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Food for Life Course Syllabus

Mrs. D. Wiggins Instructor

Jonesboro High School
7728 Mount Zion Blvd.
Jonesboro, GA 30236
(770) 473-2855
School Mission Statement:
The mission of Jonesboro High School is to be accountable for providing a globally competitive education that
empowers students to achieve academic and personal goals and to become productive, responsible citizens.
Teachers Name and CCPS E-mail Address: Mrs. D. Wiggins (
Teacher Website Address:

Students web address to turn in assignments on:

Class web site:
Teacher Tutorial Date:
Thursdays from 8:20p.m. 8:40 p.m. room 106
Course: Food for Life
Course Description: Food for Life is an advanced course in food and nutrition that addresses the variation in
nutritional needs at specific stages of the human life cycle: lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood
including old age. The most common nutritional concerns, their relationship to food choices and health status and
strategies to enhance well-being at each stage of the lifecycle are emphasized. This course provides knowledge for real
life and offers students a pathway into dietetics, consumer foods, and nutrition science careers with additional
education at the post-secondary level.
FCCLA is a co-curricular student organization for this course. Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America is
a great way for students to become involved at Jonesboro High School, while making new friends and learning
important leadership skills. Community service, individual and team competitions, and learning additional skills are
just a few of the benefits of FCCLA. (See last page to sign your child up).
Nutrition and Wellness for Life-Good heart-Wilcox Publishers

Food for Today

Lifespan Development(Reference) Good heart-Wilcox Publishers
Supplies and Materials:

Apron and hairnets for lab use must be in your notebook every day until the last day of school in a gallon size
Ziploc bag labeled with your name and class hour on it, you are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of
your apron and it must not be wrinkle or dirty for lab use.

One three ring binder 1 inch or larger your preference

Notebook paper.


Blue or Black ink pens

Glue sticks(2)

Mechanical pencils

Personal hand sanitizer-unscented

Posters for projects when needed

Colored markers or pencil

Grading Scale:
A - 100 90
B 89 80
C 79 71
D 70
F- 69 and below

Grading/Assessment Percentages:
25 %Class work (Labs/Notebook Check)
20%Test/Notebook Test
10%Projects/Science fair/FCCLA
20%Final Exam /End-of-Course


Textbooks are not issued to students in this class to take home. There is only one classroom set of textbooks .Each
student will have access to a textbook and/or workbook handouts to complete assignments during class.
TEXTBOOKS DO NOT LEAVE THE CLASSROOM. Students who take books from the classroom will be
required to pay for the book they have taken. The cost of the textbook is $78.00. Our classroom also has a resource
book shelf where students can check out books. If the book is not returned the student will be charged the cost of the
book. Students will be assigned a book number to be used and are expected to use their book when an assignment is
given. If the student book is missing they must notify the teacher at once.

Students may use electronic devices but only on days when we are using them for instructional purposes.
*Students will receive a discipline referral if they are using technology when it is not permitted .

Notebook Setup: Students will maintain an organized and user-friendly notebook. The notebook will be of tremendous value as
students get ready for tests, try to make up missed work, and prepare for their final exams. There will also be pop open notebooks
quizzes throughout the semester. Tabs should be labeled as follows:
Section 1- Warm ups: Students should write the question and answer; students must also have the correct answer after we have
discussed the warm up in class.
Section 2- Daily Notes. Project reporting notes, Review Notes : Any notes and/or reading information.
Section 3- Class work/Graded Work: Any classroom assignments completed and graded will be kept in this in this section. Some
class work assignments may be collected and graded; once they are returned please keep all your assignments in this section of your
Paper Heading: Upper right corner if the paper is facing you, Last name, first name, date. Class period and the name of the
assignment. Papers without name and correct headings will not be graded . Positive points will be given
for correct paper headings.
Example of paper heading Doe ,Jane (name)
6/23/15 (date)
1st period (class period)
Safety Test ( name of assignment)
Progress Reports/Report Cards
Progress Reports are issued at the 4 week, 9 week and 13 week marks of each semester. At the end of each semester a report card
is mailed home which will show the permanent grade earned for each course.

Attendance & Make-up Policy:

Attendance is crucial to our students success.

