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Kirsten Anderson

Vision of an Effective Teacher
Teachers wear many caps and play many roles. Known as mentors, counselors,
tutors, professors, coaches, and leaders, we are most often responsible for the
academic education of youth but our collective impact in the lives of students
shapes future generations. The values we instill and character we develop in
students drive us to always pursue methods to improve ourselves. Specifically, I
want to become an effective teacher as a person, a professional, developing
management and organizational skills through instruction, measured by student
progress. To become an effective teacher, one must establish learning goals through
utilizing various guidelines for class structure and strategies.
As a person, I want to respond to students with dignity and respect at all times and
practice self-reflection for improvement. As a professional I seek to maintain a
positive attitude in difficult situations, and design and develop quality lessons.
Concerning management and organization skills, I strive to maintain daily routines
and procedures and establish smooth transitions between activities. Regarding
instruction I would like to communicate clearly to engage students and have lesson
plans that are learner-centered. And finally, I want to measure student progress by
checking for understanding and providing feedback, and when necessary, supply reteaching opportunities after skill introduction.
Learning goals are for the purpose of student engagement beyond the classroom to
inspire lifelong learners, and to develop character (not limited to academics) to
benefit society. Class structure is for organization and efficacy of instruction to aid
absorption of classroom material, with a polite and respectful environment because
the Gold Rule can be applicable after secondary education. And various strategies
such as Cooperative Grouping and learning so students can help other students to
increase comprehension, and Cues and Questions (critical thinking) can be utilized
to develop problem-solving skills for the real world. Classroom management is
significant in establishing rules and procedures, routines, and organization, with the
appropriate modifications and accommodations for students with learning
Although I am entering the world of education, I am also an athletic trainer and
have been responsible for management of injuries and the health and safety of all
athletes. I think that my background and experience in dealing with stressful
situations with youth I am prepared to establish a presence in the classroom and am
looking forward to working more closely with students in the academic setting.

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