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Topic: Select one of the following questions and produce a response in the form of an
analytical essay.
How does Boyne use symbolism to explore ideas in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?
How does Boyne use narrative point of view, symbolism and characterisation to explore
Stage 1 English
the idea of childish innocence in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?

How does Boyne use dramatic irony to explore ideas in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?
Semester 2, 2016
In what ways does the author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas explore the impact of
boundaries on the lives on individuals? (Discuss a minimum of two literary techniques
in your essay)

Responding to
texts: Task 2

Assessment: Essay of up to 800 words

Weighting: 25%

Due date: Friday Week 7 (draft due Friday Week 6)

Assessment Design Criteria

Knowledge & Understanding

Knowledge and understanding of ideas and

perspectives explored in texts.

Knowledge and understanding of language

features, stylistic features, and conventions to
make meaning.


Knowledge and understanding of ways in which

texts are created for a range of purposes and



Analysis of the relationship between purpose,

audience, and context, and how they shape
Analysis of how language features, stylistic
features, and conventions are interpreted by



Analysis of intertextual connections.

Precision, fluency, and coherence of writing and



A Features
Detailed knowledge of ideas explored in the
Thorough exploration of these

Understanding of different perspectives in the
Extensive understanding of techniques
Techniques linked fluently to ideas
Discuss how techniques make meaning and
are used purposely
Essay is formal (no I, no contractions,
nominalized verbs)
Essay is clear with a strong thesis

Written for someone familiar with the novel
and doesnt discuss plot in detail

Insightful analysis of how techniques are used

to impact the reader
Techniques are closely linked to the
exploration of ideas
Analysis is embedded in the essay

Fluent and precise writing (flows well)
Varied sentence lengths
No run-on sentences
Correct spelling and sophisticated vocabulary
Correct punctuation and use of capital letters

Use of appropriate language features, stylistic

* Correct essay structure (including TEEL)
features, and conventions for a range of
* As above
audiences and purposes.
Use of evidence from texts to support
* Quotations and evidence incorporated
conclusions, with textual references incorporated
smoothly into analysis
in responses.

Overall Assessment Result

Word count:____________


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