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A. Background
Outbreaks of avian influenza caused by the H5N1 subtype A virus became known in 1997 in
Hong Kong, with the source of infection and spread from poultry farmers. Further spread so
quickly throughout the world to become a global problem. The development of bird flu in
Indonesia is also very fast since the discovery of the virus in 2004, namely the birds and then
spread quickly to humans. With the high number of deaths from bird flu, we need to be aware
that this disease does not develop. For that we need to take some preventative measures
individuals and the environment.
In Indonesia in January 2004 reported cases of poultry deaths were outstanding (especially in
Bali, Botabek, East Java, Central Java, West Kalimantan and West Java). Initially the death
was caused by a new virus castle, but the final confirmation by the Department of Agriculture
is caused by the bird flu virus (Avian Influenza (AI)). The number of birds that died of bird
flu outbreaks in 10 provinces in Indonesia is very large tail 3,842,275 (4.77%) and the highest
number of death is the province of West Java (1,541,427 head). In July 2005, bird flu has
claimed the lives of three people Tangerang Banten, It is based on the results of laboratory
tests of Research and Development and the Ministry of Health Jakarta WHO reference
laboratory in Hong Kong. Given this reality people should not panic in the presence of bird
flu cases in Indonesia, but should remain vigilant, particularly for groups at risk because we
can not deny that this virus in other countries have infected humans.
B. Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper are:
a. As an attachment in the scholarship application
b. The author would like to learn more about the theme of the subscription
c. To increase knowledge as well as extensive knowledge
d. Provide knowledge to the readers of Bird Flu
C. Benefits of Writing
Writing scientific papers is done to provide knowledge about what is Avian Flu to readers and
anyone who reads this paper. So that they know what is Avian Flu from the definition, causes,
distribution, symptoms, until the signatures. This will trigger them to be alert to bird flu
Bird flu (H5N1) is a disease caused by type A influenza viruses that are transmitted by birds,
in this case chickens, ducks, birds, geese, turkeys, or similar fowl.
Actually the bird flu is a disease in animals (zoonoses). However, in its development, the
virus that causes this disease experience changes in their genetic structure (mutations) that
result in the virus can be transmitted to humans. Bird flu can attack the entire nation or
continent and cause a pandemic within 2-3 years. In poultry or pets, infection by avian
influenza viruses cause two forms of the disease, namely the form of low pathogenicity or
"less malignant" and the highly pathogenic form / "malignant".
Cause of bird flu is a type A influenza virus. Influenza viruses, including the family
Orthomyxoviridae. Type A influenza viruses can change shape (Drift, Shift), and can cause
epidemics and pandemics. Influenza type A virus consists of hemagglutinin (H) and

Neuramidase (N), the second letter is used as an identification code of bird flu subtype that
many kinds. In humans there are only types H1N1, H2N2, H3N3, H5N1, H9N2, H1N2,
H7N7. While the animal H1-H5 and N1-N9. Highly virulent strains / malignant and cause
avian influenza A subtype H5N1 was from. In influenza A virus can be a big change in the
composition antigeniknya called antigenic shift or antigenic composition of small changes
called antigenic drift. The changes that triggered the onset of the epidemic or even pandemic.
Epidemic wave of influenza A virus due to take place periodically every 2-3 years, while the
period for influenza B interepidemi is longer ie 3-6 years. In humans there is only influenza A
viruses of subtype H1N1, H2N2, H3N3, H5N1, H9N2, H1N2, and H7N7, whereas in animals
adalh subtypes H1 to H5 and N1 to N9. Of all the subtypes, only influenza A virus subtype
H5 and H7 highly malignant. However not all influenza virus subtypes H5 and H7 are
malignant and not all of them cause disease in poultry.
Symptoms of bird flu in humans and animals are different:
a. Symptoms in birds.
o Combs and wattles blue
o foot ulcers
o Sudden Death
o Exit cairaan clear until thick of the oral cavity
o Diarrhea
o Haus excessive and soft eggshell
b. Symptoms in humans.
Fever (temperature above 38o C)
o headache, cough, runny nose and sore throat
o Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
o Pneumonia
o Eye Infection
o Muscle pain
c. The incubation period
o In Poultry: 1 week
o In Humans: 1-3 days, Period 1 day prior to infection until 3-5 days after symptoms develop.
In children up to 21 days.
The spread of avian influenza virus through migratory birds that were not yet fully
dipahami.Hanya air alone, wild aquatic birds such as ducks and geese who are members of
the order and ANSERIFORMES and gulls and sea birds of the order charadriiformes are
carriers of influenza A virus subtype H5 and H7. The birds brought the virus is generally less
virulent. This type of virus only causes a decrease in the production of eggs, feathers shrivel
or broiler body weight did not ride-up. Once inside the body and circulates in poultry,
influenza A will adapt and mutate into a form that is malignant, that is HPAIV within a few
Bird flu spread from poultry to poultry and from poultry to humans, the disease can be
transmitted through contaminated air from the H5N1 virus dirt or secretary bird / avian bird
flu. Transmission from poultry to humans may also occur if the man had been inhaling air
containing the bird flu virus or direct contact with infected birds or bird flu objects
contaminated by sick poultry manure containing the H5N1 virus. Until now, cases of bird flu
in humans are more prevalent in rural areas / villages or in densely populated suburbs. In
such areas, most of the birds that are kept just released or not included in the enclosure,
sometimes even fused with the house. Many were cage housed where children used to play.
With these conditions it is very possible transmission from birds to humans, because in a sick

