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Gender Stereo Typing

it makes little difference to most

students whether they are taught by a
man or a woman. It is the quality of the
teaching, not the gender of the teacher,
that matters.
while teachers treat male and
female students differently, this is true for
both female and male teachers. The
gender of the teacher has little or no
effect on how they treat girls and boys.
while women and men can teach
girls well (or poorly), if students never see
women teaching math or science, the
myths about who does and doesnt do
math and science are reinforced.

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Gender stereotyping means simplistic
generalizations about the gender attributes,
differences, and roles of individuals and/or
Stereotypes can be positive or negative, but
they rarely communicate accurate information
about others.
*When someone is making a generalization or
classification about something or someone
without a rational basis and relating the reason
on the gender of that person, that is gender
A very common example, Sino ba ang susunod
sa yapak mo chief? Wala, puro babae yung anak
Another, in giving gifts to a boy or a girl, girls
usually have dolls, boys have toy cars. Without
thinking what do they really want.
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Stereotypes can occur within different
ethnic groups, social classes, religious
groups and opposite sexes
Lower class people are uneducated.
Men are stronger than women.
Policemen are womanizers.
*Gender stereotyping is in a way, discrimination
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Girls learn better from female

Roles models must always be
of the same sex as the student.

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Why do stereotypes occur?
Stereotypes arise as a way of
explaining or justifying differences
between groups
Lack of exposure to other groups,
cultures, etc.
Influence of media.
*even in the old times kasi, people are always
looking for a way to explain the unknown.
Whenever they observe something, they would
draw a conclusion and sometimes those
conclusions are mainly drawn for the sake of
explaining. Basta may masabi lang na
Lack of exposure. A little knowledge is a
dangerous thing. In Dubai, on a business
meeting, a lady should not shake hands with a
man. Never smile to a man because they would
think that you like them in a romantic way.
Policemen are slow. CSI investigates fast
Insanity defense. (How to get away with murder)
Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
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Some female teachers feel that
being a woman is enough to
encourage girls, and it isnt
necessary to do anything else.
Some male teachers feel that it
isnt possible to reach girls so
it isnt necessary to try.
Some adults and students feel
that girls avoid classes taught
by men.
SOLUTIONS Explain to others:

Why do gender stereotypes persist?

It is a common belief that because
men are the principal producers in
modern society that this has always
been the case.
2. Research's Emphasis on Differences
Social science research is based on
a search for differences. Since we dont
look for similarities, we dont find them
and thus perpetuate an overemphasis on
the differences between girls and boys.

3. The Allure of Oversimplification

Complexity is hard, simplicity is
easy. To deal with complexity we often

revert to simplicity we tend to

categorize and make judgments based
on that categorization.

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