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That they will give out.

Good morning. And very pleased to be here. As david mentioned maine is very
hostile on the executive director of the open our alliance. I'm very excited about.
Opportunity for this new standard for i may demand a response. Their reaction. To
open a door has been very positive here. In korea.

In fact we released our latest open two point zero. Profile specification. Last week.
We had over two hundred companies. Download the specification. About twenty
percent. Here from the korean market. So i'm very excited about the level of

I'm also very pleased to announce today that we signed a memorandum of

understanding with smart grid association. To form the alliance korea. In order to
help facilitate open a standard here in the korean market. So we're very committed
to enabling this. Important standard. In korea and. To make investments in this
market. In order to facilitate. Its adoption.

Very excited about this opportunity to stand her. Energy efficiency and buildings.

Thank you very much for her little one. We're doing something that will smother
your peer review on your time horizon and. This whole be. Ok assume you know one
thing you don't ever use and really. The layers there's always hidden. There who still
let you hear your loss when you see how you're one hundred and no one will agree.
You do is invest in my sponsors who are totally wrong in their heart you know how
much is the border. You know what i mean little man i've seen the money go up. You
want to hear what the common. Small amount of going to one hundred years will
look what in my community hostile environment on. None of these you got when i
was already going to head a class and we got change. So i'm going in and out as a
nun. And i don't know can i try to kind of they are not just going to go down i'm
going to war. Goes not going to go. Husband asking well i'm going to get out of
there. One of them turned out as you know i don't i'm not going to be a part of that
when you go with a lot of understand why they don't want another target out there.
You know if you can hunt i'm going to put out some of that a lot and i also don't
want him on a synonym with you know when you get them back. Going on i don't
know i was hard on the western wall. Because of all that i'm going to have done with
it but i was going to happen what will you turn one because there are gaza who got

caught up in and. You know that it doesn't. It doesn't have a clue to how to cope and
of the movie coming out on us or you know i'm going to go. I don't know about this
you know. You know out of up with on i one hundred on on what you're going to use
and i don't we don't know that there's no one we want to open up on the. I'm going
to school you know somebody please some never look at them they're going to quit
because you know what i'm not going to do is how like there's all that i'm going to
you don't know about one hundred billion. You know to do with one another and as
well when it's so hard and i shouldn't be here. Because when i was in the room to
think about it. Somebody else will not know about or. You know like this in the pros
and cons i mean that little.

High level overview of Open Adr alliance and some of the activites
This concept is active in America for over ten years initially started in
california funded by california energy commission.
You know it will take the next few minutes. Some of this concept of california energy
commission that was known throughout the world about three hundred megawatts
control able load with Open ADR 1.0. Open ADR 2.0 is a result of Open Adr 1.0
Specification it was an open source project. As you know Implementation is always
subject to interpretation. So the energy companies were very frustrated with the
lack of interoperability with open ADR 1.0 . So they initiate a new project. To create
what was called open adr 2.0 to create both an industry standard and a testing and
compliance program. And then finally. Mechanism for facilitating industry adoption.
So if we look at the progression. Here. The open a.d.r. alliance was formed three and
a half years ago. In order to bring this open a.d.r. two point zero profile specification.
Two to market. The idea behind this alliance was that if we could combine forces of
companies such as. The initiative we're starting here now in korea. We can facilitate
very rapid adoption of the standard worldwide. By taking their collective brain trust
of the companies participating in the alliance. And build a healthy durable
competitive environment for compatible products. So over the. Over the last three
three and half years we've managed to grow this organization. To just over one
hundred ten companies worldwide.

If we look at this ecosystem we're developing here. It consists of Leading electric

utility, energy aggregators, Control system manufacturers, Consultants
and System operators. And so we have a very broad portfolio. Twenty years that
are participating in this open a.t.r.. Alliance and to do. So ultimately Our goal here is
to facilitate the global adoption of the open a.d.r. standard. Through testing and
compliance program. Through education and. Industry awareness and through
collaboration. And that's why i'm so excited about this new open a.d.r. alliance
korea Organization. So that we can collaborate and establish open a.t.r. as a

national standard here in korea. So open ADR is not a standards. Organization. We

use existing industry standards. The primary source for the open standard came
from a standards organization called. OASIS and. A significant part of that standard
which is called. Energy interoperation 1.0 what is called the open a.d.r.. Profile
specification. Open adr took the profile specification from this standard. And
developed a comprehensive model. To help companies. Implement this. In what
became Opem adr 2.0a and 2.0b. which we were today while walking through in
great detail.

