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Alameda is experiencing a housing crisis and Measure ___ is the best choice to begin fixing it.

It provides fair returns to landlords and real protections for renters.

Dont be misled:
Measure ___ sets a baseline the Council can improve on but, unlike an ordinance, cant be
weakened by the Council. As a Charter Amendment, it takes the issue out of City Council
Measure ___ and the Council Measure cost about the same to implement but Measure ___
includes its own independent funding and, unlike the Councils ordinance, will not spend
your tax dollars.
Measure ___ is modeled on legislation that works. When lax condo conversion laws and
similar policies cut into the stock of Bay Area rental units, protections like Measure ___
helped renters stay in their homes.
Measure ___ is the best choice to ensure accountability:
Collects citywide rent increase data
Provides annual reports to the City Council
Requires annual public meetings before budget adoption
Measure ___ is the best choice to encourage affordability:
Strengthens existing law
Ties rent adjustments to inflation
Keeps Alamedans in their homes by ending no-cause evictions
Join Assemblyman Rob Bonta, the Alameda Labor Council (AFL-CIO), educators, public health
professionals, homeowners, veterans, working families and the Democratic Party and vote YES
on Measure __.
s/ Laura Thomas
Alameda homeowner
s/ Jeanne Nader
Alameda homeowner
s/ Julie Gardner, MPH(c)
Public Heath Perspective
s/ Sister Patricia Nagle
Educator, Faith Leader
s/ Lillian Galedo
Executive Director, Filipino Advocates for Justice

There is a rental crisis in Alameda that requires the protection of tenants from
unreasonable increases in their rent. At issue, is how best to do it. Measure Y,
the City Ordinance, is the better choice, because:
Measure X, the Rent Control Initiative, is inflexible, not easily amendable. If
passed, it will alter the City Charter. The only way to change it is to hold
another time consuming, expensive election in which a majority of the City
voters approve the change.
The City Ordinance, Measure Y, which was implemented in March, can be
changed by a simple majority of the City Council. A subject as difficult,
controversial, and complex as rent controlbalancing the rights of tenants and
landlordsmust be flexible and open to change.
Measure X requires a hearing and approval by a Rent Control Board of all rent
increases above 65% of the Consumer Price Index (now under 2%) regardless of
tenant landlord agreement. Measure Y allows the parties to reach agreement
without a hearing, thus avoiding binding arbitration, which is why Measure X
costs twice as much to implement as Measure Y.
Measure X, if passed, will protect only 72% of Alamedas rental housing
(California law exempts all housing built after 1995, single family homes and
condos from binding rent control.) Measure Y, the City Ordinance protects all
rental housing because it requires mediation, which does not violate State law.
The choice is clear. Vote no on Measure X and yes on Measure Y.
s/Kathleen Schumacher
Vice-President ACT
s/ James W. Sweeney
s/ James C. Smallman
s/ Dorothy Freeman
X and Y are placeholders and are not the assigned ballot letter
Measure X is this measure, the Rent Control Initiative
Measure Y is the Rent Stabilization Act]

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