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Class Presidency

Who was not at church on Sunday or missed a mutual night activity?

Can we send notes, emails, or phone calls to tell them we missed them?
Does anyone need a reminder or special invitation to attend YW?
Who is strugglng with friends, school or family? (Keep confidences!)
How might we lighten their load and/or brighten their day?
Who is having a birthday soon? Can we do something special for them?
How can we extend a special welcome to a new class member?
Who is struggling with Personal Progress? How can we help her?
How can we help each young woman succeed in Personal Progress?
Who seems lonely in your class? How can we show friendship to her?
Is there a standard or gospel principle we need to talk about in class?

Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer

Leadership Training
... Treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto
every {young woman}. (Doctrine & Covenants 84:85)

Strengthening Class Members

Watch over and fellowship class members, especially those who are new members or less active and those who have disabilities or other
special needs. Pray for them, spend time with them, and become genuine friends. Review the list at top right, for other ways to serve.

Activity Planning
The term Mutual suggests shared experiences in which there is mutual respect and support for one another and opportunities to learn
together. Mutual activities should provide opportunities to serve others and to develop spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually.

Class Presidency

Who was not at church on Sunday or missed a mutual night activity?

Can we send notes, emails, or phone calls to tell them we missed them?
Does anyone need a reminder or special invitation to attend YW?
Who is strugglng with friends, school or family? (Keep confidences!)
How might we lighten their load and/or brighten their day?
Who is having a birthday soon? Can we do something special for them?
How can we extend a special welcome to a new class member?
Who is struggling with Personal Progress? How can we help her?
How can we help each young woman succeed in Personal Progress?
Who seems lonely in your class? How can we show friendship to her?
Is there a standard or gospel principle we need to talk about in class?

Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer

Leadership Training
... Treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto
every {young woman}. (Doctrine & Covenants 84:85)

Strengthening Class Members

Watch over and fellowship class members, especially those who are new members or less active and those who have disabilities or other
special needs. Pray for them, spend time with them, and become genuine friends. Review the list at top right, for other ways to serve.

Activity Planning
The term Mutual suggests shared experiences in which there is mutual respect and support for one another and opportunities to learn
together. Mutual activities should provide opportunities to serve others and to develop spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually.

Class Presidency

Who was not at church on Sunday or missed a mutual night activity?

Can we send notes, emails, or phone calls to tell them we missed them?
Does anyone need a reminder or special invitation to attend YW?
Who is strugglng with friends, school or family? (Keep confidences!)
How might we lighten their load and/or brighten their day?
Who is having a birthday soon? Can we do something special for them?
How can we extend a special welcome to a new class member?
Who is struggling with Personal Progress? How can we help her?
How can we help each young woman succeed in Personal Progress?
Who seems lonely in your class? How can we show friendship to her?


Is there a standard or gospel principle we need to talk about in class?

Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer

Leadership Training
... Treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto
every {young woman}. (Doctrine & Covenants 84:85)

Strengthening Class Members

Watch over and fellowship class members, especially those who are new members or less active and those who have disabilities or other
special needs. Pray for them, spend time with them, and become genuine friends. Review the list at top right, for other ways to serve.

Activity Planning
The term Mutual suggests shared experiences in which there is mutual respect and support for one another and opportunities to learn
together. Mutual activities should provide opportunities to serve others and to develop spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually.

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