drive

in apron and manoeuvring area

3 - Holder is allowed to drive in apron and

manoeuvring area and communicate with TWR via TMR

Safety course for construction workers [ ]

As of April 2002, the Government of Macao
Special Administrative Region took the initiative
in jointly sponsoring the course Occupational
Safety Card for the Construction Industry, in late 2014, Regime do
Carto de Segurana Ocupacional na Construo Civil 3/2014
(Translation: Occupational Safety Card in Civil Construction
Regime) was legislated and the course became a compulsory and
lawful duty for every construction workers, engineers and
technicians. Offenders without the card and work in any
construction site will be fined and repeated offenders could be

The course is free of charge and is opened to both local and

foreign workers.The course requires a total of six hours, which
includes three hours of theoretical studies, two hours of practical
studies and an hour for an exam.
The theoretical content includes:
Laws, decrees, and regulations concerning the safety on
construction sites.
Basic safety concepts of different construction works on site.
Preventative measures against industrial accidents
Knolwedge of PPE (personal protection equipments) and its
practical uses.
The practical content includes:
Learning how to use hearing protection products (dB Blockers
Learning how to use dust repirators
Learning how to use safety harness.

LECM seminars
Each month, LECM will hold monthly meeting with President of this
company. Prof. Ao Pang Kong and Prof. Henrique Novais Ferreira. The

meeting will always include a presentation hosted by an employee

from the company. It will then be followed by monthly projects
debreif session.

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