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DISTRICT: MI - 01 Jack Bergman (R)

Date: 5-26-16
Candidate: Jack Bergman
Event: Benzie County GOP Meet & Greet, Thursday, May 26, 2016
at 06:30 PM
A. Papano's Pizza in Beulah, MI
Time of day target began speaking: 7:00pm
Approx. Crowd Size: 30 to 35 people
Approx. Time Spent Talking: 30:00 (Starts at 3:54)
Press Coverage: n/a
Subjects covered: Reducing the Federal Government, Zero Based
Budgeting, Veterans Affairs, Minimum wage, Gun Control
Event Notes: Nice crowd. People seemed energized by Bergman. In
my opinion the most polished candidate out of the three
Speech Notes: if I get my way as a congressman, we're going to
reduce the size of the federal government. We're going to get it out
of the businesses it has no business being in and as an example,
does the department of education educate? No. Okay, so let's get
rid of it.
What I will do when I go to Washington DC is provide leadership
and experience for those other congressmen and congresswomen
who may not have enough experience in life to tell party politics the
way it has become that's the wrong answer going forward.
The key word in gun control is control. Okay, get it out of our...the
second amendment stands as it is, the federal government does not
need to be into gun control. I'm a marine, I don't have guns I have
weapons and I respect them and I know how to use them and I
teach the grand kids. I haven't gotten too far yet because they're
not old enough but I have already some of them how to sharpen an

Full Transcript
Start at 00:03:45
Bergman: This is exciting and Im going to tell you why folks. One
of my main jobs that I worked going through college was
making pizza. This is before Domino's or Little Caesar's
or any of the chains [00:04:19] little farm down in
Southern Minnesota where the best pizzas never left the
kitchen. If we were waiting on our fellow college
students and a few folks would come in from town, the
bottom line is I never had more fun than to interact with
the folks that I met in a place like this. Having you be
here tonight says to me that we are with the Bergman
for congress campaign on the right track with our
mission to become the next congressman from the first
district. Now, there are brochures around here. I'm not
going to sit here and tell you about my bio because
you've already heard Michael very articulately talk about
what's important and the importance of showing up to
vote. The importance of showing up to vote and as
Thomas Jefferson would have said, "As an informed
citizen, know your candidates, know what they stand
for, factor in what they have done already in life that
would prepare them for this next step to become a
United States representative in Washington DC." A
couple of times this evening I was talking with a few of
you about issues that are clearly state level issues.
They're not federal level issues but why that's important
is you can control them locally but if I get my way as a
congressman, we're going to reduce the size of the
federal government. We're going to get it out of the
businesses it has no business being in and as an
example, does the department of education educate?
No. Okay, so let's get rid of it. Let's bring those
processes and responsibilities that are necessary for us
to survive and thrive back into the appropriate levels of
the government. Whether it be State, or County or
below. We as American citizens sometimes unless you
travel internationally don't realize how good we have it.
You take too much for granted but by taking things for
granted we can mislead ourselves on what's important
and what we really need to do to continue to function as
a society. You know because you live in these
communities, you know your neighbors, you know your
communities, you know what's being done right and you
know what's being done wrong. Make sure that you as