poultry manure contained a lot of the H5N1 virus.

Prevention of the spread of avian influenza can be done by applying preventive measures / or
prevention of avian and human itself.
A. In Poultry
1. Culling of poultry / birds infected with bird flu within a radius of three kilometers.
2. Vaccination of healthy birds
3. Improving biosecurity, an act of strict supervision and security to poultry infected with bird
4. Increased public awareness
5. Charging back enclosure
6. Supervision cases of bird flu
7. Control traffic in and out of poultry and poultry products.
B. In Humans
1. High-risk groups (farm workers and merchants, or who come into contact with poultry
a. Wash hands with disinfectant and shower after work.
b. Avoid direct contact with chickens or poultry bird flu terinsfeksi.
c. Use of personal protective equipment. (Example: masks and work clothes).
d. Leaving work clothes workplace.
e. Cleaning bird droppings every day.
f. Immunization.
2. Public
For society in general needs to be done is to maintain personal hygiene and the environment,
and are vaccinated.
a. Keeping the immune system by eating a nutritious diet and adequate rest.
b. Preparing poultry in the right way, namely:
- Choose healthy birds (there are no symptoms at
- Cook chicken until the temperature of 800C for 1 min
and the temperature of the eggs up to 640C for 4.5 minutes.
The management of treatment for bird flu patients are hospitalized in the hospital in isolation
to obtain the appropriate treatment and care, because of the nature of the malignant disease.
Treatment is done by:
1. Oxygenation if there is shortness of breath.
2. Hydration with parenteral fluid administration (infusion).
3. Provision of anti-viral drug oseltamivir 75 mg single dose for 7 days.
4. Amantadine is given at the beginning of infection, as far as possible within the first 48
hours for 3-5 days at a dose of 5 mg / kg per day in 2 divided doses. When your weight is
more than 45 kg were given 100 mg 2 times a day.
In order to overcome the impact of bird flu, the Health Ministry take some action, are as
a. Investigates on workers, sellers and handlers of chicken products in several areas of bird
flu outbreaks in chickens in Indonesia (to determine avian influenza infection in humans)
b. Strict monitoring of persons who had contact with suspected bird flu. up to twice the
incubation period exceeded 14 days.
c. Setting up 44 hospitals across Indonesia to prepare the room observation of the patient is
suspected of having Avian Influenza.

d. Enacting preparedness in areas that have a risk that is the province of West Java, Jakarta
and Banten, and establish command post at DG & PL with a telephone number / fax: (021)
425 7125
e. Governor instructed the provincial government to increase awareness and preparedness
against possible outbreak of bird flu in their respective territories
f. Improving public health education efforts and build
networking with various stakeholders to educate the public so that the public remain vigilant
and do not panic
g. Improving coordination and cooperation with the department of agriculture and local
government in the fight against bird flu
h. collect information that includes the environmental aspects and risk factors to look for
possible sources of infection by the investigation team consisting of MOH, Ministry of
Agriculture and the WHO.
Cause of bird flu in Indonesia is a type A influenza virus subtype H5N1. The mortality rate
for bird flu patients tinggi.Perlu vigilance in high-risk groups (workers at a chicken farm,
cutting chicken and other poultry products handlers), with the manner of prevention. Bird flu
spread from poultry to poultry and from poultry to humans, the disease can be transmitted
through contaminated air from the H5N1 virus dirt or secretary bird / avian bird flu.
Transmission from poultry to humans may also occur if the man had been inhaling air
containing the bird flu virus or direct contact with infected birds or bird flu objects
contaminated by sick poultry manure containing the H5N1 virus.
Need for education / health promotion to the public about bird flu to people not to panic and
be afraid to consume poultry products but must remain vigilant.
Cucunawangsih.2006.Cara be alert and prevent flu burung.Jakarta.Gramedia

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