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Love your body

What your says my body is .. thats what you are going to have.
A why of accept my body and love me more, accept me more and increase my
selfconfidence, and release my thought based on what other people or media says

all of use want to reach the perfect body, cetain thing you should do and other that
your should do

No body is equal, every body is different, we only will now what is good for our body
is our inner wisdom
Be aware
Everything is an illusion of acollection believe. But if you accept then what
happened is that you by your own willingness accept this.
Todo lo que como es saludable y me hace estar en forma por que mis elecciones de
comida siempre son sanos everything I eat is energy, build a good
Respect your body and act according to that listen to your body say good things
about your body, and then your body will start to respond
Feel yomfortable in your own skin
Stop compare to other people
Hacer un ritual para la comida el alimento es sagrado no solo porque se tiene
acceso a el sino por lo que representa ingerir alimentos, lo importante es hacer todo
con una intencin de mejorar los seres humanos que somos, como seres vivos
estamos en este planeta para continuar con nuestra evolucin como seres vivos
Courso Sidra Jafri

Evey day implore for the magic time.

Your body is a unique combination your own cellular memory, in the gym start to
appreciate your body.

Accept the current body and turn it into what you want. So I can change in a more
positive way.
I love, accept and approve my body in totality. At least for 21 days do this infront in
a mirow 3 times, looking in to your eyes.
Before going to sleep appreciate your arms, your noise, etc + reiki thank your my
estmoach for
Process my food, I think my circulation system because is doing a perfect I love my
hair because is growing perfect and
I am who I am, I am were I am . all the aspect of my life key for stop comparing in
every aspect of your life.
Be aware of the statement your are saying, GERMAN and live here in Germany and
work on change them.
The real you is the real me everything you.
Cuando veas a alguien que tiene lo que tu quieres en lugar decir wow que fregon
pelo tienes dice ay wow que bien se me voy mi cabello y asi con todas las cosas que
queramos. Expirience to other so you would be bleasing throug other people.
Use shower consciously, to dissolve interferience, I realice all the stress that my
body is holding and all the pressure,etc para cada parte del cuerpo.
Any thing that is stoping, use the power of water.
El sobrepeso es un reflejo de todo el sobrepeso que hay en tu vida, mental illusion
The weight on youre the spirit is all those secrets, culpabilidad que no lo has dicho
a nadie, todo lo que no le has dicho a nadie escribirlo en un papel, everything que
no quieres que los demas sepas. Y como no quieres que nadie sepa vas y te comes
la comida. And they your breath this paper, and they you can burn the paper
The weight in your emotions, let go things tomar una respiracin let that event go y
locaizar en que parte del cuerpo sientes que ese recuerdo te aprieta, y les das una
escala de 1 al 10 y que color tiene, y si fuera una emocion que emocion sera,
imagina que eso en conjunto se esta iendo, y si fuera una persona quien sera y si
es persona te pudiera hablar que te diray si tu lo tuvieras que le dirias. Y le
dices a esa persona I love you, I am sorry that the thing didnt work our, I am sorry.
And I forgive for not be I forgive for all the pain, all the disappoint, humillation etc
you point thrigh for not seen me for how I am, with love I let you go any contracts,
vow, promises, agregment that I meet to you and that you meet to me, which keep
me stock, lonely, isolated not enough I realize my need to suffer and punish my self
I declare as complete, were are both free, to move on, and create the life that we
want, thank you, dejarlo ir y tomar una respiracin.
Access body conciseness ABC technique. Search webinar search your body is talking
Escribir como ves tu cuerpo y cuales son los statements

Polvo de hadas para mi cumple y hacer la carta, la cajita regalada

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