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Volume 8, Issue 1 MARCH 2004



Corps EIS reveals 2
troubling trends in
By Casi Callaway, Mobile Bay Watch, Inc./Mobile BayKeeper coastal MS
Both ExxonMobil and Cheniere Energy, Inc. have announced their desire to construct Partial victory for 3
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) regassification facilities in Mobile, Alabama. ExxonMo- Clean Water Act
bil plans to place a facility at the old Navy Homeport, a location that sits 2,500 feet
from the nearest business, 3,500 feet from the nearest home, and within one mile of an Mr. Bill is part of new 3
elementary school with 600 students. The area is also home to a number of industries America’s Wetland
that work with toxic and highly flammable chemicals. Cheniere intends to build their campaign
facility just across the river from Mobile’s Government Plaza and downtown business Entergy nuclear 4
district, on property that is only a stone’s throw from the entrance to a tunnel that con- power permit appli-
nects the eastern shore to Mobile. cation challenged
Courtesy of

Member Spotlight: 6
These facilities are also on their way to a The Ocean Conser-
coastline near you. More than 35 applications vancy
have been made to the Federal Energy Regu-
Take Action for 8
latory Commission (FERC) around the coun- Corps Reform
try and every Gulf Coast state has at least one
application pending.

Over the last six months, Mobile Bay Watch, Special points of
Liquefied Natural Gas ship
Inc./Mobile BayKeeper has conducted re- interest:
search into the effects that LNG facilities and the associated tanker traffic would have ♦ EPA and the Bush ad-
on the people of Mobile. The research shows there is reason to be concerned about the ministration announce
volatile nature of these facilities. The “worst-case scenario” described in a study used they will not go for-
by the Department of Energy to justify locating these facilities in populated areas indi- ward with a proposed
cates that gas from a breached tank could spread up to 2.5 miles, catch a spark, and rulemaking that would
burn back to the source in a matter of seconds. Such a fire would last up to an hour and have weakened the
be almost impossible to extinguish. Clean Water Act.

♦ Several groups file a

Mobile Bay Watch, Inc./Mobile BayKeeper believes that these facilities would not only
motion to intervene in
threaten the safety of Mobile Bay area residents, they would also restrict access to the
Entergy’s application
bay for commercial and recreational use. Mobile Bay is a valuable public resource. In
for a permit for one or
addition, the January explosion that killed 27 people at an LNG facility in Algeria more new nuclear
proves that LNG’s safety record does not guarantee an accident-free future. Simply power reactors at its
put, Mobile Bay Watch, Inc./Mobile BayKeeper agrees with the 62% of those surveyed Grand Gulf location.
in a recent Mobile Register poll who believe that LNG facilities are inappropriate for
Mobile Bay. ♦ U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service mounts a new
LNG facilities are supposed to be sited in remote locations to ensure safety, continued campaign to stop
quality of life, and use of our water resources. Take the time to get involved in the aquatic hitchhikers.
By Reilly Morse, Environmental Attorney
opment practices. Without full cooperation, things will
As coastal development in Mississippi mushroomed in be much worse. Actual improvement would require us
the 1990s, local citizens raised an outcry that cumulative to restore resources instead of mitigating for their losses.
adverse impacts on our natural surroundings were being
ignored or superficially evaluated in the permit process. Instead of a federally mandated zoning code, the Corps
Such impacts, insignificant in isolation, can reach a calls for joint cooperation with state, regional and local
threshold where they cause an ecosystem to collapse. government to incorporate specific sustainable develop-
ment values into all regula-

Courtesy of Terese Collins

In the late 1990s, the U.S. Army tory steps.
Corps of Engineers (Corps) real-
ized it had to more deeply assess While specific practices
this problem. The Corps' newly might be debated, several
released Comprehensive Envi- things ought to be clear by
ronmental Impact Statement now. Permitting develop-
(“Enhanced Evaluation of Cu- ment before building the in-
mulative Effects Associated frastructure does not work.
with US Army Corps of Engi- A single zoning change or
neers Permitting Activity for wetlands loss cannot be sanc-
Large Scale Development in tioned in isolation. Each de-
Coastal Mississippi”) reveals cision removes one piece
troubling trends over the past 30 The Isle of Capri casino on the Mississippi coast. from the puzzle of our eco-
years and forecasts how they system. Overall, the Missis-
may be altered by sustainable development practices. sippi Coast picture is missing far too many pieces. We
should be extremely reluctant to permit the holes to grow
The study details significant damage, natural and man- larger, and we should work harder to restore some of the
made, to vital resources in coastal Mississippi: missing pieces.

