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(His & Heavens) Help

I will perform the miracle of helping you to overcome your besetting sins, help you to forsake the residue of the Enemys
strongholds in your life. (I:2)
Keep relying on Me, and this will help you to give Me all the glory, as you will see so clearly how I have done it for you. (I:8)
Ask Me to help you be on guard and deliver you from evil, strengthen the feeble knees and the hands that hang down, and
go to work on building new, healthier habits! (I:15)
Ill remove any obstacles in your path and help you defeat all your enemies... (I:40)
Rational thinking wont help you survive in the days to come, only crazy faith in Me and following My leads, which means
obedience. (I:55)
If you would be fully aware of how incapable you are to get anything accomplished without My help, you would constantly
be seeking My contact, desperately grasping for Me as a drowning man grasping for air. (I:124)
You are continuously under attack by an invisible foe, but with My help and through My Spirit, you can locate them,
pinpoint them, and through the weapons Ive given you, liquidate them, annihilate them, and get rid of them! (I:127)
Its a good thing to learn to ask for help. (I:165)
When you realize youre failing in an area you should come to Me and ask Me to help you to make it! (I:189)
Pray for Me to help you to be more efficient in your work and to really help you to accomplish something that lasts, fruit
that remains, and to become 'a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth (2.Tim.2:15)!

Im all the Help youll ever need. (I:329)

If you feel like you cant do it yourself, ask Me! Thats what Im here for, to help you do it! (I:335)
It feels good to hear you say that you cant make it on your own, that you need My help, to see you desperate... Its so
different from the usual, cool and apparently indifferent way, when you dont seem to need My help much for anything.
I want and need you to want and need Me, so, Im having to allow these challenges to appear before you, which finally
make you desperate enough to cry out for My help! (I:381)
I delight in the fact that people desperately need My help, and that I can love them, fill their needs and be there to help
I have problems with people who think they're so great and perfect that they don't need any help. (I:490)
Call for help to aim at the right goal, the highest, and let nothing divert you from it! (I:516)
I want you to be more desperate for My help, realizing more that you need Me, get you to the point where you see that
nothing works without Me. (I:524)
There are many willing to help, who might never know how or even that they could be of help to you, if you're too proud to
let them know your needs.
Help them by enabling them to be a blessing and a help to you! It works even if you don't feel like it. (II:98)
I wasn't as much of an "accomplisher" type as I was a Friend to people, hearing them out, visiting them, caring for them,
healing them, helping them. Being a helper is what it's all about.
In what better way can you live and manifest love than by being a help in time of need?
How about concentrating on being a helper and a friend to people, a kind person? (II:246)
Some people believe in Me, but they don't think they're supposed to avail themselves of My Help.
The real problem is that you allow the enemy of your souls to trick you into believing that I don't care about you or that I
don't want to help you, that I'm expecting you to solve your own problems without My Help! The problem is that you don't
avail yourselves of My Help!
Is there an easier way to solve it than to just ask Me for help? (II:294)
I make you see the Goal so that you will seek ways to get there. You realize you can't get there by yourself, in your own
strength or energy, so you have to seek My Help in order to get you there. I show you the place where I want you to be, so
that you will do what you can to get there, start seeking for ways, making efforts, taking steps in that direction, and most of
all, seek My Help and wisdom to get there. (II:328)

It requires humility to admit that you need help. Now, that's what I'd call smart, when people humble themselves to admit
they need help and call on Me! (II:336)
It's okay to call for help. It's more than okay. He that cries for help, usually finds that he shall be helped.
Some people are still quite helpful, even in this day and age! That's why I'm urging you to go and find them, those who feel
like they're born to help others, and are looking for ways to do so in the most effective way. (III:347)
Just have a little trust in My abilities to plan and design, faith in My love for detail and precision, and hold on a little longer,
even if you can't possibly see how any of this is supposed to wind up making any sense at all.
Maybe I need you to go through this in order to show how a man can get through these things with My help. (III:364)
Seek My face about how youre going to make it, and Ill be right Here to answer and help you.
Being dependent on Me for help is the most promising factor for success you could possibly have going for you. (2011:30)
Im there to help you through the things youll have to go through as they pan out, and to assure you that theres a happy
ending, come what may. (2011:32)
Im really the only truly efficient and reliable Help you can ever put your trust in, and I can only encourage you to keep
doing that! (2011:49)
No matter how much you love each other, there are bound to crop up problems anyway, and youre going to wish for My
Presence and help in order to deal with them when they happen, and the only way you can ensure that is by staying close
to Me. (2011:50)
Whenever your burdens and loads seem to be overwhelming, youve got to remember to trust Me that I know what Im
doing, and that its really only that: They seem to be overwhelming, but theyre not really, if you do the right thing in
response to them and recruit My help to tackle them, which is the main purpose of the drill for you to get that point and
make it a habit to avail yourself of My help and strength instead of trying to make it all on your own. Just take it, call Me
for help, and youll make it!
Im with you, not just as a bystander, but as an active Helper and support you can rely on anytime. (2011:54)
Do you think I can handle all thats threatening to overwhelm you? Do you think I can help you and enable you to handle it,
too? Well, then just give Me a chance, and Ill prove to you that you were right about putting your trust in Me against all the
apparent physical odds! Im pretty good at helping My people cope. (2011:55)
As long as things will half-way work out and you manage to survive, your own strength will be what you rely on, and
usually you only resort to My help when its nearly too late.
The right attitude to have would be that you can use all the help you can get, especially Mine. (2011:69)
You would never avail yourself of My power nor look for My help in desperation if you would just manage and easily get by
in every situation you encounter. Only the point of cluelessness, of helplessness and the becoming obvious of the fact that
without supernatural help and a miracle youll never accomplish anything significant is what will get you to reach out
beyond those natural human capacities. (2011:72)
Theres nothing like that moment when you dont know where help is going to be coming from, except from the Lord which
made Heaven and earth (2011:80)
If at times youre tempted to feel forsaken and overwhelmed, then its usually simply because you dont avail yourself of My
Presence and help as much as you should.
I believe and know that you can make it, yes, but only and thats the primary requirement with My help. (2011:85)
Dont look here or there for help, and dont get frustrated if that help never comes; and dont rely on yourself, but look
Here, to Me, from where your Help is really going to come!
If you really want to accomplish something you can be proud of, youre going to stand a much better chance if you avail
yourself of My help and counsel in doing it.
If you look at this world around you, what you hear and see is chaos. Thats the result of people being busy, busy, busy
accomplishing things without Me, without ever so much as acknowledging Me, much less asking Me for My help or
blessing. (2011:87)
Its really not in how hard you try to be good, but how much you let Me help you to be good, and no matter how hard you
try, youll never quite manage without My help. (2011:88)
Im the One Who wants you to make it, and Who can help you to do so. (2011:101)
Your help comes from the Spirit which made Heaven and earth, not from any angle of His creation. (2011:127)

The world has an ever growing need for Me. After all, the vast majority of their problems stem from the notion that they
manage just fine without Me.
Like a child who can prove that he can do it on his own, its only natural for humans to want to declare their
independence, wanting to be self-sufficient, and I dont mind that to a certain extent.
Its just that problems are bound to occur when they stubbornly insist on keeping doing things the wrong way.
So, thanks for being wiser than that and soliciting My help! (2012:12)
Discovering the deeper meaning of everything and hitting the nail on the head by fulfilling your part in that destiny is
something that entails great responsibility, and the burden is not too heavy if you rely on Me to show you, teach you how,
and help you to carry it. (2012:29)
Your purpose, as Mine, is to help, not to bask in a false sense of superiority. If you play that game, you wont be able to
help them, since you wont be any better off than they are. (2012:35)
Are you relying on prayer anymore at all these days? Or do you think you can handle just about anything without My help?
The do-it-yourself generation: always ready to prove just how fine you get along without any help.
There are inevitably going to come up situations in which you wont be able to cope without My help, and you will better
have learnt how to avail yourself of it when those arise. (2012:50)
When you need help, Ill be there, although I wont make it too easy for you, either, and I wont give you all the solutions.
The problems are for you to figure out and solve, but Ill always be there to coach and tutor you; you wont have to deal
with them on your own. (2012:61)
Ill intervene sooner or later, when things simply wont be able to continue anymore without My help. (2012:72)
Thats why I beckoned My prophet to come now, let us reason together (Is.1:18): You dont have to try to figure it all out by
yourself. We can do it together. Im there to help you. (2012:74)
I have a harder time getting through those people who manage to do everything more perfectly in their own strength than
those who desperately need My help for nearly every step of the way. (2012:82)
Youve got Me on your side to help you make things happen or even make them happen for you, so, why not develop some
initiative yourself and use that power? (2012:83)
How much do you seek the Father to help you get out of your mess?
Those who know they dont stand a chance without Our help, are Our only hope! (2012:102)
I told you where to look for help. But because Im a little hard to find and see, perhaps, you keep looking elsewhere, in fact
anywhere else, most of the time.
But remember, in order to please Me and qualify for My help, you must believe that I am that Help! (2012:106)
I cannot help you prematurely, but as youll always see, I will help you make it through every time, and youll come out fine
in the end, no matter how bleak, gloomy and hopeless it seems.
You may seem to be alone, but youre not. (2012:145)
Put your main trust in Me and your help from Above, not your own capabilities of what you can accomplish in the system,
because the current system is on its way down, and to be replaced by Satans ultimate rule in the end, where you wont be
able to rely on the system anymore at all, but only your help and supply from Above, which is why you should get used to
Thats why your faith in Me and your availing yourself of My help to rise above are so important: Theyre basically your
only hope. (2012:172)
While your earthly mind might still be prone to give priority to and place a higher value on the tangible and countable
treasures of this world, your calling out to Me and imploring Me for My help and tapping Me for My resources is in itself
much more valuable.
I can and will make My Power work for you, as I always have, but your getting to this point of seeing the need and turning
to Me for My help to fill that need is an integral step and part of the process. Its the part you must and can do. You may not
have sufficient energy or initiative or skill for anything else, but thats always got to be the first step, and I can then give
you whatever it is you lack.
Millions of people around the globe have nothing and no one to turn to, to help them out, which should make you
appreciate My Presence and help in your life all the more.
The experiences that make you need My help and My coming through for you yet again will remind you of My faithfulness
and strengthen your appreciation of that factor that makes you so different from the rest of them (2013:9)

Looking unto Me for hope and the help you need will spare you from disappointment, for in doing so, you will also be
stronger, and a more reliable force to reckon with, and thus less likely to be abandoned. (2013:15)
You could never make it without My help, thats why its so important for you to avail yourself of it on a pretty much
constant basis. (2013:20)
What youre having to cope with is what youve got Me to help you deal with. (2013:40)
If you want to do better, you can. Like so many other things in life, it depends a lot on how much you want it. Especially
since youve got My help at your disposal as your personal Tutor, and that of innumerable others waiting on your call

I can help you make it through this rough and difficult life, but only if you come to Me for that help. (2013:42)
Its high time for you to be putting into practice all that youve been taught in theory about rising above and overcoming
the circumstances, even the flood of undesirable human qualities all around you, with My help and that of the Spirit World.

