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The area of recreational and Leisure has come to be recognized in the Philippines it is an
important context for child and adolescent development.

The participation in leisure and

recreational activity by young people is also seen as obtaining positive benefits for society since
it cause the amount of time available for engagement in anti-social behavior (Darling and
Caldwell 1999). It is producing well to young people because of the opportunities for
socialization and peer interaction that leisure lounge activities offer and because of the physical
benefits and psychological benefits. To know more about lounge here are some background that
will help readers to understand its role. Leisure is about the person's what to do when are free
time. In the Philippines, leisure times are the people can to do fun activities, non-working
activities and family activity such as hobbies. Here are the common forms of leisure activity such
as running or lifting weights, watching television and movies, playing games such as chess or
cards, hobbies such as playing guitar, piano, sewing, and knitting, listening to music, traveling,
book clubs and reading.
According to Mutrie and Biddle 2008, physical activity either structured or unstructured
physiological well-being and associated with positive health. It is commonly referred to as
leisure-time physical activity; both exercises and sport belong to a class of physical activities
during free time.

The World Health Organization maintain exercises to improve health

components of fitness, namely, muscular fitness, cardiovascular fitness, body composition,

flexibility, as well as balance, a skill-related component fitness associated with functioning
among older adults. However, many people in the Philippines turn to physical activity obtain
instrumental benefits such as avoidance of illness, health, fitness and sometimes at the advice of
health care professionals. The bodily appearance combination with other lifestyle affect the

changes of nutrition and also diet, for other extrinsic reasons such as to lose weight and achieve
personal goals related to bodily appearance.
Most communities have a lounge that recognizes the activism of the groups. Lounges
originally created to provide students with the opportunity to interact with one another to a
relaxed and open environment. Today, minority culture lounges and multicultural are still serve
this purpose and have expanded the ever changing needs of residents of all social identities. In
the minority culture lounges and multicultural are the primary meeting place for the people.
These lounges serve for the reflection and learning for all residents.

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