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CVHS English I Honors Syllabus

Teacher: Socorro Sanchez


Phone: ext. 5552

Course Description:
English I Honors is intended to develop mastery of the California Common Core ELA Ninth Grade
Standards, develop critical reading and analysis of expository and literary texts, and to prepare students for
the detailed writing and literary analysis required in English II Honors, AP Language, and AP Literature.
The texts used will reflect the perspectives of various immigrant groups, women, and Native Americans
with a focus on the immigrant experience to address cultural diversity and to provide an understanding of
ethnic studies.
Course Objectives:
1. To master the writing process including careful editing and strategic revision.
2. To understand the differences required of multiple writing genres and applications.
3. To recognize rhetoric and employ it effectively in writing.
4. To move beyond superficial reading to analyze and interpret texts more precisely.
5. To become a more effective communicator in both formal and informal presentations among large and
small groups.
6. To become prepared for the rigor of Advanced Placement courses.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Be Prompt
2. Be Prepared
3. Be Productive
4. Be Polite
Verbal or written warnings; parent phone calls; detentions; written referrals
Units and Tentative Pacing

Essential Questions



What type of work is expected in an Honors class? What careless errors will
not be accepted?


Melting Pot

Why did different immigrant groups come to America? Where did they
settle? What contributions did these immigrant groups make?



What were the different struggles and contributions of Mexican-American

immigrants, during the 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries?


Are all Hispanics the same? How are they different? What do they have in
common besides Spanish ancestors?


What have been the long-term effects of slavery? Are reparations and
affirmative action adequate compensation?



What were the different waves in Chinese immigration? How were they
exploited and what are their contributions? Are wealthy Asians now abusing
immigration policies with birth tourism?








Do American women, past and present, receive the recognition they

What happened to the thriving Native Americans as different ethnic groups
immigrated into this country?
How has my writing improved?

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CVHS English I Honors Syllabus

Grading Policies:
Classwork may not be turned in late. When time is given in class to finish an assignment, it will be
collected at the end of the period. Honors students must develop and practice effective time management.
Homework assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class. If a student cannot produce the assignment
by the last call, it can then be submitted as LATE WORK. Students with an excused absence can check
absent memos for any classwork or homework that might have been missed.
Absences and Make-up Policy
If a student is absent on the day of a class participation activity or a quiz, the student will not be able to
make up those points; however, at the end of each semester, the lowest activity score and the lowest quiz
score will be excluded from those categories. Make-up exams will be given for excused absences only.
The make-up will be administered on a date to be announced. If the make-up day is missed, then the
missing grade will automatically remain a zero. If a student is absent on the due date for a project or paper,
the student must have the assignment delivered to school by a parent, sibling, or friend. Digital
submissions must be posted PRIOR to 7:00AM on the due date.
Late Work
Late work will be accepted up to one week after the due date on Thursday after school. However, it will not
be scored or added to the grade book until the end of the quarter. At the end of the quarter, students will
choose one late assignment for the teacher to score and input.
Work Quality:
The quality and requirements for all Honors work will be enforced. After a skill is taught, any papers
submitted with mistakes in that skill will be penalized 30%. Average students make mistakes; however,
Honors students are expected to revise their work and make the necessary corrections PRIOR to submitting
an assignment.
Grading Scale:
Tests and Quizzes
Writing Assignments
20% (30% second semester)
Independent Homework
Independent Reading
Summer Work
10% (first semester only)
Materials and Supplies Needed:
Students should bring ALL MATERIALS to class every day. If these materials are too heavy, perhaps you
should consider returning to a CP class where they might not be required. In Honors, you will need
composition notebooks, highlighters, multi-colored Post-It notes, pencils and pens, a charged iPad, a threering binder with loose-leaf paper (tabs designated for English 1 Honors material only). If purchasing these
materials is a financial burden, please contact the teacher.
After School Study and Tutoring:
Students who demonstrate a need for additional support will be required to attend after school tutoring. In
addition, any student whose grade falls below a C will be required to attend.

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CVHS English I Honors Syllabus

2016-2017 Syllabus Contract
Mrs. Socorro Sanchez
Room 104
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I feel fortunate to have your son or daughter in my English I Honors class this year! Please sign
below to acknowledge that you have read the policies and procedures. Your child will return this
portion for homework credit. The Syllabus and Student Expectations handout should be kept in
your childs three-ring binder for reference.
Thank you.
I, ________________________________ and I, _______________________________, have
(Students name)
(Parent/Guardian name)
read the Syllabus and Student Expectations for English I Honors. We understand what is expected
and agree to abide to all items on the syllabus. I am responsible for and will be held accountable
for adhering to the above information even if I did not read it.

Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature


Parent Contact Phone Number


Email Address for the Parent/Guardian


Best time and mode of contact to reach you:


Preferred language spoken in the home:


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