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Project 1: Crime and Deviance

From the beginning of human existence there has been

crime. Crime is everywhere and its every hard to stop. Crime is
a behavior that breaks the law and you are punished by the
legal system. Then you have deviance, which is a behavior that
goes against the norms, values, and expectations of society.
The government is one example; as a society we follow
the rules of the government and the laws. If one breaks the
law it is a crime. Another example would be that many years
ago it was a horrible thing to do if someone got a tattoo. Now
days a tattoo represents some ones emotions or thoughts. Its
another way for them to express themselves. That would be
considered deviant if someone did some thing like that.
There are many theories that relate to crime and
deviance. One being the conflict theory, conflict theory is when
a person that poses lots of money uses that as their power.
They use the money to protect their own interests. The
wealthy deviate to maintain power. There is the feminist
theory, which is the cultural attitude towards womens
influence and how they perceive crime and deviance.
According to Durkheim he would perceive this as a good
thing. He believes that crime and deviance is good. He says

since crime is in every society you cant stop it. In reading his
point of view on crime he had said a world full of saints
wouldnt be any better. Saint are ones who do no wrong or
harm. But to them the smallest thing could be deviant. He says
too much crime is against the norm.
According to Marx who was a social thinker he would see
crime and deviance as a result of inequality and poverty. Marx
argued that the laws were generally codified which means that
one class, the rulers, kept another class, the rest of us on
check. He believes that everyone needs social order. If you
dont conform to the rules you will be punished. He said it is
the powerful against the powerless. Marx says that different
societies are policed differently depending on money and
power. He also argues that economic forces cause all events in
history. It is a conflict of workers and owners.
According to Auguste Comte his ultimate goal was to
discover natural laws that applied to society. He believed in
equality and fairness. Comte wanted to find facts about
society that we could identify a cause and effect relationships
between laws and society. Since he was a functionalist he
believed that we need a certain amount or crime and deviance
is necessary in society. At that correct amount is contributes to
the health of society.

I think we, as a society and the description in my writing

would have to be a structural functionalism. As a society we
are a complex system they works together to promote
solidarity and stability. We are having rules and laws that we
work together to adhere to. We have a relationship between
various social institutions that make up our society. Some of
which are, religion, government, law and education. We would
be a little better and more structured if we could lower the
crime rate in the US because I know it be an everlasting issue
in our society and in this world.

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