So the industry alliances. In america are fairly popular and common. The idea here
is to create a complementary ecosystem of. Industry representatives. Key
stakeholders and. So the purpose of the alliance is to enable those entities to work
together to facilitate adoption of a the standard. So if you look at our goals there.
We have four principle goals that are very very simple. Number one is. Coordination
with standards organizations on development of open a.d.r. technologies. And i'll
walk you through those. In a moment. Number two is implementation of a global
testing and certification program. We have a partnership with a company called.
Inter tac who currently provides testing and certification services we're now
evaluating whether Inter TAC the right resource here for the korean market. We
signed an agreement with this company and because of their global reach and
global testing. Operations. So we established essentially accomplished the two top
goals. Now we're very focused on education of the standards. Creating
implementation policy and markets and documentation. And today as an example
of. The education types of education programs that we're embarking on. So you'll
start to see many more education. Related programs coming from the open a.d.r.
alliance. And then finally. Adoption of market acceptance. We're working collectively
with members of the open a.d.r. alliance in order to facilitate global adoption of this.
Important standard. And so we will now start to create other open alliance. Entities
or affiliate organizations around the world. The next one will likely be established in
japan which is following now korea. In terms of adoption of the open adr has a
natural standard. So i mentioned the importance of standards and. Standards and
importance open a.t.r. so there may be some foreign terms here that. You're not
familiar with names b. is an american. Organization the. Made up. Consists of
american electric utilities. It's a standards. Organization. This organization. Created
a requirements document. For open a.t.r.. That was agreed by the largest. Electric
utilities in north america.

We also them took. Input from a company called UCA which is also made up of
utilities. Who created use cases. For open a.d.r.. In by combining there were pirates
document. In the use cases we were able to assemble a standard. Which went
through OASIS Energy Interoperation Technicle Committee.

Now the basis of that was the open adr 1.0 Specification. This i r c i r c stands for
independent system operator. And regional transmission operator. Commission. This
is a group of the system operators in north america. I think there are. I think there
are thirteen. Of them in north america. And they look after the energy markets with
input from them as well. Now we're starting to look at how open a.d.r. fits into the
common information model which is supported by the international standards
organisation called IEC. So all this input went into the oasis Standard. It was
published in the form of a profile by the open a.d.r. alliance. And now we have taken
that. Standard platform and. Introduced it into the IEC. And we're working with IEC
to create a global standard for open a.d.r. there to pass that we're working on one.
Is with a project committee called PC118. Which is now
except open a.d.r.. As a as a standard and. Is working at through what's called a
priority action standard of ips. So we'll have IEC. Reference rental standard within
IEC in a very short period of time in a parallel world working with an IEC committee.
On the common information model called. TC57WT21 and. That will be a multi-year
effort to get open a.d.r.. Adapter layer. Incorporated. So that those utilities who have
who support the sim can develop a canadian or programs. So if we look at a typical
chart looking at the challenges and constraints on the electrical grid.

You can see that. The common problem we're trying to solve here. Is shaving this
peak we're shifting the peak. Into an off peak period. So it's very common worldwide
for utilities to experience a shortage of electricity. At a peak period which typically is
from twelve to seven pm .In america is not uncommon for utilities to call for a d.v.r.
event during during that time frame and. Either implement that through some type
of low controlled program or. Now more recently thanks to open a.d.r.. There are
more market based programs. So we actively been able to shift that peak and
reduce the need for special. Spinning reserves coming from peaker power plants or
from from other sources of electricity.

So we're now shifting electricity into this off peak period. But now some electric
utilities are starting to worry about the adoption of electric vehicles. In the creation
of another peak. In this off peak period so. Standards like open a.t.r. can help
mitigate that by moving customers into market based programs where you're using.
Price. As a way to incentivize customers in order to use electricity when it's least
expensive. So if we look at the open a.d.r. model. This is maybe a little more
complicated than that it has to be but the idea here is that it's pretty simple what
we're creating is a relationship between the energy service provider. And the end
customer service provider can be electric utility or. A system operator. They have a
server up here which we call a virtual top node a v.p.n.. Just open adr server if you
like it's not uncommon for. Energy aggregators. To also participate in a demand

