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Jackfruit 10 Health Benefits and

Nutrition Facts | Jackfruit

In Health by Deepak Kevat9 April, 201345 Comments

Jackfruit comes from mulberry family. It has thorny

projections outside and soft flesh inside which is
intensely sweet and delicious in taste.
It is mostly found in South East Asia and finds its
origins in India. Thailand and Vietnam are the
largest producers and exporters of this fruit.
Jackfruit is found in many varieties across countries
and continents and is classified based on the
softness of its flesh.
Jackfruits flesh is very high in fiber content. The
taste and texture make it a great fruit for jams,
candies, cakes and other sweet preparations.
Unripe raw jackfruits are used in savory dishes and
is cooked in gravies and spicy curries. The texture
of unripe jackfruit is like mutton and so is its taste
when cooked in spices which makes it popular
amongst vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.
The seeds of Jackfruit are also eaten in boiled form

as a snack in some countries.

It is a healthy fruit with almost no fats but high

energy. The taste and preparations make it a
delectable fruit that is not too hard to include in
the diet.
Unfortunately many countries get only canned
jackfruit stored in sugar syrup or brine that is not
as healthy as out-of-tree fruit. But this fact should
not keep you from eating and enjoying this
gorgeous fruit even if it is out of the can.
Scientific name: Artocarpus heterophyllus
Nutritional Value of Jackfruit
It contains a high amount of nutrients like vitamin,
minerals, electrolytes, phytonutrients,
carbohydrate, fiber, fat, and protein.

Jackfruit is a good source of calorie but contains no

cholesterol or saturated fats. The nutrition chart
below gives a detailed picture of Jackfruits nutrient


Carbohydr 23








Vitamin A 5 ug
Carotene ug
Zeaxanthi ug













Vitamin C


Vitamin E




Magnesiu 29


Phosphoru 21




Jackfruit is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin B6 content in Jackfruit fulfills about 25% of
our daily requirement. (1, 2)
The fat content of Jackfruit is very low at just about
0.64 grams.
Though water is not a nutrient, it is pertinent to
mention that Jackfruit is made up 80% of water.
See also: 45 Healthiest Fruit List On The Earth
Health Benefits of Jackfruit

Jackfruit contains a high amount of carbohydrate

and calorie that provides energy instantly.
It is rich in antioxidants that protect from cancer,
aging and degenerative disease. (3, 4)
Due to rich antioxidants, it is good for eyesight and
protect from conditions like cataract and macular
degeneration. (5, 6)
It is a good source of potassium that maintains
fluid and electrolyte level in balance. Also, it
improves bone and skin health.
1. Optimizes Immune function
Anti-oxidants are required by the body to fight
against free radicals. The body requires
Antioxidants for scavenging free radicals.(7, 8, 9)
Free Radicals is produced when oxygen reacts with
certain molecules and kick starts a chain reaction
that damages cell membranes and even DNA.
These free radicals are associated with natural
processes like aging, skin wrinkles, increased
vulnerability to infections and diseases and more
severe conditions like cancer and tumors. (10, 11)

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, but since it is

water soluble and is not found in our bodies, you
need to consume it through dietary sources.
Jackfruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C with a
high content of 13.8 mg per 100 grams.
Studies have shown that Vitamin C is a better
antioxidant than compounds like Methanol and
Ethanol. It makes Vitamin C very efficient against
the free radicals in the body.(12, 13)
The purification of our body by ridding it of free
radicals increases immune system function.
It increases immunity to protect against common
diseases like a cough, cold, and flu. It has also
been found to form a strong resistance against
Wrap up: Jackfruit is a high grade anti-oxidant
owing to dense concentration of vitamin C. It
strengthens immune function and protects from
could, cold, flu, infections and critical conditions
like Cancer and tumors.
2. High Energy Source
If you are looking for quick energy boost than very
few fruits, come close to Jackfruit.

