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Fiat Money, Unalienable Rights, and

Sustainable Development

By Michael Shaw

• 10th National Freedom 21 Conference

• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
• August 13, 2009
Fiat Money, Unalienable Rights and Sustainable Development
A. Intro –
1. Understanding fiat money makes the understanding of Sustainable Development
compelling and necessary.

This is because today’s fiat money system HAS been used to corrupt our law and
destroy the American essence of individual liberty and equal justice.

Fiat money is created by a narrow cadre of globalist bankers that seek a new World
order. Fiat money is created out of thin air.
The fiat system is based on debt. We owe and they are owed.
With the power they accrue, a plan has been launched to reorganize all aspects of
human life. That plan is called Agenda 21 or Sustainable Development. It is a U.N.
program, agreed to by 178 nations, that is designed to create a world order where
human beings are regarded as biological resources. The evolving system does not
recognize unalienable rights.

With America under this assault, the study of Sustainable Development and the
Sustainable Development ACTION PLAN requires a time sensitive analysis. It requires
that we reassert the foundations of freedom – NOW!

A note for today: When I refer to Sustainable Development I may use other terms
that all mean the same thing. These terms include; Agenda 21, Sustainable
Development, Sustainability, Sustainable Action Plans, Visions, or Global to Local.
They all refer to America’s commitment to United Nations’ “Agenda 21” policies.

Agenda 21 is a document that reveals a program designed to eliminate national and

individual sovereignty, reduce population and control all human activity in the name
of the environment through Sustainable Development.

Fiat money is the engine and Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is the blueprint
for a “new world order.”

The heightened awareness related to monetary reality, makes even more relevant
the understanding of the power, the goals, and the methodology of the globalist
Sustainable ACTION Plan.

The understanding of the ACTION PLAN makes possible an informed citizen


Let’s prepare ourselves.

2. The work accomplished at Freedom 21 and many of its sponsoring organizations has
provided all of us a body of knowledge that reports on and assesses the political
globalist phenomenon of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

Thanks to Henry Lamb for his ground breaking work including covering the U.N.
conferences that unleashed Agenda 21, his writings and information and his creation
of this organization;

To Michael Coffman for his game saving work on planting the seeds of
understanding on the attack on private property ownership and also his timely work
on exposing the global warming scam; and

Tom DeWeese on getting the information on Sustainable Development coordinated,

communicated and distributed.

And to many others who have been shedding light on the thousand points of
darkness. These points are contrived to contribute to the creation of global
governance through the execution of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development policies.

3. Throughout this presentation, I will describe and illustrate the philosophy and policy
of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.
Summarily Sustainable Development is designed:
a. To abolish private property.
b. To neutralize the Judeo-Christian ethic that our Creator imbued man with
certain unalienable rights including the right to life, liberty and property.
c. To de-industrialize and/or de-populate the planet.

4. We are reminded that EVERYTHING HAS ITS PRICE: A world wide system of fiat
money is the necessary precursor to launching the Agenda 21 Sustainable
Development blueprint. This blueprint consists of ‘global to local’ programs that cost
money. The programs are designed to usher in World Governance, and World
Governance means that we will live in a system devoid of the political recognition of
unalienable rights.
What are unalienable rights?
I’m going to trace some history regarding the definition of unalienable rights. To set the stage
let’s look at the governing documents for the U.S.A. and for the U.N.

Unalienable or Inalienable?
Document: Declaration of Declaration of Human
Independence: Rights:
relevant language: …”all men are created equal “Whereas recognition of the
and they are endowed by inherent dignity and of the
their creator with certain equal and inalienable rights
unalienable Rights, that of all members of the
among these are Life liberty human family is the
and the pursuit of foundation of freedom,
Happiness.” justice and peace in the
“These rights and freedoms
may in no case be exercised
contrary to the purposes
and principles of the United

Purpose of government Government exists to Government exists to

protect the natural rights of manage mankind. All rights
the individual. are subordinate. No right is
Let’s look further into the meaning of unalienable and inalienable? I am going to refer to
Webster’s 1828 dictionary and compare it with Webster’s 1988 unabridged dictionary:

Pursuit of Liberty or Orwellian reality

Unalienable Rights Inalienable Rights
Remember how“not
in alienable;
his classic, 1984,
that cannot be
1828 Webster’s alienated; that may not be “can not be legally or
Dictionary transferred; as in justly alienated or
unalienable rights” transferred to another”

Imbued within our nature

Foundation granted by our Creator Man made law
natural rights (as such they may be revoked)
Can be suppressed but cannot be Right exists subject to the most
Permanence eliminated from human spirit recent making of law

