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TONGUES:The ultimate prayer power

Acts 6:4 We shall be perservering to THE prayer and the service

of THE saying(Logos) NT Greek Interlinear)
The early church did not neglect prayer even if they were busy in

The Prayer - The early church comprehended that Praying in

tongues is THE Prayer
There were many kinds of prayer, but praying in tongues is the
ultimate prayer in the NT. The church gave much time and
attention to it. It is a vital aspect of sp growth. Walking in the
supernatural being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and growth in the
anointing. It has a prominient role in the church.
Be filled with the Spirit Speaking
In the New Covenant , Gods plan is for every believer to be filled
with the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 5:18;19 emphasis on the being filled with Holy spirit
and spaking in tongues
Acts 2:1-4 they were all filled with the spirit and they began to
speak in tongues
Acts 10:44-46 the being filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in
Acts 19:1-6 They were filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in

This is the New Testament pattern

Filled with the Holy Spirit speaking..
Continous infilling of the spiritspeak in tongues to stay filled
Every believer continuously speaking and singing in the spirit and
being filled

Expression so being filled Colossians 3:16 Speaking to yourselfpersonal life, communion with God in Psalms ,hymns, spiritual
songsand inspired worship and utterances given by the holy spirit

Satan wants you to fall of prayer

There are time when you have commited yourself to a
time of praying in tongues, you will come across times of
dry places or a place of little or no change after a period
of extended praying in tongues, we can be tempted to fall
our of prayer . Satan wil try his best to persuade you to
stop praying and to focus on other spiritual practices. He
will try to attack your mind with guilt and condemnation
and keep occupied with yourself and things o the world
that you dont move forward to experience Gods
presense in its intensity and power.
But if you kep on pray in the spirit, you will eventually
have a deep hunger and thirst for God and the things of
God. This will make you to have a close rwalk with Him.
Persevering in praying in tongues has its benefits. The
flesh will be subdued and cleansed and some the areas
that you have struggle with for so long will just fall away.

This is the morfication or putting to death the flesh the

Holy spirit does as we continue to yield to the Him by
praying in the tongues.
Endurance and Perseverance in prayer
Hebrews 10:35;36 James 1:2-3

The operation of patience and endurance is vital in

fulfilling the purposes of God in our lives. The believer
must persevere through any spiritual plateau or areas of
dryness that he will face during his time in developing
endurance in praying in tongues. Press in in prying in
tonges until the POWER comes. So much is available for
us in these days that we are living in through the power
and might of the Hoy Spirit.
As you continue to persist in praying in tongues, te lord
will send a refreshing for His presense upon your life.
Habits will fall away, relase of the gifts of the holy Spirit,
weakness will jfall away and new strength will come in
you lives in different areas of your life. The voice of God
will become clear to you. Jesus sais my sheep hears my
voice. Tyhis you great priviledge as a believer in the Lord
Jesus Chrsit.


Pray, pray , pray in your life , your church,your
community, nation and cities Acts 2:1 ff The outpouring

of the spriit as in the book of Acts and how the sound of

heaven was sounded forth from there.

Mighty maen o fvalour

Rees howells John G lake Dr Collin Gordon, Smith

Wigglesworth George Mueller D g s Dhinakaran.
Daily pattern in Prayer and seeking te LORd

Meditatiaon in the Word
Praying in tongues

These spiritual disciplines are required to for a

continued walk of Power with Him.

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