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Welcome to

Mrs. Walls Class

All About

Mrs. Walls
I have been an
Intervention EA at
Stewartsboro for the last
year and a half but this is
my first year teaching
Kindergarten! I have also
taught first grade. Outside
of teaching, I love
spending time with my
husband and our kids!

A, B, Cs of
Get ready for a fun

Allergies- Please let me know of any allergies that your child may have, especially food allergies.
Attendance- Whenever your child is absent, please let me know the reason the day your child
returns. You can notify me via parent or doctor note. Any absences without notes are counted
unexcused. Please make sure to write a separate note (not in the agenda!).
Awards- Your child may receive an award for his or her accomplishments in the classroom at the
end of the year. The awards are:
*Perfect Attendance
*Stallion Star- Given to students receiving ALL 3s or 4s on report card
*Excellent Effort- 2 students per 9 weeks consistently trying their best
*Citizenship- Exhibits good behavior, good work habits, and helps others.
*Rockin Reader- 2 students who have exceeded their reading goals
*Marvelous Mathematician- 2 students who have exceeded their math goals
*Wonderful Writer- 2 students who have exceeded their writing goals
Arrival- Our school starts at 7:30 every morning. You may drop off your kiddo beginning at 6:45,
either at the front of the school or the side entrance to the K hallway. They can go to the gym to
wait or they can go eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Classrooms are open to students at 7:15.

Backpacks- NO ROLLING BACKPACKS! All backpacks should fit in the lockers.
Behavior- Over the course of the year, you will see many different behavior incentives. We will be
using Class Dojo to encourage good choices in the classroom. Lets take a look at what Class Dojo
Behavior Codes- These codes will be written in your childs agenda if there is ever a behavior
incident. Please understand, if your child receives a mark, there have been several warnings
given prior to the mark! I believe in 2nd chances !
DP-Disrespect to people
DT-Disrespect to things
OT- Off task (Basically, not doing what you should be!)
H- Horseplaying- playing way too roughly
FD- Failure to Follow Directions (from an adult)
Birthdays- We do celebrate birthdays in our classroom. If you are interested in sending in
cupcakes for your childs birthday, please send in store-bought cupcakes. If your child
celebrates their birthday in the summer, you can send in cupcakes or a treat on their half

How well use ClassDojo :)

As a teacher, I will:
Post important updates and
Share photos and videos of our
classroom activities
Students can also share their
classwork on their own digital
portfolio. Only their family will be
able to view their work.

What do parents see?

Youll see the Story of our
classroom: photos and videos of
big moments, important updates,
plus your childs digital portfolio!

You can also view a report of

your childs feedback for skills we
are encouraging in class.

Lets get connected!

3 easy steps

1. Download the app

iOS, Android, Kindle Fire

2. Sign up as a parent

3. Enter your code!

Car Line- Kindergarten-2nd grade (on this side of the school) car riders are picked
up at the Kindergarten doors. We dismiss at 2:30. If your child has a sibling in 3rd-5th
grade, they will be picked up at the front doors!
If your child will be a car rider, you will have to put a yellow tag in your windshield. If
you do not have the tag, you will be asked to pick up your child in the office. Please
try not to let this upset you! We just want to keep your baby safe! Also, work with
your child on buckling himself in. It takes quite a bit of time when parents have to
get out of the car to buckle! Thank you so much!

DonationsDonations to our classroom fund are greatly appreciated! We use
these funds to buy items for projects, recipes, and extra supplies.
If you wish to donate to our classroom, please let me know!
There are some items that were not on the list that our class will be
using. If you would like to purchase any of these items, please take
an item off of the green board. They will all be used by or for
students in our classroom!

DojoI will be using Class Dojo this year to track student and classroom behavior.
You can download the app or visit the website and track your childs
behavior daily! I will also be updating Class Dojo with our Class Story
(pictures and/or videos of fun were having throughout the day)!

Emergencies- I need to know any changes in phone numbers or medications in case of
Email- My email address is This is my preferred method of
communication. I may not always be able to answer a phone call, but I can check my
email regularly.

Field Trips- Get excited! Kindergarten will have 2 field trips this
year- one in the fall and one in the spring! Information will come
out closer to the field trip date!

Grades- Some papers may come home with a 1, 2, 3, or 4 on them. These indicate
where your child is in regards to reaching the standard.
*1= not yet mastered, growing concern
*2= approaching grade level with teacher support
*3= meeting grade level standards
*4= exceeding grade level standards
Not every child will be a 3 or a 4 at everything. Sometimes, children learn best when
they are working through teacher support. I will do my best to keep you updated on
your childs progress throughout the week. I will send home papers at least twice a
week and sometimes daily for you to review with your child.
Guidance Counselor- Our guidance counselor is Kirstin Phillips. You may contact her by
email with any needs or questions you may have.

HomeworkWe will not be assigning homework in Kindergarten this
year! We will likely be sending home a reading log, though.
We encourage you to read with your kiddo every night!

Independence- This is a HUGE goal for our Kindergarteners. There
are many tasks our kiddos are capable of doing on their own.
Please work on being independent with zipping jackets, tying
shoes, buttoning pants, opening ketchup packets, opening
snacks, opening juice pouches. Please teach them to do it
themselves rather than just doing it for them. You will thank me

Just breathe! Your baby is in good hands!!!