Sometimes all you can do is sit back and await the troubles to come, and you can really only do anything about it once
those who need help get desperate enough to realize that they do, and then call for help
How do you want to help those who dont think they need any?
And thats the dilemma with the world right now They all think theyre doing so great on their own, they dont need any
help from Me, when realistically, nothing could be further from the truth
So, its a good thing not to fall into this false sense of security, thinking youre doing fine without My help. You never know
if the next bunch of trouble isnt waiting right around the bend (2013:73)
You need My help all the more, and theres just a required little action for you to avail yourself of it, and thats to tune in to
Me before you get started. Where you fail to do that, you shouldnt be so shocked when things go haywire. (2013:96)
If you feel like you cant, your first reaction should not be to quit, but to call on Me for help and see what a difference thatll
make! (2013:125)
Im really the only One Who can really help to see you through whats coming (2014:6)
Whats better? Being aware that you need My help, or being confident in yourself alone?
When you try to make it without prayer, without My help, then its no wonder youll get around to experiencing some
weakening impacts & damaging results (2014:7)
You think by yourself youre strong enough to handle anything or everything without Me and My help?
Youre supposed to depend on Me and Gods help as a child of God.
If I can help you and you truly believe it, it would probably be helpful to figure out that youre going to be better off with My
help and applying it for you than to try to make it without it, right? (2014:13)
How are you gonna make it? Well, Im going to help you; let Me! (2014:14)
Im willing to help you. It just takes an effort to concentrate on that need and keep it going to ask Me for it, keeping your
connection with Me active and alive accordingly. (2014:17)
Coming to look and ask for My help is a good sign. I dont just ignore what youre asking for. When I realize youre seeking
Me more again, I wont just let you down. Whether Im capable of helping you and willing and ready to do it of course I
am. Just sometimes certain things must show up on your side like, that youll really try and put Me first and do whatever
you can to remember My will for your life and make the most and best of it (2014:18)
You can make it with My help. Trust Me!
The Enemy may sometimes try to take Me out of your picture and deny My help, but you ought to know by now that its
there. (2014:19)
I can help you and I love to teach you through experience that Ill be the best Helper and giving you the best help you could
get from anyone (2014:26)
While I dont mind communication with My believers, remember that I told you, the best I prefer is prayer. Its you asking
Me for help, for changes, and your needs met Its not just the need of sharing your thoughts with Me or hand them to Me,
but giving Me your need for My help (2014:28)
Some difficult situations you cant seem to make it through without My help are there for a reason, in order to get you back
into the gear of asking and applying for My help
Folks thinking theyll always make it without Me and My help, dont always make it the right way (2014:31)

Since you've got to ask Me for My help, you can't take it for granted, but make that kind of prayer part of your daily life.
The more you ask of Me and are desperate for My help, the more I will give it all to you, even if the Enemy will fight it in
some ways, trying to diminish your faith and its works (2014:32)
Without Me you cant make it. Its important to learn to make it through times with My help, as it will be during the
Just learn to make it by getting used to looking at Me and calling for Me and My help! (2014:35)
Keep seeking Me, looking and waiting and asking for My help, and youll get the right answers! (2014:38)
Im always willing to help you and willing to counsel Im always ready and willing to help someone according to their
faith. (2014:41)
Once you surely need My help to make it through this life and world, and ask Me for it, I gladly help you! It all couldnt have
been that easy for you, anyway, without any help so it might be good also to remember to thank not just Me for it, but all
those involved in Heaven who helped you, even if you may not know quite exactly who did and was helping you. You
should be grateful for Heavens help, thank the Lord and Heaven above for the help theyre Up There thinkin of!
Well, its good to be reminded of the help youre receiving and being given from Up Here, isnt it?
Thats what Heavens mainly about: to help those for whom life can be pretty rough and tough, but can believe Us

If you look at whats going on in and around life, its a bit scary until you can get ahold of Me helping you. (2014:44)
Prophecy is asking Me for information, but prayer is asking Me and the Spirit World to do things for you that will help you,
not just load you with some new information or reminders of older infos So, asking Me for actual help than info sounds a
bit more useful, doesnt it?
You should remember that asking Me to help you, protect you and provide for you can be a lot more important for you!
Use My strength and help to make it!
Please keep Me in your mind, and most of all, keep asking Me and the Father for the help and support you need.
Sometimes youre wrong, and things you assume can be mistaken Trust Me that thats a common weakness, and you
can use a lot of help! (2014:50)
To hear you say that youre needing Me, and that you dont know how to make it without My help, sure makes Me want to
help you all I can but it also depends on your faith, which needs re-strengthening by being put into the rough and tough
situation you need My help for. (2014:55)
Trust in and rely on Me more, and your heavenly help, and keep claiming and asking for and relying on it (2014:57)
Ask for My and Gods and Heavens help to make you better! (2014:59)
Every now and then youre woken up to the fact that youve got to keep up the fight against the evil one; and that you
desperately need My help to make it through this world and thus stay in prayer (2014:61)
If you dont seem to manage all by yourself, it seems to be a good time for you to reach out for Me and beg for My help.

Trust in Me and the fact that Im going to help you make it and see you through help you deal with the toughness of all
thatll come upon you (2014:68)
Sometimes life is hard; but when it is, I am there to help you and make things easier for you, or to teach you how to get
through even tougher things in the future.
Life can be a rough and tough one. Im the big One to pretty much help you through this.
Im also there to help you make it through the attacks of others from the enemy and his spirits, as well as the folks on
Earth pretty much following him or being subjected to his weaknesses or sins including your own.
Id like to help you make it; but sometimes youve also just got to stand it and see it through make it somehow and find
strength from Me during that path of weakness.
Sometimes life is rough, but I promise youll find My help, strength and salvation through it. (2014:69)
Try to get Me to help you make some sense of all thats going on (2014:74)
If or when you dont know if or how youre gonna make it, its good to remember that you will probably need My help and
ask Me for it in prayer!
Pray more and seek My way more ask Me for My help and miracles!
If life isnt running the way it ought to, you might need My help and thus ask Me for it, accordingly. (2014:79)
Its good to start realizing where you need help.
Ask Me to help you!

Ask Me to do things for you, to help you! (2014:80)

If theres no other way you can make it except with My help, I will, if I may.
Whenever things arent looking so bright, keep trusting in Me anyway and realize that with Me and My help you can make it!

Its a tough season; and the one thing it should teach is to stay in touch with Me in order to ask for and receive My help,
that of Heaven and Our Helpers. I know its all a bit hard to go through this difficult time and somehow find help; but I hope
also that folks know, realize and stay aware of the fact that it could all be even much tougher and harder yet! Heavens at
your help, and things could be going a lot rougher for you, even though they may not be going that perfectly to keep
reminding you that the System isnt exactly perfect (2014:85)
The good part about not knowing how to handle things: you need My help to make it, you ask Me for it and look for it, and
dont just keep leaning on yourself, as you may have previously, when you were still doing alright according to your own
Once you realize certain things about the world arent exactly the way things would be like if I and the Father were
completely in charge, (like death ending every life on earth eventually) thats when you start turning your face toward
Us again and seek Our help and support.
When you need help, and more of it and a greater one than the world system is willing or able to get to you, well its a
good time to start depending on the Father and Me again, and the Holy Spirit for the extra help to keep handling things.

Try to appreciate that youve been helped, and continue to seek and ask for help, especially the one you can receive from
Heaven! (2014:99)
A difficult time of life will put you more in the mode of asking Me for help!
You can do it; you can make it with My help, and if you ask Me for it!
Can you continue to allow Me to help you make it?
Can you believe Me that I can help you make it? (2014:101)
When it gets tough for those believing in Me, it means theyve got to ask Me for help, put their faith into action, and not
allow the devil and his forces to win or succeed against them. (2014:108)
A pretty good way of knowing you need My help to make it, is when your situation lets you know that you need Me and
should do things like praying and asking Me for My help.
Its pretty much a common thing nowadays that folks think they can do it on their own and without My help. But then as
things get rougher with a certain age, and the world turns out to have changed drastically since their youth, folks find out
that things may have turned out a bit weird, and arent all that enthusiastic, and sometimes not so easy to get along with.
So, according to My concept, the more you apply for My help, the better off youre going to be.
I can help you make it through it all.
If you dont quite know what to do and how to deal with life and all that it seems to challenge you with right now, dont see
it as something negative, that it gets you a bit more desperate and more into prayer and communication with Me
Remember, its quite natural and healthy to seek My help and counsel and additional wisdom to help you make it through
life to make life turn out a bit more fruitful for you. (2014:111)
When Youve got a rough time, just hang on to Me; ask Me for help, and let it cause you to be drawn closer to Me! Let the
tough and difficult times serve you to show and teach you how close I am, and helpful I can be!
You can make it with Me and My help! (2014:114)
You need Me and My help in order to make it through some of the situations, and once you do.
Trust in Me, and Ill help you to manage to make it, no matter how bizarre, how long and how tough it all becomes. (2014:122)
Trust in Me more than in yourself, and rely on Me more, and My help, than your own abilities! (2014:130)
Its good and very useful to learn to apply for and avail yourself of My help. (2014:135)
Its a weird world in a sad, rotten state, and youve got to somehow make it through it. Just remember that you need Me
most of all to do it, and My help and strength the only power able to help you make it.
Expect all the help you might need, to come from Me, and dont depend too much on your own abilities anymore
The best to trust in to make it through what the worlds becoming is Me, My help to you, and the only force thatll help you
make it through the wicked period that awaits the world. (2014:140)
Knowing how much of an uplift you can get through spending time with Me is worth a lot!
Thats the big difference when you feel like normal, and able to do it all by yourself, and times when you desperately need
Me and My help! (2014:142)
When you dont know what the future will be like, it makes you just have trust in Me it causes you to search more for Me
and My help and not lean so much on your own strength. (2014:147)

The enemy giving you such a hard time from pretty much all sides should mean that its all the more reason to get ahold of
My help in these situations.
Trust Me, and Ill help you to make it!
Its quite important to put your faith mainly in Me and the help from Above and not trust too much in safety rigged up from
the world youre in! (2014:152)
If you dont have much of an idea how youre gonna make it by yourself, thats a good beginning to ask Me for help and try
to make if with My help and support strengthening you. Something you should start getting into before the time gets
worse. And thats one thing to keep in mind: Things are going to get worse eventually, and its good to be prepared for it,
having learned not to have to make it without Gods and Heavens help.
Get prepared to make it through life with My help and that of Heavens saints and angels. Just get into the gear of making it
by applying, using and pretty much depending on Our help, and not just leaning on your own abilities! (2014:153)
Try to keep giving Me the first place of your importance, and thats how youll keep receiving My strength, help and
Just trust! Rely on Me, Ill help you make it!
Believe and have faith in Us and Our Power to help, support, heal and hold you upright!
Trusting in Me is shown by your constant action in asking Me for help and protection. (2014:155)
The times are not the same as they used to be. Theyre definitely times you desperately need My help to make it against the
evil forces at work!
You need My help desperately to make it! - More desperately than ever.
Ask Me for the help you need!
Ask Me and the Spirit World to help and avoid the bad things and keep them from happening!
Ask Me for the help you need! Ask Me for the angels to help you!
Keep asking Me for help and protection! (2014:156)
Learn to depend on Me more, ask Me for My help more, and youll make it better, youll see!
Asking Me for help not just reasonable or logical answers to the questions on your mind is the best and most effective
thing you can do. (2014:159)
Asking Me for help really turns out to be worth it, doesnt it? And once you get so convinced of that issue, itll be easier to
offer that help to others; either teach them to pray, or pray for them and tell them you did, latest when the good changes
have happened. (2014:161)
I can help you to overcome the devil and beat him!
Learn of Me that I can help you and make you manage to make it.
Youve just got to keep on holding on to Me and making it through Me and My help!
I know its a tough battle, but with My help you ought to be able to make it, and thats what youve got to learn!
I can help you make it! Just count on and rely more on Me! Trust in Me and see! I can do it for you help you make it, youll
see. (2014:166)
Keep trusting Us, even if its a big step and test of faith, okay?
It may be quite rough for you, but Well help you to make it!
Keep trusting in Us, and Well help you make it!
Put a bit more of your faith and trust in Me and the Power of Heaven, that We can help you overcome whatever trials and
tests should be showing up before you!
Its important and necessary for you to find out and discover how much you need Us and Our help, and how its part of
what you should do to keep asking Us for it, keep claiming it and depending on it! (2014:167)
When you dont feel like you can make it, call unto Me, and Ill help you make it! Thats why tough circumstances arise: for
you to learn to let Me help you and depend on My help a bit more, as itll be the need for in the future. (2014:168)
Keep hanging in there, and believe that you can make it with Me and My help. Believe in Me, trust in Me, stay with Me, and
receive My help!
I know its tough for you. But know and believe that Ill help you, and you dont have to feel forsaken, or like youre going to
have to go through the suffering or tough path all alone and by yourself without any help from above. (2014:169)
If youre going through rough times that draw you next to Me, looking and asking for help, youre getting closer to Me than
when all things run perfectly and normally. When you need My help more desperately, youre growing closer to Me, and,
believe Me: Thats no disadvantage! (2014:170)
Pray for Me to help you, lead and guide you, so that you can follow My directions and the path I lead and guide you!
And things you cant take care of yourself, I can help you with.

