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3 Grade
An Orientation Alphabet
Lee Elementary
Welcome to 3rd grade at Lee Elementary. You and your child may have
many questions about our program and this Orientation Alphabet is
intended to answer some of them. Please refer to this throughout the
year if you have any questions.
Aa Attendance and Absences
Good attendance is linked to school success!
Starting time: 8:40
If your child is sick and cannot attend, please call the office, 785587-2050, before school.
If your child is late (tardy), he/she must stop at the office to
check in before coming to the classroom.

Lee School will follow the 6 Character Traits of: Fairness,
Responsibility, Citizenship, Caring, Respect and Trustworthiness.
Students displaying these traits will be recognized.

Bb Birthdays
You may send in a treat if desired.
Bb Book Orders
Will be sent home throughout the school year. Please send a check
made out to the corresponding book club or order online using the
teacher code.

Bb Boys and Girls Club

Boys and Girls Club provides before and after school supervision.
A snack is provided after school.

Cc Completed Work
Completed work will be coming home periodically in a folder.
Please look through your childs work, sign, and return the folder
the next day.
Cc Computer
Compass Odyssey
Think Central (Storytown and Math in Focus)
o User Name: student lunch #
o Password: usd383
Cc Curriculum
Our 3rd grade curriculum is aligned with the Common Core.
We will also be implementing class and team building activities.
Math- Math in Focus (taught by Mrs. Francis)
Reading -Storytown and supplemental materials & Writing Skills
(taught by Ms. Appel)
Writing, grammar, and Social Studies (taught by Mrs. Ekart)
Science- New Generation FOSS
Dd Dismissal
Dismissal times: 3:40 p.m.
Please make sure your child knows before school how he/she is
getting home each day. (pick-up, bus, or Boys & Girls Club) Please
be consistent!
Ee Emergency Contacts
Your childs emergency contact information is on file through
Infinite Campus. Please make sure the school has a current
phone number to reach parents!
Only people listed on the emergency cards may pick up your child.
You may be asked to show identification when picking up students.
Ff Field Trips
Watch for information on this

Gg Grades
Grading scale used: E, S+, S, S-, N
Hh Homework
Spelling list comes home on Monday with the test on Thursday.
Weekly Reading Log will be sent home. We ask that each child reads
80 minutes a week. Please sign each week and return to school.
Reading log participation will be tied into students reading grade.
Doing activities on The Learning Odyssey site, which is aligned with
Common Core Standards and your childs ability level, is strongly
Ii Illness
Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a
temperature. If your child becomes ill at school, you will be called to
come and get your child.
Do not send medicine with your child (example: cough drops).
Medicine needs to be handled in the office, or administered before
and/or after school.
Ii Instagram
Privately share updates and pictures of activities going on in our
Jj Jackets
Please label all outdoor clothing.
Kk K-State
Occasionally K-State education students may be in our classroom.
Ll Library
Open library Students will be working with Mrs. Fox on various
Ll Lunch
Our lunch time is 12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m.
You are welcome to eat lunch with your child. Please sign in at the

Mm Map Testing
Computerized math and reading tests are given in the Fall, Winter,
and Spring.
Nn News
Most notes from the teacher will come through email or Remind
Oo Office
Dr. Kole Principal
Mrs. Wendland- Assistant Principal
Ms. Ward and Ms. Zenk -secretaries
If you need to pick your child up early, stop at the office and sign
your child out. The office will call us on the telephone to send your
child to you. The office will not accept calls for change of after
school plans after 3:00 p.m., so please plan ahead.
Oo Olweus
Lee School has a No Tolerance rule for bullies.
(Parent/Teacher Organization)- All parents are encouraged to join
and participate.
There will be several fund raising opportunities throughout the
year for your child to participate in. These are voluntary activities.
Pp Parties
Three parties per year: Fall Harvest, Winter Fun, and Valentines
Qq Questions
Email is preferred and appointments can be scheduled.
Rr Report Cards and Parent Conferences
Report cards are given out 3 times a year.
Conferences are the week of October 17th-20th and February

Ss Snacks
Healthy snacks will be allowed in the morning. If you choose to
send your child a snack, please make sure it is simple, nutritious, and
easy to clean up. (As of now, water bottles will be allowed
providing there are no problems)
Ss State Assessments
Math and Reading State assessments will be given in March and
Tt Tardies
Students late to school (after 8:50 a.m.) are considered tardy.
The school keeps a record of these tardies and will document them
on your childs report card.
Uu You
U are your childs first and most important teacher!
Vv Volunteers
Volunteers will be needed throughout the year.
Ww Website
Please check the district website for up-to-date information.
Xx Exciting!
3rd grade is an exciting year!
Yy Yawns and Zz Sleep
Please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night.
Set a bedtime and be consistent.
A good breakfast every morning will keep your child alert and ready
to learn all day.

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