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April 23, 1935.


1,998,499 -


Filed Oct. 2, 1931

2 Sheets-Sheet 1



April 23, 1935.




Filed Oct. 2, 1931

2 Sheets-Sheet 2

WVE/V 717/?5
@221 bf M
7 Maag


Patented Apr. 23, 1935





Fred L. Foster and Herbert A.,Colby, Lynn, Mass.,
assignors to, United Shoe Machinery Corpora

tion, Paterson, N. J., a corporation oi New

Jersey '

Application October 2, 1931, Serial No. 566,504

7 Claims. (01. 33-23)

This invention relates to pattern reproducing vide in a pattern grading machine improved
machines, that is, machines for reproducing a means which are capable of dealing with diffi
model in a work piece, and is illustrated herein culties of the kind aboveindicated.
as embodied in a pattern grading machine of the > Accordingly, the invention provides novel
5 two-dimensional kind for producing shoe upper means whereby, at any time during a grading op
patterns from a model.
. eration, the pantograph mechanism of the ma
Machines of the type shown comprise four chine maybe quickly and easily rendered inop
primary instrumentalities, namely, a model hold erative so far as grading effect is concerned with
er, a work holder, amodel guide or follower, and out causing relative movement to take place be
10 a cutting tool, interconnected by two panto tween any of the primary, instrumentalities due
graphic mechanisms operating to magnify or re to the said adjustment of the pantograph mecha
duce the length and width of the model relatively nism. The machine will then grade at a 1:1
to length and width grading axes independently, ratio irrespective of the actual settings of the
grading mechanism. A change back to the nor;
in the work piece.
Pattern grading machines are used in the boot mal grade'is effected with similar case and ad
and shoe industry for reproducing from a flat vantage.
model or template of apart of a boot or shoe
upper, one or more patterns which are used sub

These and other features of the invention com

prising certain combinations and ~- arrangements

sequently in cutting out the part from leather of parts will be apparent from the following de
scription of a preferred embodiment of the inven- 20
20 or other suitable material. A pattern generated
by such a machine will, in general, if it is not tion shown in the drawings, in which
Fig. 1 is a plan view; and
of the same size as the model, be a general panto
Figs. 2, 3 and 4 are details of the center grading
graphic enlargement or diminution of the model

relatively to the grading axes, the magni?cation


The illustrated machine is, in its main struc 25

ture, a Hartford pattern grader of ordinary, con
It is sometimes desiredto grade a pattern from struction. The main frame or bed I0 is provided
a model having an ornamental cut-out portion with smooth tracks or ways-upon which the car
in such manner as to cause a chosen part of the riage 12 slides freely toward and from the op
corresponding cut-out portion on the work to erator (or north and south) on wheels 14. The 30
grade into position, along acertain direction, rel carriage l 2. is provided with tracks I6, I ,1 on which
atively to an edge of the work but yet to grade the model wheel carriage I8, and a similar car
the cut-out portion itself in such manner as to riage 20, slide freely east and. west on wheels '22,
cause its dimension in the work along the said 24 respectively. 'The carriage 20 is provided with
a. track on which the tool carriage 26 slides north
35 direction to be equal to that of the cut-out portion
in the model along the corresponding direction. and south on wheels one of which is shown at 28.
Such a method of grading part of the model at The modelwheel is indicated at 30, and the tool
a 1:1 ratio, called center grading, often presents at 32.
difficulties particularly when the model has a ' The carriages I8 and'20 are; connected by the
length grading mechanism comprising an arcuate 40
40 number of cut-out portions distributed over its
length grading lever 34 having a straight exten
. Heretofore this problem has been dealthwith by sion 35 withone end pivoted at 36 to a link 38
locatingapoint of the patternatwhich it is desired which is pivoted to the carriage I2. This lever is
to begin the center grading at the grading center pivoted atv 42. on the carriage l8, and a link 44,
of the machine, The grading center is a point adjustable along the are 34 and pivoted thereto at 45
such that when the model follower is located upon its point of adjustment 46, is pivoted to the car
it, the grading mechanism settings. can be al riage 20 at 48. With the parts as shown in Fig. 1
tered without causing'any relative movement of an east or west movement of the carriage l 8 and
the tool and work. This procedure has not been model wheel 30 will cause a smaller but propor
successful since there are often several points at. tional movement of the carriages 20 and 26 and 50
whichsuch a change, either to begin or to end tool 32. The effect of the link 38 is substantially
the center grading, is desirable, and the change that of a north and south slide to permit the lever
will cause a jog in the work if made anywhere else 34,35,to swing. Such a slide is found on some

25 factors relatively to the two axes being inde


than at the grading center.

The object of the present invention is to pro

machines of this type.

' .