The political recognition of Unalienable Rights is why the founding of America

is mankind’s greatest achievement

Today’s dictionary defines unalienable exactly as it defines “inalienable” was defined

in 1828. In other words, “Unalienable” is no longer defined as it was
in the time of Thomas Jefferson. Orwell forecast this morphing of meaning.
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George Orwell, in his classic 1984 described the role of dictionary evolution in the takedown of
B. What is Sustainable Development? The Power, Goals and Methodology
1. The Power
Sustainable Development is a global Action Plan comprised of 178 governments and
their agencies, most well funded think tanks, multi-national corporations, most
political parties throughout the world, major media, academia and non-elected
councils called Non-Government Organizations or NGOs.

How can that be?

The structural element underlying Sustainable Development rests on the

concentration of power and influence, which is fueled and directed by contemporary
fiat money.

This story begins with the creation of a monetary system that was originated in the
mid 1700’s in order to control the making of law (quote Rothschild). This monetary
system is designed over time to centralize all power in the world.

Tremendous advances toward these objectives have been made. George Bush I
called the result of these advances “The New World Order.”

The Sustainable Action Plan is designed to achieve the philosophical, economic, and
spiritual objectives of this ‘new world order.’ The Action Plan implements a ‘global
to local’ program that is now infused into every county in America. This infusion is
designed to lead us into a new world full of top down, TOTAL, control.

Sustainable Development, as a formal and announced movement, was given birth by

the United Nations in 1992. Implementation is overseen by globalist front groups
such as the World Bank, The World Health Organization, The World Trade
Organization, the European Union, NATO, Security and Prosperity Partnership of
North America, Codex Alimentarius, and a whole lot more.
2. The Goals
The Action Plan process has, at its root, three objectives:
a. The abolition of private property.

The United Nations and Land

“Private land ownership is also a principle
instrument of accumulation and
concentration of wealth and therefore
contributes to social injustice… Public
control of land use is therefore
United Nations “Habitat 1 Conference Report
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Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the 1992 UN Conference responsible for

issuing Agenda 21 said: “...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the
affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances,
home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

b. Education for global citizenship achieved through the International

Baccalaureate or No Child Left Behind programs. Michael Chapman adeptly
describes how the federal Department of Education job is to assess, monitor
and control us from cradle to grave.
c. Control over humanity. (Page 773 introduced by the three documents)

Under Sustainable Development philosophy we and our posterity become chattel of the
ruling elite.

The policies of Sustainable Development are weighing upon us as contemporary middle

class society begins to sink. Now we have been promised more of this “change.”
We see examples of Sustainable Development’s thousand points of darkness…
 A U.S. budgetary mess
 Global U.S. military adventures
 Raising domestic surveillance
 A shrinking middle class
 An attack on monotheism
 An attack on family autonomy
 The loss of borders
 The debasement of our currency
 A congress convinced that it holds unlimited powers
 An educational system that is destroying the prospects for the next
generation through its indoctrination of attitudes, values and beliefs
 Smart growth designed stack ‘em and pack ‘em housing
 The manipulation and withdrawal of our natural resources from our access
 The culture of nihilism...
 Implementation of the all Seeing Eye – as we form a surveillance society
 And so much more – truly, a thousand points of darkness…

3. Methodology
We must learn to recognize Sustainable methodology or we are doomed.

Sustainable methodology can be summarized in four points:

a. Land use controls

Biodiversity and Wildlands Project -


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i. The Wildlands Project
ii. Smart Growth

b. Educational transformation for the creation of “global citizens”

c. Described as the Three E’s of Sustainable Development – Let me elaborate…

4. The Reduction of human population.

C. What can we expect from the fiat money engineered, global Sustainable
attack – preparing for the worst
The course of fiat money always ends in destruction usually via inflation… The coming
dollar destruction – How fiat money is destroyed; we have been set up! – Roosevelt and
Nixon, both parties etc. Why?

1. Watching the destruction of the dollar –

The recent, massive, bailouts are expressions of favoritism (redistribution) to Wall
Street and other insiders. The printing press is in overdrive. This brings great risk of
massive inflation and devaluation. Perhaps even destruction of the dollar.

 One becomes focused when one begins to recognize the massive scale of
manipulation over finance, industry and government made possible with fiat
money. We have now seen reckless money printing in the last year. Soon we will
feel its inflationary effects.
 This power to manipulate is controlled by the concentrated few operating in this
coordinated global fiat money system.
 The restructure of our society – the promised “change” is designed to take
control of you – your life, your liberty and your property.
 Add effect on human psyche, fiat money and its destruction…

We are likely to encounter traps and barricades as we work to restore liberty in America.
Be ready.