response market. So we can support communication between that head and server.
And a third party cloud service provider. And then from there. Either. The open a.d.r.
signal can be sent over the internet. In a secure way. Using simple h.t.t.p. or. X m p
p. Protocol. To the customer. Location in the case of this cloud. Example. What we're
seeing particularly with smart thermostats. Is open adr signal. Going from one.
Server to another server. And then that server repacking to see the information in
kind of a proprietary simplified. Format and sends it to a client device like a
thermostat. Or an air conditioning unit or electric water heater or other simple
consumer. Devices. So really what we're talking about here is. Is a data model it's
not a can command a control. Model so we're we're not turning things on and off
we're sending in a price. Or event signal. Once that secure. Communication is made
with to the customer. And again the customer can be a consumer or residence.
Commercial or industrial. Application. So when the message comes in. Esi is as an
energy system interface or services interface in the in the case of a home area
network you could have a wide area connection. Broadband to the home and
then translate that into a home area network protocol like zigbee wiFI or home plug
or. Fast PLC that you have here in the korean market. To communicate with
consumer products and appliances. In the case of a building management system.
Probably not going to communicate with zig bee you're probably going to
communicate with backnet modbus or some other building energy system. And then
in industrial plants are probably interfacing with some type of scada system which
again could probably be based on mod buss or some proprietary industrial feel by
us. The idea then is that once the message reaches that customer location and the
customer then. has in. Energy strategy that they use in order to manage results of
this signal so again we're in a price based program. Once that. That price change.
Hits the customer. The logic of them lives within the customer domain to react to
that new signal. So what we're. Affectively doing is introducing a new level of
energy efficiency. Into each of these three demands. So that. As the signal comes in.
Based on the escalation. Strategy that's implemented you could do simple things
like dimming the lights or. Or doing a temperature offset. You know facility. And then
of the severity of the DR event. Increases you can do things like changing the
variable frequency drives of rooftop units. Or even turning them off or scaling them
down. So there's a tremendous amount of opportunity here for innovation. To take
advantage of open a.t.r. standard. As it relates to each of these application
demands. We're also seeing tremendous innovation. On the server side of things
where many of the companies that are building. Open a.d.r. servers are creating.
meta data. Databases so that they can provide. Location based demand response.
So they can specifically look at customer profiles for. Energy consumption and
inefficiency and. One of the strongest by products that we're seeing is a movement
towards what it called in solar resurfaces. So the energy provider. Is able to look at
the amount of available controllable load. That sitting out here and. Within within a
few seconds. Can look at an immediate reaction. Based on the controllable load in
the customer domain and start getting that load to use the congestion. Of the grid.
In order to avoid brownouts and potentially. Blackouts. So there is a trend towards

what we call fast d.r.. We're also seeing some projects in america involving. The
integration of renewables wind and solar. In. As you know those are interment
Sources of electricity. And they can tend to cycle down very quickly within minutes.
So. Open adr is being used as a way to help balance that grid power. Situation and.
So you'll start to see a number of projects emerging worldwide where. Open adr
used for. Vastly dr type of applications which would fit very well i think here in the
korean market. So we start to look at some of the benefits associated with this
important industry standard.
I understand that there's a relatively new market here. In korea. for. Energy
aggregators to participate in the energy market.

What it's our belief that by having an industry standard model and. By getting
manufacturers to build open a.d.r. directly into equipment for lighting for
appliances. For building management systems. We can start to dramatically
increase the level of participation of customers in demand response programs some
particular item automated demand response programs. We can also predictably.
And reliably look at at the load. Characteristics of of the grid. And we can use the
information contained within that open a.d.r. domain. To see how much control the
load. Is accessible how fast it can react. And how long people are willing to
participate in a program.

So the key with any program is trying to incentivize customers to participate in a d r

program. This requires a significant amount of sales.

It's our belief that if open a.d.r. is integrated directly into customer products. Then
we can ease the process. For customers to participate.