Keep practicing at home! Reading is so important, so you should
be reading to or practicing with your child at home every night.
I cannot stress enough how important this is!

Lunch Accounts- All lunch money should be sent to school in an ENVELOPE or
SANDWICH BAG with your childs name on it. Trust me, it can and will get lost if it isnt
in an envelope. Also, if my EA checks the kids folders and puts money on my desk, I
will not know who brought in loose money.
*Lunch is $2.00 and breakfast is $1.25.
*The lunchroom is set up on a pre-pay system. You may pay in advance for
lunches and milk. You do not need to pay on a daily basis.
*Free and reduced lunch applications are available in your parent packet.
You are responsible for all lunches until you are approved.
*Ice cream can be purchased on Friday for $0.50.
*Kindergarten has only 25 minutes for lunch.
*Visitors are encouraged during lunch time, but please be sure to kiss your
child good-bye before we head back to the classroom unless you have set up a
volunteer time.
Library- Your child will get to check out 2 library books at a time this year. Please
make sure to keep them in their backpacks if they arent reading them. If they
become lost, you will be responsible for paying for them.

Math- We will be working a lot on numbers, counting, addition,
subtraction, and shapes this year! Your child will count to 100,
add and subtract in their heads within 5, and build geometric

Newsletter- I will be posting a weekly newsletter on the website to keep you informed
of our classs happenings.
Nurse- Please take ALL medications to our nurse in the office. I cannot even
administer a cough drop! I will send your child to the nurse if he or she isnt feeling

Outside- Please be sure to have your child wear a jacket to
school on the cool days. We can go outside for a bit as long as
it is 32 degrees or above! We may even play in the snow (if we
ever have any)!

Parent Conferences- We have 2 scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences. Any
time you feel a conference is needed, please contact me.
Physical Education- Your child will need tennis shoes for gym. They will not
accept any type of sandal or heels. They will be penalized if they forget, so
please be sure to send them in. My advice is to keep a pair in their

Quick Goodbyes- Leave dry eyes. You may walk your child to class
for the phase in days and Friday and drop him or her off at the
door to the classroom. The gym opens everyday at 6:45 for
students to wait for class. Also, breakfast is served at that time
as well in the cafeteria. You may join your kiddo for breakfast,
but you must sign in at the front office.

Report Cards- Report cards go home every 9 weeks. Please check your childs
report card and work for skills not yet mastered. Your child will be graded on
specific skills using the numbers 1-4.
Please understand that our report card lends itself to mostly 3s. For
example, your child could not get a 4 for writing name properly. You cannot
exceed grade level expectations for that skill.
Reminders- I will send reminders home using Class Dojo. You will also be able to
get instant feedback about your child throughout the day.

Snacks- Each day we will have a snack helper. To ensure a snack for all
children, we have a snack calendar. Please bring 20 individually wrapped
snacks on your childs snack day. You may bring them early if you need to.
Drinks are also acceptable with snack! They love it! Please bring juice
pouches only- the twist tops spill everywhere and the kids arent able to
open their own water bottles . If you would like to pack an extra snack
for your child in case he or she gets hungry, you may do that as well!
Snow Days- You will be alerted via Rutherford Co. Schools if we are closed.
Use your discretion when driving your child to school.

Transportation Changes- Oh my goodness! Its 2:15 and your child just told me
he is supposed to ride the bus today rather than be a car rider! As you can
imagine, these situations get a little hectic. Stewartsboros policy is that you
must inform us in writing (no emails please) if your child has a
transportation change. No one is allowed in the school doors between 2:00
and 2:30, so please plan in advance for any early dismissals.

Unique- I believe each child is unique! I understand that every
child learns differently and at different rates. I promise to do
my best to be sure to give each child instruction at his or her
own level!

Visitors and Volunteers- I love them!! However, all visitors must sign in at the
office and have an appointment. Please fill out the volunteer form if you are
interested in volunteering in our classroom or at home. If you would like to
come in to our classroom, it is required that you set up a time with me to
minimize distractions to the kids learning!

Website- STE has a website: This has lots of
important info throughout the school year. We also have a class webpage
with lots of useful websites for the kids to work on at home and digital
forms of the newsletter and snack calendars.

eXtra Clothes: Please send a change of clothes (shirt,
pants, underwear, and socks) in case of accidents. I
know that your children are potty trained and most likely
will never have an accident, but there are other
circumstances that could constitute an accident!! Please
be sure their clothes are weather appropriate!

Younger Siblings- It is important that you volunteer without
younger siblings in tow. If you are unable to come in without
them, I have plenty of tasks you could complete at home or the
teacher center. Also, younger siblings arent allowed on field
trips. Thank you for making arrangements. I know how hard this
can be.

ZzZzZzs- Please be sure your child gets 8 -10 hours of sleep
each night. We will have rest time until Fall Break for 20 minutes,
but it is still essential that our little ones get a good nights sleep
at home!

Thank you for coming!

It is going to be a great year! I
am available to answer any
questions you may have!
**Please turn in all forms to me
before leaving tonight!!

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