The "width "grading mechanism connects the 55



carriages 20 and 26 and effects proportional north

and south movements of the tool 32 and model
wheel 30. It comprises the arcuate width grading
lever 50 having a straight extention 5| with its
end pivoted at 52 in an overhanging east and west

Suppose now that a point has been reached on

the model periphery at which it is desired to

change the length grade from that shown in
Fig. 1 to a 1:1 ratio. The operator will loosen the
nut 14, tighten the stud 90 (thereby clamping the
slideway 54 mounted on an arm 56 on the frame link 96 rigidly to the ?ange 13 on the pivot 10, and
ill. It is pivoted at 60 on the carriage 20, is joined hence to the lever 34) , pull down the pin 84, and
to the lever by a link 62 at an adjustable pivot 54, shove in a little slide I03 (Fig. 3) which passes

and is connected to the carriage 26, at the pivot over the top of the pin 84 and prevents its rising.
10 65. With the parts as shown in Fig. 1, a north Then the carriage 20, link 96, are 34, and link 44
movement of the model wheel 30 will cause a form a rigid quadrilateral, and the two carriages
greater, but proportional, north movement of the . l8 and, 20 must move at a 1:1 velocity ratio, thus





accomplishing the 1:1 length grading, or center

cutter 32.
The model table is indicated at 61, and the work grading in length, as desired. This causes no
table at E8.
disturbance of the machine, or jog in the work,
Each of the grading levers is'provided with a and a reversal of the setting procedure described
mechanism known as a shift. This consists above will set the machine back into the length
essentially of a pivot between the straight and grade for which it was set without disturbance.
arcuate parts of the levers, at 10, 12, respectively, During the center grading the parts 34 and 35
with clamps to render the levers normally rigid. will swing relatively to each other about the pivot
These constructions are alike on both levers, and 10, which thus provides a. lost motion device pre
are shown in detail in Figs. 2, 3 and 4. The pivot venting locking or cramping.
70 is formed as a stud having a ?ange I3 under
A similar construction, including a link I04,
lying the member 35, the stud extending up pivoted to the carriage 20 at I06, is provided in
through the members 34 and 35. A screw thread connection with the width grading lever 5?}, 51.
at its top is engaged by a handled nut 14 to clamp The clamping of the link IM to the lever 50 looks
the parts 34 and 35~?rmly together. The are 34 the lever 50 to the carriage 20, thus holding the
is provided with an arm 16. with a pointer 18 co tool carriage 26 relatively motionless thereon.
operating with a segment 80 mounted on the
Thus center grading in both length and width,
member 35. The segment 80. has a series of holes independently, at any: desired pointv in the pro
82 engageable by a sliding pin 84 in the arm 16. duction of a work piece, is secured, without dis
This pin is pressed up into a hole 82 by a spring turbance of the machine at the points of transi~
85 and is pulled down out of the hole by a lever 88. tion from one grade to the other.
Thus, when the nut T4 is loosened, the pin 84 can
A handle I98 is provided at the end of the lever
be used to set the members 3 and 35 at. a 34 nearest the operator, and is used to control
different angle to each other and then the. nut H the movement of the model wheel around the
is tightened again. The purpose of this mecha model in the heavier machines oi the type shown.
nism, which is well known, is. to avoid, for ex The connection of the link'96 at the point 10 of
ample, grading the top of a high shoe. When the lever 34 renders it possibleito use this handle
such a shoe is regularly width graded, the top ef?ciently without any lost motion, or cramping,
line of the leg portion comes too high to look well, which might result if, for example, the link 95
and the shift at 12 is used to throw the tool north were connected straight across between the car
or south, discontinuously, to lower the top line riages i8, 20, or straight across between the car
and cut off the unwanted portion by the east or riage 20 and the pivot 42, in case the pivotl?
west movement along the top.
happened to be near the pivot 42.
The radii of the arcs 34 and 50 are equal to the
Having described our invention, what We claim
lengths of the links .44 and 62 respectively. 0b as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent of
viously, when the parts are in such a position that the United States is:
the are 34 lies symmetrically-relatively to the line
V 1. In a pattern reproducing machine, four

50 42, 48, the'length grader setting can be changed primary instrumentalities, namely, a model hold

without causing any movement of other parts er, a work holder, a. model guide and a tool, grad
The north and south line on the model holder 61- ing mechanism interconnecting them for e?ect~
which registers with the model wheel 30 at such ing relative movements between the work holder
time is called the length grading axis, and an east and tool to reproduce a model in a work piece, an


and west line corresponding to a similar- position element operatively connected with one 01' said 55
of the width grading lever 50, 5| is. known as the primary instrumentalities. in such manner as to
width grading axis. Their intersection is the have the same movement, perpendicular to the
grading center, above mentioned.


width grading axis, as said primary instrumental~

All of the structure above described is well ity and movable relatively to another of the said