Programs. And then on top of that. It's possible for you till it is service providers
and system operators. To offer additional services to customers. To participate in
programs for example of course for the residential market. Companies could offer
energy management services. In order to help customers. Participate in these
programs make their domains more efficient. So we see a number of benefits from
the utilities. The other benefit that's not going to identified here but i think is the
most important. Is. while energy. Aggregators do a very good job of mitigating that
risk and providing access to controllable load. The problem is most of those
interfaces are proprietary. So with open any are we can eliminate the risk of

stranded assets in the marketplace. Have a standardized. Customer interface. Then

if a customer wants to move to a different program or change. The equipment
they're using it in their homes. They can do that without throwing away. Equipment.
So this becomes very important particularly if the market here ends up being.
Deregulated. I give you an example in california san you have a gas and
electric. Who's a member of the open a.d.r. alliance has 2 megawatts of
control loads through an aggregator. And they're having trouble now
because that aggregator has left the california market. And so now they
have two megawatts of stranded assets. Sitting out there that they have
they've been on an open a.d.r. program. They could just move those
customers to a different service provider. On the customer's side of things. In
order to participate in a d r program today. The aggregators need to install special
equipment on the customer site. That's tied directly to their service to their servers
in the service platform. So by having open a.t.r. standardized and built directly into
control systems and. Equipment the open a.v.r. interface essentially comes. Comes
for free it will be an embedded component. In those systems. So we're looking at a
significant reduction in labor costs. Because you won't need an installer to go make
a site visit. We can increase our program incentives. By including d.r. performance
what that means is that. To participate in a d r program. In the states and in
particular in california typically. Commercial industrial customers receive three
hundred dollars per kilowatt. Of savings. So for every. Every kilowatt that they give
out during the d.r.. Event. They receive a rebate from the energy provider or the
utility or. For three hundred dollars. A large building you can imagine that.
Compensation a reward for to saving energy a program could be quite lucrative. So
some incentives are important. We're also seeing that with the implementation of
open a.t.r.. There's a particular focus on energy efficiency in facilities. One of the
biggest problems with with commercial buildings. Is that facility managers are very
focused on the control strategy and not the energy strategy within a building. So
with open a.d.r. it changes the way that facility managers think of managing their
facility so it's not strictly an issue. Of hot and cold calls now what we're seeing is the
development of an energy strategy so that as the price of electricity variance the
building has the ability to take now likely. Adapt to the price of. Of electricity. So the.
Energy efficiency strategy. Means that the building. Instead of paying more for
electricity. Flat lines the. The electricity bill by adjusting its consumption
automatically so. We're eliminating the human component that's been limited and
brought down the broad based. Acceptance of a p.r.. Programs. And again if open
a.v.r. is built directly in energy management systems and building management
systems there's really not a need to pay for additional. Expensive equipment talk
about financial list incentives and assistance identifying load control or
curtailment strategies. This is another opportunity program pennies in the korean
market. In order to help customers create best practices. For ways to participate in
the use auto dealer programs. And help them build. Energy efficiency strategies and
implementation programs. So they can participate in these curtailment programs.
So what's really driving this whole movement toward automated demand response.

Will number one open a d r two point zero is an industry standard in and will very
soon be in international standard. Standards very important. Obviously in order to
create an open durable. Competitive environment. There are now about one
hundred companies developing open a.d.r.. Products an interface in this that i'm
aware of. I think that that number could be significantly higher. I was looking at the
number of companies that have downloaded our profile specifications this morning.
And we're approaching two thousand downloads of. Our profiles specification. So as
i look at that it gives me an indication that there's. There are many more companies
that are working on implementations then. Then our members of the alliance. The
role of the alliance then. In this is to make sure that the products that are
implementing open adr are. Are indeed compliant and. Interoperable with all.
Interoperability is key to this whole equation. This also means that the
implementations will be less expensive because we have a standardized interface
we don't have special equipment. Anymore to spend in these programs and. In
terms of. Industry adoption we have very strong adoption of open a.d.r. worldwide.
Here in korea japan australia. North america. In the u.s. and canada as well as in
europe. Starting in in the french market. This chart i know is a little hard to see this
was data provided by a market research company called navigant. Research based
in the u.s.. They produced a market research study a year and a half ago on the
market for open a.d.r. and. You can see. See here that. Pacific. Like twenty. Eighteen.
Will have the lion's share of the open a.d.r. implementation worldwide. So i spoke
with the. Research project manager last week and pointed out that. I thought eighty
thousand was pretty conservative for twenty eighteen. If we look at it at just the
california market alone 2 utilities pacific gas and electric. In northern california and
southern california edison. Are implementing open a.d.r. programs. This summer
and. Just focused on their small medium sized business customers. They will signal
handedly. Pull in five hundred thousand. Open adr sites. In the next. Next few years.
So we're going to see you know. Eighty thousand and we'll probably will probably hit
eighty thousand sites. Easily next year. So in conclusion. What we're providing here.
Is is an exciting standardized interface for. Demand response.