• Since 1968, we have lost 90% of seagrass vegeta- There are many who doubt that state and local govern-
tion, worsening our water clarity and quality. ments are up to the task. Environmentalists and commu-
nity groups have been ridiculed, cursed, threatened and
• Since 1972, we have lost over 25% of emergent wet-
sued by business interests and even some government
lands in the Bay of St. Louis and 39% in Biloxi Bay.
officials. The ultra-close links between the business
Emergent wetlands are the kidneys to absorb and
community and local government have resulted in a
filter water and the cradle to protect fish and other
"growth-at-any-cost" philosophy on too many occasions.
seafood species.
There is good cause for skepticism about depending so
• Currently the watershed extending from Turkey heavily upon state and local authorities to arrest the de-
Creek to Old Fort Bayou is degraded because the cline of our environmental health.
amount of paved surface has exceeded 10%.
For more information, contact Reilly Morse at
The Corps hopes to slow these trends by 2025, but losses, or visit his website at
will continue, with Biloxi Bay expected to lose a stun- A media presentation on
ning 46% of what it had in 1972 under likely growth t h e E IS i s a v a i l a b l e f o r v i e w i n g a t
projections. Water quality degradation from paved sur- Access the EIS
faces will occur in the Jourdan River and increase in the at:
Turkey Creek-Old Fort Bayou watersheds.
Contact Vicki Murillo at 504-525-1528 x 204 or
Just to keep future losses to these levels, federal and for factsheets summa-
state authorities must enforce specific sustainable devel- rizing cumulative impacts in coastal Mississippi.

Page 2 MARCH 2004

Our continued efforts to fight for clean water and wetlands of our precious waters are still endangered because the
protection were recently rewarded with a very important January 2003 policy guidance is still in place. This
victory. The actions of many GRN members and others guidance directs EPA and Corps staff to ignore Clean
across the nation contributed to this win, and for that we Water Act protections for an estimated 20% of the na-
are very thankful. Unfortunately, a battle won doesn’t tion's wetlands and hundreds of thousands of miles of
mean the war is over. We must continue to headwater and seasonal streams across the coun-
pursue this issue and restore protections to try. Until the guidance is withdrawn, the Clean
streams and wetlands in the Gulf region as Water Act rollback continues and our streams
guaranteed under the Clean Water Act. and wetlands remain at risk. "No net loss" of
wetlands (and streams) cannot be achieved as

Courtesy of
In January of 2003, the Bush administration long as the policy guidance remains in effect.
released an Advanced Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (ANPRM) concerning federal The Bush administration abandoned the rule-
regulatory jurisdiction over isolated wetlands. making plan for two main reasons: public outcry
Simultaneously, the Environmental Protection and opposition from members of Congress. This
Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engi- past fall, 218 members of the U.S House of Rep-
neers (Corps) sent a guidance memorandum to An intermittent stream resentatives and 26 U.S. Senators signed a letter
their field staff regarding their jurisdiction over calling on the President to drop the administra-
certain non-navigable, intrastate, isolated waters. In De- tion's proposed rulemaking to weaken the jurisdiction of
cember, the EPA and the Bush administration announced the Clean Water Act. However, their letter not only
that they would not go forward with the proposed rule- asked that the rulemaking be stopped, it also requested
making to redefine many wetlands, streams and other wa- that the guidance be withdrawn. It is important that we
ters as "out" of the Clean Water Act. This is a significant ask these members of Congress to continue their efforts
achievement, stopping one of the most damaging propos- to ensure protection is restored for our nation's wetlands
als to weaken the Clean Water Act since the law was and streams by insisting that the guidance be rescinded.
passed over 30 years ago.
Adapted and excerpted from a Clean Water Network
Unfortunately, we still have long road ahead of us. Many action alert. Go to for more details.


