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Special Education Meeting Critique

On March 24th, 2016, I attended a special education meeting
involving annual review. To begin the meeting, the parent received a
copy of the Parental Rights: Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice
and Parents Guide to Habilitative Services. The parent signed to
confirm that she had received the documents. Carol Beard, the
schools Pupil Personnel Worker/IEP Chair, went through the IEP with
the parent. She named the Specific Learning Disability/Language,
reviewed the Graduation Requirements, PARCC Test Results, and
Present Levels of Performance. Carol stated that the student has made
a lot of progress in speech, reading/phonics, and math calculations.
She asked for Parental Input, went over Special
Considerations/Technology Needs, and Other Supports.
I thought the overall tone of the meeting was positive. Carol
used the word interesting to describe the students handwriting and
stated that the readability decreases in stressful situations or when
time is limited. The parent was very supportive stating that she has
her child bring all her textbooks home in an effort for her to be more
organized and remember what she needs to do her homework. New
goals for the student were discussed and several opportunities (4-5)
were presented for the parent to ask questions or state concerns.
As the student prepares to transition into the middle school next
year, Carol offered that the student would be welcome to come to her
office, be given an extra tour, and any extra support she could need.
The parent was given the opportunity to take the parent survey at

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