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Billy McBride

BRAG ALERT: I credit all of my Angel children I have from my Angel wives for
making all of my music, but I just realized something. You can watch the new
movie STAR WARS 300 times in a row and still not cover the time span which I
have made all of my original, never-the-same music over the past seven
years on YouTube, which I am now cataloging for the little M.O.A.L. Project! I
just wanted to put that into perspective. We rock! I just had to brag a little.
Surely I have broken some record.

Going southwest from the Oklahoma border into Texas on US Highway 54,
there are 39 Elements that you can see ranging from creeks, to roads, to
towns. Here are four which I added to my list of sayings for the titles of the
over 200 books I have written. The 39 Elements all along that road are
complete, and though I have many more books than 39, I had to cut some
sayings for the ones that fit with the Elements best. This was one Highway of
over 350 highways which I might do something similar in addition to my
musical M.O.A.L. project.

I am always game for democracy! Bring it on. I've got M.O.A.L. 36 in mind, an
ideal community that I am happy to be a member of, of a heavenly
democratic Republic that rocks. Ahovat and ahovah to each and all!

A Driving Triangle of M.O.A.L.:

In the 31 minutes it takes to drive from Palestine, Texas (in Anderson County)
(also named Games) to its neighbor county seat, Rusk, Texas (in Cherokee
County) (also named Hold), my own synthesizer music on Youtube named
"Marion Makes It Strange" can be listened to in its entirety (it is 31 minutes
In the 44 minutes it takes to drive from Rusk, Texas (in Cherokee County) (or

Hold) to its neighbor county seat, Crockett, Texas (in Houston County) (also
named Interest), my own Youtube music pieces "Ode to Emily Dickinson 2"
(22 minutes) and "Lizbeph Makes Us Happy" (also 22 minutes) could be
listened to (22 + 22 = 44 minutes).
And, finally in the 36 minutes it takes to drive from Crockett, Texas (in
Houston County) (Interest) back to the starting county seat of Palestine, Texas
(in Anderson County) (Games), my own music named "I Love You" on Youtube
can be heard since it is a 36 minute piece. This is one Triangle of M.O.A.L. in
the Lands (Texas).
I have over 600 songs on Youtube which probably average 20 minutes in
length. That means I could potentially create an entire Texas-matrix of driving
networks covering the entire state just with all of my published Youtube

1. M.O.A.L. - The 1500+ musical compositions that I am still working on to

cover the Texas highways for the whole state while driving and listening
between counties. I have made 1136 for Youtube so far.

When I became a writer and musician instead of becoming a teacher, I never

thought that I would also be working to help charities out with a future
M.O.A.L. team.

M.O.A.L. is the Musical Outrageousness Around the Lands. Formerly, M.O.A.T.,

or the Monumental Outrageousness Around Texas, the new name works
better by seeing music as one kind of charity. I am not an Atobot, which
means I am not a mindless shade who keeps others from reading well, and
who is both a lonely and an unhappy person. The Angels I know are very
interested in literacy as well as helping others avoid both illegal drugs and
also bullying.

Billy's Music (36 Points)

1. Hardly anybody gives me word that they like my music, but I know that
they do for Angels tell me so.
2. I am against musical cant and unoriginality.
3. I have given up much life in my life to create music; creating it is my fall.

4. My 30 invisible Angel wives and I created Angel children who live in the
heaven called Room Boom; and I channel them when I play my music. What
else was I supposed to do?
5. The M.O.A.L. (Musical Outrageousness Around the Lands) charity is our
music. It is made up of over 600 pieces that should fill up Texas drive routes
one day mathmatically.
6. I also want to make a new version of Hip-Hop one day without the slip-slop.
7. All of the drive times between Texas counties would cover my musical
output - that is how vast it is.
8. Some complain that our music is too long, but Angels tell me that they
really like it deep down.
9. Variety is my musical salvation, for I cover all styles from classical to rock,
to electronic, to dance, to singing, and more.
10. I channel Angels, it is a fact. They help me play.
11. All of our music is awesome (it is pleasurable, it changes, it is abstract).
12. With each new musical work, the music is always new and different.
13. I am very inventive of melodies that change. I am am an inventor who
just happens to have music as my material to work with.
14. I play for strangers and myself.
15. My Angels tell me that I am in a musical way the equivalent of John
16. There are some people who think that music leads you down into hell, but
I don't believe in hell because I am Jewish.
17. I have very few musical peers.
18. I also cannot read music.
19. I never boast because it hampers the work flow and output, say the
20. M.O.A.L. Fundraising is Spiritual Golf (see the book I wrote about this...).
21. Music is a Romance.
22. I used to dance to the music I made with Jenny and Tov Tov Shalom (two
of my 30 invisible Angel wives) while working on hydromancy (water