active constituents, active voters and active members of

your town or township or wherever get involved. This
country was founded by people who got involved and
the way they got involved was they were willing to
sacrifice it all because they knew what historically had
happened, they did not want to have them happen to
them and their descendants going to forward. Were
broke folks and the rate were spending money in this
country. We're looking at our grandkids and saying,
"Whatever we might pass along to them is going to be
eaten up in the federal debt," so if we don't get control
of the purse strings, if we don't start by actually
balancing a budget, let's put it this way, putting
together a budget through a balanced budget
amendment, anyone here know what zero base
budgeting is? Okay. Bottom line is for those of you who
don't it basically forces every entity to look at all these
processes and what it does and then build their budget.
What it forces them to really do is say, "What are we
doing today that we should continue to do? What are we
not doing today that we need to start doing?" but where
the money goes down the drain is when we keep doing
things that have no bearing on what we should be doing
in the future. Stop that spending. It drains money. It
drains precious resources. Balance the budget, zero
base budgeting, use the constitutional framework to
make sure that the decisions that we make are the best
ones for the greater good. That means going to
Washington DC in my case, by the way, Im not going
there to become part of the fraternity. This is not
another step in my career ladder. I'm already a member
of the finest fraternity in the United States and I would
suggest you in the World, the United States military.
Hoorah! I'm a little [00:09:23] as a marine but then
again my dad was in the Navy so he squared me away
early on to the error of my ways but he supported me
every bit of the way and Ive already talked to a
gentlemen here, we were together in July '72 in
Vietnam. So, the connections that you make at these
events or at other events is a source of pride. Think
about how good our country can be if everybody felt
that sense of pride. So, I can tell you why a lot of things
that really have no bearing on what we will discuss
tonight so Im going to stop talking here with the
exception to say now we're going to throw it open for
question and answer so Ill answer your questions but
vote on August the second. So many of us in this room
whether you swore an oath to support and defend the
constitution, whether you swear an oath to serve and

protect and the different levels of law enforcement we

serve everyday. I served for four years in a marine corp
uniform and now I view this as a transition of service to
my country in suit. So, having said that Im so glad
you're here. This is exciting because this motivates me
because you provide us hope through your active
participation. What I will do when I go to Washington DC
is provide leadership and experience for those other
congressmen and congresswomen who may not have
enough experience in life to tell party politics the way it
has become that's the wrong answer going forward.
Thank you. Questions?

[00:11:24] Of the overall debt. How would this work

without [00:11:33] until this is all resolved? How would
you do that?

Bergman: If you knew how many hours I put in from the Marine
Corp service without pay. Are there any guardsmen or
reservists here? No problem. I'll work for free. I'll
go [00:11:51]. What did our country's founding fathers
do? They didnt draw a paycheck over in Washington
DC. In fact George Washington refused to accept
payment. I'm there on a mission.

How would you view [00:12:04] in

California's [00:12:06]?

Bergman: How would I view it?


Yeah, how would you approach it as a congressman

because they're going to come to DC for a bail out, flat

Bergman: The short answer is the government [00:12:16]. We

saw [00:12:18] in 2008.

The way our debt works, as long as we have a federal

reserve we will never ever pay it off. What do you feel
about the idea that...

Bergman: Audit the Fed. I would not make any decisions until the
audit was complete because transparency yields
subliminal sunshine on this so let's see what's there
because when we have manipulation of money at all
different levels the outcome is bad. Audit the Fed.



What's your [00:12:54] on this $15 an hour minimum

wage? [00:13:00] Go downhill.

Bergman: These are the words of a motel owner over in Alpena.

We had this discussion about 3 months ago. She said,
"You know what, Im a business woman. I'm going to pay
my good people more than $15 and Im going to pay the
people that aren't performing less than $15 an hour,"
but she said again, "I'm a business person." If I offer a
wage, let's say it's 15 and nobody shows up, what do I
do? I'm a businesswoman; Im going to offer more
because I need workers. Let the private
sector [00:13:36] its role the wages, the prices and all
of that because the private sector creates jobs. They
create [00:13:46] products, great jobs, it's the supply
chain and all those jobs and the economic flow through
that will create a stable society in the small town where
people have enough money to raise a family and spend
their money in the local area provided that, that social
cohesion that I would suggest to you our country needs
badly because of the fact we have too many folks that
don't understand what it's like to be a member not only
of a family but of a society. Whether it be a big town,
little town, it helps to be good member.

Have you heard of the center for self-governance?

Bergman: Center for self-governance?


Yeah, if I could talk about it a minute. I just discovered it

a week ago or so. They teach applied civics. In other
words, how to actually be effective after you understand
how our government should operate. How to effectively
speak to local, state and federal representatives. It
started in answer to Ben Franklin's comment, no a
woman asked him, "What have you given us?" A
republic if you can keep it. The question was how do you
keep the republic and this if any of you are interested in
this they have five levels of classes and they are
apparently very effective. When people go through
these classes...