Just rely on Me and lean on My power thats available to be a bigger help to you than just trusting in your own energies.
Rely on Me, more than on yourself and your own energies! (2014:176)
Youve got to put more emphasis on Us, the Father and Me, and believe that Were mightier than the enemy and can help
those who are willing, to do good in this world, and eventually Well take it away from him again (2014:180)
If you need help, ask Me for it! You ought to believe and know by faith that I can do it: help you and enable you to overcome
just about any difficulty. (2014:181)
Try and love others as much as you love yourself; and the most helpful thing to manage that is to learn love Me and the
Father first, because Well help you to do it and to learn it! (2014:183)
Its good for believers to depend on Me and the Father for Our help.
To really trust in Us is a preparation for a rougher future, during which youll be dependent on Us and Our help more than
ever. (2014:184)
Youve got to be aware of the fact that you need Us and Our help, and keep striving for it, in order to make it against the
devil and his folks and tons of followers. (2014:185)
Helping you out of hell on Earth sounds like a good and helpful task for Me
While you seemed to manage it through other parts of life alone or with your friends or mates, the hardest parts are usually
only helpfully overcome with Me and My help. (2014:190)
With as desperate and tough times as are up ahead, youd better get focused on trusting above all in Me, the Father, and
any heavenly help you can get, because this world isnt heading for its best times ever, but its worst.
So, if times are getting tougher and harder, relax: theres a reason and purpose for it, to make you stronger, more reliable
on Me and the heavenly side of the Spirit World, and a part of all thats supposed to help you through life, to prepare you
for whats expecting you over Here.
Keep having faith and trust in Me that Ill help to see you through! (2014:194)
You need Heavens help in order to pour some heavenly vibes around you and sow some good stuff; but thats why I also
told you not to neglect the power of prayer. Its one of the most important things to do for believers: to ask Us for help! To
stay close to Us and realize how dependent you are on Us when the enemy pretty much rules the world in which youre
Im still here and ready and available to help you, and Heaven is, so, dont become so downcast by the influences of the
world, but keep believing that Were stronger than that, and here to help you overcome and keep the victory over anything
the world can let happen to you. (2014:197)
Sometimes you need My help in order to make it. Whats so wrong with that? Im here in order to help you make it. After all,
the devil is a pretty powerful enemy you need My help against, so its good for you to ask for it and get it!
If you need to make it against the devil, you need My help to make it, and its good for you to get into the gear of getting it,
not just keep assuming you can make it against him by yourself.
Youve got to depend on My help more You need Me more and ask Me for My help and support, and youll get it. (2014:199)
The more you learn to lean and depend on Me and all your help from above, the better off you and your family are going to
I can help you handle whatever comes, and thats basically what faith and trust are all about! (2015:6)
Im here, and largely for you to learn to depend and lean on Me for greater help than what you could possibly establish
yourself in darker times to come.
As long as the present System manages to help you supply all and everything for you that you need, its hard to believe
that you completely need Me and My help. But just trust Me that it might not stay always and forever that way, and that
eventually youre going to need My help and will be thankful then for your faith connection with Me!
So get ready, or let Me help prepare you for it. (2015:9)
Only with My Help youre supposed to be able to make it. Thats precisely what should get you closer to and more
dependent on Me and My Strength and Capacity, not just keeping depending on your own. You might not consider that very
positive right now, but you will, eventually. Learn to depend on Me, and you wont regret it! You will make it with My Help!
Learn to see things more positively along with and based on My Promises to help you make it!
You will make it with My help, thats My Promise. Even if it may not seem very likely for you right now to be able to make it.
But if Im really there and will help you as I promise, you will, youll see.
Isnt it one of the main topics of the Word, that even if things dont seem very likely to be worked out, they wind up being
worked out through the help from Above? Miracle power works.
Even if lifes a bit rough for now it means, keep trusting in, leaning and relying on Me and My help, My Promises, and
youll make it, in spite of all the hindrances and obstacles.
I want to help you and Im going to. (2015:14)

With the help of My Strength youre going to make it. I know it may not seem very likely to you that you will, but with My
help you can and youre going to.
Im having to put you through this training and course of making you dependent of Me, My help and the Spirit, along with
all Our helpers for the times to come.
Sometimes folks who are quite able to rely on themselves have a much harder time when the time comes for them to rely
on heavenly help, even though they may have claimed and thought to believe in that for quite a while. Well, nows the time
to put that into practice, and eventually youll wind up seeing and recognizing why.
There comes a time when folks have to decide which and whose help theyre going to rely on that from above or the one
from below
Thats just how I might get you to trust in Me more by getting you to seek My help desperately and finding out Im not
letting you down, not failing you in the long run (2015:15)
To lean not on the flesh and your own abilities, but on Our help instead, is pretty important concerning the future of this
world, and along with that, your own and that of your family. (2015:16)
Knowing that youll need some supernatural help to make it in the future of this world, isnt that more according to making
it by faith? (2015:28)
Its not really too bad when things are turning out kind of rough for you in this life. Its good for you to be prepared for even
rougher times and learn how to make it through them with My help, and thus get into that habit of depending on Me.
If the flesh gets weakened, it means, its time to strengthen the spirit get prepared for the Hereafter put your trust some
more in Me, and learn to depend on Me and My help.
I want to strengthen you and help you make it through, but it means you have to get used to applying for and depending on
My help.
Things just wont continue forever as they are right now, and youll be best off by preparing for it through depending more
on Me and your heavenly help than your former own abilities and strengths.
The devils a tough enemy, and not something you can just make it against on your own. Another reason why you really
should get more used to depending on Me and rely on Our help more! Youll become more dependent on heavenly help as
times on Earth are getting rougher.
Hanging on to Me and becoming more dependent on My and Heavens help should draw us closer, and get you more into
My gear and way of doing things.
As you can tell, My input helps to draw you up, so, stay and stick to it, and make an effort to stay Up!
Stay in touch and keep asking Me for My help! Youre becoming more and more dependent on it as time goes on.
Dont let the enemy drag you down! Remember that Im stronger and more powerful than him, so hang on to Me and My
help to win the victory against him! Amen? (2015:32)
Needing Me and My help more desperately than before isnt something bad. Needing Me more or realizing it more that you
need Me is actually not a disadvantage as much as an advantage. (2015:33)
Together, with My help, youll make it and will be able to do it! (2015:35)
Youre supposed to fight for the victory and stay in touch with Me to help you to get it. A tough life for someone who knows
Me is a sign that he needs to get closer to Me and apply for My help; and make that a daily custom! If you cant make it
without My help, its time to ask and beg Me for My help so you can make it!
Hold on to Me and cling to Me, and stay in touch with Me in order to receive My help!
I can help you, and I will, when and if you ask Me.
Get prepared for the way to go by My strength and depending on the help from Above!
So, depend on Me and Heavens help and get used to the fact of your needing it and dependence on it!
Youll make it if you hang on and hold on to Me and Heavens help, and thats what the current time and episode is all about
and meant to teach you. (2015:36)
Its good for you to be more dependent on My help. And the more you ask for it, the more youll get it.
All you need to do is depend more on Me and My help, and less on your flesh and its abilities. The weaker you are, the
more youll realize you need to depend on Me and your heavenly help, not your own mind and strength most of all.
Youve got to get into that utter gear of dependence on Me and your heavenly help, since its no longer your flesh that can
cope with it all. (2015:37)
If you dont know how to make it, ask Me for help!
Maybe thats why you dont: so that youll ask Me for help more and pray for it more, because its more obvious that you
need Me and My help. So, apply for My help, and youll get it!
Remember that its more likely the enemy to get you to trust in yourself and your own abilities instead of Me and My help!

Soon the enemy will have taken this world over pretty much completely, and itll be the time you and others will need Our
help more than ever before. (2015:45)

Its a good thing to remember that theres not much you can do in order to get the victory over evil in the world without My
help. So, you should ask for it and apply for it as much and often as possible! And dont try to make it without it! You pretty
much need My help against evil and other things, like death, disease and other troubles, desperately. All You need to do
basically, is ask Me for it. (2015:46)
Id love to help you more, but it takes your asking Me for My help to get there! (2015:48)
Youd be better off putting some more of your trust in Me, that Ill help you to make it, even if its a fairly tough time right
You can make it through with My help. (2015:49)
When life gets rough, its a good occasion to get into serious connection with Me to either ask for help or some revelation
as to whats going on. It might also mean that you should get into some desperate prayer to beg Me for My help and
salvation out of a serious mess situation. (2015:50)
To make it through the hard times in life is not easy, but just got to see it through! Remember, thats also whats
supposed to make you cling tighter to Me, get you to ask more for My help and all It should call you back into the gear of
Sometimes those hard times are needed to make a better person out of you, relying more on the help from above, and not
just on ones own strength.
As far as dependence on Me and your help from Above is concerned, thats better than independence.
As things get a little harder and even tougher, it means itll create a better one out of you and raise more strength. Life may
be hard right now, but that means youll realize more that you need the help from Above, will ask and apply for it more, and
that, in the end, will make you stronger, and able to resist more the devils counter acts and attacks!
When I am weak, then I am strong doesnt sound so realistic to you right now, but trust Me, that it means when physically
youre growing weaker, if youre attached to your heavenly helpers and Source of spiritual strength, in the long run, you
will be stronger!
Just remember that sometimes asking Us Up Here for help might just be whats needed
If you dont ask for it, you just might not be availing yourself of the power Weve given you to avail yourself of Our help.

Make your faith in Me, the Father, and the help you need from Above grow stronger! If theres nothing and no one else left
to lean on, what else is there? How else are you going to make it, but with Our help and support and Us lifting and raising
you up?
Show that you depend on your spiritual help, when theres nothing, or at least not much you can expect from and count on
from the physical side So, whos going to be able to help you, except your spiritual helpers, including Those responsible
for your creation?
If We made you, we ought to be able to help you as well make it through trouble, shouldnt we?
So, it means, you pretty much need your help from Us for everything, and that means you should apply and ask and just
about beg for it to make sure youll get it! Ask for Our help, using your faith! (2015:55)
There arent nearly as many folks whose help you can reckon with these days, which draws you closer to Me and My help,
which trust Me is the best option for you to choose.
Becoming more dependent on Me and your heavenly help is not a negative mode or gear, but ultimately the best one you
can ever turn to, which you will recognize toward the end of it all.
Society has changed, and youre just going to have to make it through the way things are, and just keep holding on to Me
and all of Heavens help for you to come out of it all victoriously. (2015:56)
Rely fully on Me and your help from Above, and dont listen to the devils input trying to tell you Were not even there to
help you!
Help your faith to grow and do what you can to help it grow around you, as well!
We quite need folks who could help others dealing with whats coming and find some faith in Us, Who could help them out
of it, and at least save them into a better Hereafter!
I call you to follow Me to help folks exactly through those times coming and leadem Up to Me.
I want you to get more plugged in to Me and the heavenly help you can receive through your act of having received Me,
having learned to communicate with Me, and having spent quite some of that life with and for Me by faith, and not relying
on a System state to get you to make it through!
Ive promised you Id help you to make it even during the Endtime and its Tribulation when therell be no more cash, but
only the mark of the Beast, which true believers wont accept and will have to make it through those 3 tough years only
through help from Above.
As much as you face the trouble up ahead and look at Me for help in knowing how to deal with it, you can even feel the
strength inside you growing again (2015:58)

Depending on Me and asking for My supernatural help is the only way youll make it through whats coming up ahead, and
thats why Im trying to get you into learning all those things youll need to have in mind and do when the troublesome
times will have reached you to the full.
The times to manage it all basically without My tangible help are pretty much over, and what youre going through right
now is helping to prepare you for that.
Cling to Me, and apply for My help in a regular and constant manner, and dont just have confidence in things and times
ahead of you working out somehow even without it. Those days are over.
Applying for My help on a regular basis doesnt just sound like the best manner, but the only way youll manage to make it.
My help Ill pour upon you as a result of your prayers and asking Me for it.
Youre going to be more dependent on Our help than youve ever been before, and trust Me that itll be coming when you
let Us know you need it! (2015:60)
Cling to and trust in Me to help and see you through even when the times get the roughest ever!
Be confident that Ill be around to help see you through, even when the roughest time of world history will finally arrive!

If you feel like youre in a situation you cant make it in without My help, well thats the way things are going to be
eventually, and the sooner you get used to depending on My aid and support instead of your own capabilities, the better.
Youve got Me and My help available to you, and getting used to your dependence on it is better than being partly able to
manage it all in your own power of the flesh.
Youre going to need My help desperately.
Youre desperately dependent on Me, cant make it without My help, and the closer you cling to Me, the greater your chance
to wind up making it and being victorious, after all.
You cant make it by yourself or in your own strength, but you can make it depending and leaning on Me to help you.
Ask Me for My help, and dont keep trying to make it without it!
The more you learn to make it with and depending on My help, the better off youre going to be!
As far as your shape and state to make you think you cannot manage to do certain things, maybe you could ask Me for My
aid and strength to help you in such situations, in order to avoid negative reactions! (2015:62)
It always helps to have Me and your heavenly helpers by your side to help you make it, but thatll also help you to give the
honor and praise to Heaven Up Above and Its Makers, which is also a helpful spiritual attitude!
Just keep in mind that Well help you make it! And with that attitude, youll also develop a more thankful and praiseful
attitude, a more positive spirit! (2015:67)
All in all, you dont quite know yet what life is holding up for you to handle; so it means youre going to have to stay
desperately in touch with Me, and rely on My help in order to make it.
Im sorry for you that life is treating you so roughly right now, but Im also hoping that this will cause you to really learn to
let all things in your life depend on Me and My aid, help and support.
Stay in touch with Me constantly, as the Bible says (without ceasing), and put your energy into applying for My help!
The sooner you start really getting into the gear of depending on Me and all your help available to you from above, the
better. (2015:68)
If you cant make it without Me and My help, trust Me that thats a very good sign!
Why do you think youre the ones having one of the roughest times right now and currently? Whos the one in charge of
that? You know its the enemy, and the fact that hes giving you the hardest times shows who and what hes mostly
And if that drives you into My arms and makes you beg and ask for My help, well, thats not anything negative, considering
that thats the only way believers are going to make it through the Tribulation. (2015:69)
Hang on to Me and Ill help you make it through anything! No matter how hard and tough it seems, I can help you make it
through it all! (2015:75)
Tough times and rough circumstances are there for those who dont really insist on relying on themselves and dont mind
relying on Me instead, and all the help from Above they can get. (2015:76)
When you realize you cant make it by yourself, cling to Me and let Me take over and help you do it.
Desperation may lead you towards Me and cause you to pray for My help and power, but once youve got it, youll see, it
disappears! (2015:79)
Its a rotten world right now, but youre going to have to learn how to deal with it and how to handle it and cope with it! And
youll need My help for that!
Not dealing easily with taking care of things by yourself should be a reminder that youve got Me as a major help to take
care of things.
Dont rely on yourself so much anymore, nor on other, physical factors, but on Me and My help, and youll discover the
advantage of that, eventually. (2015:80)