Those of you old enough to remember Saturday Night Live in the 1970s (which does not include most of GRN’s
staff) will also remember Mr. Bill, the clay character who was always being flattened, dismembered or decapitated.

Mr. Bill is back, in an unexpected role: he is part of a new campaign to

educate people about Louisiana’s coastal wetlands crisis. “Mr. Bill
America’s Wetland World Tour” will be launched next summer. The
internet-based campaign pairs Mr. Bill with a gang of new characters
called “Estuarians”—Salty the Shrimp, Eddy the Eagle, and others.

The campaign will be run by America’s Wetland, a coalition of interests

that have pooled their resources to bring much needed attention to the
problem of Louisiana’s wetland loss. They hope that Mr. Bill will draw
worldwide attention to the problem of Louisiana’s loss of coastal
Mr. Bill (third from right) poses with his new pals, the
marshes and swamps. Estuarians.

Mr. Bill’s intimate acquaintance with disaster does make him an apt symbol for the disaster facing Louisiana. So
don’t be surprised when you hear “OOH NOO!! COASTAL EROSION!”

Volume 8, Issue 1 Page 3

By Carole H. Allen, Gulf Office Director of the Sea Turtle Restoration Project
Right now, the Texas General Land Office (TX GLO) Within the last five years, turtle nestings have increased
has a golden opportunity to develop guidelines that pro- at the Padre Island National Seashore, both north and
tect sea turtles and potentially give a shot in the arm to south, and other nests and tracks have been found on
the state’s economy through increased tourism. Bolivar Island, the west beach of Galveston, Freeport
and Matagorda Island. Studies done by Texas A&M
The TX GLO is developing guidelines for stewardship University at Galveston have established the presence
of the coastal environment, including dune protection, of juvenile Kemp’s Ridleys in the Sea Rim area near the
coastal development, and beach access issues. Com- Louisiana border.
missioner Jerry Pat-
terson is to be con- As the number of sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico in-
Courtesy of

gratulated for his creases, so does the responsibility of the public, the fed-
attempts to clarify eral government and the TX GLO to protect them. The
controversial beach TX GLO can look to Florida as an example: Florida has
issues. Only last already established many measures to protect turtle
summer, the com- nesters and hatchlings from traffic and development.
missioner ordered a Best of all, Florida has not only protected these turtles
Kemp’s Ridley hatchlings at Padre
delay for beach re- when they nest, it also has reaped a fortune in tourist
Island National Seashore nourishment pro- dollars from visitors who want to see sea turtles.
jects at Galveston,
when tons of sand could have been dumped on sea tur- Instead of waiting until tragedies occur, we of the sea
tle nests, hatchlings or even nesting turtles. As a result, turtle conservation world call upon Commissioner Pat-
those projects are being undertaken now, well before terson to put in place guidelines that respect beach
sea turtle nesting time. dwellers, visitors and endangered sea turtles alike.


The Claiborne County NAACP, the Mississippi Chapter county doesn’t even have a hospital that is open 24
of Sierra Club, the Nuclear Information and Resource hours. And there is only one fire station in the entire
Service (NIRS), and Public Citizen filed a motion on county. This is the worst example of environmental
February 12, 2004, in Washington, D.C., to intervene racism I have ever seen.” said Rose Johnson, chair of
in an application for an “Early Site Permit” for one or the Mississippi Chapter of Sierra Club.
more new nuclear power reactors at Entergy’s Grand
Gulf location. The Alliance for Affordable Energy and Johnson said an accident or act of sabotage at this facil-
the Louisiana Environmental Action Network also plan ity could contaminate the Mississippi River and the
to intervene in the permit proceedings. Gulf of Mexico. “It could wreak havoc on everyone
downstream and downwind, including seafood indus-
Entergy is seeking a permit that would allow the com- tries that produce economic benefits each year totaling
pany to “bank” the site for 20 years, during which time many millions of dollars,” she said.
it can apply for a combined construction and operating
license in Claiborne County, Mississippi. Claiborne Currently 2.4 million pounds of extremely hazardous
County is predominantly African American, with about nuclear waste are being stored on site because of the
an 84% minority population, and 32% of the population lack of a permanent repository, with more being added
living below the poverty line. every refueling cycle. Entergy has stated that by 2007
it will no longer have the capacity to store on-site the
The interveners argue that there is a lack of financial radioactive waste generated by the current Grand Gulf
resources to fund adequate emergency services. “The reactor.

