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Health Education Syllabus

Welcome to a class that is fun and exciting! I am glad you are here! The following
are a few guidelines and expectations that you need to know in order for our semester to
be effective, educational and enjoyable!
a. Personal Health: Wellness, Fitness, Self Assessment, Decision Making, Prediction,
Athletic Injury Prevention
b. Mental and Emotional Wellness: Emotions and Behavior, Communication Skills, Stress
Management, Suicide Prevention and Intervention, Conflict Resolution
c. Nutritional Wellness: Fat Math, Label Reading, Weight Management, Disordered Eating,
ESHA Nutrition Computer Assessment
d. ATOD: Alcohol, Tobacco, Club Drugs, Chemical Dependency, Alcohol Poisoning,
Intervention, OWI
e. Sexuality and Healthy Relationships: Reproduction, Abstinence, Teen Pregnancy
Prevention, STDs, Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention, Love and Infatuation
f. Emergency First Aid and CPR: Triage, CPR, Bruises, Burns, Bleeding, Artificial
Respiration, Obstructed Airway, Child and Infant Rescue, AED Certification
2. Curriculum:
a. Glencoe Health 2013
b. Honesty: Exactly what it says
c. Respect: For yourself and others
d. Responsibility: You are responsible for what you learn
e. Compassion: For yourself and others
f. Courage: Have the courage to challenge yourself and think outside the box
g. Justice: Be fair to yourself and others
Formative assessments shall make up 20-25% of a students grade (participation, practice work,
independent work, work outside of classroom, etc.) Summative assessments shall make up 7580% of a work, exams, quizzes, final drafts, lab work, etc.)
Retake Policy
Any student who refuses to complete work or opts to not complete work should receive a zero.
Any student putting forth a legitimate effort but actual earned percentage is less than 50% should
have the assignment or graded task recorded as a 50%. Students are allowed to redo or retake
summative assessments. The instructor has the discretion on how the redo/retake is administered.
For a score below 84% on the initial assessment, a student can earn a maximum of 85% on
retake. For a score of 85% or better on the initial assessment, a student can earn 100 % on retake.
End of Term Culminating Assessment Guidelines
When possible, teachers will give culminating final evaluations to all students. The
assessment process may include, but will not be limited to, final exams (written or oral), exit
conferences, portfolio self assessment, final research project presentations, etc. Students are to be
afforded an opportunity to retake semester tests/exams and make up 10% of their final grade.

Health 8 students,
I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to educate you about
your health and ways to live a healthy lifestyle. My goal is that you take
the acquired information and choose to make healthy lifestyle decisions. I
also hope you share the information with others around you. I truly
believe that if we learn the skills on how to be healthy individuals we will
be more successful and be presented with many more opportunities to
meet our life goals.
Our classroom health is very important. And just as we will find
more success when we are healthy individuals, we will find success in
learning when we have a healthy classroom environment. I believe it is
the responsibility of each person to assist in making our class the best
learning environment it can be. We can achieve this by being an active
participant and following the core values of respect, responsibility,
honesty, compassion, courage and justice. By showing responsibility in
these areas, you will benefit, as well as the whole class.
I believe participation results in success so please show responsibility! Activities and
discussions are more effective when everyone is putting forth their knowledge and effort.
If you are absent, YOU are responsible to finding out what, if any, information,
worksheets, test or quizzes you missed in your absence. You are responsible for making
sure you make up any and all work missed from that class period.
A great way to catch up is to get notes or information from a classmate. Please let me
know if you cannot find adequate notes or information from a classmate.
Homework assignments will be written on the board along with the day they will be due.
If you need an extension on an assignment, please come and talk to me before the day it
is due. I understand that things come up in our lives.
If an assignment was due on the day you were absent, stick it in the homework basket
and mark it with ABSENT with the date you were gone at the top.
If an absence is unexcused, you will not receive full credit for an assignment that was due.
If there was an assignment given and you were excused, we will discuss an appropriate
date to have it completed by.
Please be responsible and turn your assignments in on time!
School is your job. please be on time
School Policy is that 5 tardies = 1 detention.
Technology devices that are being used during class will be taken by me and dealt with by
myself and administration. They need to be turned off by the time the bell rings.
I hope youre looking forward to having a great semester as much as I am.

Remember The decisions you make today, shape your

world tomorrow!

Mr. Ryan OConnell

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