Jackfruit contains a high amount of carbohydrate

and calorie but hardly any companion fat.
It contains a healthy amount of simple sugar like
fructose and sucrose that are easily digested by
our bodies.
The sugar in Jackfruit is not only easy to digest but
also comes from a category called Slowly
Available glucose or SAG. It releases the glucose
in our body in a restrained manner and
therefore reduces the glycemic index of Jackfruit.
In simple words, diabetic people suffering from
high sugar levels and sugar spikes can enjoy this
deliciously sweet fruit without worrying about the
glucose levels.
However, if Jackfruits are a regular part of your diet
then make sure you add some physical activity to
your routine to aid the digestion.
Wrap Up: Jackfruit is a powerhouse of energy. It can
lend a quick boost of energy without disturbing the
sugar levels in the body significantly.
3. Maintains Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular
Potassium is one of the most important
components that regulate blood pressure. Our

body needs about4700 milligrams of Potassium in a

day. (15, 16, 17)
Optimum balance of potassium is essential to
controlling the right amount of sodium in our body.
Potassium deficiency can make your sodium levels
spiral out of control leading to substantial damage
to the heart and the arteries.
Apart from this functionality, potassium is
responsible for coordinating and maintaining
muscle function that includes heart muscles as
Jackfruit contains a good amount of potassium that
is about 10% of our daily requirement. The ideal
levels of potassium are required to maintain fluid
level i.e. to balance electrolyte also. (18)
All these different functions of potassium help in
maintaining ideal blood pressure and reduces the
risk of stroke and heart attack.
Wrap Up: Potassium controls sodium, maintains
the electrolyte balance along with regulating
muscle function. All these roles make potassium a
very healthy food for arresting high blood pressure
and maintaining health of your heart.

See also: Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits You Must

4. Improves Digestion
When you open up a Jackfruit and take a look at its
flesh, it clearly shows a lot of soft fiber.(18, 19, 20)
This fiber is not just for show but does convert
itself into the important and significant amount of
Jackfruit has 1.5 grams of roughage per 100 grams
of serving that is considered excellent. Dietary
fiber makes for a laxative that adds bulk to your
stools and soften them up.
Both of these factors make it easy for your body to
push them through the intestinal passage. Thus, it
improves digestion and prevents constipation.
Jackfruit contains both Soluble and insoluble fiber
with the soluble content of 25% of the total fiber.
Soluble fiber is the one that is digested in our body
and provides energy whereas insoluble just passes
through the Gastrointestinal tract.
The insoluble fiber adds bulk to stools and makes
for an expeditious exit. It keeps the tracts clean
and reduce a build up in the intestines.

Wrap Up: The high fiber content in Jackfruit aids

healthy digestion and an effective excretion which
keeps the gastrointestinal tract clean and healthy.
5. Colon Cancer and Piles
Colon cancer is caused when there is damage to
colon at the cellular level, and these altered
cells continue to divide rapidly even when there is
no requirement for new cells.(21, 22)
Eventually, they destroy the healthy cells and also
tend to travel to other parts of the body through
the blood stream.
Colon cancer appears in its early stages as polyps
in the colon lining and takes a full-blown cancerous
form as it progresses.
Fruits like Jackfruit that are high in antioxidants
help to clean toxins from the colon, keeping it in a
good and healthy shape. Though it does not treat
cancer itself, it can assist in reducing the risk of
developing this condition.
It also helps in alleviating and preventing piles.
Piles are Hemorrhoids in the anal area and is made
of swollen blood vessels. It is a very painful
condition, and critical cases experience bleeding
and excruciating pain while passing stools. (23, 24)

One of the leading causes of Piles is Chronic

Constipation. Jackfruit prevents constipation due to
its high fiber content and can help alleviating the
Wrap Up: Jackfruit contains dietary fiber that
reduces the effects of toxin in the colon and protect
from colon cancer. Additionally its constipation
preventing properties prevent piles.
6. Vitamin A for Vision
Jackfruit contains Vitamin A and its equivalent in
the form of Beta Carotene and Lutein Zeaxanthin.
Beta Carotene gets synthesized and converts itself
into Vitamin A.
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for eye health. It
is an anti-oxidant that improves the vision and
protects the eye from free radicals. (25)
It is also known to protect eyes from bacterial and
viral infections by strengthening the mucous
membranes that create a layer on the cornea.
Lutein Zeaxanthin in Jackfruit is known for its
antioxidant properties that serve your eyesight
efficiently and impressively. It protects the eyes
from intense and harmful light waves like
ultraviolet rays. (26, 27)

This component is also considered monumental in

improving your eyesight in the dim or low light. It is
highly effective in preventing degeneration of the
retina and reduce the risk of cataract and macular
Wrap Up: Jackfruit is a rich source Vitamin A and its
equivalents to protect eyes from infections,
improve eye sight and prevent vision related
medical problems.
7. Skin Health and Ageing
Aging is caused due to natural factors like increase
in age.
But due to pollution, UV radiations and unhealthy
lifestyle aging is knocking at an early age and is
progressing faster than natural.
The main causes of aging are free radical produced
in our body due to high oxidative stress caused due
to pollution.
An antioxidant-rich diet including fruits like Jackfruit
has proven to destroy these free radicals to slow
the aging process. (28, 29)
Eating Jackfruits also keeps skin moisturized and
well hydrated due to a high level of water content
in it.