We're very excited about the opportunities that this standard brings to the market in
the industry and in particular here through. Companies playing. Participating in the
in the korean market. We think this creates an exciting. Market opportunity for
companies to build and innovate new products and solution. The nice thing about
open a.d.r. is that it automates the functions of demand response. Traditionally and.
I'm not sure how your aggregator role works here in korea but typically. With
aggregators it's a manual response process where an aggregator physically. Picks
up the phone calls the end customer and asked interpretable load in this case.
They're the really to automate. That function. But more importantly it's not an issue.
Of turning things off what we're able to do is change the way. The energy market is
structured by focusing more on energy prices. And grid stability. And then finally we

provide a way to to simple the adoption and of automated demand response and
the way the grid operates. So open a.d.r. is becoming a grid balancing standard.
And technology in order to make up for the difference in. Supply and demand for
energy in the market. So without tennis with my. My speech i don't know what you
want to do about questions. You want to take those now or later.

Thank you thank you very cynical and all but it's mine i do feel and she'd see
images that. They don't dig that i thought i'd like to thank you. Down the toilet. And
get to a little. Open a gate and we'll get through to them. You know you want. You
know you can open a stand here and i will talk to someone more than they're going
to do when. And when it will not settle it can do it and i did see that and. Give me
just one moment to get the treatment. Oh yeah ok. I think that i am ready got a
good morning everybody. My name is jim zuber and. I am the best architect. For
quality logic. And i have a presentation. And then we will get into the heart of. My
presentation. The goals that i have for this presentation. Are to provide you with a
good conceptual understanding of. Open a.t.r. two point zero and more than just.
Conceptual understanding. I want to give you a good detail. Technical and
understanding of open a.d.r. so that when you go back to work on thursday and. Not
only kind of vaguely understand. Open a.d.r.. But you know enough to get started.
You know where just. What documents to look. You know what. Schemas to look at.
So that you can start doing real work with. Open a.d.r.. And i'm also going to provide
you with an understanding of the various tools that are available to cast. And work
with open a.d.r.. And how the certification process works how you take a product
that you have in. Your development environment and. Get it certified. So the agenda
for the next two days. In general will be.

Today. We will be talking about the background barry. Introduced a little bit of the
background. About open a.d.r. but i'll go into it in a bit more detail. We'll talk about
the broad conceptual framework that. Open a.t.r. resides in. Then we will drill into
the event. Object that's the heart. Open a.t.r. and will end the day by talking about
the a profile. Which is a simple easy to implement. Profile for open a.t.r.. Tomorrow
will start out by looking at the certification process. We'll have a demonstration of
some of the tools that you use to test open a.t.r.. And the balance of the day will be
spend on the b. profile which is a little bit more complex. But it has some very
interesting features such as availability schedule. Reporting and registration. And
things of that nature. So a brief introduction of quality logic. Quality logic has been
developed been developing. Test tools and helping develop test standards. For a
little over twenty five years. We're headquartered in the united states and southern
california are headquartered in boise idaho and our research and development.

Facility. Are in southern california and. We are involved in basically five industries.
Smart grid. That's why i'm here. But we also get involved in the consumer
electronics. Telecom the web. Market. And the software market. With tools such as
protocol analyzer interoperability simulators. Conformance test for things that

Most of these projects. Up here are things that quality logic has been involved in.
Certainly the open a.t.r. alliance which is why i am here. But we've also been
involved in some interesting. Us government funded projects for things like
transacted control. We've done work. Attempting to map multi-speed. To the smart
energy profile. Certifications for trauma itron and in a variety of other projects. In
the in the smart grid over the past five years. So my involvement and quality logics.
Involvement in open adr 2.0. Has revolved around our relationship with the open
a.d.r. alliance where we have developed the test specification. And the test harness.
For open a t r two point zero. And we were also a significant technical contributor. To
both be A standard. And to the B standard and. I served as the. Co-editor. For both
the schema and the test specification for the be profiled. So quite familiar with the a
and b. profile. After each. Presentation. We will set aside a little time for a question.
But i will also make myself available during the breaks. And the meal. And after the
eat after the day's session. If there are any questions that i might be able to answer.
One on one. And i have also provided my email address. If you have questions
either. During the session. Or after the session. I'm happy to answer any questions
that i can about. Open a.t.r. two point zero we want you to be successful with your
efforts with. With two point zero. Ok let me put the next. Presentation on
a little then there's another one of them when they're on they're going to have in
the killer and opening lines and you know that there's this week. We're nice we get
double digits you know when you say. You know. But then didn't you have one of
them. So you can see them when you go and do it when you're only in space but
one thing we need to. I need someone to just you know and it's one of the ward in
the wild or. Hi to me because i took it to begin with i do like you need to let me
break out in the on air and then what it does it just
let me echo. David's comments. The workshop will be much more enjoyable. For all
of us. If you hear someone's voice other than mine. You ask a question. And we
have some dialogue. Many times. Someone will ask a question that the whole
audience is wondering about. And it generates some very interesting conversation.
So please do not be shy to ask questions. So i'm going to go through a brief
background presentation about open a.t.r.. I know. Most of you work in this space
and you understand what. Open to what the man responds to very with the open
a.d.r.. Alliance this morning. Provided you some background. Information so. I'll try
hard not to duplicate some of the information that he has already provided. The let's