A student who has been absent is responsible for meeting with Mrs. Foster the day they return to school to
receive make-up work. The time to make-up work must should not exceed the number of days missed by
the student.
The student will have one week to make-up a missed test or quiz.

Make-up work for students with an excused absence is eligible for maximum credit.

Students have three (3) school days to complete and submit make-up missed class work.

Late Projects will NOT be accepted and a zero will be entered in the grade book for the missing
project. All other assignments will be subject to grade deduction.

Academic Integrity Policy

The development of a sense of personal integrity and responsibility in our students is an important goal for our teaching
efforts. Students at Jonesboro High School are expected to submit work for evaluation that has been completed solely
by that student, unless group assignments have been so designated. The following actions are considered to be
violations of academic integrity:

Using or receiving unauthorized materials in a test situation.

Passing on test answers and/or questions to someone who has not taken the test.
Turning in work for credit that is not the students own (i.e. gross plagiarism).
If a student is found to be in violation of the academic policy, the following measures should be taken: This include
research information on projects.

The student will receive a grade zero on the assignment .

The teacher will inform the administration and parent.

Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the administration if warranted.

Rules for Mrs. Wiggins class:

Be Respectful
1. Be respectful by not speaking while I or your classmates are speaking.
2. Be respectful by keeping your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Be Responsible
3. Be responsible by bringing all materials necessary to class.
Be Ready
4. Be ready and willing to learn.
5. Be ready to follow all directions and actively listen.
Procedures Family Mrs. Wiggins FACS class


Upon entering the classroom, be seated immediately, read the board for instructions, and begin warm up.
No hanging around the door before the bell rings whether I am at the door or not.
Please refrain from getting up out of your seat to:
a. Go to the trash
b. Visit another group
Sharpen your pencil or open the door without my permission.
This is a lab classroom refrain from spraying any perfumed items, lotions, sanitizer, Vaseline or
perfumed sprays.
No hair combing, lotion, perfume, lip gloss or make-up applications during class time).Visit the restroom
before you enter.
Raise your hand to make a comment or to ask or answer a question.

Refrain from chewing gum at all times. Gum is not allowed.

Foods prepared in the lab cannot be taken to the cafeteria or another teachers classroom to be eaten.
Foods not produced in class cannot be eaten in class. Only water is allowed. If you have water clean your
desk before you leave. do not leave it wet
10. No unauthorized use of lab equipment, materials, or refrigerator is allowed.
11. To be dismissed you must pack up your belongings, clean up your area, and sit silently until dismissed by the
teacher. The bell does not dismiss you, I do.
Failure to Comply:
1st - offense-Teacher Warning
2nd -offense -Phone call home
3rd -Teacher detention (2days for each infraction) failure to serve teacher detention will cause you to be written up
on a referral. In teacher detention you will perform cleaning tasks inside the classroom and write an essay
explaining how you intend to change your unacceptable behavior.

Syllabus Acknowledgement Form

Dear Parents / Guardian.
Please read, sign and return by Friday 8/12/2016 for your child to receive a grade of 100
for each day afterwards they will have 10 points per day deducted. Please complete the sheet entirely.
Each Parent/Guardian Will Need to
1. Review this syllabus with your student.
2. Fill out the Syllabus Acknowledgement &Parent Contact Log (attached) sign, date & return to Mrs.
Wiggins' by August 12, 2016.

I read and understand all of the objectives, requirements, and expectations for FFL, taught by Mrs. Wiggins
Class Period________________________________
Student Printed Name
Student Signature
Parent Signature

Date Returned _______________ Mrs. Wiggins' Initials ______

Items Turned In.
o Syllabus Acknowledgment
o Parent Contact Log

Student Initials ______

Students name _______________________________________Class period_________

List all student food related allergies:
Video and/ or presentation Permission form :
From time to time students may be photographed or videoed during class assignments,
presentations and labs. The photos may be published and shared on bulletin boards, tri
boards, newsletters or newspapers around the school .All photographs will be in good
taste and are educational in nature.
______I give permission for my childs photographs or videos to be published.
______I do not give permission for my child to be photographed.
Parent Signature

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