Look unto Me, and in My direction, asking Me for, relying and depending on My help!
Trust in Me a bit more, that I can and am capable of helping you! (2015:82)
Life should teach you to look up and cling to My help and aid to get you out of its messes, or at least to help you make it
through them, overcome the hindering and down-trotting forces, and make you learn to cling to and depend on Me more!
Youve got to grow stronger against evil forces and resist them with Our help and force at your aid!
The more you experience to operate with the help of My strength and aid from Above, the better off youre going to be! Let
Me help you make it! And doing that will also help you give Me greater glory for it all! (2015:83)
If its tough for you, that means you need My help, and are coming to Me and looking at Me to get some
Dependence on Me plays a better and safer role in life, helping to see you through whatever comes.
So, cling to Me, hold on to Me and know and keep in mind that I can help you to manage and overcome all difficulties.
Try to take it as well as you can, what youre having to deal with, and let it teach you to avail yourself of My help and
There are situations nobody can help you to handle but Me! (2015:84)
Depending on Me, and learning to do that, is what will help you make it through whats up ahead, and one of the main
reasons for what youre having to go through. (2015:86)
Applying for your help from Above is a good thing to get into, and something Were all definitely welcoming.
Dont be too worried if things get into a situation where you cant purely handle them by yourself anymore, but need Our
help to make it through them.
Consider the fact that doing things for Me and the Father doesnt depend as much on your own strength as on Our help We
lend you. (2015:91)
Keep trusting in Me, and that Ill help you, and eventually youll have more faith that youll make it, and consequently will.
If you cant seem to make it at the time being, just trust Me that Ill help you to make it whenever you express your need for
My help! (2015:93)
Try harder to get ahold of Me and of My help! You might desperately need it, not too far ahead in the future! (2015:94)
With all the bad and rotten things that are still going to pop up in history, its important youre raising your faith and trust
Me that I can help you make it through it, anyway. (2015:95)
Applying for My help is something you ought to get into regularly, for times are coming when youll need it quite
desperately, and your own strength of the flesh isnt going to be enough anymore. (2015:96)
Keep clinging to and asking for My help and that of the angels and helpers in Heaven! Don't rely too much on yourself!
That's one of the biggest and most common mistakes people on Earth are generally making!
One of the wisest things you can do is realizing that you cannot just completely rely on your own understanding, but
should cling to Me and your help from Above instead.
Remember to be more heavenly-minded, and turn your spiritual views up to Us Up Here, who will help you, if you ask us for
Ask for love, and for help to give it to those you want to give it to!
Depend a bit more on Our help and ask Us for it!
Trust Me: you'll need Our help more and more as time goes on!
The stuff the enemy and his folks come up with needs more help from Above, so, don't try to make it on your own, but ask
for that help! It's humbling, yes; but remember that humility is an important gift and treasure to help you make it with help
from Above that you can't come up with by yourself! You need Us and that heavenly help; so get into the groove of asking
for it!
If there's anything you ought to have learned, it is that you should desperately keep asking Us for help and protection, and
not take it for granted that things will always run smoothly by themselves! Call out for Our help, if for sure you want to
make it! You need it, are dependent on it, and that's why it's so important you pray and ask for it!
Basically, that's what every one of My mentionings of dependence on Our help means: that you should stay in prayer, and
how dependent you are on staying in contact with your heavenly helpers in order to make it through the dark times to
It's a rough time on Earth, with much rougher ones coming, so you should get used to it, asking for help and protection,
and anything else you might need in order for you to make it! - Which is also why it happens that some things don't work
as they should: Reminders that you should pretty much always ask for heavenly help and protection to make it!
Things that remind you that you cant are reminders from and of Us, Who will help you when there's no other way to make
it. And while those times are coming soon for all believers, the sooner you get used to asking for help, the better! (2015:98)
If theres a plan for you to hang around a little bit longer through those coming times of trouble, youre just going to have
to trust Us that Well help you and see you through.
If you feel weak and frightened without My help and the Spirit, it just shows how much more you need to apply for that
help, and use it! You cant make it without it!

So, its another sign how much and how desperately you need My help, and wont be able to make it without it! (2015:103)
Can you make it? If not, but you want to, its a time to ask for My help and any help from Above! When you realize you cant
make it by yourself or in your own strength, well, its time to ask for help from Up Here, your Home the Place you
ultimately belong, and thats not taken over by the enemy, nor ever will be!
Were helping you as soon as you apply and plead for Our help, and you dont have to go through that trouble of the world
on your own! If you cant make it, well, remember theres a lot of help Up Here to apply, making even seemingly impossible
things for you possible.
Depend on Us and apply for Our help, the sooner the better, because some day soon youll be utterly dependent on it, with
no more chance to make it on your own, in your own wisdom or strength.
Trust in Me and all help from Above to help you through what youve got to make it through! (2015:104)
When you know that some big downhill changes are going to be impending soon, you better get into a rhythm and gear of
depending and leaning on Me and your help from Above. (2015:106)
If you cant manage to get prepared for whats up ahead by yourself, its a good time to rely on Me and ask Me to help you
Depend on Me more, and ask Me to help you to make it apply for My help! Youll need it sooner or later, anyway, and
pretty much desperately, since the times awaiting this world are going to be the toughest ever.
Thereve been times you had bigger chances to make it without My aid, but whats coming up ahead is definitely different
and going to be tougher to make it through.
The good old days are nearly over, and the times up ahead will require My help desperately.
The sooner you get used to that gear of depending on help from Above, instead of below, or down there, trust Me: the
better it will be! (2015:107)
You need to trust in and count on Me to help you to make it.
If things dont seem to work out by themselves, well, it might be a reminder to ask Us in Heaven for help. After all, if you
believe in Us in Heaven, why would you not rely on Our help?
I know, things have been going relatively easy for you in previous years, but the time is coming when things wont be that
easy anymore, and youre going to have to rely more on Our help So get it, by asking for it!
If youre not in the shape to make it by yourself, it shows that you need Me to help you make it. So, perhaps just part of the
system to help remind you of the fact that you need Me! And not just My Words and input, but also, especially My help
and Power from Above.
True: most people seem to make it without Heavens help. But you ought to be used to needing My help from Above!
You need and depend on My help more desperately than ever.
To need and depend on My help more desperately than ever is a necessary preparation to help you make it through the
even rougher times up ahead you ought to know by faith are going to get there soon.
Learn to seek My help on a regular basis to make it through the tough times, since there are still tougher ones on their way
to make it through and bear with
If life seems to be too great a challenge for you at times, just remember to ask for the help from Above! You may not be
able to make it on your own, but hey, youve got all that help from Up Here at your disposal, if you just get into the gear of
asking for it! Remember that as one of the main reasons for Pray without ceasing!
Dont stop asking for help to make it!
Theres definitely a reason for that reminder to pray and ask for help from Above pretty much constantly. (2015:108)
I know, its very tough to have to make it through such a devilish abode there. But then again, it forces you to depend on
My help and causes you to apply for and ask for it.
To manage staying a bit more on the defensive against the enemy you desperately need My help for, which is not a bad
thing but a needed preparation for whats up ahead
Holding on to Me and letting Me help you to make it, you will!
Youll also know, that if you should ever make it through the times to come, it wont just have been you, your own power
and abilities, but Me doing it through you, and My help keeping you going!
Help from Above in times to come will be greater than your own abilities.
If you dont know whats going on, or how to go on, just ask Me to help you and to show you! Youve just got to get used to
asking Me more for help! (2015:109)
Things going down in the system should teach you to put your main trust in Me and your help from Above!
By Satans ultimate rule in the end you wont be able to rely on the system anymore at all, but only your help and supply
from Above!
Get used to the fact that you need Me and Our help from Above, and quit leaning too much on your own capabilities to
supply what you need in the system, because that system might not keep running that way much longer. But make your
faith in Me and your supply from Above the most important and significant factor! (2015:110)
Learn how to handle, manage and cope with what life has to give you, and let it all strengthen your trust in Me by asking Me
for help and appreciating it when it comes!
If those around you arent much help, remember to ask and apply for Mine, the help from Above!

Asking for and then taking the advantage of the help from Above is what will encourage others most to join you in your
So, fight for getting all the help from Above you can, so that others can gain a little hope from it, too! (2015:111)
We can help you make it, if your attitude and willingness, as well as your yieldedness are turned in the right direction!
Were Here to help you, and with Our help its not impossible! Just keep trying, and keep looking in the right direction, and
with Our help you can make it! (2015:112)
The first apostles definitely didnt make it without help from Above, and if they thought they would, something not so nice
usually happened to them. And times are going to become a lot like that, and even worse, with a worldwide government of
the enemys power, so prepare!
Life is not easy, but this will cause you to be more aware of your need for Me and your heavenly help.
You need help? Good! Thats what Were here for, your Saviour and helpers from Above! Thats what our communication
and Power of the Spirit is there for The Father knew that it would be absolutely necessary someday for true believers to
survive and make it through the Endtime. So, keep and stay in touch! Dont let the views and ways of the world continue to
distract you. Time to stay tuned in to your Help from Above and support of the Holy Ghost, the angels and spirit helpers,
any help from Above you can get and apply for!
Remember, Without Me ye can do nothing (Jn.15:5)? Well, in times to come the version will also be applicable that without
Our help and protection you wont make it through the days to come, so youll desperately need Me and your Help from
Just let these times help to prepare you for whats coming!
If you feel like you wont be able to make it, know that with Our help you will! (2015:113)
If you cant make it on your own, just cling to Me and all your help from Above, the only way youll ever make it through
those hard and dark days to come!
Cling to Me and your help from Above to help you to make it and rise above!
Depend on My strength instead your own, and on your help from Above (2015:117)
If you dont know how to make it through your day, just ask Me for help!
You may need more help from Above to make it, but that will be the case all the more in times to come. So, lets get you
prepared for it! Trusting in Me and My help that youre going to make it thats the groove and gear into which youre
going to have to get!
If your days becoming like a nightmare to you again, its time for you to ask and apply for My help.
You need Me and My help and Spirit even more when times will get worse. (2015:118)
The more you get back into the gear of applying for My help to pull you through, the better off youll be in the long run,
trust Me! (2015:120)
If you cant make it on your own, just apply and plead for My help and help from Above, without which you wont make it
through whats coming in the future, either; so, the sooner you get into depending on Me and the help you can get from
Above, the better.
Learn to depend on help from Above without which youre just not going to make it.
You wont make it through the Endtime without Our help, and what youre going through right now is just some training
and preparation for that period, so youll get into the right groove and rhythm.
The rough times are making you more dependent on Me and your help from Above.
Drawing you closer to Me and making you more conscious of the degree to which you need Me, and will need Me and My
help in times to come, are definitely some positive things when you know what I know about the future ahead of you!
Depending on strength from Above, not just your own abilities, is what will help you make it through times to come
Theyre rough times, but Well help you make it all the way through them, and getting used to applying for, and grabbing
ahold of that help will turn out to have been worth it, youll see. (2015:121)
Keep in touch with Me as much as you can, and check in with Me as often as possible to be led and guided on the right
tracks by Me and your helpers from Up Here, since thats going to be an important modus operandi for the future.
Let Me and the heavenly Kingdom play that part to help see you through! (2015:122)
If you dont know how to handle things, just ask Me for help! Thats probably one of the main reasons why these things
happen: to remind you to ask Us for help and depend on your help from Above, not thinking you could make it on your
own, because thats what the times coming towards this world youre in are going to be like! Get used to asking for help
from Above! Otherwise you just might not make it through whats to come. Dont try to get used to your former gear of
handling things according to your own abilities, because the times are changing and have changed, and you just might not
make it without applying for help from Up Here!
Its not necessarily anything positive for followers of Mine to believe and act as if they could handle things pretty much on
their own, trusting more in their own abilities and strength than My help.
Get into the groove of fully relying on your help from Above, and not your own abilities! (2015:123)
Ask Me and all of Heaven Above for help!

