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Spanish 2 Native

Sra. Ulloa

Leuzinger High School


Bienvenidos al curso de espaol!

Below is a copy of the expectations, rules and discipline procedures that you will
need to follow in class. Please read, sign and return this copy to class.
Course Description:
This course is designed to focus on the needs of Spanish-speaking students. It
develops conversation, writing, and reading skills on a more advance level. Students
review structures of the language previously learned, concentrating on more
complex as well as new aspects of Spanish grammar. The class will be conducted
98% in Spanish. This course also serves as an introduction to literary works by
Spanish and Latin American authors, as well as to the history, geography, and
cultures of the Spanish speaking world. Students will be required to write
compositions and prepare oral presentations in the target language.
-Les prometo que vamos a aprender muchsimo!Modes of communication with Mrs. Ulloa:
You can contact me the following ways:
Call: 310-263-2208 (Room: G110) and leave a message
The basic expectations in the classroom:
Be prepared
Be attentive
Be respectful
No food, drink or chewing gum (water only)
Bring your homework, notebook, binder, and needed supplies (highlighters, pens
blue/black, red pen)
Absolutely NO USE OF CELL PHONES is permitted (calling, texting or checking
the time)
Classroom Procedures:
Class starts when the bell rings. Everyone must be seated at this time and be
prepared for class. Go to the restroom and water fountain on your own time. I
reserve the right to restrict the privilege to leave the room if abused.
A basic list of supplies includes:
1. A (70 page) college ruled spiral notebook for notes, summaries, essays
and reviews. You are not obligated to keep graded assignments but it is for
your benefit if done so. It is useful for the preparation of quizzes and exams
at the end of each unit and semester. Its also good to keep graded
assignment in case I committed an error inputting a grade.

Spanish 2 Native
Sra. Ulloa

Leuzinger High School

2. 2 binder for handouts and writing assignments.

3. College Ruled Paper and black/blue pen are required. I only accept
assignments in ink.
4. Red pen, markers and highlighters are used to review the work already
5. Textbook: You will be receiving a textbook in the first weeks of school and
you are responsible of taking good care of it. We are getting new books this
semester; I expect books to be kept in excellent condition. Absolutely no
writing in the books! You do not want to lose the privilege of having a book
during the semester, so please take excellent care your textbook.
Absences of the class can hurt your grade. You will lose points for class participation
and valuable class material. You are to request, in advance, the assignments ahead
of a planned absence. It is YOUR responsibility to find out the assignments missed
after an absence, before school, the day you return to school. You must also submit
assignments due during your absence, before school when you return from an
absence. Remember, if you have an unexcused absence (truancy), any work
completed during the absence will not be allowed to be made up.
Usually, you begin an assignment in class and it is completed at home. The fact that
students complain about the amount or frequency of assignments will not change
the course work intended for the class. My suggestion is to try to have a good
attitude about it. The assignments are intended to practice new skills and
incorporate old. Assignments are passed forward before class begins. If your work is
not complete please do not turn it in because YOU had the opportunity to receive
help if it was because you did not understand the assignment. If you fail to
complete the assignment you will not receive credit.
Assignments are graded by a point system. Everything counts! The fact that you
turn in an assignment, does not mean that you will receive full credit. Assignments
are graded by the number of correct answers. It is the students responsibility to
complete all assignments and projects. All assignments/projects must be turned in
on time. NO EXCUSES. There will be NO additional work as a substitute for a
project or assignment not turned in.
Getting Help:
Help is available for those of you who want it. You must be willing to work hard and
be successful. Tutoring I am available before and after school every day except
on Monday mornings. All teachers are in meetings with colleagues that day. (7:30am
8:00am and 3:00pm 4:00pm)
You will be given two vocabulary quizzes per week. Please make sure to follow the
quiz packet. Tests are given at the end of each unit and semester. For each unit, a
review will be given two days before the exam. The next day, you will take a
practice exam to see what you need to study more of that night. If you are absent
during the period of these three days it is your responsibility to retrieve and return
assignments, if it was an excused absence.

Spanish 2 Native
Sra. Ulloa

Leuzinger High School

Class Participation:
You are required to participate in the class. I keep track of participation and that
becomes part of your grade. It usually ends up being 10% of your grade.
Extra Credit:
There are a few opportunities for extra credit in class. However, I will not give extra
credit just because you need more points when you are not completing the regular
class work. There will be opportunities for extra points for all students.
Grades are based on homework, assessments, and participation. The grade is based
on the total number of points earned out of the total possible points (cumulative).
Its a good idea to check periodically where you stand. Every Monday, students
have the opportunity to review grade by checking with me before the bell rings.

Student Name
Student Email
best time to contact

Email of

Phone(s) # and

Name of Parent/Guardian

We read the expectations of Spanish 1 and understand the standards and

requirements for this class.
Student Signature ______________________________________ Date________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________Date________________

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