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El Colombia la opinin est muy dividida ya que hay varios opiniones con respecto

a la sociedad lgtbi, el tema de transgenero no es muy comn en Colombia nuestra

sociedad est en la transicin de aceptar esta comunidad sin embargo hay una
gran discriminacin y hay un 75% de esta poblacin discriminada laboralmente.
Nuestra opinin es que cada persona tiene un libre decisin y esto no debera ser
causal de discriminacin aunque este mal.

The Colombia opinion about the LGTBTI society is very divided because people
has different opinions about this topic, the issue of transgender is not very common
in Colombia but our society is trying to accept this community however there is a
lot of discrimination and there is a 75 % of this population is discriminated in
different jobs .
Our view is that every person has a free choice and this should not be a reason for
discrimination even if I thing is not right

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