start out by defining what is demand response and i. I like this definition. Demand
response. Changes in electrical use. By demand side resources. From their
normal consumption patterns. In response to changes in the price of
electricity or to incentive payments. Designed to induce lower electrical
you. It kind of market prices are when system reliability is jeopardized. So
in one sentence. That sort of captures the act and what we're talking about. With
demand response and. Very touched on this a bit there are many different
strategies that you can use to shape the load from. Energy efficiency programs to
sort of a real time. What we call regulation response or. Open a.d.r.. Is primarily
targeted at these two areas here in price response. Causing our. Preprogrammed strategies to be triggered by changes in price. Or by peak
shaving by testifying in your demand response advance. Specific load level
objectives that cause the load to be shifted or. Taken off line.

So these two areas here are the primary focus for open a.d.r. there's or with some of
our signalling that it might get into this reliability that would sponsor here ia but this
is going to be the primary focus of the presentation today. In the u.s.. There is a
wide diversity. Demand response programs that i'm obviously not going to go
through this entire list But there's many many different ways. That utilities. Design
demand response programs and one of the things we attempted to do with open
a.d.r. is to make sure that we had enough flexibility. Enough different signal pipes
reporting. Mechanisms to be able to accommodate the majority of the. Demand
response programs that we were told we were aware of. Similar chart to the one
that. Barry presented. A trial that was done by. Lawrence livermore berkeley
labs and it simply shows the effect of. A demand response or a band with a purple
line representing a baseline and. The black line representing the actual. Load. As a
result of a d r event.

So you can see from the graph that and i think all of you already are aware of this.
That demand response. Programs can have a significant impact on. On load.
Traditional demand response programs are pretty primitive. It might be something
along the lines of a temperature event. A utility becoming aware that the. They're
reaching their capacity to generate electricity. Somebody. Picking up a telephone
and. Making a telephone call to a commercial facility. And asking the facilities
manager. To initiate some kind of load shedding turning off the lights. Turning down
the air conditioner. It might be a pager message . But there is these are pretty
primitive. Manual things that people are using to implement demand response
strategies. Now. And we talk about open a.dr.. We're talking about the ability to
implement. Automated demand response. Program. And essentially. The essence
here is that. Automated d.r involved and. Information exchange model. That
facilitates the communication of price and reliability schedules. So i need some kind

of a transport mechanism. Like h.t.t.p.. I need some way to describe a schedule.

When our prices change. When should load be shed. I need some way to describe
the signal. You know what do you want me to do if you want me. Is this a price is it.
A load level and kilowatt hours or things of that nature. And the idea here is that the
receipt. Of an extra will signal in some automated fashion triggers a
preprogrammed response strategy. By the end user. So that automated signal may
flow from the utility. Direct to a commercial or residential. Entity. Or it may flow
through an aggregator to the residential or commercial entity i think this is a similar.
Slide that. Barry presented.

So with we look at the basic components of the automated dr programmed.