Page 4 MARCH 2004

Written by Meghan Morse, Hollins University student
When New Orleans is mentioned, most people think of able to learn some completely new things, such as how
Mardi Gras parades, bars, or the French Quarter. I spent to use Microsoft Publisher and Adobe Acrobat. I also
the month of January in New Orleans as an intern with the worked on various aspects of an outreach campaign on
Gulf Restoration Network (GRN) and I came away with a Source Water Protection. I created a brochure to moti-
slightly different view. The Southern hospitality and the vate people to attend workshops, as well as a handout
fact that dogs are welcome in the GRN workplace were for participants.
just a few of the things that made my internship in New
Orleans a more exciting experience than most. My intention in taking this internship was to get real life
experience working in the environmental field. I was
As I started my able to gain this experience working on the Source Wa-
sophomore year in ter Protection campaign because outreach programs are
college, I still had not a major component of environmental advocacy work. I
decided on a major. also worked on fact sheets based on the Mississippi Gulf
Although I had until Coast Environmental Impact Statement, which allowed
the end of the school me to help in an area with which I am familiar. Because
year to declare my of the time limitations of the internship, I was not able to
major, this decision work on other issues in depth. However, I believe that I
was a very daunting still acquired a good impression of what it is like to
one for me. After work in this field.
considering many
The GRN’s office dogs celebrate Mardi Gras. different options, I
The Director of Water Resources, Vicki Murillo, was
still had no particular focus. Fortunately, an Environ- willing to work with me on designing this internship so
mental Science class that I took to fulfill a course require- that it was mutually beneficial. We worked together to
ment sparked my interest. In order to decide if my enthu- design an internship that would best meet my needs.
siasm for the class would extend to a possible career, I The GRN staff was very helpful and supportive during
decided to do an internship in environmental advocacy. my internship. They were willing to take the time to
Fortunately, my university allows upperclassmen to intern answer my questions about their GRN work, back-
full-time for the month of January. ground experiences, and the job field.

In order to make an informed career decision, I wanted to Even though I was only at the GRN for a month, I was
obtain experience in the types of activities that career en- given various responsibilities in keeping with the GRN’s
vironmentalists do on a daily basis. I decided to intern mission of empowering people to protect and preserve
with the GRN, because they agreed to provide me with the resources of the Gulf of Mexico. I also learned
opportunities that seemed to be representative of the types many things about the career field and about myself. I
of tasks required of an environmental advocate. Further- believe that the skills I learned during my time with the
more, growing up in Gulfport, Mississippi, I have seen GRN will help me in whatever career I decide to pursue.
the Gulf Coast develop rapidly with casinos and other big When I started this internship, I just wanted to gain
developments. Therefore, the condition of the Gulf of knowledge and experience about a career in environ-
Mexico is a subject that concerns me. mental advocacy. In addition, I had a wonderful first
internship experience in a warm, friendly work environ-
I really needed the internship experience because I was ment, and I feel better knowing that advocacy groups
not sure what types of tasks I would enjoy doing. My like the GRN are working to help protect the Gulf of
time at the GRN helped me figure these things out. I was Mexico for all of us.

GRN Action Alert list:

To stay updated on upcoming regional events, critical actions on Capitol Hill, and opportunities for public comment,
join the GRN listserv by e-mailing or visiting