Bergman: Before you leave Id like to get that information and get
it down because that's, Im a life long learner folks, you
know, that's the way my...I was raised in a family where
we had all the love and a commensurate amount of
discipline that went with that. We had all the money we
needed; we just didn't need very much. By the way,
anybody here know the secondary use for a burned out

light bulb? I ask this three times, it's when my mother

put one in her sowing kit. I came in as a little kid...


Bergman: [00:16:04] in a sock. Put my sock over it with

the [00:16:08] on it and she [00:16:09]. Okay, but
anyway, the point is back to the basics of civics and
understanding. If you understand how things should
work, understand the responsibilities as a citizen, that's
a long way towards the next best, good step.

Just to say one thing. I want to sponsor one of these

classes, not sponsor one, but have one at my home. I
happen to live up in Glen Arbor and it only takes five
people to commit themselves and I believe it's just a

Bergman: Are you offering pizza? I'm sure we can come up with
the pizza.

If that's what it takes, yeah.

Bergman: So, do they bring an instructor in?


Yes, for five people. You need to pay like $25 I think it is.
That's the first level of class and yes they'll fly in and
start to do it. Please talk to me afterwards, Id be very
interested in having a class.

Bergman: This is what the founding fathers envisioned. People

getting together, learning, discussing difficult issues
from different points of view, understanding the basics,
the framework of what you've agreed to discuss. Not
agreeing at the front end but coming out with a better
understanding of what it is a lot of you to flourish. That's
a great idea. Sir.
you to

Semper Fi. My stubbornness came out [00:17:42] I want

understand that.

Bergman: You didn't have it before going in?


No. Semper Fi for us is always faithful so; Im going to

test you tonight. You know politicians, military men, we
think we both protect the constitution. You see it on your
choir here and I believe strongly in the constitution and I
believe strongly that the men of Benghazi for example
have a right to the truth, to due process of the law. In

Benghazi, I don't know how many of you know of that

three, three seals got killed and ambassador Stevens.
That's all covered up mostly [00:18:30] out of those
committees that they have in Capitol Hill. But there was
an incident. It's much worse than Benghazi. How many
people here know about the US's liberty? Raise your
hands if you know. Very few people. I believe the
constitution, the 5th and the 14th amendment gives you
the right to due process. It says so in the constitution.
The US's liberty was attacked. Seventy percent of
the crew was killed or wounded while it was under
attack the two flights, were maybe you know
admiral [00:19:09] and admiral Tony went up in
that [00:19:13]. They sent off the aircraft to help these
men and they were recalled in midair and after they
were recalled the torpedo boats came out in the ship
and sunk it, they tried to sink it. They killed 125 men,
wounded [00:19:31] then the ship was [00:19:35] with a
40ft hole [00:19:36] you know, listing 15
degrees [00:19:40] and our congressmen and senators
in congress today they don't want to tackle the subject
and the reason is that the Israelis attacked it in the 1967
war. I don't know how much you know about
it. [00:19:57] Memorial cemetery [00:20:00]. Him and
General Davis he was commander of the United States
marine core, admiral [00:20:08] was the highest legal
officer in the United States Navy and
then [00:20:13] was ambassador Atkins. They formed
the [00:20:15] commission because congress refused to
do and they said that the attack was deliberate
including the [00:20:23] investigative resource,
captain [00:20:26]. I have a personal friend that was on
that ship. The only surviving marine, his name was Rice
Lockwood. There's two marines
Jack [00:20:35] and [00:20:36] followed a couple
of [00:20:37] that were killed. Now Jack [00:20:40] and I
talked about this many, many times. I knew the story
much as well as he does. He was awarded the Silver
Star and my question for you is this. When you get your
office, the AIPAC will come to you and they're going to
ask you, "Are you going to be loyal to Israel?"
the [00:21:05] have any problems with, the problem
that I have with is are you going to be more loyal to
Israel than you are to men in the US of liberty? That's
the question Id like you to answer. If you get in office
who are we going to be loyal to? Are we going to follow
the constitution, the 5th and the 14th amendment, are
we going to be loyal to our Marines or are we going to
be strictly loyal to Israel [00:21:27]? No matter what

people do and what they say, if you question it you're

called an anti-Semite and everything is swept under the
rug and people just renounce support to the crew of
the US's liberty and the reason nobody knows here
about it is because the Government has hidden it so
well. That was their purpose to hide it so well. Thank
Bergman: You've given me my first mission.


