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1 Corinthians 14:2 (NKJV)

For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men
but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the
spirit he speaks mysteries.

Not to Man but God

Praying in tongues is divine plan to communicate direct
to the Father in heaven.

In The Spirit
When you set yourself to pray in tongues, you are setting
yourself in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells and
lives in you permanently. You stir His presence and His
fire when you pray in tongues.
The Apostle John was in the Island of Patmos and he was
in the Spirit on the Lords day. I believe that John was
praying much in tongues continually. It is very important
to know that as believers when you pray in tongues you
are in the Spirit and speaking divine mysteries to God.
The divine mysteries here are the Gods secrets taht are
hidden in Christ. The Lord is calling the endtime church
to a place of revelation and divine and one of the ways to
access these secrets is by praying in Tongues

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