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Make sure you are

dressed appropriately,
use a neutral
(don't put
background, smile but
'curriculum vitae' in your header,
don't grin, look
p t a i n Ifoyou
b vare
ious, the recruiter is not a moron)
not mom's prettiest or if
Position, specialty or degree
people have told you
phone number email website or linkedin - other contact details
that your looks are very
different from your
personality, leave the
damn photo.


Catchy headline where you emphasise a few key strengths that you have for the job and also the
kind of job-- and even the kind of employer-- that you're looking for. Dare to be bold and use this as a
hook to capture the recruiter his attention, but avoid catch-all concepts like 'flexible', 'teamplayer',
'sociable' and so on. Be specific. Recruiters usually don't like to read; a quick glance at your resume
should suffice to know what you are about. So don't hesitate to put words in bold throughout your cv,
use clear headers, bullets, and so on. Make sure you come off as authentic, likeable, passionate,
reliable and unique.

Optional. Here you can put your age, driver's license, where you live, your
marital status, all that stuff.


M O S T R E C E N T J O B : company (city), period

Summary of your responsibilities and achievements. Keep it short, recruiters
have lives as well so they usually do not bother reading a resume that's five
pages long. Also make sure you're using reverse chronology. Don't list irrelevant
jobs, nobody cares you flipped burgers while you were in college. If you have
large employment gaps - explain them. Do not refer to illness or rehabilitation,
they suggest you might be a high risk jobseeker. Write about something you
were doing during that time, like "2011-2012: travel". Or "full time mom"; ...
J O B B E F O R E T H A T : company (city), period
Proin eu tinciduntsapien. Quisque semper, diam in molestiecommodo, magna
nisltempusdolor, egetfringillalectusurnavelipsum.


M O S T R E C E N T D E G R E E : Institution (City), period

Rather than just saying what it is you're doing in a line or two-- you would want
to say a bit about the content, or the degree, or the programme. I'd just
sample the content and then add any relevant skills that you feel you've
developed, particularly from doing the educational programmes-- so
teamworking, lab skills, analytical problem solving skills, and so on.
D E G R E E B E F O R E T H A T : Institution (City), period
Avoid listing your high school or primary school, unless you haven't obtained a
higher degree. If you have uncompleted degrees you should list them as well.
List it like this: Communcation Studies, Ghent University (Ghent), 2011
(uncompleted). You can still list relevant courses you took.


S O F T W A R E : you're talking about additional skills-- any hard, measurable

skills-- like language proficiencies, IT competencies, and so on. Use the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages if possible.
L A N G U A G E S : Tempor, Pellentesque habitant, Nunc ac magna,
Maecenasodiodolor, Pellentesque cursus, Pellentesqueporttitor, Cras non
magna, Vivamus a mi meque.


it's also good to say a bit about your wider interests and achievements. So if
you're a student, you've maybe been involved on a committee with a student
society; being a class rep; you maybe play on a team sport. Anything that's
active and social is usually good for a CV, but try to put hobbies and interests
that you think your potential employer will relate to most. And it helps enhance
what you say you offer as a good, all-round candidate. Usually, you would say
at the very end, at least "References available on request" or you can add in
two referees with their names, job titles, and contact details.

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