Obviously the reasons why you would want to implement. Demand response. You
know revolve around. Improving reliability there's economic rationale for resolving
congestion issues dealing with intermittent. Resource like wind or solar. We've
already commented that bit. That in order to implement. Automated demand
response you need a scheduling mechanism. Need some kind of transport
mechanism. And you need some way to describe what's happening. A price change.
A load level. Things of that nature and. I'm going to drill into this a bit more but
there's many different ways in which you can approach to control strategy. The
application logic can be centralized meaning that after utility itself it looks at the
changes in pricing and makes a decision and sends control signals directly out to
the device and we have a gateway strategy where. Pricing information
overload shared information. Might go to an energy management system. And
the energy management system then will use its application logic. To decide what to
do or. The logic can reside in the actual device itself in a refrigerator or a washing
machine or a dryer. Where maybe you know. Our dryer receives a pricing signal that
the price is going up and it may decide to airdrop i rather than heat dry the quote
something of that nature. So when we do automated demand response. What kind
of information actually gets exchanged. Utility. Communicates. Basically three
things. When would i like this event to occur. The schedule.

What would i like to happen. You know what what's changing the pricing. A
certain amount of load shed. Certain set point. Something of that nature and. Who
is this event target. For with the targeting information. I may have a commercial
facility. With many different floors and many different lighting systems many
different air conditioning system. And want to send a demand response of and i
need some way to communicate clearly. Who is the target for this event. From
the facility coming back to the utility. I need to be able to communicate. Yes i am
going to opt into this event or no i'm not. It's pretty simple. I might need some
telemetry reporting. You know how much load is actually being shed as the event.
Is occurring. And the facility might want to provide some kind of availability

schedule back to the utilities saying. Yes i promised i was going to be available to
shed load on tuesdays and wednesdays. But we're going to have a company party.
And this wednesday i'm not. I can't shed load for having a party. So those are the
kinds of information that would flow from the facility. Back to the utility.

So i've already covered this a bit. But what we're really talking about is where does
the application logic. About what do i do. If the price of electricity goes up where
does that logic dick reside. And it can essentially reside in three places that reside
at the utility. Inside of a gateway or. Energy management system. Or perhaps
in a smart. Appliance. Most of the discussion today. And i think the primary target
for open a.d.r. initially. Was this middle layer. Where we expected. Generally
speaking that. The messages would be received by. Energy management
systems of some sort and would be a preprogramed. Set of strategies. But we are
certainly seeing interest and things of that nature in this third scenario where open
a.d.r. is actually embedded in. Smart appliances. That reacts directly to the
various. Open signals. So as very mention. Open a.t.r. one point zero was developed
by lawrence berkeley national labs in their d.r.. Research center. Was that.
California. Funded effort. And a collaboration between three large. California. Utility
the specification was released in april 2009. And is very mention there was no
certification program.

There was a modest. Ecosystem of vendors developed that had devices and. Various
software pieces that could be deployed to implement. Open a.t.r. one point zero
and. I think you mentioned something like three hundred megawatts under control
with open a.d.r. one point zero if i recall that there were many successful the points.
I am not going to describe this diagram in detail. I just wanted to give you the.
General flavor for. Open a.d.r. one point zero or pretty or one point zero. Revolved
around. A centralized server. Called a draft for demand response automation
server and. Utility you would communicate. Its demand response events to the
draft server. And the various clients. Would then hold this server to pull events off
the servers. So it was kind of a hub and spoke. Kind of a mechanism it wasn't quite
as scalable as. Open a.t.r.. 2.0 what you'll see a little bit later in in my presentation.
So there wasn't one. Very useful and if there were many useful things in open a.d.r.
one point zero that we migrated into open a.t.r. two point zero. But one of the most
important one for was the notion that. There are two classes of client. There are
very simple clients. That can only understand very. Simple abstract layers. You
know. High medium low. Something very very basic and. There are smart clients
that have the ability to understand. Much more complex data such as things like
relative pricing or percentage of load change. So in open a.d.r. one point zero. You
have the ability to send both simple signal. And complex signals. Together. And the
receiving client. Could decide whether it wanted to use simple signalling

information. Or the more complex signalling information. With open a.d.r. two point
zero. We've taken a slightly different approach that we have something called the a
profile. Which allows you to send these very simple signals. That just have very
simple if you look abstract level and a b. profile which allows them to send both
simple signals. And much more complex. Signal. So the origins of the. Open eighty
are two point zero. Revolve around. A u.s. and harmonization project. With an
attempt to get all the diverse. Standards used in the smart grid. And sort of
harmonize so that we had a cohesive set of standards that could all inter operate
effectively so a very large project. Was undertaken to do a survey of various
standards to select specific standards. That would work well and. In her operate in
the smart grid. And as part of this project a series of action plans were put together.
Who identify. Effective. Pricing model for energy. Scheduling representation. And

You'll note that. You know these are the key components that we need for
automated b.r. pricing model scheduling model and things of that nature. In two
thousand and ten. The open a.v.r. alliance was formed. To help of all the work that
was done with. Open a.d.r. one point zero.

