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Physical stratigraphy and sedimentology of the

Late PleistoceneHolocene Tiber Delta
depositional sequence
Article in Sedimentology July 1995
Impact Factor: 2.95 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.1995.tb00396.x





4 authors, including:
Piero Bellotti

Salvatore Milli

Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome





Paolo Tortora
Sapienza University of Rome

Available from: Paolo Tortora

Retrieved on: 03 July 2016

Sednneniolos. (1995142. 617-634

Physical stratigraphy and sedimentologyofthe Late

Pleistocene-HoloceneTiber Delta depositional sequence
l'. BELLOl ll,* S. MlLLl,+ P TIIRT(IRA* aDd P \JALERI* Dipatia|lt) di Scienze della Teffd. Lhn -"rritdcp.]i Stud di Horna L,:tSapienza Piazzalt: .)da
Moio 5. 00185narna.ltal\'
tlsttLtta dclla En.i.lopctlh ItalioD.t. Piozza dclh Et.i.lapcdla lxttun 1. o01rt6notltu, IlalJ'

The Tibcr Dclta lics on th-"passile .ri.rntinental
nlarginol c-.nlral\!.estemlta\'. Thc
ilnd constitrtes
Tiber D-"ltais a l,atePleistocene-Holoccnc
high-ficqucnc!dcpositioralscquenr-.[.1thor 5th olrer],\\'hich
from the last post filacia]fise in seale|el to the presentstillstand.Il is
bound bl a tvp-"1 basaluncortbrnitv 1\''hjchcuts Pleistoccncdeposits.
Fi\,e deposilionalslstemshale beenidentified:(1) coastalbarlier lagoon:
(2) shelf-transitioni[3] lluvia braided:i+l Tibel lagoonaldeltas(T1. 12. T:ll; and
(5) Tibe l!'a\,edominateddelta. Ihe firsl lour s\'slernsconstitutethe transglp\\i\
eI ional parasequen{]es
svstenrtract ITST) \\.hich is chalact-"rized
b\' a retrograd
u''hilcthe fifth s\.ste r-l)resents
the highstandsvsten]tract
onh' on-ol)arasequencc
The cloluton ol thesedeposili.rnal
becn mosth' cortrolledbr sealer'ellisc, u'hioh $as not contintroLts.
but prnctraledbr eifjhl rnnorslillstandsard rapid liscs. This mechaDismof
le(l to the formationof parascquenres
that d.r\.clolred\\'ithiDthc
depostionalsystems.Fronr a palacogeographica
poiDt of vicu' the presentTibcr'
Della areau,asnainlv characterized
bl'a coastalballicr. lagoonanclTiber lagoonal
(luringthc sealerel risc. Throughout
deltas(T1, T2, Tll), \!hi.l nrigraleranrh^,ards
the tine of the pfes-"ntstillstard,thc T3 agoonalceltaprogradedfapidl-\'iDto tle
lagoon,reachingthe coaslalharrier.and lhe lagoonu,asleplacedfirst bl marshes
and then br. the allLrr,ialplain. Finalh', the Tiber Rivef olercancthe littoral balrier
supph,ingthc coast,giling rise to the pres-"ntrr,ave-dorinal-"d
Over the last fe ,1'ears
soq(ln.icstralig.dph\ has
b -n 'r d- r | ,Fd .
, .\!
r ,r -i.lin.i - r'
cssionsdevclopcd {)n
temporal and
spatial and in different geologica setings
cf dl., 1988r l'osaneriier& V.1,
-"tol., 1988i\ian Wngonorei dl., 1990i
\litchun & Van \\iagorcr.1991iVail .l .r1.,I9911.
nethodologr has bcon afplied t{)a slrL(hof
the Tiber stratigraphi.suc.essio,r,
r'hich formed
during tho last liBh 1equercveustaticctcle. Tho
has bee di\,idcd inlo svsl{im
iracts [Bro\r,n& F'ishcr,1977J,depositionalsrs
icns (Fishcr& Bfor!n. 1972J,parasequnces
sets (Van Nagoncf ."1 1., 19881
! 1 ! r ! 5h t p r ! a r r s f r j a t i . n . t S . n r . . l . l . S i ,

\\lich rorslihlic diftr-"nt s.raLcsrratigraphi.l

dcpositionalLrits (tsoselliniel ol., 1{l8el.