Water reduces dryness and lends a supple

appearance to your facial skin. This further reduces
the light wrinkles and fine lines on the skin making
it look younger and glowing.
Wrap Up: The anti-oxidant properties and high
water content of Jackfruit keeps skin healthy,
moisturized and reduces the wrinkles and dryness
retaining the youthful texture of the skin.
See also: Health Benefits of Pistachios Seeds And
Nutrition Facts
8. Asthma
With an increase in pollution and weakened
immunity, some asthma cases being reported are
increasing every year.
Jackfruit has been proved beneficial to asthma
patients. Asthma shows symptoms like extreme
difficulty in breathing, wheezing and accompanying
panic attacks. (30)
It is a chronic condition and does not have a cure
but needs to be managed with medicines and
hypoallergenic diet.
Jackfruit and its extracts are now being explored to
treat asthma and controlling its symptoms. Boiling

the root of Jackfruit and consuming is known to

alleviate the symptoms of asthma.
Wrap Up: The Jackfruit root has been found to be
an effective remedy for asthma symptoms.
9. Bone Health
Jackfruits contain a high amount of calcium which
strengthens and promotes healthy bone health.
(31, 32,33)
Other bone related illnesses like Arthritis,
Osteoporosis can also be managed and prevented
with regular seasonal consumption of Jackfruit.
High potassium in Jackfruit further decreases the
loss of calcium through kidney thereby increasing
calcium density in bone and strengthening it. (34)
Wrap Up: Jackfruit maintains good bone health with
high calcium content and increases its density by
reducing the calcium loss owing to healthy
potassium content.
10. Anemia
Anemia is a condition that is defined by a reduction
of red blood cells (RBC) or Hemoglobin in blood
below the minimum acceptable levels.

It leads slow transportation of oxygen in the body

leading to bouts of lethargy, constant tiredness,
pale complexion and in some cases blacking out.
Jackfruit contains iron that can combat
the deficiency of RBCs in the blood. (35, 36)
The vitamin C content further enables an efficient
absorption of iron in the body. (37)
It is said that all iron that you get from dietary
sources can pass right through your body without
being absorbed if there is no Vitamin C in the body.
Other minerals like copper and magnesium in
Jackfruit improve the quality of blood.
Wrap Up: Jackfruit alleviates anemia by adding iron
and increasing the iron absorption with Vitamin C
in the body. Other minerals in it improve the quality
of blood.
Plants Compound That Make Jackfruit Special
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): Rare fruit that contains
Vitamin B6 complex. It is an excellent nutrient to
protect from Anemia. Along with it is excellent for
heart health, builds immunity, stroke prevention
and much more. (38)

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is proven to treat dry eye

syndrome. Also, it decreases the risk of macular
degeneration(AMD). Vitamin A benefits eye vision
and prevents any harm to it. (39)
Potassium: Potassium renews heart health. (40)
Carotene-: Powerful antioxidants protect from
aging, cancer and boost eye health.
Xanthin: Being an excellent antioxidant, it has
many properties from harm caused by free
Lutein: Many Research has found that Lutein
protects from age-related macular
degeneration(AMD) and cataracts.(41)
Cryptoxanthin-: Cryptoxanthin- is converted into
Pro-Vitamin A. It reduces risk for rheumatoid
arthritis by 41 per cent. Reduce risk of lung cancer
by 30 per cent. It also protects from DNA and Eye
damage from free radicals.
Amazing facts about Jackfruit
Jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world
which can weight from a mere 3 kilograms to 36
Kilograms! A full mature jackfruit can have a length
of 36 inches and width that extends to 20 inches.

The wood of Jackfruit is used in making musical

instruments, furniture and even in house
construction. The distinct color of Monks robes in
South East Asia comes from the dye of this wood.
Jackfruit is also known to grow from the
underground roots in some rare cases! In such
situations, the fruit cracks the ground over it and
emerges outside.
Jackfruits are an excellent fruit with incredible
health benefits. Its sweet juicy taste becomes
even better when you know about the health
benefits that you are going to derive from it.

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