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;fname: footing.

DAT (tutorial example for PFC2D)

; clear program state to begin new problem
set random ; reset random-number generator
set disk on ; treat balls as disks of unit thickness
title 'Tutorial Example'
wall id=1 nodes ( 0, -5) (10, -5)
wall id=2 nodes (10, -5) (10, 0)
wall id=3 nodes (10, 0) ( 0, 0)
wall id=4 nodes ( 0, 0) ( 0, -5)
gen id=1,500 rad=(0.08, 0.13) x=(0,10) y=(-5,-0.5)
plot create Footing
plot set title text 'Basic collection of particles in a box'
plot add ball yellow
plot add wall black
plot add axes brown
plot show
;plot create Footing2
;plot set title text 'Basic collection of particles in a box'
;plot add ball lblue
;plot add wall black
;plot add axes brown
;plot set size -1.0 1.0 -2.0 2.0
;plot set title bottom
;plot set caption right
;plot show
wall id=1 kn=1e8 ks=1e8
wall id=2 kn=1e8 ks=1e8
wall id=3 kn=1e8 ks=1e8
wall id=4 kn=1e8 ks=1e8
property density 1000 kn 1e8 ks 1e8
property rad mul 1.51
set hist_rep=5
history ball yvel (3,0)
history diagnostic muf
set dt dscale
cyc 4000
plot current 0
plot hist 1
plot hist 2
save footing0.SAV
set grav 0 -9.81
prop fric 1.0
cyc 1000
plot create Contact_Force
plot set title text 'Model at equilibrium'
plot add ball yellow
plot add wall black
plot add cforce black
plot add axes brown
plot show

save footing1.SAV
delete wall 3
wall id 10 nodes (2,0) (0,0)
wall id 10 ks 1e8 kn 1e8 fric 1.0
wall id 10 yvel -0.5e-3
prop s_bond=5e5 n_bond=5e5
hist wall yforce id 10
set display his 3 ; add hist-3 to the status report while cycling
cyc 2000
plot current 0
plot hist 3
plot copy Contact_Force Foot_Load both
plot current 3
plot set title text 'Loaded footing'
plot show
save footing2.SAV

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