Volume 8, Issue 1 Page 5

The Ocean Founded in 1994, the Gulf Res-
toration Network is a section
Conservancy 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
The Ocean Conservancy (TOC) began in 1972 committed to uniting and em-
as the Delta Corporation. Starting with a single powering people to protect and
program to protest commercial whaling, the restore the resources of the Gulf
organization has expanded over the years to Region, forever protecting it for
include program areas on all ocean issues. future generations.
Based in St. Petersburg, Florida, TOC’s Southeast Atlantic and Gulf of Board of Directors
Mexico regional office focuses on ocean conservation issues off the south-
eastern United States and along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. For exam- Casi Callaway
Mobile Bay Watch/Mobile Baykeeper
ple, they work to reduce threats to manatees by: helping to develop state and Mobile, AL
federal plans that establish speed zones in manatee habitats; proposing new
areas for manatee sanctuaries; reducing the threat of entanglement in marine Mark Davis—Chair
Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
debris by conducting underwater monofilament clean-ups and educating Baton Rouge, LA
fishers about the proper disposal of fishing line; and educating residents,
visitors, industries and governments about manatees and their need for pro- Robert Hastings
Alabama Natural Heritage Program
tection. Montgomery, AL
Rose Johnson—Vice-Chair
TOC’s Southeast Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico regional office also played a
Concerned Citizens Coalition
leading role in the multi-year process to establish the Florida Keys National Gulfport, MS
Marine Sanctuary, a 2,900-square-mile marine protected area that includes
Joe Murphy
the Tortugas. Designation of the sanctuary in 1990 and implementation of Sierra Club
its management plan in 1997 provided important protections for the area, Tampa, FL
including the establishment of zones in which fishing is highly restricted
Juan Parras
and zones largely dedicated to research. TSU Law Clinic
The Ocean Conservancy Houston, TX
449 Central Avenue, Suite #200 Bob Schaeffer
St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Public Policy Communications
Phone: (727) 895-2188 Sanibel, FL
Fax: (727) 895-3248 Page Williams
Website: Sierra Club—Lone Star Chapter
Houston, TX
STOP AQUATIC HITCHHIKERS ! Robert Wiygul—Acting Secretary/
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is mounting a Treasurer
Waltzer and Associates
national campaign to “Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!”
Biloxi, MS
Aquatic hitchhikers are non-native harmful
aquatic plants, animals or microscopic organisms
that can be transported to other waters by recreational activities. Cynthia Sarthou: Executive Director
Sallie E. Davis: Director for Fisheries
Aquatic hitchhikers can catch a ride on boats or any item used in water. Vicki Murillo: Director for Water
When that item is taken to another river, stream, or bay, the species is re- Resources
leased and, if conditions are right, it will establish itself in that waterbody. Jill Jensen: Assistant Director
for Fisheries
The “Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers” campaign’s educational and outreach ef- Amy Gill: Office Administrator/
forts are designed to elevate awareness and offer advice for aquatic recrea- Bookkeeper
tion users. A new website ( provides informa- Ellen Addington: Biodiversity Intern
Rebecca Judd: Fisheries Legal Intern
tion on the nuisance species and their impacts as well as suggestions on how
people can become involved.
Page 6 MARCH 2004
Network Notebook: New literature and reports that GRN members might find useful
Body of Evidence: The Fragile State of America's Oceans. This new report from the Marine Fish Conservation Network of-
fers a peer-reviewed quick reference to 75 scientific articles covering the most recent findings on the health of America's
oceans. Available online at

Findings from the National Stormwater Quality Database (NSDQ). This Research Progress Report by the University of Ala-
bama and the Center for Watershed Protection is available in PDF format at

Source Water Stewardship: A Guide to Protecting and Restoring Your Drinking Water. This 2003 report was developed as
a part of the Source Water Protection Initiative by Clean Water Fund, Clean Water Network, and Campaign for Safe and
Affordable Drinking Water. Available online at

Wounded Waters: The Hidden Side of Power Plant Pollution. This report from the Clean Air Task Force on the water im-
pacts of power plants is available at For more information contact Ellen Baum at

The following are new documents available from the National Service Center for Environmental Publications, P.O. Box
42419, Cincinnati, OH 45242, 1-800-490-9198, or online at

• Environmental Justice 2002 Biennial Report: Constructive Engagement and Collaborative Problem-Solving
(EPA # 300R03001)
• Water on Tap: What You Need to Know (EPA #816K03007)
• What’s an Estuary? Now You Know {CD ROM} (EPA #842C03001)

