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Name: Lucem Ferre (or simply Ferre)

Age: Over 14,000 years old, looks 16~20

Gender: Has no real sex as a Seraph, but takes on a masculine form. He could eas
ily take a feminine form if he really wanted to. What he originally was though n
obody really knows save for the Watchers and Tiamat.
Race: Angel/Seraph
Occupation: Wanderer
Height: 189cm
Weight: 77kg
Eyes: Dark crimson
Hair: Black
-Bears a strong resemblance to the archangels Jophiel(Maya) and Raphael(Romeo).
You could even say he's their brother
-In his true form he is a shining ball of light. He takes on a crimson hue like
-In his angelic form he dons six grand white wings and a halo
-However with the fall of mana, he mostly maintains a human form
-He has been called many names in the past and is recognised by many religions.
The most common names are "Satan", the "Devil" and "Lucifer (english form of Luc
em Ferre)". He usually doesn't care what you call him but he will throw a fit if
you call him the Devil or Satan. He doesn't mind if people call him Lucifer, bu
t most who get to know him simply call him Ferre.
- Lucem Ferre means "light bearer" in the language of the Gods, and also used in
the Latin language
-In medieval Christian theology, the Seraphim belong to the highest choir of the
Christian angelic hierarchy and they are the caretakers of God's throne. Litera
lly "burning ones", the word is normally a synonym for serpents when used in the
Hebrew Bible, but they are mentioned in the Book of Isaiah as fiery six-winged
beings which praise God while encircling His throne. This can be seen in Revelat
ion 4:8 "Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with ey
es all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop singing: "Hol
y, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come".
-The biblical description above may have been the case before Diasee vowed to re
turn all to dust, however now the Seraphim (Metatron, Lucem Ferre) are against D
iasee. The whereabouts of the final Seraph are unknown
- He's the oldest of the three Seraphim
-In reality, singular is Seraph, wheras Seraphim is plural. I'm going to just sa
y I derped and that Ferre doesn't speak the commonly spoken language of the worl
d perfectly
Appearance: Ferre looks just like any ordinary human being. His dark hair is nei
ther too long nor is it too short, yet his bangs hang over his eyes slightly. Hi
s skin is dark like humans from the Middle East, and even his overall face shape
and the like are akin to them. The only thing inhuman about him are his eyes an
d when they are present his wings and halo. He likes to wear comfortable clothin
g so he is often seen in desert robes. However, he will also be seen wearing a w
hite cardigan, black faded out jeans, and a red button up collared shirt beneath
. How does he wear that in the desert? Nobody knows.
Personality/Character: Refined and usually very polite, Ferre is easy to get alo
ng with and will calmly and quietly listen to what you have to say. Ferre tends
to be slightly naive especially with current technology in the world. Besides th
at the angel is rather wise and can give some really good advice. He will give s
ympathy to almost anyone and won't hesitate to help anyone out. Ferre usually th
inks things rationally but tends to be very emotional (perhaps even hypersensiti
ve) and will get moodswings rather easily to the point that he can and will do t
hings irrationally. He's also a spaz. Ferre gets really embarassed by the concep
t of sexual anything and will get totally flustered if anything is outright said
regarding... Well, sex. Otherwise like Bianca he usually won't catch on, but if

he does he will struggle to keep quiet (usually from a "WHAT!?" or "I beg your
pardon..?!") and either slip away or just block off whatever the rest of the con
versation will be. He's a prude like that, after all.
Angels had poured endlessly from the heavens
And now strange beings lurk the lands called Nephilim
However not all the angels who fell had dark hearts
One that was merely a boy fell, but only because of his task
Diasee had lost hope in the people of the world, however
It decided it would try to give people a second chance
With it's little amount of love left, Diasee crafted one final angel
And named this boy Lucem Ferre, the angel who would bear light
Not much is known about Ferre besides false info given in ancient texts. What is
known though, is that over three hundred years ago the Seraph had been deep und
erground, holding the Gods and Diasee at bay with his song. The seal was release
d though thanks to the personification of Death and that one of the other Seraph
named Metatron according to religious texts (human name Enoch) had to sacrifice
his memories of the material world to become the Yggdrasil and cut off the main
mana flow to the worlds.
Equipment: He doesn't really have any equipment besides his magic sword, Joyeuse
. The blade itself was smithed from the same materials as Roland's Durandal and
Ogier's Curtana.
Magic and Abilities: As one of the Seraphim (there are around three in all accor
ding to Ferre), they are said to sing the word of God endlessly. While this isn'
t exactly the case, their songs do hold great power and can either create or des
troy matter. They can also bring about many other effects ( manipulating element
s much more freely and with great precision to the point they can fuse more then
two elements with little to no effort, erasing and dissecting information in pe
ople's immortal souls, sealing Gods [including Diasee]) and the magic itself rel
ies heavily on their desires and emotions. However the downside to this highly p
owerful form of magic is that it can easily be corrupted, and that the effects c
an become disastrous. Magic via song isn't regularly practiced by many mortals i
n the world due to this very fact and that it is often considered inferior (powe
r wise) to other kinds of magic when used by mortals. With the current mana depr
ivation in the worlds though, he cannot use this magic any longer as it takes up
large quantities of mana that would destroy any normal person.
Ferre can freely manipulate the elements ice, wind, and lightning. Enoch control
s water, fire and earth so really they're like land and sky; ice falls from the
skies which the heat contained in the atmosphere melts down to water which falls
over the earth. The atmosphere also lets off discharges of electricity from tim
e to time... So, land and skies. The final Seraph controls light, darkness, and
time however what he/she does is unknown. Theoretically the Seraph can control e
achother's elements, but they have to have a strong connection to one another. T
he Seraph that controls the other elements must be active, too. Since the other
two (?) Seraphim are missing or inactive, Ferre can only use his respective elem
Regarding actual fighting ability Ferre is really talented with swords. Any sort
of sword style you can think of he will know it, however a particular favourite
is a style like those from Arabia. He will mix and match styles depending on th
e situation and to attribute this is rather quick on his feet thanks to his prof
iciency in wind magic. Otherwise he can use many other melee weapons with good p
roficiency as well as bows, but prefers to stick to swords. Maybe he just finds

them cool or something.

Lastly, like the departed Kagamiya head, he can create objects from nothingness.
It's a trait all the Seraphim have that is linked to their song magic and the c
reation abilities of it. However with the lack of mana in the worlds, this abili
ty has also been hindered. He can still use it, but it feeds off of his own body
's mana rather then the mana of the worlds (he does this to himself though, just
to help preserve the mana a bit).
Random quirks?:
-Likes to sleep a lot. He doesn't have to, but it just sort of... happens
-Likes spicy food a lot. Don't make him cook food for you unless you're prepared
to taste burn
-blahblah alfredo blah (he likes alfredo anything the most. Alfredo shrimp, alfr
edo chicken. Its the only not spicy food he will make normally)
-Talks in a refined manner, but sometimes will slip and repeat things childishly
or even go into a storm of curses
-Even after 3xx years of being awake, he still doesn't understand modern technol
ogy. Especially computers. The only technology he really appreciates though are
refridgerators, freezers, tv and video games/consoles.
-He sometimes will fall asleep in the middle of casting song magic, much to whoe
ver is with him's dismay. Luckily (??) with the mana cut off from the worlds he
can no longer use his Seraphim spells.
-Before his sublimation, Enoch liked to tease Ferre and call him a dork. Ferre d
idn't mind when it came out of Enoch but if anyone else calls him a dork he'll w
hine a lot.

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