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Cellular Organelles


Jeremy Slaton


Science Teacher


Fyffe High School/ DeKalb Co




Grade Level(s)


Content Area

Life Science

Time line

4-5 periods

Content Standards


NETS*S Standards:

2a, 2d, 3b

Students will be assigned to groups of 3-4. Each group will be assigned a cellular organelle to research. The
group will the collaborate together using their google accounts to produce a digital presentation on their organelle.
Once complete, the group will present their assignment to the class and turn in a digital copy to the instructor.

What specific functions do each organelle have inside the cell. Most students know someone that has been
affected by cancer. Cancer is uncontrolled growth that occurs inside the cell during mitosis.

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Students will collaborate to produce a Google Slide presentation and will include a Prezi presentation in one of the
slides. The students will be formatively assessed by the questions they pose to one another and myself. The
final product will be assessed by the rubric.

Technology has allowed easier access to materials for research. The students will need a device that can connect
to the internet, and they will need a free Google account. is a great online resource for the
students to use. Students should have basic technology skills such as writing emails, surfing the internet, basic
typing skills, basic word processing skills.

Instructional Plan
The students will need to know the basic structure of a cell. A quick pretest can be done before presenting the unit
to assess prior knowledge. Not all students will be familiar with the basic structure of the cell.

Students will be given a scheduled day in the computer lab where they can collaborate in person. They will also
be able to collaborate online from their homes or anywhere else with internet access.

Instruction and Activities

I will activate prior knowledge by posing questions about specific functions in our bodies (cut on a finger, sunburn,
running out of breath). My role will be the facilitator. I will pose questions and let the students discuss with each
other their opinions. Technology can support my teaching by showing videos of cellular reproduction, we can do
review games i.e. Kahoot! They will build knowledge from their research and they will build skills by working
together to complete the task. Still will collaborate with their assigned groups. I will facilitate the collaboration by
requiring them to invite me to each groups Google project.

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The assignment will accommodate both visual and auditory learners. Each student will be given a specific task
within the assignment and I will be available both in person during class and by email away from class to answer
any questions that arise. For an extension, each student will choose from a list of genetic disorders that affect
cells and do research that ties in with the next lesson, genetics.

Closure and Reflection

Students will present their project to the class and will field questions from their classmates about their organelle.
If the students seemed to put effort into the assignment, I feel that it will be evident in their presentation.
If the students ask questions about their classmates project, I would deem it a success.
If it didnt go well, I would ask to see if everyone in the group cooperated and/or got along.

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