2. Maintain your confidence!

Do not shun the viability of today’s fiat dollar. Prepare for its decline but use it and
value it. Treat this funny fiat dollar with respect until it is substituted.
Do not give the system an opportunity to blame the crash on our lack of “faith.”
We want an honest monetary system that supports a free society. Our goal is not to
crash the funny money fiat dollar.

Read and listen to Jefferson, Jackson and…, and Griffin.

 Our legislators should not worsen the devaluation threat by committing to

additional printing.
 Nor should growing citizen hardship be compounded by having to maintain the
tax costs of what has become the extraordinary scope and outrageous cost of
 Return America to its principle of governance: “of, by and for the people;”
pursued in the recognition of every individual’s unalienable rights. Reinstitute
the limited scope of legitimate government.
Demand the globalist, anti American, pro-internationalist banking cartel, that
includes the American Federal Reserve, be prevented from earning taxpayer funded
interest payments.

An interim fiat system run by the Treasury, subject to annual limits on the creation
of new money, should replace the Federal Reserve.

Big problems would remain in such a monetary system – but two goals in the fight
for human freedom would be achieved!
 Globalist banking would be defrocked of a huge hunk of income, and
 The American branch of the globalist banking machine destroyed!

Central economic power, generated through the fiat money system is and has been
used to support the political, financial and academic rush to globalism arranged via
the Action Plan of Sustainable Development.

Watch out for a gold backed system. Who do you think controls a quorum on gold
after 250 years of literally “making money out of thin air?” Just perhaps the banking
cartel and its partners do! America’s political and financial structures can only be
rectified if we take cognition of reality.

3. The effect of the dollar’s destruction –

Would destruction become the excuse needed for the existing American Soviet to
finalize the collectivization of America? Obama is the current political leader working
to make that delivery, which was well set up for him by George Bush, Clinton and
Bush 1. Both parties are committed to the global implementation of Agenda 21
Sustainable Development. The evidence of this is clear. We are in trouble!

A coup has been launched without firing a shot!

4. How to prepare:
1) Barter
2) Debt
3) Food preparations
4) Find others

Once you are prepared, you can help work to restore the American experiment by
exposing the global nature and stopping the local application of Sustainable

Sustainable Development is the destruction of the American Republic and of human

5. When battling: Be for something – Understand liberty and its corollary – the political
recognition of unalienable rights. Use the philosophy of freedom as your foundation
for the political war we have been thrust into.

D. How does a Person Committed to Liberty Proceed?

Freedom Advocates Products

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 First Understand Sustainable Development – attendance here, pamphlets from FA,

etc. and then…
i. Become active locally; Examine your Local Situation
1. Understand property and fiscal issues relating to Smart Growth and/or the
Wildlands Project; Understand that private property is being abolished
through rules, regulations, Court decisions. Educational systems ignore the
matter and in fact fuel the intellectual failure in this regard.
Understand how the Global Warming fraud fuels the land use grab often
coordinated by an NGO called ICLEI.

Produced by
Michael Coffman, Ph.D.
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2. Understand the step by step process under Agenda 21, of abolishing private
3. Recognize that one’s life and liberty cannot be one’s own without private
property being protected by government. Examine government, including the
courts, from that perspective.
4. Sustainable Developers, like The Nature Conservancy, conspire to steal
property. The Nature Conservancy is a Public-Private Partner designed to
assist the abolition of private property and the implementation of the
Wildlands Project.
5. Share the information, knowing that the issue is not left or right, liberal or
conservative, or this or that political party.
The real battle is between:
1) The forces of central (‘global to local’) world government, including the
vast majority of elected officials, and
2) The people of America, charged with their duty to posterity, while living
with the hope of salvaging their own freedom.
6. Identify the NGOs, federal agencies, and local change agents who pursue
sustainable objectives in your town – Understand their programs and goals.
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is an example of an NGO: describe,
point out global warming connection.

• ICLEI is the international
environmental agency for
local governments
• ICLEI's mission is to build
and serve a worldwide
movement of local
governments to achieve
tangible improvements in
global environmental and

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If ICLEI coordinates your local government’s Sustainable Development Action

Plan, track Freedom Advocates as we monitor this issue.

Put ICLEI under attack in your town. These counter-attacks on globalism will
accelerate if you and your community get involved.