liber Deha l{rs .ertralh or ll,{ T\rhenian

)as1, just r\est 01 Roe, ard is .1)nsid-"re.l
diii 1lith low tidl tange
a r'vc-do1i1at-"d
lao 60cid and war-" tciglt bet\\'enI and +
(storrns\'c rp to 10 ml (lslihlio di Riccrrasllc
lssoJ Il is srbiect to a
,{cqre. 1980i Noli ei a-1..
M{diicnaneanr1llllal{i.r'ith a\'-arag'il']mpcra
tures !'df\ ing 1io 8"C iI lfinter t.r 26'(l in
srlmmer.Rainlal s between 0 n, in sumn1er
and th areais dolllinal-".1
rnd 150n1lnir alLtLrnr.
f )t 7

618 P. Bellatti et .11

Fig.1.l...atjon ol the sldr ama

d n d B e . l o g i c asl e t t i n BL. g . D d :
( 1 ) . e . n ta n d p r e s e n ts e d i m f n l s i
( 2 1v o l . a D i c l a s t n , , e p o s i t s
bel.nging to the .. ragmah.
. o m a p r o \ i r c e ( 3 1a . r . l
r u l . a D i t e s (: 4 1P l i o P L e i s l o c c r e
s e d i l n e n i s(i i l \ l e s ! - c e n o z o i c
,.dimeolsr (61nain Li,! lircs

bt souihcrl_r,and rcstorl! winds (\4inistero dei

Lavofi Prbblici.19s1-1977iIstitrtotlcDiraldi
Stalistica,'1972:1981iN.r1i et d/., 19901.T1e
Tiber Ri\.er (a05 km longl has an averageflo$ 0f
23un' s ' a1d its basin includes part of th
. e n t r r ' - n ot l p r ' \ p p r I i , . ' r , r e r o ,
"nr' "
ol Ltium
dclta plain o\ids inLandfbr
13 kD aod along thc coast for 30 k. It can be
di!'ided (Bellottief d1.,1s87) into ar iDnr delta
plain. rrith allur.ial and marshl deposits, and
a1 outer delta platu lvith drl1eand beach dges
(lig. 1l

t-t)cr lrctl:l -.( nr Inc.lcI.-f


Tfrrhenian Sea,lr'hich constitutesaD extersiona

margin. $,hose folllaiion is conncted to the
opcnng ol thc Tlrrhcnian tr sr. Ritti.g of
the T\rrhenian Sea began in th late Nliorcor

!!iih the Dain te.Jonic lines orientated N-S
oficntation \\'as adjusted dufing the Pliocene
and Quatenari lo 0n E-\\ orientated extensional
process. accopanied trv contenporaneous
.onpressiYetcctonics in ile Apennin. .h.1n
(scandone,1979i !abbri i?i al.. 1981i Rchault
{rlol.. :1987iSa ofi, 1989rKastcns& Mascle,1990:
Pataccaet al., 19901.
The e\tensi\.e ovcmcnts \\'ith ptncipal fractrirg lines N-S and E-\\ lFrlniciti]lo & l'arottL,
1978i Salvini & Tozzi, 19861.activ'r lfom the
nidLlle aie Plocene alld lluoughout lhc Plis
tocenc. strongh .on,litioned ihe evolLtiion of
the margin and induced tle deveopmcnt of the
alkaline potassi.r\.olcaDismpresent alorg the
coaslal belt. La!as nd \'olcaniclasticdefosls
cone fron the Sabalinc and Aban volcaroes,

rlr1r. lrtrmatiDral .\\sn: ili.n .l Srdnr.frologid5


il2. lili



l F L o t P P l p i \ t u L e n e H o l o c p t l c Tbet DeI te d epasit nal seqltenr.e t i 1 9


ri8._2.L..ntioDol the weltsrjtizcdir thc
sd\ {Dd .l thosercp.rrcd ir I.ig.i. aswtsllas Lrac6
the ' rosssectionsof Figs6 lod L

rlhich began their mall acii!itv atrout 600 000 vr

qPIDF R l" p, o/

rd9. tJq2. t9 I.

Plejstocenedepositsoutcrop in the hills arou.]

the Tibe llelta plajn (Fjg.1) and consistof shotf
clavs and sands-gravcls of coasial and flvial
deposilionals\'stoms(Bellortier d?.,1989b.1990i
Milli & Zarlenga,1991iMilli, 1992J.