Asking Me for help shows that you depend on Me and are counting on Me and the help and power from Above, not what
that world you live in might be offering!
Sometimes you need to cope with the fact that all you can rely on for sure is My help and that from Up Here Considering
Heaven as a more reliable source of help and support is part of that faith youre supposed to have in Us.
Get into the gear of confiding and trusting mostly in Me and your Help from Above!
Rely on Me and My help and support, and keep asking for it and depending on it.
I can help you to make it! Trust Me for that? (2015:125)
Sometimes its better not to think youre going to make it through times coming. At least like this youre more desperate for
My help, and knowing you wont make it without My help makes it more likely that you are going to make it: dependence on
Me and help from above, instead of relying on your own abilities, which actually wont be enough to help anyone to make it
through whats coming.
So, dont be too downhearted over having gotten into this state in which youre much less able to do things by yourself
and have become much more dependent on Me and your help from Above, since thats the only thing thats going to help
you make it through whats coming.
So, dont be too downhearted over having gotten into this state in which youre much less able to do things by yourself
and have become much more dependent on your help from Above, since thats the only thing thats going to help you
make it through whats coming.
Trust Me for that move towards greater dependence on Me, knowing assuredly that you couldnt make it without that help
from Above, and thus relying more on it than you used to.
If you think you cant make it, let it be the move of recognizing that you wont be able to manage it without the help from
Above youll need to make it through times to come, and thus bring you into the gear of asking and applying for that help
to be much more able to make it through times to come.
Self-reliance may be what the system teaches its pupils is something good, but when it comes down to it, youll find out
youll be much better off trusting more in Me and your help from Above
Get used to needing My help, and not thinking you could make it on your own. It may have worked for some time, but with
life becoming rougher, its good to get used to leaning and depending on Me to help you make it through. (2015:126)
Trust in Me to help you through whats to come! (2015:128)
Youve got to get into the rhythm of asking for My help, and all the help from Above you can get!
Applying for help from Above is a wise movement and preparation for whats to come.
Therell be coming a time when it will all make sense what you had to go through, in order to get pulled closer to your help
from Above, and not be used to leaning on your own abilities and capacities anymore. (2015:130)
The ability to receive the Power from Above will be quite necessary to help you make it through whats coming, and
becoming of the world: the enemys global empire, thankfully for a limited period!
Learn to depend on Us, and all the help from Heaven you can get!
Apply for the strength from Above that will help you to make it!
Prepare for the times to come, during which youll be absolutely dependent on Us, and all the help from Heaven you can
get! (2015:131)
When one realizes that what he can do by himself isnt enough anymore, thats when he may realize that he could use
some help and, hey, youve got pretty much all of Heaven ready to lend you some help! So, use it!
Cant make it on your own anymore? Make use of Heavens help! (2015:133)
Just make it your lifes vision, and pray for Our help in order to make it, and fulfill a believers purpose! Its tough for you,
but theres plenty of help to receive from Up Here for the right purposes, like bringing Heaven and Salvation to others as
much as you can. And with that help from Above, one is certainly more able.
If you just cant make it without My input and help from Above, dont let it make you feel bad.
Eventually, that help from Me will be appreciated as the best, and youll find out for sure that is wasnt a waste of time, but
the best channel to get onto. Just remember to add the prayers for needed help from Up Here!
You need Me and that help from Up Here, so getting into a constant or steady groove to apply for it is very necessary,
especially for the days to come, when things wont keep working the way they are now. Prepare for the changes, and thus,
cling to Me and the help from Above you need, more than ever.
I guess you can tell that the good and easy days are over. And to make it through those to come, youll need My help and
support on a more steady basis than ever! So, apply and ask for them! Dont even try to make it without Me and the help
from Heaven!
The times to come wont just be difficult, but pretty much impossible to make it through without the help from Above you
need to learn to apply for and lean on right now! Trying to make it without help from Above will be a failure then, so, get
used to depending on Me and Heavens help now!
Lean on your help from Above more than ever before! Let your faith get back into Me and help from Above, instead of your
own talents and abilities!
Once youre following Me, youll also receive help and provision from Up Here. (2015:136)

To rely more on Me and your help from above is a challenge, and a testing of your faith that comes in a little hard at first,
especially once youd been used for decades to rely on your own talents and fortes, but as far as the future of the world is
concerned, youll only make it through the help from Above!
Have a little trust in Me that I can help you make it, even though youre feeling physically weak! Trust more in Me than in
your own strength, and youll discover that thats whats going to help you make it! (2015:138)
After the AC takes over the world, you just ought to learn to get used to things working not by themselves, but through My
supernatural help.
It may be a bit of a drastic change not to be making it without My supernatural help at all through the days, but well,
thats preparation for the Endtime, when youll definitely not make it without My help! (2015:140)
Keep trusting in Me, and that Ill help you make it! Put all your trust in Me and your heavenly Help, and youll be grateful in
the end for having made the right decision and the choice for the proper path! (2015:141)
The more help Youll need, the more youll cling to Me, and thatll be the most important and significant factor for the future
thats facing you! (2015:142)
Focus on what I can do in order to help you, strengthen and enable you to see things through!
Leaning on Me and your help from Above will turn out to be the best you could have ever learned! (2015:143)
Just get used to the fact that you need My help, and youre going to need it all the more, the tougher times get.
If things get too tough for you, if you need My help, just get into the gear and apply for it and ask Me for it! Therell be times
coming when you wont make it without it, and these times right now are to prepare you for it. (2015:144)
Lean on and hold on to Me, and Ill show and help you some. Just lean on Me as your Helper and Savior, and youll see that
through faith youll miraculously make it somehow! (2015:145)
Therell be a time when believers wont be able to make it without help from Above, so, its time to get used to it, applying
for that need, and not lean so much on ones own capacities as in the past.
Humbling? Yes. But remember that as a good quality, not a bad one! (2015:146)
I know its difficult for you, and tougher and harder than pretty much ever before, but you just have to deal with it and learn
to cope with it by coming towards Me for My help on a more steady and regular basis, because the tougher the times get,
the more you need that, and Ive told you that the times will get tougher!
Stay closer to Me and ask for more help because you cant make it without Me!
Learning that you cant make it on your own without My help through everything is a good, important thing to learn.
You can say, and it should be your attitude: Without You I can do nothing, and rely on My help and power to support and
enable you, knowing and realizing that you totally need it. (2015:149)
Im here to help you make it through with all Our angels and saints, so just use and depend on that help!
Realize how much you need Me and the help from Above, instead of leaning on your own strength and abilities. (2015:150)
Keep applying for help from Up Here!
If the enemy and all his demons will come from the spirit world to take over the earthly rule and large part of the
population, its going to be all the more important to get your help from Our side! (2015:152)
Since its going to be the largest takeover of the enemys forces ever in history, therell also be greater need than ever
before to be able to completely rely on your Help from Above! (2015:153)
Its good to become aware of needing My help! Its good to realize you cant make it on your own without it!
Having been able to largely make it in your own strength and abilities until recently makes it still kind of hard for you to get
used to it, not making it on your own, but keep remembering that itll get so tough towards the end that itll be pretty much
impossible to make it through that time without your aid from Above!
The folks that have been and are really used by the Father and Me, all had to be utterly dependent on Us, so, get used to it,
and dont consider it something strange, even if it may seem like such hard times for you when you cant make it without
Our supernatural help! But thats the way things are going to be in times to come, so, the sooner you get used to it, the
Dont feel too bad about being so weak, and going through low energy times during which you just need and are
dependent on Our help from Above! Thats the perfect preparation for dark times to come, so get used to it! You need Us
and Our help from Above more than ever? Get used to it! Its the way things are supposed to be!
Thats why Im trying to teach you to depend on Us: all your help available from Above! Without Us you might not make it,
but with Us and Our help, you will!
Needing help from Above is what will strengthen your faith in It and Us the most! So, just trust and confide in Us and
that Well help you to make it, and thatll give many others some faith to make it through the difficult times coming, too.
You need My help, and the world is getting to a point where you will, more than ever!
Dont seek to make it in your own carnal, fleshly efforts, but seek to make it through Me and heavenly Help! (2015:158)

Being conscious of the need of My help is already a step forward.

Its a preparation mode, and with it, youll be better off than without.
If youre feeling incapable, thats a sign you should start clinging to My help and all that you can manage to receive from
Remember that asking Me for help is one of the most important things to make it through days to come!
You have to get used to needing the help from Above more urgently and steadily!
Avail yourself of Our Power and Strength, to help you resist and overcome the enemy and his attacks!
If you avail yourself of Our help and might, youll make it!
Make it through your days through faith in Our help!
The sooner you get used to availing yourself of the supernatural help from Above, the better off youre going to be!
Right now, not too many folks consider themselves dependent on Our help, but once the Endtime has arrived, youll be
grateful for having been prepared for it, and having learned to cling to Our help from Above!
Youre in desperate need of Me and My help, and some day youll recognize this as having been the perfect preparation for
what was to come!
The mode of depending on Me and your help from Above will strengthen and empower you, even if beforehand you may
have been clueless how to! (2015:159)
When the worldly systems on its way down, thats a good time to look Up to Me and all the help you can apply for from Up
Here, getting fully into the state of leaning on Me and your help from Above for your survival
Learning to depend on Me and help from Above, instead of your own capabilities is definitely what I want you to get into
and prepared for! Not the groove of your physical abilities you used to apply for your income and support before, but a
bit more of a supernatural angle, leaning on help from Above.
See much more the dependence on help from Up Here playing the main role, instead of your own abilities! (2015:160)
Get into a mode of praying for help from Up Here more! Just get used to the fact that the times of making it on your own
are over, and youll desperately need the help from Above!
Put your full trust, confidence and expectations in Me and your help from Up Here!
Its not you who needs to be perfect! Just believe in the One Who is and can help you do better!
Not ever really managing to become perfect down there maybe will help you to appreciate Those Who are, and thus, all the
more willing to help folks like you, as soon as they realize they still need help!
Going through situations that make you a bit more desperate, and dependent on Me and help needed for you to make it
through, shouldnt make you feel too bad.
The way your kids feel these days without their mother, while youve been a lot more independent and having a hard time
coping with their dependence, maybe should just be a sign for you how dependent on Me and your help from Above you
ought to be!
Why not start viewing it as an example of what should be your attitude towards Me and the help you need from Above?
Reliance on Our help should grow, because youll need it more than ever in the near future.
Life has a lot of mysteries. But seeking Me about them will help you solve them. (2015:161)
You cant take it for granted that all things will work out alright by themselves without staying in proper connection with
Us, your Help from Above!
Stick close to Me and get into the groove of depending on help from Above!
Cling to, and depend on Me and your help from Above, in order to make it. And doing that, trust Me: you will! (2015:162)
Life is tough for you right now. But let it serve you as a reminder of how much you need Me and all help from Above you
can get now, and even more so in times to come!
Just as your children sometimes need your help, so the Father and Mother know that you need Theirs, along with that of all
the angels, spirit helpers, and Mine, your Older Brothers and Saviors!
And just as earthly parents are there for their kids, so are your Heavenly Ones there for you, and along with a bunch of
helpers, friends and relatives! Youve got a greater Family Up Here than down there; and its another reason to keep
looking Up Here, to Heaven, from where theres a whole lot more help available for you than from down yonder! So, keep
praying and asking for help from Up Here, and youll get it! (2015:163)
If you feel like youre not going to make it, well, thats a sign you need Our help from Above, which is promised to you.
If youre not really sure how to make it, just cling to and trust in Me, that Im going to help you make it somehow.
Get into the gear again of using your available help from Above! (2015:164)
Having weaknesses to overcome is something natural, reminding you of your need of the Help from Above!
Resist the temptations of the evil ones! Think youll manage? Well, you should, applying for Our help for it!
How much have you prayed for My help yet, today?
How can you complain that you dont experience or feel much help from Above, if you hardly ever ask for it? (2015:165)
Its a tough situation for you right now, but in order to make it through the even tougher ones to come, you have to avail
yourself of that help from Up Here!
Just trust in My strength and help being powerful enough for you to make it through any sort of situation!