ICLEI now has a contract with over 500 American governments.

This ad is now running in Santa Cruz County:

This is a big opportunity to awaken you neighbors and rid your town
of a huge threat! Join in; contact Freedom Advocates; Reassert the
principles of freedom! Neutralize ICLEI.

ii. This war for ‘global to local’ transformation is happening in your town. The battle
for your town and county can only be won in your town and in your county by
people like you.

The generational protection of liberty can, must, be achieved in your home first.
That is difficult to do if you send your children to today’s government schools.
The transformation promoted by American schools is camouflaged and
packaged. But bottom line – government schools teach pure Sustainable theory
and engage the students in Sustainable practice.

The purpose of today’s government schools is to impart attitudes, values and

beliefs necessary to advance global government.

A poll of recent grads indicates most identify themselves as “global citizens.”

As Michael Chapman has said for years, “The school system is working as it is
intended to work!” The mantle of the American ideal has been dropped at our
nationalized schools all across the country.
Locally, we must center our defense of liberty on the protection of private
property. George Washington said, “Private property and freedom are

Private property is not just a thing. Private Property is the relationship between a
person and something. Under the concept of private property the owner
determines the property’s use. Protect this idea in your county.

iii. Turn the local progress into a national movement.

When enough towns and counties get going to expose Sustainable Development,
state governments and then the national government can be caused to reject
the Sustainable concept and begin restoring the American Republic.

America, the geographic area where the principles of equal justice were
introduced, can be the home of where the people become wiser and stronger
because they met today’s challenge to restore the principles of equal justice and
individual liberty. We have a lot to gain by going to work for a free America. We
have a lot to lose if we don’t.

Nikita Khrushchev declared that America would be defeated “without firing a

shot.” The idea now expressed as “Sustainable Development” is not new. It is
quite clever of him to have suspected that Americans can be fooled…if only for a

If we accept government’s implementation of Sustainable philosophy…Well, old

Nikita would look pretty “smart!”

Americans still have the tools to object. Exercise our freedoms or lose them for a
very long time – maybe forever. Now is the time to reassert and protect our
heritage for ourselves and our posterity!

iv. Know that the organized political-economics of our time have supported and are
supported by a fiat money system run by an oligarchy. Over the course of time
this international oligarchy has created an army of mercenaries that invades
everywhere in pursuit of centralized world control through the policy known as
Sustainable Development.

v. Understand that local progress comes via a methodical approach coupled with
specific strategic objectives. Your job is to join in – lead or follow – get in the way
of your county’s Sustainable Action Plan. Restore the principles of freedom.
Our future as a land of the free is dependent on what we, the ordinary citizens, do.

The globalist call for “change” has accelerated. We should expect the buzzing, whirling
confusion to continue to accelerate. We must remain calm. We need to prepare
ourselves now to be ready for the effect of the rising globalist assault on the experiment
and promise of America. And we must accelerate the public’s understanding of
Sustainable Development so that more react to reject the takedown by Sustainable
policy before it is fete accompli. America can only be protected by Americans reacting to
the globalist takedown.
One cannot appreciate the evil behind today’s thrust without understanding what we stand to
lose. America’s assent to having come close to becoming the shining city on a hill is being
reversed. Why? Why did this nation ascend? Why are we in decline?

Mankind’s greatest is America’s Declaration of Independence. Why? Because; The Declaration

was the first, and is the only, political recognition of unalienable rights in the history of the

The notion that government exists to protect each person’s un- a- lien- able right to life, liberty
and property was and is a revolutionary idea. The fact that American government acted in this
pursuit for even a short while accounts for the fruits of today’s society.

From the end of the revolutionary war the forces of a ‘crown’ have worked to submerge this
idea and bring about a new order – an order where the entire world submits to a very different
premise for government. That new premise is called Sustainable Development.

Our foundation is being rocked.

Is the Declaration of Independence what you adhere to?

Are you ready to give our children over to the new one world tyranny?

These are troubling times. They are bound to get worse before freedom can actually be

Prepare yourself. Then find your position in the defense of freedom. America, its promise of
individual liberty and equal justice, is not lost as long as the commitment to its pursuit is alive.
Carry forward – defend freedom locally.

Demand the Recognition of Unalienable Rights.

Roll back globalism.

Defrock the Federal Reserve and most importantly,

Defend your town against Sustainable Development policies!

We can Restore America’s Independence; premised on the ideals of individual liberty, meaning
the political recognition of unalienable rights… by squashing Sustainable Development.

May God Bless you, and our work; as we restore the American Republic!

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