Tle ihree-dimensionalreconstruction of the t.ibcr
. r : t l r . t r . r g r o p\r
D " l d \ \ " . , oJ : n - dt , \ , t , ;
n I r u \ \ , l l . . n r " , l " . o \ 1 , r"pr r, ; . ^ , . , . , . , , ,
lgrneefrng puryoses [Fig. Z]. with fieldworr ano
f d , . l i o r' .b o r r " r J t r L \ o e r i i . , oI L n t a F . d r , l
ir lrold,r-\d..o,
".ioi Al $Ftt. Lrr,o nr-oelitlologcal inlofnation \r,ith ab{Jut50o; of them
also furnishing qualitativc pataeoeDvironrnental
dJ', b".al n, tdIdl ,,r.-.
r n n . ,\ , . . t u r a . r n _
ifera. ostracodsJ;Do informatior u,as availaoreon
the sedimertar\ stnlcturas oI the
Scdimenlar structuresid thc presert lorer dclta
plan r ere instead observod in several trenches
a le!s lIrFali.ual,\s!D.irr

rn ot Sednetrr.l.qitri

Fig. 3. StfLLctrrc .four

maD ol rhe lnrlnformirv
lr' bdF ,' |
. ia lJ.o,.i .r. ts
| "l
$ Lrhrp1 H'I to tbp I rscnr \Fi-t].t).


excar,ated1r reclahed .hannets, for subsurface

pipclines and for archaeologi.,ot
strdics. Th
gravel sand\ PleistoceDeunit at the base of thc
Tibe ll{rlta sedimentarl successionhas Deen
drlled b a5 wells. Theseryec utilized ro rrac
thc structurr contour nap of the lo\,stand
Lrnconforiritr. Thr: pebbles of the pleisroccne
rLnt i!'cre anal]sod in thin sectionsallowing
Dtornl.rtioDon their prolonance to be obtaiJred
(Ijmbra NfarcleSabine^pennines formal]ons].
r , n n .h o r n l , p - i r
" l " r . r a o o " I , ur o u r . h o \ F
treenobtajnedbr, Belluornni?f ol. (1986),who
har-e analvsecl samples ol the sanrc trorehols
considcfedin thc preserishLdv.

The pos-glacialsedimeniarvsuc.cssioDof the
Tiber Delta overlies an| surlue that
cuts a su.rcession
of the Plcistoceneseurxerrs.
The slrLLctLual
.rrtou rnap of rhis uncontormitr
l l i e . I . o \ t r h g r r ' . . , 1l u \ \ , . r " " . .l i , l e . r . r l e
orgiral siructural situation and to phases ol

Siln-4r1, {.1i 6ilr

620 P. Bellotti et aI.



EE .-

* g l L l * o o Tor
P;= f l.-1 tLo Tber

:" lE:n re

3 : I TITfn sr






Ponto Galaria formdion




barior la@n depcilbnal




lag@nal delta dcpcitiral

L i.:J



wavo dominald delta dopositional systom

Flwial b(aidd depoitinal





0.02 m.y.

0.8 m.y.

Mab lormdin


Fig. 4. Fencediagramof the Tiber DepositionalSequence;

A, B, C, D and E indicatethe sitesof lithostratigraphicwel
logs shown in Fig. 5; T1, T2 and T3 representthe Tiber lagoonaldelta bodies.

erosion which mainly occlured during the last

glacial lowstand. The most important element is
the E-W orientated depression near Traiano Lake,
which continues within the urban area of Rome
(Feroci et al., 1990) along a well-defined graben
that coincides with the present course of the
Tiber. Athough offshore data are not available to
follow this depression into the continental shelf,
it has been interpreted as the palaeovalley
(incised valley) of the Tiber River during the last
glacial lowstand.
The sedimentary succession underlying the
present delta plain consists of depositional systems, each with a different lithofacies
association (Fig. a; Table 1).
( ' 1995 Irternational

Coastal barrier-lagoon depositional system

This is the most extensive depositional system
developed during the last post-glacialsea-level
rise and consistsof four lithofacies(Fie. 5).
The CBLl lithofacies(i.e.Fig. 5E),5-6 m thick, is
composed of medium-fine sand and dark-grer'
sandysilt with associatedshell levels.The microfauna is indicative of a coastalenvironment and
about 80% is characterizedby benthonic species,
while planktonic species are quite scarce.The
Association of Sedimcntologists, SerJirrrentolo2l',42, 6'1.7-634