blessings). We also would imagine that with every new dance move that was
creative as we danced, that Youtube would give us $100.00 per new move.
23. It is easy for me to play, it comes naturally. I just let my children move my
fingers and they invent an average of 300 new never before heard melodies
during an average 20 minute musical work.
24. My children get spiritual candy as a prize for helping me play.
25. Most other musicians lyrics and music are bad my Angels say. I only
pretty much listen to my own music now.
26. To seek Hope over Knowledge is the message of our hopeful music if
27. I use advanced evolved synthesizers (keyboard technology).
28. I am a studio musician, and do not perform it on stage.
29. I know for a fact that good melodies make people smarter.
30. Our music is Universal - Angels say everybody likes it (whether they
admit it or not!).
31. I only think of flowers as I play my wives say.
32. From listening to the music I have made, I have memorized every song
down to the last detail, all of their melodies by the thousands, a remarkable
33. Music is electricity (kind of like a Holy Spirit) in the dancing and
syncopated afterlife heaven which many go to called Metal Settle (one of 16
34. In my only heavenly visits (during a Merkabah) to a couple of other
afterlives which I had visited for a short while, there music was not permitted
to be listened to though.
35. I have over 400 Angel children in my family; and from Room Boom in the
music they make, Angels can talk through it. In other words the sound of the
instruments in our music sounds like voices because they are voices that
communicate with each new listening in the present live tense! Yet, to hear
them takes patience or luck or both.
36. Our music is so good that people sometimes are upset after it ends
because they unconsciously want it to continue and they get mad. I call this
the Da Vinci Effect.

Come to think about it, when I look back over the past five years, and
meditate upon the 700 pieces of music I have made for YouTube, and all the
250 books I have written, I would have to admit I am rocking it! I am not done
yet, there is still the project M.O.A.L. I work on now and again. When I look
back on all of this, and forward to the future, and ask myself what it all
means, I have to just admit honestly that it is a fact that I have done a good

What was the present time in history is now the past. Renaming, or receiving
a new name is one way that immortal Angels give their blessings, the
blessings for more life in the Torah. Our own renamed group M.O.A.L., which
was formerly the Monumental Outrageousness Around Texas until it was
changed, is a community which isolationists do not like because it is a nonprofit.

The J.W.s and Mormons used to come by my door, but I would rather the
Archangel Michael come. I could use more special support for my river of
fundraising for M.O.A.L., or an extra car driver to go to H-E-B Grocery, or to
Port Aransas for a coast trip.

I write about the group of M.O.A.L. 36 as being made up of one human and 33
Angels who as a team wish for speediness. And, we wish for speediness
because it leads to good clean fun.

M.O.A.L. and M.O.A.T. organized are potential and serious money making
machines for charities. I once had a serious issue with Mammon who was
channeled on a bad day, but it is safe to say that I am no Mammonite.
Professionally, I have a plan to help the charities that I can being that I also
channel the Angels in my family who also are trying to help in special patient

I think that it is possible for M.O.A.L. to be a success in the days ahead. In a

successful future time I think that people will still look like us but everything
will be different and better because of our greater uses of our imaginations to
make life for both the community and individuals more interesting. This hope
is the imagination of one human and 33 Angels who are M.O.A.L. 36.

A Driving Square of M.O.A.L.:

In the 43 minutes it takes to drive from Hondo, Texas (in Medina County) to
its neighbor county seat, Pearsall, Texas (in Frio County), my own synthesizer
music on Youtube named "Therefore Win the Day" (22 minutes) and also
"Invisibilly is Peaceful" (21 minutes) can be listened to in its entirety (22 + 21
= 43).
In the 58 minutes it takes to drive from Pearsall, Texas (in Frio County) to its
neighbor county seat, Crystal City, Texas (in Zavala County), my own Youtube
music pieces "Whisper, Whisper" (38 minutes) and "High Shady Trees 2" (20
minutes) could be listened to (38 + 20 = 58 minutes).
In the 39 minutes it takes to drive from Crystal City, Texas (in Zavala County)
to the county seat of Uvalde, Texas (in Uvalde County), my own music named
"Moon Build A Smile" (19 minutes) and "Rock: By Billy McBride" (20 minutes)
on Youtube can be heard (19 + 20 = 39).
And, finally, in the 41 minutes it takes to drive from Uvalde, Texas (in Uvalde
County) back to Hondo, Texas (in Medina County), my own music on Youtube
named "William McBride's Hawaiian Techno Symphony: Fourth Movement"
(41 minutes) can be heard.
This makes one driving square of M.O.A.L. in Texas, or the Lands.
I have over 600 songs on Youtube which probably average 20 minutes in
length. That means I could potentially create an entire Texas-matrix of driving
networks covering the entire state just with all of my published Youtube

I think that our children's children matter so we must sacrifice even our
highest hopes for their benefit. I think that by doing so this entails that we
must not isolate ourselves off from the community, being that a definition of
a sociopath is one who does not trust, or seek to interact with, the rest of the
community. My own M.O.A.L. project (The Musical Outrageousness Around
Texas) is a defense against isolation.

M.O.A.L. wants speediness; and even though I have schizophrenia, I know to

stay on my medications. We want to speed out of this present time. The
present time in our time I think is not to be trusted because it robs victims
who have schizophrenia, or cancer, or AIDs, or who have been raped, or who

are bitten by a rabid animal, robbing them of the help they could have gotten
if it were not because of the bad choices people who could have helped have
made in our present bad time.