Calendar of Events
MARCH 2004 Law, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. Contact:
Eric Dannenmaier, 504-862-8829 or
8-11 Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Meet-
ing. Adam's Mark Hotel, Mobile, AL. Contact: the
Gulf Council at 1-888-833-1844.
19-23 Red Snapper Stock Assessment Data Workshop.
New Orleans, LA. Contact: the Gulf Council at 1-888-
12-14 Alabama Watershed Leadership Conference and
ADEM Reform Summit. Joe Wheeler State Park, AL.
Contact: Adam Snyder or Amy Sides at 205-322-6395
22 Earth Day.
or visit
MAY 2004
16 Lower Mississippi River Sub-Basin Committee on
Hypoxia Meeting. Baton Rouge, LA. Contact: Doug 6 GRN/U.S. PIRG Save Our Seafood Dine Out. New
Daigle at 504-588-9008 or Orleans, LA area restaurants. Contact: GRN or visit
17 Ecological Restoration of the Mississippi-Ohio-
Missouri Basin Workshop. LSU, Baton Rouge, LA. 17-20 Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Meet-
Contact: Dr. John Day, Jr. at or Dr. ing. Westin Beach Resort, Key Largo, FL. Contact: the
Robert R. Lane at Gulf Council at 1-888-833-1844.

20-21 Audubon Zoo’s Earth Fest 2004. New Orleans, LA. 21-25 National River Rally. Wintergreen Resort, Charlottes-
Contact: Carol Hester at 504-212-5378. ville, VA. Contact: River Network at or (800) 423-6747.
29 Deadline for educators to apply to participate in
Down Under, Out Yonder. (hands-on workshop ex- JUNE 2004
ploring the Flower Garden Banks National Marine
Sanctuary through lectures and diving). Contact 2 The Marine Fish Conservation Network Annual for more information. Meeting. Marriott Metro Center Hotel, Washington,
DC. Contact: John Marius at 202-543-5509 or
APRIL 2004
2-4 The 9th Annual Tulane Environmental Conference
on Law, Science, and the Public Interest. School of 8 World Ocean Day.

Volume 8, Issue 1 Page 7

“Working to Protect and
Preserve the Gulf of Mexico”

P.O. Box 2245

New Orleans, LA 70176
Phone: (504) 525-1528
Fax: (504) 525-0833

The GRN would like to thank the following foundations for

making this newsletter, as well as the work of the GRN,
possible: The Belvedere Fund, The Ben and Jerry’s Founda-
tion, The Booth-Bricker Foundation, The Charles Stewart
Mott Foundation, The Greater New Orleans Foundation,
The Joe W & Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation, The
McKnight Foundation, The Moriah Fund, the Regional Ma-
rine Conservation Project, and The RosaMary Foundation.


A steady stream of studies from the National Academy of and Public Works Committee is now working on their
Sciences, the General Accounting Office, the Army In- version of WRDA. Our Senators must fully consider and
spector General, federal agencies, and independent ex- debate the important issues surrounding the Corps and
perts have revealed fundamental and systemic flaws in the water resources projects. It is critical that Congress in-
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) planning process clude comprehensive reforms to the Corps’ planning and
for flood control and navigation projects. implementation process in the next WRDA.
Courtesy of

These studies show that the Corps’ Please contact your Senators today.
planning process is hopelessly biased Then, contact those on the Senate Com-
toward construction of large-scale pro- mittee on Environment and Public Works
jects, does not adequately protect the [Senators Allard (CO), Baucus (MT),
environment, and is based on flawed Bond (MO), Boxer (CA), Carper (DE);
economic and scientific analyses. Chafee, (RI), Clinton (NY), Cornyn
Comprehensive reforms are needed to Senators Inhofe, Jeffords, and Baucus at a (TX), Crapo (ID), Graham (FL), Inhofe
ensure that water resource projects are meeting of the U.S. Senate Committee on (OK), Jeffords (VT), Lieberman (CT),
environmentally sound, economically Environment and Public Works.
Murkowski (AK), Reid (NV), Thomas
sound, and serve the American people instead of special (WY), Voinovich (OH), Warner (VA), and Wyden (OR)].
Let them know that you oppose any WRDA in 2004
Last fall, the House of Representatives passed the Water that does not include MEANINGFUL reform of the
Resources Development Act of 2003 (WRDA) with some U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its biased planning
very weak reform provisions. The Senate Environment process!

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