Get into the rhythm of depending on Me, My help and strength from Above to make it through times to come! (2015:166)
Your only chance is to lean on help from Above, not making it by yourself and your own efforts
Take and accept whatever comes with as much grace as you can, even if its not anything youre used to yet, but itll help
you deal a bit better with whats yet to come. (2015:167)
Once youre aware of how far-spread the enemys influence is scattered across the globe, you begin to realize just how
much you need and depend on Me and the supernatural help from Above, and dont just stick to relying on your own
capacities as in years passed, when you had things rigged up in manners that it led your self-confidence to do so, instead
of leaning more on Me and your help from Above, which by now you realize you need desperately.
Youre not going to make it through times to come, without getting into the gear of leaning and depending on heavenly help
from Above in order to make it.
When youre in a situation you cant make it in on your own, see it as a good and valuable opportunity to depend on Me
and your help from Above instead, which youre going to be dependent on in the future, to make it through the times to
come. (2015:169)
Just let Me help you make it, without depending on anything else: your own abilities, support from the German state, or
If there are times of trouble coming upon you, just try to handle them and bear with them, even if theyre the toughest
youve been through, just learn how to deal with them and make it somehow, with My help!
After all, thats what its all supposed to teach you: How to make it and bear these times of trouble with My help! In other
words, how to get and avail yourself of My help and that of Heaven, when you cant make it on your own because the
situation coming up is just too hard and too tough!
The toughest of all times on earth is pretty much right before you, and something for you to get ready to deal and cope
with so, let My help get you ready, okay? (2015:170)
If the impression you get from your current experiences and time youre going through is that you dont have much of a
chance to make it on your own and without My supernatural help from Above, well, then let it be and view it as good
preparation for the toughest times to ever come on earth!
If you cant manage to make it so easily through the times youre going through right now, just let it be preparation for the
hardest times to come, for which youll need more of My supernatural help in order to make it than ever before. (2015:174)
Get used to the fact of needing Our help, and needing it desperately, as you will during the times to come when the devil
will reign down there!
The easier times didnt cause you to ask and apply for help from Above that much not as much as youll need it
So, dont be too dismayed about needing Me and My help more than ever before! With times becoming rougher than ever
before, its what youve got to get used to: depending on help miraculous help from Above, more than you needed it
ever before. (2015:180)
Trust in and lean on Me and all help from Above!
Relying on Me and help from Above sounds like the right idea way to do it in times to come!
The more youll have learned to rely on Me and your help from Above, the better off youll be in the end.
Depend on Us and Our Strength and heavenly Help in order to make it for Us, always the safest way to make sure that
things are going to happen according to Our perfect will, instead of having Our enemy messing around with it!
If you cant handle what life is offering and handing you to deal with right now, well, its a sign that you desperately need
My help to equip you with more strength to handle whats to come.
Use My input to help you make it and to deal with whats before you to handle! Dont feel too bad about not making it
without Me and help from Above!
Know that you cant do it on your own dont just be shocked by it, and use the help from Above to make it! (2015:181)
Can you keep fighting and resisting, instead of surrendering and giving up? No matter how tough it gets?
I know its a rough and a tough one, but Ill help you make it through it!
Its time to learn to let Me do it through you and you do it through Me and My help, not on your own and in your own ability!
if you feel like you cant do it hardly anything without Me, dont feel too bad about it, but let it get you into the gear of
applying for My help and accompaniment through practically everything you set out to do. (2015:182)
Stick to Me and trust Me that Ill help you make it somehow! (2015:183)
Rely and depend on Me and My help and all of Heavens to make it through the days to come!
It may be a bit tough for you, but just aim for making it with My help, and all of that from Above. (2015:184)
If you cant manage to make it through what you have to, just remember to call on Me for help!
Rough times: definitely a time for you to stick to and be dependent on Me and My help from above, not figure you might
make it on your own as you did in times past. (2015:185)

The enemys giving you hard times, but Well help and pull you through.
Let that hope and Our help give you what you need to manage to make it through the dark time youre having to pass!
You need Me and My help from Above to make it!
Dont take it for granted that things will somehow work out by themselves for you! The times are coming when they wont,
and youll need Me and My help desperately!
Get used to applying for that help of Mine from Above on a constant level, and thats the way youll make it! (2015:186)
If you dont think or feel like you can make it by yourself, let that be an opportunity for Me to do it through you and thus
help you to make it! (2015:188)
Help from Above; everything depends on it from now on.
I know, its a rough and rugged road, but thats what you need Our heavenly help for: to make it through there and Up Here
in spite of it! Well help you make it! And you will! (2015:190)
Im not allowing anything harder and heavier to befall you than you could manage to handle, at least if youd ask and plead
for some help from Up Here to make it! (2015:192)
You need Me and Our help from Above more desperately than ever, which is perfect preparation for the toughest times to
come, Id say. Feeling incapable? Good sign, as far as Im concerned, since youll ask for Our help more.
Recognize the advantage of being more dependent on your help from Above!
If you dont know what to do, or how to do it, thats a good occasion to ask Me or just about any of Us Up Here to give you
a clue, or to come and help you! Lean on Us! A lot of help Up Here in Heaven, available for anyone who asks!
So, life is tough, life is rough, and not much help from those down there around you? How about asking Us for help, and
counting on it?
The important thing to do is to keep your mind directed at Me! Believing that I can help, along with the large list of
helpers Up Here, available from the Spirit. Remember that term, Spirit Helpers? (2015:194)
Count on Our help you may need to make it through the rough times up ahead! Itll for sure be better than relying on your
own capabilities!
Needing more help from Above and getting more used to apply for and claim it will be more effective than trusting in and
relying on your own capabilities!
Its not so much what you can, that its all about, but how much you can trust in what Well be able to do for you to help you
make it when things will have grown and turned out to be quite rough!
I know youre not so keen on doing it and going through it, but if you really wind up learning to rely on Our strength and
aid, dont you think that would be the greatest and best way to help others, showing them how to receive Our help from
Above and teaching them how to and leading them in that direction? (2015:195)
Be dependent on My help and strength to carry you through!
You need My help more than ever before; so, learn to rely and depend on it, and not just on yourself! (2015:199)
So, youre dependent on My help now Is that something so bad? Or will it draw you closer to Me and thus cause you to
lean on and trust in Me more than in yourself and your own abilities
I know its a tough change for you, but in order to make it through the rough times up ahead, you need to rely and lean on
Me and the help from Above, instead of your own abilities and strength. (2015:203)
Asking for help is going to get you some help; and rough times are mainly just reminders that youre not going to make it
through this world all on your own, but need that help from Above so, get into that groove of asking for it, once you
realize youre dependent on it.
Get used to depending on Our help from Above and if you dont feel or perceive its there yet, well, just do what you
should have learned by now to obtain it: to pray and ask for it! (2015:204)
I just keep reminding you that things wont continue to stay as they are, but tougher times are up ahead, for which youll
need My help and aid a lot more desperately in order to survive the times of trouble and make it through them until I come
to clean up the mess the enemy will have left Our creation in!
Just remember you need My help to make it through whats to come! (2015:206)
Sometimes what counts is the vision and plans of your partner, and you just taking over the role of a helper, instead of the
main act to give her more of a chance to be able to fulfill her purpose in life. And love on your part would be to show
willingness and helpfulness to enable that! (2015:207)
If times get rougher and tougher, just deal with it and learn how to handle it! Learn how to handle it with My Help through
praying for it.
Apply for My Help when you need it! Come up with the faith and structure through prayer to receive it!
If its rough times, just see it as times to get into the gear of calling upon and handling it with My Help!
Many times folks complain about Me not being around to help them through trouble is mainly because they havent really
gotten into the groove yet of applying for My Help through trouble!

So, its time to get into it and learn how to! Without My Help dont be too shocked if you wont make it! Its the one way to
make sure you will!
So, if you feel like you cant make it, apply for My Help! Dont even expect to make it without it, since times will eventually
be coming you wont make it without it, and Im just preparing you for it and hoping youll learn to successfully apply and
ask for it! (2015:210)
Believers in Me and My followers should learn how to avail themselves of My Power and Help, since its going to be more
necessary in times to come. (2015:211)
As rough and as tough as circumstances may be, let them teach you to cling more to Me and help from Above! (2015:214)
Times are getting worse, and you have to learn to avail yourself of My help, and all the help from Above you can get!
Times are definitely getting rougher than ever for you, so, learning to deal with it through My counsel may help others in an
even tougher future (2015:215)
So, no idea what your life is supposed to be like, nor how its supposed to go on? That just means, you might have to avail
yourself of My help, guidance and support some more (2015:217)
If all in all its a horrendous scene your life is facing right now, maybe its a sign that you need My help to transform and
change it from horrid to enjoyable? Maybe you ought to get used to applying My supernatural help to change the way
things are running for you
You werent getting close to apply for My help every step of the way until I hope you are now.
Folks just dont pray as much as they ought to until the circumstances start getting harder and tougher. Can you see now
why its necessary to allow things to turn that way, if application for Our help is going to be so necessary in later years or
times of trouble? (2015:218)
I am He that helps you make it through any dark times up ahead.
The more you cling to Me for help to make it, and the more you make it into a habit, the better. (2015:222)
Continue calling up Our help from Up Here. If youre ready to let Us work through you the Holy Spirit with all Her helpers
you definitely wont regret it. (2015:223)
If your former self-security is gone, isnt that a good sign to put your trust and confidence in Me, and your help from
Above? If youre not doing so hot and great, and not as supposedly impressive as in former times, just take it as a sign
that you should put your trust and confidence in something else than your own abilities some strength and power to help
you from Above! (2015:227)
You wont be able to make it with your own capacities through the time up ahead, during which the enemy will take
complete control over the planet, but only through having learned to totally rely on Me and your help and the Power from
There are tougher times up ahead, and you wont make it through them without having learned to totally rely and depend
on My supernatural help!
If life is rough and tough, let it serve you to rely and depend on Me and your help from Above. (2015:229)
If things aren't working out exactly the way you'd want the to, or a bit too tough for you to handle, that's what I and your
spirit helpers are there for, strengths, powers and forces you ought to learn to avail yourself of a lot more in sight of the
fact that things are still developing to become a lot harder and tougher, and thus you need to learn to avail yourself of that
help from Above!
Get into the rhythm of leaning and depending on Me and all your help from Up Here, to be able to withstand the attacks of a
ferocious enemy.
You can make it against him. Through Me, and all the help from Above! (2015:230)
Do your best to get used to those times of trouble!
Its necessary to get used to them, since the roughest ever are to come! Thats why youre getting the largest amount of
input from Me on availing yourself of that help from Above, without which youre not going to make it through those times,
and also as potentially helpful input for others becoming receptive during that time.
So, prepare in getting used to availing yourself of the help from Above, which will also be useful and vital to others who
wont be receiving the Mark and will be dependent on supernatural help to make it through those times to come!
Availing yourself of that help from Above will be the most useful thing in those times to come, so dont trust and rely too
much on your own abilities to make it through, but get used to relying on that supernatural help from Above
Not depending on ones own abilities, but relying on help from Above is what its all about, concerning the times to come.
If you feel like you cant make it during some of these times, remember to avail yourself of your dependence on Me and the
help from Above, which will be the only thing enabling you to make it through whats coming, so youd better learn it, the
sooner the better, to rely and depend on Me and the help from Up Here, as soon as you can, and not lean on your own
capacities to see you through!
Rely on Me and heavenly help more than what you can still get out of that world temporarily!

The strength you need will come from Me, and all the heavenly Help you manage to avail yourself of! (2015:234)
Here, where I am, where We, the Creators, along with our angels and preceding followers and believers of Mine are
expecting you, from Where all the help you need to make it through hell on earth is available to those who believe in and
apply and ask for it.
I can definitely understand that life down there is pretty hard for you right now, which is why Im keeping reminding you of
availing yourself of Our help from Above. Youll need it more than ever in the times to come! So, keep clinging to Our help
and protection, Amen? (2015:235)
Hardly knowing how to make it through rough times should get you to cling closer to Me and My strength, power and help
from Above, and that of Heaven, thats available to you!
If you cant make it on your own, its a sign that you need to avail yourself of the help from Above you need. You know that
dependence on Me and your help from Above is a serious and important lesson to learn for the even darker times to come,
so avail yourself of what theres to learn from those lessons!
If you cant make it, well, thats a sign you need to avail yourself of the help from Above.
We need folks wholl apply the help of the Power from Above in order to get the good things done that are Our will and
Avail yourself of Our help and support and cling to, and lean on it! (2015:238)
Physical strength gets diminished to teach you that theres a necessity of leaning on Our strength and help from Above.

Get into the gear of depending on My help and protection from Above, otherwise the times may easily get tougher than you
can handle!
You need My help more than ever before to make it through life victoriously, which, of course, is My will for you, but it does
depend a lot on you, your action and permanent behavior and obedience to the rules from Up Here.
If you feel like you cant make it right now, its a reminder that youre dependent on the help from Above, and a reminder to
make you cling to it, ask for it and stay in that gear of praying without ceasing.
If you feel like you cant make it right now, its a reminder that youre dependent on the help from Above, and a reminder to
make you cling to it, ask for it and stay in that gear of praying without ceasing.
Cling to the miraculous help from Above as much as you could and should!
In any case it wont harm anyone to get into the groove of applying for help from Above (2015:241)
When you have no clue how to make it, sounds definitely like the right situation to apply for and use that help from Above,
from Up Here, Ive been offering you so many times. After all, the time is coming when you wont make it without it, and the
sooner you learn to apply for and avail yourself of it, the better!
How youre going to make it pretty much depends on how and whether you learn to apply for My help.
itll take miracles to make it through the times to come, so, get used to applying for miracles and depending on your help
from Above!
Applying for that help from Up Here is the only way for you to eventually make it down there, so, to avail yourself of it is the
most important thing you can possibly learn!
Learn how to avail yourself of My help and all the help you can get from Up Here!
So, ready to make it with and through My help?
If other folks are expecting more of you than you feel capable of well, try to manage to come up with as much as you can
with My help! Remember the heavenly helpers!
One thing to learn and realize that its tough without it, and eventually, when the times of trouble arrive, therell be no way
to make it without it!
So, stay in prayer for that heavenly help without which itll be impossible to make it, eventually, and the sooner you learn to
cling to it, the better for you! (2015:242)
You have your own talents and abilities, but you have to trust Me that its more important to rely on the strength and aid
from Above in the times coming, that are getting darker, and even the darkest of world history.
Prepare for it by learning to rely on and cling to Me and your help from Above!
Things are getting tougher for you these days to teach you that without Our help towards the end, you wouldnt make it.
But, of course, Wed want you to!
With the hardest time of history approaching, theres no other way than preparing for it and learning how to make it
through, than availing oneself of the definitely available Help from Heaven, the Creators of all, and Their vast and helpful
heavenly Host.
See it as something positive to help you make it through the roughest time ever that has been inevitably announced since
thousands of years ago
In the end, the future will be getting better, and theres just that relatively short period of Tribulation to make it through,
which you can, with Our help! (2015:244)
If youre becoming weaker in the flesh, take it as a sign that you need to become more dependent on Me and your help
from Above!
Realize that its not a bad thing to become dependent on Heavens help with the state into which the world is turning!