The Angel Jenny of M.O.A.L. 36 has a job to translate to us those lower

frequencies of human closeness which are difficult to understand; and by
knowing how and why things change over time, her work of translating, which
just means "interpretation," occurs in order to help speed up everybody's
coming restitution for a better and more imaginative future. Jenny says that a
translation of a meaning of a sociopath is one who does not wish to trust or
interact with the rest of humankind, and this is a good translation because it
can help us find the ones who are furthest behind from the progress of
humankind and its restoration in order to help them come back to an
inclusive and tolerant public.

I am against illegal drugs, bullies, and illiteracy in addition to feeling horror at

schizophrenia, cancer, AIDs, rape, and rabies, all of which a non-profit secular
M.O.A.L. group can do something about, which I write about, one way by
competing against CEOs in the mystical games of Spiritual Golf, not played
like regular golf. Of the over 600 musical pieces I did for YouTube, as well as
the over 250 books I have written, this is only a partial body of work of the
Musical Outrageousness Around the Lands, being that there is even so much
more to come.

Brotherhood and sisterhood are important to me. My own sense of a growing

need for a wider community is strongest in my working with the nonrevolutionary M.O.A.L. group that I talk often about. The M.O.A.L. Organization
of 34 (but having 36 names, three are the nicknames of the same person) is
ultimately a secular future effort to assist in the fundraising for victims of
schizophrenia, cancer, AIDs, rape, and rabies.

M.O.A.L. can be finished in Texas or another state as the drive-routes of all of

my music on YouTube between neighboring county seats, enough to hear a
different piece on every town-to-town connection, and thus to fill up all of the
state this way symbolically. Some think that music leads people straight to
hell, but I am Jewish, and being so, I do not believe in that place. I think of my
music as celebratory, and not of a kind which would turn me or another
listener into an Atobot, or a lonely and unhappy person, one who keeps

others from reading well.

Placed there by ancient divine spirits, there is a line outside my apartment

complex (just a special little crack in the ground by the curb) to cross if one is
interested in time and space travel. And, back in the afterlife of
Headbuttressia there was left an Atobot which the ghostly neighbors all laugh
at, who looks just like me, and who lives in the same apartment. However,
the real me is here back on Earth with my Angel family, before all of the
trouble, and I feel much better; and to play our games of M.O.A.L. Fundraising
is more of a quest for hope than knowledge: that is how Angels always win
against their opponent CEOs.

Since I write that grammar is banishment, it is for me helpful to learn more

about how Shakespeare uses "banishment." "Banishment" is a Central Diction
in Act 4 of Romeo and Juliet, a play with a Latin language flavor. This is a
tragic word, which, along with the other tragic words "beggar," from King
Lear, and "throne" from King Henry 6, part 2, my invisible Angel wife within
me whose name is Donna helps me meditate upon. Donna is my Angel who in
M.O.A.L. 36 helps me feel most at home, and this is the reason she helps me
with these special words.

"The Musical Outrageousness Around the Lands (M.O.A.L.) Done"

Well, I think I did it. As you know I invent music and record it to YouTube. One
goal of mine was to make enough music to fill up the drive time for every
Texas highway (going an average of 75 mph).
After making the final calculations this morning, I have found that Texas
contains 31,534 miles of highways (3,233 Interstate + 12,102 US Highways +
16,199 State Highways).
That totals about 25,227 minutes of music to fill that time.
With every musical composition being different, this averages about 1,261
compositions at an average of 20 minutes per composition.
I have 1,591 music videos so far, most of them averaging 20 minutes of
invented new melodies.
That means I can fill up the time driving every Texan Highway in Texas and
never repeat the same song.

If I can make an app that can play a particular song of mine based on the
geographic location a driver is driving along a Texan Highway, then the GPS
navigation service can follow the car and play the right song on the radio app
that has that music of mine!
The amount of music I have made for the specific range of drive time
calculates to roughly 20 days of non-stop music.

I am excited to find out that there will be featured on my videos like this one
Cards, which I can use so that anybody who wants to donate to approved
non-profits for charity can do so through each video I have made. This is
exciting for me because I can raise money if listeners use the approved link
included in my videos to guide them to my favorite charities that help the
victims of schizophrenia, cancer, AIDs, and rape. I believe this will work more
in the future than now because I do not have as many views to make a huge
difference, but that could change. I think I can make a difference with this
Musical Outrageousness Around the Lands (or M.O.A.L.), which is complete:
for every highway drive time in Texas I have made different original music, so
much that it fills up 20 days of non-stop music! Perhaps some record is
broken for original music. I am making up a follow along book and website
which directs listeners to my YouTube Channel to hear the selected music.
Also, I have plans on making an app that drivers can track the music for the
highway route in Texas I have specified that the music should play, and the
music will play automatically based on the GPS location. Hopefully, with
several options I can raise money for these emergency charities.

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