And you've always been a recognized national and international standard. That
would meet to sort of harmonize standard. Demand response. And put all our one
point zero. I think very already presented this slide. Many many companies. Major
players. Both in the united states and around the world. Are active members of the
open a.d.r. alliance. And i think very also presented this slide as well that the origin
of the open eighty are coming from the oasis. Energy interoperation standard. And it
in turn was received. Input from a whole variety of stakeholders and. Out of the
oasis energy. Interop standard. Came the open a.d.r. two point zero profiles that
we're going to be talking about in today's and tomorrow's presentations. So let's
step back for a second. And take a look at energy interop one point zero energy
interop one point zero. Provides a communication model for. Dynamic pricing signal
for reliability signal for emergency signal. And for load prediction and. Generation
information. So that's the primary standard that we drew fund to create open a.t.r..
Two point zero. There are two other very important standards that we leverage. One
is called the. We mix. We see as wide a energy. Information model. And another
standard called ws calendar. Which provides for a scheduling model. Those were
pieces that we needed to implement all the pieces for an automated. Demand
response to the standard. So what i'm trying to illustrate here. Essentially. Is that
energy into iraq. Consists of. Input from a scheduling standard called the u.s.
calendar. Basically. Various energy pipe representation basically gave a model input.
Representation from a standard called. Unix and a variety of other standards. To
form. Energy into iraq. And open a v r two point zero. Is essentially a subset of

energy interop. Why is this important why am i telling you the whole of this.
Although open a.d.r. has a good set of standalone. Technical documents. Sometimes
it can be useful to go back to the source document from. Energy into iraq. And some
of these other standards. Because sometimes there's a narrative information. That's
useful to you when you're implementing to understand. The source. Or the various.
Open a.d.r.. Requirements. So let me try to. Maybe recap. The last few slides. Open
a.t.r. open a.t.r.. Origins came from. Open a.d.r. one point zero. Is the formal. Subset
of the oasis. Energy. Interop one point zero specification. And the related
specification. Ws. Calendar. And mix plan will go in the next presentation we will.
Kind of drill in a little bit deeper and help you understand the differences between
the a profile and the b. profile in the various other variations of. Of open a.d.r..

Ok. Any questions on if we want them to get the thing here before i move. I don't
know what david whether we want to toss off a part of this thing. Ok were there any
questions on the then do when you know the rules and their human needs is how
little you want to move down here right now. If you need to provide a.b.c. guys and
they're putting that in there to get into the one that we had we had some interest
from another organization i think it was i or c. i probably forgot but. We had varying
you may correct me i'm wrong but we had a profile was obvious that it mirrored the
simple functionality. From open a.d.r. one point zero. Be was fairly obvious. In the
sense that it modeled the. More sophisticated. Capabilities of. Open a.d.r. one point
zero the more complex pricing. And it added reporting than availability scheduling.
And the idea here is that over time. There may be a c. or an ethnic profile. And at
one point. We believe that we had.

A clue. For what the. Profile was going to be. And we were working with another
organization that had some needs. That needed some and was the wholesale
market in the united states. That we were working with and we believed at the time
that we might come up with a variation of the open a.d.r. standard to meet their
needs. But as it turned out. They had a preexisting standard that they were able to
look at and realize that they could easily transform open a.t.r. signalling into their
signalling and vice versa so. That was really never never pursued. So there is no c.
profile right now. Could there be a profile. Sure. There are many other services. In
energy that we have not yet implemented that could become part of a seat profile.
Things like an open a.d.r. one point zero you had. Kind of an option. Market.
Capability. And that right now isn't in the or so that might be something that. In
energy and capabilities or something that light. Show up and. Very do you have any
additional input on the him super did that answer a question. Ok. No think we go in
we don't have a formal definition for of what steve will be right now. Ok great. Did
we want to move on to the next presentation we want to take a short short break
but what is your profit. Ok good in and sound disciplined in the line. So that when i

was in the home. I don't in the humanities opinion the lovely could have or you
know i will not get compete on but i did he went and did a little cool. Beginning as.
We will do then the team when the dead or wounded in the pool. If you see that not
so you could see when we had i sound.

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