Not much of a clue on how to make it through the tough times? Well, try to avail yourself of that heavenly help from Up
Sorry theyre such hard times for you, but I want you to grab ahold of My help so you can make it through the even rougher
ones to come. (2015:251)
If you think lifes tough now, Im afraid its bound to get even tougher. Thats why I keep telling you its important to depend
on Me and your help from Up Here.
Its important for you to keep remembering whos in charge down there, and thus stay in tune with Me and all the help you
can get from Up Here.
Unfortunately, its going to be rougher, with the roughest of all times for believers coming up, down there.
Thats why its important to learn to keep depending on Me, and not try to or think you can make it without Our help from
Remember you need and are dependent on My help, and all the help from Above you can get ahold and avail yourself of!
Cant make it on your own? Well, its a good reminder you need to depend on your help from Above!
So, get into that gear of depending on your help from Above, without which eventually you wont make it!
So, avail yourself of Our help!
The troubles youre already experiencing are only a preparation for much greater trouble to come, and there to teach you to
depend and lean on all the help from Up Here you can get, without which there wont be much chance to make it through
the troublesome times to come, and which you have to get prepared for to handle them
The troubles youre already experiencing are only a preparation for much greater trouble to come, and there to teach you to
depend and lean on all the help from Up Here you can get, without which there wont be much chance to make it through
the troublesome times to come, and which you have to get prepared for to handle them
Some things theres just no one to rely on for, except your help from Above. (2016:1)
Im allowing circumstances to tie you closer to Me and make you dependent on Our help from Above!
If lifes not just a piece of cake, its a sign that youve got to make an effort to cling to Me, as youll need Me and all the help
from Up Here you can get more than ever.
There comes a time when My followers and believers, brothers and sisters through having received Me, need to get into
the groove of clinging to Me and the heavenly help available.
After all, thats where youre headed: Up Here, and getting used to using all the help from Heaven you can get will prepare
you for your arrival Here along with the fact that its just necessary to avail yourself of it to make it through the darkest
times to come.
Become aware of the fact that you wont stand a chance to make it through the times to come without Me and your help
from Above!
Youll make it by leaning on the strength, power and help available to you from Above. (2016:3)
The best you could and should rely on is Me and all the help from Above you can get! (2016:5)
Dont let weaknesses tear you down, but just let them be a reminder of how much you ought to cling to Me and all the
available heavenly help from Above!
With Our help you can make it! Without it, Im afraid you wont; so cling to Us and our help! The only chance for anyone
to make it through the dark times to come. (2016:6)
When things arent going too rosy, pray and ask for My help from Above! (2016:8)
Having to find out whether and how youll make it through life, but not knowing how to, doesnt that make you a lot more
dependent on your help from Above, instead of keeping you confident in your own capabilities?
It may be more comfortable to be able to rely on that, but is comfortable really the adjective for the way Id like you to use
in order to strengthen your trust in Me and the help from Above?
If you cant make it on your own, dont necessarily see it as a negative way or trait! But if it requires My help, and all the
help from Above you can get, see it as something positive! (2016:10)
The best way to get prepared for any drastic changes in life is to stay close to and dependent on Me and all the help from
Above you can get. (2016:13)
Dealing with the fact that there might come a time when youll need to utterly depend on Me and that help from Above is
quite important. Cant manage it all on your own? Well, get used to it!
Get prepared for rougher and tougher times that will make you a lot more dependent on that help from Above, and less
reliable on your own abilities!
If you feel like you cant make it, apply for My help, without which itll be just about impossible to make it through the rough
times to come! (2016:16)
Finding out that you cant make it through things on your own, but need help from Above and to depend on Me and all the
Power from Heaven you can get, is important, since itll be the only way to make it through the times of trouble coming.

Finding out how wicked the world is becoming should remind you of the necessity of prayer and asking for help from
Above to make it and itll become worse and harder, thus requiring more of that. (2016:19)
Feeling weak is to show you and prepare you that you wont be able to make it through the coming dark times on your own,
without the necessary help from Up Here.
So, getting into the gear of making it through the available help from Heaven is what you have to learnrelying on the only
Force and Strength that will help you make it through the rough.
Invest more time in asking for that help and strength!
With less of your own strength to rely on, trust Me that leaning and relying on Me and all the help from Up Here you can get
will turn out to be the far better deal for you!
Become strongly attached to and dependent on the heavenly help and strength from Above!
Just stick to and stay in tune with Me trying to make it what you tune in to above everything else, but Me in the first place,
that means and try and see whether that wont be the factor to help you make it even through the roughest time of world
history! (2016:20)
One of the main purposes of life: Learning how to handle troublesome times with My help
If you feel like you cant make it, hang on to Me and your heavenly help! (2016:22)
Get used to handling circumstances as they come, and learn how to deal with them through My help and Strength from
Above! (2016:24)
if situations seem too tough for you to make it through them by yourself, let it teach you to apply for and depend on My
help and all the help from Above you can get, which, trust Me is the only way to make it through whats before you.

Learn to make it through the rough times and let Me help you make it through them! Even if its a tough and rough stretch
right now trust Me that Ill help you make it through it!
And having to come to Me for help, once you just cant seem to make it anymore on your own, consider that a necessary
gear to learn for even rougher times to come. (2016:29)
Good youve learned that you need My help and desperately! When you cant seem to make it on your own anymore
well, thats the time folks start giving Me a chance to let Me come to work in their lives.
So, dont be too upset about those weakening times, those times when you can hardly feel like youll still make it! And let
Me make it for you, or help you make it!
If its rough times, well take the chance to apply for My help, and experience the difference itll make!
Keep seeking and applying and asking Me for the help you obviously and desperately need!
Trying to make it through the bad times? Well, keep pleading and applying for My help! And Mine means: all of
Heavens! (2016:31)
When youve been spoiled by former, easier ways of living, youve just got to get used and adjusted to the tougher phases!
And well, asking for help from Above is the proper way.
When youre not content with the circumstances, its time to pray for help to change them!
To change the world depends on Our help.
Therell be major changes once Ill return, but in the meantime, use Our help from Above to bring about whatever changes
you can and need!
So, dont enjoy your circumstances? Then ask for My help and Power to change them!
Dont be too stuck on the conditions around you when it is within your possibility to change them with the help from

Lean on the Strength and help from Above, not your own capabilities, which simply wont be sufficient for whats coming
up ahead in the not too far away future!
Learn to cling to the help from Above, a Power without which My earlier disciples never would have made it, either.
My message for you right now is, you wont be able to make it on your own anymore from here on, you need Our help from
Above, so apply for and cling to It! So, just keep Me and your need for heavenly help on your mind as much as constantly!
Thats why things and circumstances are a bit too tough for you to make it on your own, without the supernatural help from
Above right now, because youll need that Help more and more as time goes on!
If things are too rough for you, take it as a reminder to cling to My Strength, Help and support from Above, without which
you wont make it through the times to come! (2016:37)
Help from Up Heres available. Just got to pray and ask for it!
The times are coming that are going to be the toughest ever, and the only way to make it through them is to avail oneself of
that heavenly help!
To depend and lean on Me and the help from Above is one of the principal lessons and processes going on in this part of
history: Preparation for the toughest and hardest time of history to come.

See it as a path and method to make you rely on the help and Strength from Above, which will be absolutely necessary to
make it through those times to come!
The process to learn to rely on Me and all help and Strength from Above is not a negative, but definitely as youll
eventually see a positive one! (2016:38)
Life may be tough, but its also a challenge for you to make the best you can out of it! And if you dont manage it on your
own, avail yourself of the help I keep offering you! Ask for it!
So, cant seem to make it? Take Heavens help! (2016:40)
Let Me help you carry the weight, and dont attempt to make it in your own strength, which may sometimes work,
sometimes doesnt, but especially with the rough times to come, nothing you should lean on or be confident of! Remember
to avail yourself of My help and Power!
If rough times turn out tough to manage on your own, just remember Me and My help and avail yourself of it and My
Presence in your daily life!
I know you cant make it against the enemys forces on your own, thats why I keep reminding you to avail yourself of My
help through the Power from Above!
Whats to come: A time when you simply wont make it without Me and availing yourself of heavenly help!
So, rough times? Avail yourself of Me and all help from Above youll need to make it through your day!
You need Me and My Presence throughout your day, including all the protection, help and anointing you can get, because
times down there are obviously getting rougher, and the last days of the enemys complete reign over the world are fast
So, avail yourself of all the Strength and Power and help from Above you can get through prayer, along with your
communication with Me, which I know youre in desperate need of, the reason Im definitely available to give you My
counsel and comfort through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
No way to make it on your own? Well, good to know you dont have to, isnt it? In fact, you shouldnt even try to make it
without the help from Above!
Leaning on and relying on your own abilities might not be exactly what you need for that preparation for the days to come
during which you simply wont be able to! So, get used to utterly depending on the Strength and help from Above, from Up
Here, your true Home and Destination! (2016:41)
Put up with the circumstances of having to let Us help you make it through lifes harder times, instead of complaining
about it whenever theyre not perfect!
Take things the way they come! Taking with grace what life has to offer, depending on the help from Above to make it, and
not complaining about it with an ungrateful attitude! (2016:42)
You should know by now whats the main thing to help you through the troubled times: Prayer and depending on Me and
all the help from Above you can get!
Cant make it on your own? Well a sign and reminder that you should turn to Me for help to make it!
Dont feel like you can make it? Well, a sign that its time to hang on to Me to help you make it through!
Need help? Well, its available from Up Here your future Home!
As much as you need the help from Above, its definitely no mistake to get into the groove of desperately applying and
asking for it!
If lifes getting too tough for your taste, learn how to make it with Our help!
Learn how to plead for it, asking for and expecting it, so that youll get into the groove of using it!
Times are coming, impossible to make it without it!
So, get used to being in a desperate state with the need of applying for it on a basically constant basis! (2016:43)
Have you been pleading for My help today?
Trouble is the challenge that brings you into the situation to deal with it, which you dont really manage without help from
Above, but how else do you even ask for it, unless that troubles there? (2016:44)
No help from Above needed is going to be a phase of the past for believers! So, get used to that mode of daily dependence
on Me and the help from Above!
Trust and rely on Me and the plentiful help therell be from Above! (2016:45)
When you dont know how youre going to make it through the day, its not supposed to get you in a bad mood, but to
apply for and lean on My help. If life gets rough, its a reminder that you need Me and all the heavenly help you can get
ahold of just as you will in the near future, which these present hard times are part of the preparation for.
So, cant make it without Me? Remember whats going to be! A time when you should be used to making it through
whats going to be around you exclusively with My help! (2016:48)
Just because you cant see right now how Im going to help you make it through the rough times to come, doesnt mean
Im not going to. But one things for sure: you have to learn to make it through rough times! And the more you do it and
learn to ask for and depend on My help to make it, the more certain itll be for you to make it through whats coming.
How about asking Me help you make it? (2016:49)