The new structure cooperating with parts al

ready described to effect the objects of the inven-1
tion will now be described.
The stud .70._is tapped at its lower end to receive
65 a stud 90 having a ?at head 92. This stud passes
through a slot 94 in a link 96, pivoted at 98 to
the carriage 20. The head 92 is clamped against
the link, thus. holding it ?rmly to. the stud by a
handle I08 having an adjustable engagement
with it, as shown in Fig. 4, so thatv the requisite

primary instrumentalities in the width grading 60

direction during the action of the width grading
mechanism, means comprising a clamp i'or posi
tively holding said element and said last-named
primary instrumentality against relative move
ment in the width grading direction, at the will
of the operator at any time during the production
or a work piece, and a lost motion means in said

grading mechanism acting to prevent cramping

when said element and said primary instrumen
tality are so held.

range of movement of the handle can be secured

without interference with other parts.


2. In a pattern reproducing machine, four

(The primary instrumentalities, namely, a model hold

same object
accomplished in the case of- the er, a work holder, a model guide and a tool, con
nut 14 by the set screw I02 in the arc 34, which nections between them comprising a- grading

permits rotary adjustment of the ?ange 13.).

mechanism for effecting relative movements be




tool to reproduce a. model in a work piece, said

grading mechanism comprising a lever and a link
operatively located between two of said primary
instrumentalities to transmit movement from a.
manner as to have the same movement, perpen one to the other, a second link operatively lo
dicular to a grading axis, as said primary instru cated between said lever and one of said two pri
mentality and moves relatively to a certain other mary instrumentalities, means for clamping said
primary instrumentality during the grading ac last-named link to said lever, when center grad
tion, a holding means arranged to hold said ele ing is'desired, and a lost motion device operable
and said certain other primary instrumen to prevent cramping when said last-named link 10
1.0 ment
tality positively against relative movement, when is clamped to said lever.
6. In a pattern reproducing machine, four pri
it is desired to center grade, and a lost motion de
vice arranged to absorb the normal grading mary instrumentalities, namely, a model holder,
movement of the machine to prevent cramping, a work holder, a model guide and a tool, grading 15
mechanism interconnecting them for effecting
15 when center grading is being done.
3. In a pattern reproducing machine, four pri relative movements between the work holder and
mary instrumentalities, namely, a model holder, tool to reproduce a model in a work piece, said
a work holder, a model guide and a tool, grading grading mechanism comprising a lever and a link
mechanism interconnecting them for effecting operatively located between two of said primary
relative movements between the work holder and instrumentalities to transmit movement from one
tool to reproduce a model in a work piece, said to the other, a second link operatively located be
grading mechanism comprising a lever operative tween said lever and one of said two primary in
ly located between two of said primary instru strumentalities, means for clamping said last
mentalities to transmit movement from one to named link to saidrlever, when center grading 25
the other, means operative to hold said lever im is desired, and a normally rigid pivoted joint in
movable relatively to one of said two primary in said lever to be loosened when center grading is

tween the work holder and tool to reproduce a

model pantographically in a work piece, said con
nections including a member which is operatively
connected to one primary instrumentality in such

strumentalitiesin order to e?ect center grading, desired, said second-named link being connected
and a lost motion device operable when the lever with said lever at said joint.
'7. In a pattern reproducing machine, four pri

is so held, to prevent cramping.

4. In a pattern reproducing machine, four pri
mary instrumentalities, namely, a model holder,
a work holder, a model guide and a tool, grading
mechanism interconnecting them for eifecting
relative movements between the work holder and

mary instrumentalities, namely, a model holder, 30

grading mechanism comprising a lever operative

ly located between two of said primary instru

operatively located between two of said primary

a work holder, 2. model guide and a tool, grading

mechanism interconnecting them for effecting

relative movements between the work holder and

tool to reproduce a. model in a work piece, said
tool to reproduce a model in a work piece, said grading mechanism comprising a lever and a link
instrumentalities to transmit movement from one '
mentalities to transmit movement from one to to the other, a second link operatively located
the other, means operative to hold said lever im between said lever and one'of said two primary
movable relatively to one of said two primary in instrumentalities, means for clamping said last 40


strumentalities in order to effect center grading, named link to said lever, when center grading is
and a normally rigid pivoted joint in the lever desired, at a point remote from the point of at
operable to prevent cramping when the lever is tachment of said ?rst-named link to the lever,
a lost motion device operable to prevent cramp
so held.
5. In a pattern reproducing machine, four pri ing when said last-named link is clamped to said 45
mary instrumentalities, namely, a model holder, lever, and a handle on the end of the lever to
a work holder, a model guide and a tool, grading operate the machine.
mechanism interconnecting them for e?ecting
relative movements between the work holder and

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