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Shaowen Chen

Sociology #1

Stratification Definitions

Social Stratification is a characterized a way of visualizing social structure. It

refers to the division of large amount people into layers. People are organized based on
their wealth, education, race, etc. The people who own more resources represent he gets
more respect and higher status. Social class and social stratification both describe the
status or rank that people get in the society. The four systems of stratification include the
slavery, the caste system, the estates system and the open class system. First of all,
slavery is a system which people have to do some job that they unwilling to do. Lowclass people have to serve high-class people. They do not have freedom. Slavery is a
closed system. People cannot change their destiny. The value of their life depends on
their background. The caste system was common in India. For them, their social status is
where they are born into a layer. It is hard to change. It will remain throughout their
whole life. Both this two systems are closed systems. People cannot change their destiny.
The value of their life depends on their background. Peoples lives are chosen for them by
their birth. The third one is estate system. It represents the medieval time of Europe. In
that time, landowners are the high-class people. They lease some of their lands to
farmers. In this class, the social standing of people depends on how much wealth he own.
They have a chance to change their social status. It is an open system. Achieved status

refers to gain the power based on their efforts. An open class system reflects achieved
status. Ascribes status refers people obtain their powers from their birth. The caste system
is a good example

According to Karl Marx, the means of production refers to those necessities of

producing goods. Such as tools, machinery, land, factories, etc. People cannot produce
goods without them. The means of production also refers productive property. The
bourgeoisie owns the means of production. The proletariat is considered as labor class.
They do not own any the means of production. The proletariat works for the bourgeoisie.
The bourgeoisie pays proletariat minimum salary. The means of production is used to
distinguish the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Karl Marx states Class consciousness
refers to a kind of ideology, which people hold regarding their social standing. Dominant
ideology refers to the beliefs and values, which is popular in a lot of people. Marx states
that false consciousness refers to the misrepresentation of the common dominant social

According to Max Weber, a class is a group of people that have the similar

economic position. Wealth in occupation is a good example. The status group refers
someones honor or social prestige in the society. It is within the social order. Two
statuses include positive status and negative status. Government officials have a high
level of power in society. The third one is the party. Parties refer to organizations.
Different with groups or communities, parties involve striving for a goal in a planned
manner. They focus on the same goal. An example could be the political parties.

There is a rank show the Cultural capital is linked to class differences, the upper

division class, lower-middle class, and working class. The upper division class is in the

top economic standing. People who in this class is well born and have a good education.
The lower-middle class has had a little education. Working class refers least educated
people. The cultural capital linked to power differences of power in each class and
economic status. Cultural capital also includes dress and physical appearance. The upper
division class has a lot of money and good education. The appearance of them must be
better than people whom in working class. For the upper division, attire, housing,
vacations, food, and sport are investments. Different with lower-middle class and
working class, these are the social advantages and lifestyle of upper division class.

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