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Charity Ward
Christopher Wyman
English 111
06 July 2016
The Lies That Are Told
One of the oldest forms of human activity is the exchange of news. The desire
to know brought people together and helped pass information on topics ranging
from wars, economics conditions, and human interest. This obsessive urge is the
driving force for the news industry and what it has become today. The news should
be about the simple truth, but with the rise of multiple outlets its purpose became
manipulated. News media has become filled with speculations, innuendoes, and
strict nonsense that viewers are expected to accept as truth. The news industry
seems to be aiming for pure entertainment instead of hard facts. Focusing on how
to get more viewers and not on what is really going on. To accomplish their goal, the
news industries hold back crucial data, provide misleading information,
emotionalized conversation and fail to report on tectonic shifts in our country. An
industry once thought as being honest and true; has developed into a conglomerate
thats too often improperly communicated which creates a system of
One of the major problems with the news industry, is that a lot of the time
emotions are allowed to get in the way and influence the audience based on how
the speaker feels. The focus on the emotional aspect of the news has tarnished the
truthfulness and respectability of many news outlets. Caryl Rivers article, The New
Media Politics of Emotion and Attitude centers around the encroaching influence of
emotion has on the news. In her article, Rivers brings up the example of Michael

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Dukakis, the ex-governor of Massachusetts, dismissal, due in no small part to the
news of an ex-convict committing rape after being released. The story was then
used in local news to smear Dukakis time in office (Rivers 349). This is just one
example of the influence outside forces wield over the news sources we take as
factual and objective. Matt Welch describes even more blatant partisanship in his
article Blog World and Its Gravity, in which he displays the reasons for which
applicant columnists were rejected by the newspaper, The Independent Florida Sun,
many of which revolving on the writers right-wing sympathies (Welch 401).
According to Unbounded Misrepresentation by Frank Partsch editors rarely
do their own work And it is true that the editors often did no fresh reporting. Some
editors follow the philosophy that the editorial should be logic driver outgrowth from
known facts (Partsch 416). By what Partsch is saying there could be some problems
because they could misread/misuse the editors and write about something that is
not completely true. Someone could get on Facebook and there might be a lot of
different post talking about what is going on in the world, but it might not be true.
Media news can be altered by really anyone who knows how. For instance, YouTube
or even Facebook videos can be recorded and then altered to serve the author's
needs. People are so skeptical on what they read and watch because it is not known
if it is factual or a little truth with lots of lies.
One of the primary and most pivotal problems with the news industry is the
projecting of misinformation, emotion, partisanship, and politicization are an ever
growing influence. By the competitive nature of the market of media outlets all
fighting for the viewers time; it only makes sense that news channels would try to
pick out what aspects draw people to entertainment and graft them into their news.
The critical issue is whats available now, and whats sexy or sensational. The long

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term impact of a story matters not in a universe in which everything is forgotten by
the next two or three news cycles (Rivers 398). This synthesis was the origin of
the 24-hour news network. As a byproduct of this the news has become increasingly
diluted and geared towards specific audiences to nail down profitable
demographics. Leading to the so-pervasive appeals to emotion, pulling more at the
viewer's emotions than genuinely presenting news.
Our world is very good at hiding information from the public. When a tragic
thing happens the media writes an article; and doesnt always write exactly what
happened. There is always information hidden from the public; things the news
doesnt want or feel is important for the public to know. Sometimes authors write
news stories to get the public's attention off from what is actually going on. Media
plays a lot in people's day to day emotions. Your day could be going great and then
you read the news and the day is flipped upside down. Media is what informs us on
what's going on in our world. There Newspaper, magazines, network, and radios all
can be misleading you. Can anyone really never know if it's all true?

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Works Cited
Partsch, Frank Unbounded Misrepresentation Exploring Relationships:
Globalization and Learning in the 21st Century. Mid Michigan Community
College, Boston. 2013. Page 416. Print.
Rivers, Caryl The New Media Politics of Emotion and Attitude Exploring
Relationships: Globalization and Learning in the 21st Century. Mid Michigan
Community College, Boston. 2013. Page 398. Print
Welch, Matt Blogworld and Its Gravity Exploring Relationships: Globalization and
Learning in the 21st Century. Mid Michigan Community College, Boston. 2013.
Page 401. Print.

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