Bergman: Anything else? Sir.

Mission two. The Veterans administrationhow would
we deal with
Bergman: Where would you like me to start?
I'd like you to go the same way as the board of
Bergman: There is, I have a lot of detail and a lot of history in
dealing with the VA but only from the standpoint of
transitioning records. When it doesn't make a difference
which service it is but in my case it was the marine core.
When a young marine or soldier, sailor or airman or
coastguard, you know whom ever, leaves active service
their records both personnel and medical transfer
through the system. I was Department of Defense and
actually end up depending on their commitment, now
Im starting to build a watch and again I apologize
because again I have so much detail and history in this
subject. I'll get to the end here. If we don't continue to
do two things; Number 1, streamline is not a strong
enough word because that means you assume the
process that you already have is working but create the
process that allows those records, both personnel and
medical, to float through the system so when that vet
gets back into the care outside of the Department of
Defense that whatever their dealing with at that time
they're immediately taken up and care continue. Or, in
the case of someone not needing care that their records
are such that when they do need care and they go into a
VA clinic or they go into a VA service office somewhere
that you pull it up and go, "Here we are right in the
system. Let's start from here." There was until 2007,
there was really no hand on it. It was kind of like the box
went here and then hopefully somebody from the

department came and picked it up. That's one side. Let's

talk about the health care side. Would you agree that
quality of healthcare is number one? Okay. Accessibility
of healthcare would be second and affordability,
regardless of the healthcare, is third because if it's free
and it's not any good it's not worth it. Okay, so why the VA has the VA choice card but why
wouldn't you as a veteran be able to have the same
primary care doctor as your spouse? You go to the same
hospital, It's Munson or its you know McLaren or it's
whereever it happens to be. You don't have to go
to Saginaw but the bottom line is you make it accessible
and then where it branches off where that veteran has
an issue that is more specific to VA capabilities. I'll give
you three areas. One, prosthetics. We have young
veterans now surviving. Normally they would have
wounds that would have taken their lives now with the
body arm and everything they're surviving. The
prosthetics, we are the leaders as the United States
military in some of the prosthetic development. That
should be very robust within the veterans
administration. Two, traumatic brain injury. With these
explosions comes traumatic brain injury. There are four
centers of excellence in the VA: Palo Alto, California,
Minneapolis Minnesota, Richmond Virginia and Tampa
Florida. They started now 14 years ago because we
knew what was happening so they have developed
some procedures and rehabilitative procedures within
that specific area that again I would suggest you should
stay within the confines of the VA because we have the
data that shows what works and what doesn't work.
Third, is general behavioral health, okay
not [00:26:15] but general behavioral [00:26:16]. Post
traumatic stress, we can all experience it and it comes
in different forms but I would suggest to you that
veterans talking to veterans about those issues that are
challenging for them, those are those three areas that
the VA should remain strong and other than that we
don't need big VA hospitals. Maybe it's right depending
on where you live. If there is one there, okay, keep it
going but basically put the VA in a position where it
actually serves the veterans and does in timely manner,
that's a long answer but because I have a lot of history
in it already I know what the priorities I believe need to
be within the veterans affairs committee and Congress
and then within the veterans affairs department. But
there's a lot of business being done. Remember I was
talking about how to use zero base budgeting, stop
doing the things you don't need to do. The VA's got a

pulmonary share in that.


The VA should be held accountable for what they're

doing and why should we have to pay bonuses for
bonehead decisions that are made. That's got to stop.