Its time to start learning how to deal with hard and unpleasant times with the help from Above.
Depending on help from Above on a daily basis is what will get you into the gear of asking and applying for it, in other
words, to stay in prayer which can be neglected when things are running too smoothly.
Sometimes theres no other way for folks to make it through the hard times to come than allowing some trouble to prepare
them for it, including in order to get them used to applying for Our help from Above , and not thinking or expecting to be
able to make it through coming circumstances in their own strength and capacities.
Remember that heavenly help is what youre going to need in order to make it through the dark times to come!
So, the best preparation for the times to come is getting used to needing that help from Above, instead of confiding in your
own energies and capacities. Its best to get used to the need for that help from Above! (2016:50)
When you dont feel like you can make it (on your own), doesnt it bring you more to asking for My help and direction? And
thats a very important gear to get into for the future!
If you cant make it on your own, its a good state to be in to learn to depend on My help and all the help from Up Here you
can get, which is the only way youre ever going to make it through the future approaching the world!
Cant make it without Me and your heavenly help? Well, good!
If you dont feel like you can make it on your own anymore, well, thats good!
With times a-changing and the world heading for the roughest state of its history, youll see that dependence on the help
and Power from Up Here will become necessary again for My true followers and believers
Knowing that that physical security isnt going to last, isnt it better to be in a place where you already need to rely more on
heavenly help, protection and provision from Above?
So, dont fall into the temptation to trust in and rely on the way the systems working, but be wiser to put your trust in Me
and Our Power, help and supply from Above! (2016:52)
Learn to apply for My daily help, protection and care, in order to make it through whats coming!
Having to go through daily battles? Youre just going to have to learn how to make it through them with the heavenly
help thats at your grasp.
Feel like you cant make it without heavenly help? Cheer up! Thats basically the way it ought to be for My true followers!
The times coming will desperately require the help from Above for you to make it through them!
Spiritual help is whats going to be more required and necessary than physical aid, since its going to be the forces of evil
taking over the planet. And the only chances to make it through those times to come are learning to depend on Our help
from Above!
If the physical circumstances are too easy to need to apply for help from Above well, thats not really a life of faith, is it?
Get ready for the roughest times to come by learning to apply for and receive heavenly help each day youll be going
through when the enemy will have descended for his ultimate reign on the planet! (2016:53)
If things are tougher than you can handle, its a sign and reminder to avail yourself of the help from Above!
Rely on Me and your help from Above that is able to see you through whatever comes! (2016:54)
Making it with Me and My help is the only way to make it.
Rely on Me more the help from Above, and the only one thatll help you make it through whats before you!
Its not through your own abilities youll make it through whats to come, but only through learning to avail yourself of the
help from Above! (2016:56)
I dont blame you for not appreciating the bad state of the world youre in, just try to make the best you can out of it! And
the best way to do that is to avail yourself of Our heavenly help.
Remember, you wont make it through whats to come without prayer! So, make it the force to sustain you and help you
make it through! Nothing else will work and do the trick! Become more prayerful! Better than just careful! (2016:58)
Its time to really get used to depending on My help, just as the disciples of old had to, under their dark circumstances.
Sometimes youve just got to go through what you have to go through, and learn in the process to lean and depend on
your heavenly help!
So, get used to applying for, and depending on it, because thats what youre going to need! The days, the times and the
world youre in are largely becoming evil, and getting worse as time goes by, and there are relatively few forces and
sources down there youll be able to rely on, so, the best move is to learn to depend on help from Above! (2016:59)
Not knowing how youll survive the times to come a good reason to stay in tune with and learn to completely depend on
Me and your help from Above, isnt it?
So, dont feel too discouraged about feeling a bit hopeless as far as the circumstances are concerned, but let it gear your
hope towards Me and all the help from Above you can get, which youll depend on completely during the times to come!
So, dont let it discourage you to feel incapable, but let it teach you to not lean on your own strength, but on Mine and all
the help youll get from Above!
One of the special conditions of the Endtime: having to utterly rely on the Strength and Help from Above. Not anymore on
your own capacities, except the one of applying that Help and Strength youll need to survive! Which is what Im trying to
teach you right now.
Its a lesson and way to learn not to depend on your ego, but on Me, your Help and higher Power from Above; the only ones
thatll help you make it through whats to come!

Its time to desperately gear for and lean on the Strength and help you can get from Above from Me and all your helpers
Up Here, for the times are coming when you wont make it without them! (2016:60)
Youve got some troubles and trials to go through? Learn from them all that you can!
Especially how to avail yourself of My help and Strength to make it through them!
Praying for the help and inspiration from Above is one of the primary things you ought to do and get into the groove of!
Dont allow the enemy to kick you down mentally! Even if things arent perfect! Fight to make the best out of them you
can with My help!
Let Me prove to the universe that Im stronger by letting Me help you get the victory over his nasty attacks on you!
If its bad times, make the best out of them you can with My help!
Feeling like you cant make it? Let Me or Us help you make it!
Remember, the rough times make you stronger through availing yourself of the help and support from Up Here! (2016:61)
Become conscious of the heavenly Help you need and will be needing and depending on desperately in the darker times to
One of the ways to gain faith is through the problems and trials youre having to deal with and overcome with My help right
With hindrances you dont feel too capable, but thats how youve got to learn to depend on the Help from Above to see you
through. (2016:62)
You need to get used to the fact that you wont make it through whats coming without Our supernatural help from Above,
and a bit more prayer to get it is necessary.
When it turns into a miracle to survive, its best to turn to the power of prayer, all the help from Above you can get, and not
lean on and confide in what youve been able to do yourselves, because thats whats going to be necessary.
Even if your times and days are tough for you right now, trust Me that its the best mode of preparation for the toughest
times to come, teaching you to hold on to Me and all the help you can get from Up Here!
Cant make it? A good sign from My point of view, as it draws you into a position where youll need Me to help you make it,
and not rely so much on your own capacities anymore. (2016:63)
Trust not in the circumstances around you, but the heavenly Strength, Help and Power! (2016:64)
Theres a time coming when you just wont make it without My Help, Strength and Power! (2016:66)
Not knowing what to dos a good reason to ask Me to help you and see you through.
If things arent getting easier, it shows youve got to get into the groove of leaning on Me, depending on Me and My help,
and not continue to lean on your own strength of the flesh.
If conditions have grown into a state beyond which youre able to handle them yourself, its time to ask and apply for the
help and support from Above, without which youre not going to make it through the dark, tough and trying times to come,
Getting used to the fact that youre not making it on your own without help from Above is a positive feature, not as
negative as it may seem on the surface. (2016:70)
If you cant make it, its the time to apply for the help from Above, and with the times coming up when youll need that
constantly, its a good move to get into it.
Needing My help pretty much for each day youre passing through is not a bad sign, just a preparation for the toughest
times of history coming up, and I would like to get you into that gear of dependence on Me in order for you to have a
chance to make it through whats to come.
If you cant make it on your own and in the state youre in, well, pump it down, that Help and Power from Above to
strengthen you and help you make it!
The more you need that help from Above, causing you to apply and pray for it, the more youll get out of that old carnal
groove of leaning on your own abilities, which definitely wont help make it through the dark times to come!
What will help anyone make it through the tough times to come is having learned to rely on Me and Our help from Above!

Dont be too discouraged about getting into a state where you feel you cant make it on your own anymore, or without My
help! Its the best preparation for whats up ahead of you.
So, if you dont know how, or feel you cant make it, see it as a motivation to apply for the Help from Above to make it,
which will be the only mode anyone will make it through the darkest days to come! (2016:74)
The troubles each day are to remind you what youre supposed to rely on: not your own capacities, but the Help and
Strength from Above to see you through, so that depending on Them will also help to see you through and make it through
the troubled times to come!
Not making it without Me and your Help from Above is thus a good sign, and the preparation you need to make it through
whats coming.
Aim for the victory, available only through applying the Help and support from Above! And if things arent working out
without availing yourself of that, it just confirms that thats what you need.

You just need to learn to avail yourself of the Help and Strength from Up Here, for in days to come you just wont make it
With the level of evil forces and their control of this world rising, it also raises your need for heavenly help, protection and
strengthening to make it through.
Youre just going to have to learn to make it through the rough times with My Help. (2016:75)
If you cant bear with whats at hand well, Ive told you plenty of times where and how to avail your Help from: More
prayer will do the trick!
Times are going to get rougher yet!
How do you think youll make it then without asking and praying for My Help to make it?
Even though the times are getting darker, your Help and support isnt getting any less from Up Here. In fact, the more
trouble comes, the more Help youll need, and trust Me: the more will be there. (2016:76)
Its not your own capabilities that will see you through, but the Help from Above.
When folks are more dependent on the Help from Above, theyre just easier to use for Heavens glory than when theyre in
top carnal conditions. (2016:79)
If its tough times to go through, see them as preparation for even tougher times youll only make it through with My Help!
And let your faith grow, that I can manage to help you make it through that! (2016:80)
Instead of worrying about the dark future times ahead, pray for My protection to help you make it through it! My protection
and supply! Theres just no other way to make it through whats to come, but applying your prayer power for My Help,
protection, Strength and supply!
If you dont feel like youre going to be able to make it through whats to come, well good time to pray for all the Help and
Strength from Above you can get! (2016:81)
My believers and followers wont make it through whats to come without heavenly Help, which is why Im making you
more dependent on heavenly Power right now, seeking Me more, because youll be needing that heavenly Help more than
ever before.
The trouble will come, but trust in My Help to see you through whatever comes, and that theres a much better Home
expecting you at the end of it all!
Whenever you feel like you cant cope and deal with it, remember My Help, ask Me for it, and I will help you! (2016:82)
All Were concerned about is how Well manage to help you make it through it thats coming!
We can help you to keep living for as long as necessary; not to become a sample of perfection, but just of one doing
whatever he manages for Us. (2016:83)
Therell come a time when you simply wont make it anymore, except through the powerful Help from Above!
You need Our Strength, Help and encouragement as a preparation for the times not far away when no one will make it
You wont make it without Us and Our Help in times soon to come, so you must get used to depending on It!
Time to realize theres no way to make it through whats coming without Help from Above, and to pray for it desperately!

I said to My disciples, Without Me you can do nothing! - Nothing of what Id consider important to do. So, cant make it
on your own? Good time to call on Me for My Help! (2016:85)
Dont let it discourage you when things and conditions get tougher, but let it be an incentive for you to apply the Help We
promised from Above!
If you need help, pray for it!
Theres no way making it through the dark future without learning to pray for Help!
The more difficult things get, the more help you need.
The time is coming when folks who wont be part of the AC system will absolutely and totally depend on the heavenly Help
they can get through faith.
The times coming will make it a pretty much total dependence on heavenly Help.
So, if you cant make it without Me and My Help in times to come much less than right now, dont you think its a good time
to get into the groove of depending on It?
If youre feeling incapable of making it anywhere in the condition you are, let it be a training and preparation for times to
come during which youll be totally dependent on Heavens Help for your very survival!
Wouldnt it be a miraculous testimony if you one of the weakest fellows you know would be making it solely through the
Strength and Help of Heaven Above through the darkest time of history? (2016:86)
Getting rid of My folks down there has always been the enemys principal action through possessing a significant ruler,
and it will be his most powerful position and strike in history during the Great Tribulation.
So, if that feels like a just about impossible situation to make it through well, it will be, unless folks learn to completely
rely on My Help and Strength from Above!
The weakening of the flesh helps to recognize the superiority of the spiritual Help youll need. (2016:90)

If your fellow humans around you arent much of a help, let that be a hint where your Helps supposed to be coming from!

In order to make the coming drastic, negative changes turn into something halfway positive for you, youve just got to get
into that groove of utter dependence on Me and Heavens Help, instead of your physical abilities!
Even if right now you cannot see how youre going to make it through whats coming, put your trust in Me, that Ill help you
make it and lead you through each day to come! (2016:92)
The more you get into the habit of asking for My miraculous Help, the better; and the more chances youll have to make it
through the times to come. (2016:93)
Remember, its a spiritual warfare you have to go through and learn how to deal and cope with! Youve got to learn to avail
yourself of the Help and Strength from Above in order to make it!
Tough times one cant be prepared for without going through some stretches of them.
Learning how to avail yourself of the Help and Strength from Above is what its all about; and how will you ever, if theres
no desperate need for them? (2016:96)
Let Me help you make it through that hell on Earth!
While the circumstances look gloomy and doomy, let Me help you overcome them through the Power of the Holy Spirit!
So, keep the faith that that Powers still there for those who still want to follow Me through the Endtime the time of the
end of Satans reign over the Fathers creation which He allowed in order for us all to find out whod resist the evil, and
not follow the evil one, but choose the good instead all that comes from Him, including all the Help from Up Here theyll
need to make it through those final, and darkest times of the worlds history!
More supernatural Help and miracles are going to be required in times to come so, a good time to start preparing for that
greater need for miracles, and getting into the miracles-prayer mode! (2016:97)
Dont try to manage it by yourself, but hold on to My Help and aid from Above!
Keep clinging to My Help, blessings and protection! - Something youll depend on in the times to come!
Getting used to depending on My Help and protection is part of the necessary preparation for those darker days to come.
Becoming dependent on Me, My Strength, Power and Help is just something youll have to get used to, instead of relying
on your own abilities.
Not that easy in your own capacities, but thats why you have to learn to avail yourself of Mine, and the Help you can get
from Above. (2016:98)
Put that faith and trust in Me to strengthen and lift up your courage, outlook and confidence in the fact that with My Help
things are going to work out!
In spite of any tough and difficult circumstances and conditions, trust that I am greater than those and can and will help
you overcome them!
The greater the need for miracles and My supernatural Help, the more you will ask for them, and the more of an opportunity
Heaven gets to manifest Its Power to you.
With conditions and circumstances becoming more challenging and difficult to handle on your own, its all necessary
preparation for the times to come when you simply wont make it anymore without the miraculous Help from Above.
So, dont be too upset and shocked by the circumstances that make you more dependent on the Help from Above!
Its important to get used to the substantial need for prayer, and the Help from Above youll get through it. (2016:99)

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