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Journal Entry

When you complete this assignment, save it in a portfolio folder you will later submit after lesson 4. This portfolio folder will contain
portfolio items you will be collecting throughout the course.
Respond to the following questions. Responses should be a paragraph long and should completely answer the questions. Include your
responses in your course portfolio.

Objective 2

What conclusions would archeologists come to about your life and culture if they found your room
after it has been abandoned for 1,000 years? How would they be right? How might they be wrong or
misinterpret their findings?

There would be no further history of the Stanley Cup beyond 2012 in Los Angeles or the NHL (National Holdout League)
as the league was disolved. Then, the locker rooms would have skeletons and old equipment. I think the tape on the sticks
sort of remains like the wrap on Tutenkamen's body when they discover it though. The Hieroglyphics would be many
pictures of fans, players, and business owners giving Gary Bettman the "Your Number One" sign.

2. How is your way of looking at the world similar to that of Native Americans? In what ways is it
All the various Native American nations had vastly differing views on things. But in general I acknowledge individual land
ownership, although I also support things like community gardens and parks and such. Many natives adhered to religion
beliefs, I am more secular and science minded. The agrarian tribes were adept at growing crops whereas I can barely keep
a fern alive. Most of their cultures involved the hunting and eating of meat, I'm more vegetarian in practice. Probably the
biggest difference is that virtually all Native American cultures dwelt in small domiciles with little privacy. I like having a
door on my bedroom and bathroom.

Objective 3
3. Columbus became quite a controversial figure as we commemorated the 500th Anniversary of his
first voyage in 1992. Do you think he deserves more praise for what he did? Or more criticism?
Explain the main reasons why you think so, using evidence from Columbuss life and times.

He believed he was doing right by exploring for the King of Spain. When he landed in the new world this introduced
diseases to the natives that spread and caused a lot of deaths. He personally didn't introduce these diseases but they were
from his crew and from other explorers that came after him. That is why he gets blamed for all the deaths.

Objective 5
4. Which of the Spanish, French, or English explorers after Columbus do you think was the most
important? Why do you think so?
Am a fan of Coronado (Spanish), and Ponce DeLeon (Spanish). Honestly, without the Spanish the English, French and
Dutch (perhaps the Portuguese) wouldn't of discovered the New World for another 100 years. They were content with
sailing around africa to get to India.

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