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7th Grade Science Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Nicholas Ciambrone

Tutoring Time: Before school, by appointment only

Password: piedmont

Welcome to 7th Grade Science with Mr. Ciambrone. I am glad we will be studying science
together this year. It is with great honor I take on the task of engaging in the fascinating world
of science with you and your peers this year. It is my hope that as we grow together in our
classroom community, you will develop an understanding of the importance of being
scientifically literate and how to engage with science in everyday life. We will explore a variety
of scientific topics, engaging each one with an idea of global context and how these different
topics lead to making moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural or environmental
judgements about our world. We will discover how the portrait of science is not a simple right
or wrong, but includes vast opinions about the world we live in. These lead to greater
discovery and personal ownership of the scientific world.
The follow expectations are in place to create the best learning environment possible for each
Students will have a writing utensil (pencil preferred) and science notebook ready when
class begins.
Students will have their personal belongings (book bags, lunches, etc.) in the designated
area when class begins.
Students will participate in group discussions only by raising their hand to answer
questions. If they are not called on, they will remain silent and listening.
Students will be working independently at Level 1 Noise (silent) when directed.
Students will be working with a partner at Level 2 Noise (whispering) when directed.
Students will be working with a team at Level 3 Noise (normal voice) when directed.
Students will be working and respectful of others at all times.
Students will be in the room, and sitting when the class bell rings.
The teacher will take any cellphone or headphones that are in sight and they will be
brought to the office at his earliest convenience, unless the teacher has authorized the
use of such devices.

All school polices put forth by administrators of Piedmont and CMS applies within our
science classroom, i.e. dress code, food/drink, technology use, etc.
These expectations are put forth to provide the greatest educational opportunity to each student. If a
student fails to meet these expectations, they may have their seat moved and receive appropriate
disciplinary action.

Students will be graded using the IB grade scale (0-8) on each assignment. Please note for the
final semester grades in class on an IB Report Card, the maximum a student can score is a 7.
This grade will translate into a letter grade as a means to meet our grading system as follows:
8= (A) 100%

6= (A) 92%

4= (C) 79%

2= (D) 60%

7= (A) 96%

5= (B) 85%

3= (C) 70%

1= (F) 50%

0= (F) 0%

All assignments which have received a zero (0) can be made up within two (2) weeks of the
assigned due date, unless discussed with the teacher for an extension on the due date. A
reflection on why the assignment is late must be turned in attached to the late assignment if
the two (2)-week time period is extended. Points will be deducted if an assignment is turned in
past the due date.
Class Work Criterion
Students will be graded using the following Criterion for all assignments and classwork that do
not fit into the International Baccalaureate Criterion. This is outlined on the unit objectives
page students receive at the start to each unit as all assignments without a specific Criterion
listed behind the assignment name.
Criterion E: Practicing and Answering
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
work is completed to a high quality
answer each part of every question
all answers are in a complete sentence, unless the specific question asks
otherwise, such as list, draw, fill in the blank, etc.
assignment is completed in a timely manner
International Baccalaureate Criterion
Students will be graded on the following Criterion for assignments that are designated as IB
assignments. Each unit will cover several of these assignments. The only assignments that will
cover more than one Criterion will be Open Investigation Labs, which will include both

Criterion B and C. While all assignments will be put forth towards the overall classroom grade,
only IB assignments will be shown on the IB report card.
Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding
Assessments (Quizzes and Tests)
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
describe scientific knowledge
apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar
and unfamiliar
analyse information to make scientifically supported judgments.
Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing
Creating Laboratory Investigations
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
describe a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
outline a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning
describe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how data will be collected
design scientific investigations.
Criterion C: Processing and Evaluating
Completing Laboratory Investigations
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
present collected and transformed data
interpret data and describe results using scientific reasoning
discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific
discuss the validity of the method
describe improvements or extensions to the method.
Criterion D: Reflections on the Impacts of Science
Written Tasks
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
describe the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific
problem or issue
discuss and analyse the various implications of using science and its application in
solving a specific problem or issue
apply scientific language effectively
document the work of others and sources of information used.

Please sign below to acknowledge you have read and understand this document. Please
email me if you have any questions regarding the course. Keep this document as the first
page in your science notebook.

Student: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________

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