Bergman: That's another touchy subject, while touchy for some

people not touchy for me. I don't understand this bonus
system in the federal government.

I don't either.

Bergman: [00:27:43]

Ive been in a three VA [00:27:54]. The day before

yesterday I was in Traverse City. Monday I was in
Grayling. They're all telling me the same thing. My pain
in my head. I don't have [00:28:16] so I suffered for 60
years [00:28:20].

Bergman: We're probably going to have some VA specific forums, I

know going forward here before the second of August
so [00:28:30] we may just do that will allow us to talk
about those very specific things.

I can add something to that, you know, my good friend

Dr.Wagner [00:28:40] people know him here. One of the
greatest [00:28:44] he fights with the US [00:28:46] and
he volunteers to drive Veterans in the disabled Veteran
van program. Ford Motor Company gives you
the car/bus for $15,000, put some stickers on it. Hell
drivehe doesn't do it anymore now. He's over 80
now. 12 hours a day. Hell go to Ann Arbor and to Grand
Rapids and wait for the people then come back. That's
crazy, they could be going up to Traverse City. It's crazy.


Sir, I can second that. I did the same

thing [00:29:21] three years ago and many times when
they pick a guy up in Traverse City [00:29:28] hospital
and will say though the hospital in Ann Arbor is probably
with the best one they got, one of the best because
right next door is this huge hospital that says The
University of Michigan on it and doctors from the
University of Michigan serve in the VA hospitals. Some of
the guys really have serious problems...

Bergman: And that's one of those things that make sense where
you have VA hospitals and they're put there because
there are large medical schools right next to them so

those residents can get the training especially when it

comes to Veterans. I'm not saying shut it all down. What
makes sense for the area youre in, when you look at
first district of Michigan what have we got? We've got
the VA in Kingsford and then the closest thing we've got
to full-blown hospital here is Saginaw right? Am I
missing something? Okay

And Saginaw is a good hospital.


I just wonder what you're going to do when you get to

Washington and you're hit with the bathroom situation.


Im going to the Mens.


I guess you don't want this young lady in the restroom

with a man. Last week I was in Lansing, the state board
of education that [00:31:05] EIELE said you know this
whole bathroom fiasco is just to mislead the public.
The core issue is hiring gay teachers. Now you're from
Michigan, we had 11 states this week, you know through
the...that wasn't Michigan and you've go to realize the
champion of the State board of education, Doctor John
Austin, you know is a democrat is controlled by
democrats and the core issue is hiring gay teachers.
What are you going to do?

Bergman: Im going to get the federal government out of

education, number 1; it's a state issue. Let the states
get the federal government out of the businesses that
they're not suppose to be in. Does the department of
energy produce energy? No.

Hot air.

Bergman: Okay, who do we have for army vets here? Okay, should
the army be in the big [00:32:10] balloon business?
Probably not, okay. Should the the Marine corp dance
for a living? Probably not. We have all we can do to keep
our feet going forward and back not side to side. The
point is design your agencies to actually function in a
society that needs them for the future. Number 1, we're
not going to solve this overnight. When I made the
comment about zero base budgeting, it's not one year
doing it. It'll take at least a decade. At least a decade to
get that even close.

Jack's going to stick around. You're not going anywhere?

Bergman: I'm not going anywhere.


Jack's sticking around, Dave's sticking around, Penny....


May I ask one last question? The NRA, do you support

the right to carry, keeping the
government [00:33:06] out of my right to carry...

Bergman: You're going to have rephrase, Im not sure exactly what

you're asking because I can answer it in an honest way
and Ill still get a [00:33:16].

What [00:33:18] does the anti gunners are after our

Bergman: The key word in gun control is control. Okay, get it out of
our...the second amendment stands as it is, the federal
government does not need to be into gun control. I'm a
marine, I don't have guns I have weapons and I respect
them and I know how to use them and I teach the grand
kids. I haven't gotten too far yet because they're not old
enough but I have already some of them how to sharpen
an axe.
Man: [00:33:59] Is sticking around...

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