Thp Late Pleisktt:nFHolo.:cnc


Tibe Delta depasltonol sequcnce b27

N { u j nl i l h o l o g i c a a
l D d f a x n ! . h r ( l e r i s t i . so f t h c l i t h o l c i f sr q r i B . i z e d l v i t h i n t h c d c p o s i t j , ) n .sl t s l e n s

CodsLdlburicr lagoor ltlBll


teal an.l featl mud

.re\.assc sPaI o/oJ

S l l l l t k r s i t i o n( S 1 )


F l u l i a l h r a j d e i { F E
Tibcr lasooral delt (Tl.ll)

pulmomta gasl,P.(l
dNltd lOnl (totrl


of sjh .lal

Tiber \!a!e.niinatcd
'lelt (WDD)

fr m'r.ata

bdrrier lea{,| (xpper

b{rricr Leac| (lo(,er delta


f lnurata gastro!oda
ard reNorked littoral

t]pica1 n association is characlcrizcd r\'

A111tn.,nh b.:(:caii. A. per'lucida, Dlphdiun
cispum, E. ddr?nurr and Quinquelaculina

peat larers alonc !ar! fiom 0 5 to .r m. The mor{l

recent peat la\er is tho nosi continuous and
c\icnsive and lies 2 5 l]l belo\t hc ropographic

l l - t i B l2 l i r . l i - . C , . u .
olion $ith a maximrm thi.kncssof 50 m) is made
up of blue grel' rnud r'r'ith freqLrertintercalations
of lhin layers of fic snd and sanch sitt. oltcn
associated$.ith organic ard shel detritus The
nacrolaun includesmmerous l{rvesof orster
' r F l l . . - r , . l * i n r " . o l B , ' t i " t . ., - t t u t o t u n
and l,rns belonging to ihc H_r'droiiddelallih'.
Thc microfauna is madL: up of species able io
tolerate \.ariaiions in salinit\'. Betifeen lhc
lorannifera thc olgottpical asso.iaiion r!ith l.
beccatii, A. perlucrda and t .rispr is presentl
the ostr.oda foLLndin this lithofa.ies belongs to
Loxoconchaand Leptocytlerogcnefa.$,hich are
ncsosaline al1doligosaine enliroDmental forns.
The CBL3liihoiaciesis composcdol p{idtvnllrd
and porl. which form a norc of less contiDuous
ldver at different depihs in the CBL2 litholcics.
The ma-\illum lhickness is 12 m, $rhcas the

i . ' h d r " . " r ' z - dL r 5 n '

ll-e t gla ; 1','isand and sandr silt that constjhriessedinentarl
b{)di{ls,1-2m tu thlclress.s'hi.,l ha\,o laieal
' \ r ' n - r / . o r u l | i r l h I . B l, , l . ' . ' F - .

, l1rlr. .tenati!!a.\:s..jiti.f

| . . r r - r9 . p l I f u - i i , n . q a r ' . \ ' r J m , L
|l.r sggestthe CBLl lithofacios.ronstitutes
remnanls ol a coastal bauier
traDsgressionl,\!hi.,h migrated land$arcl dLLring
the last postglacjal scalcvel se. Th CDL2.
CtsL3 and CBL,I lithofa.ios have been attributed
to clepositsof a coastalagoon(Fig.51.
ln particular, CBL2 rpreseDtsthc nain part of
the filling agoonal bsin Both tle nicro and
oL:n" .ndi "
I ' r\ ..l r'o,: \"r . r
1orn lresr to bracksh watelNith
salire episodcsi lhis sggeststle influenc{j ol

.l Sednnert!o!insS
. - " . l r n r p n t . / . s r ' . ,6
1 2i . 6 3 . 1

r'22 1'.Bellatttet tl



: a^ eas



. i..'l
I ii





z . z:











I 1 1r ,

ffi N u

!E Hr


tin J

f-l I

L_r r








? I
r!95 lntrationdl r\\rr


.1 SeJn!,"n1) .!irs


42 61: l.1

Th," L.tte PlestoLene-Hokx'cneTbet :ltu dcDasitianal scqLtence623


Iil ":..**

b ! .'re-,d


stromsand lh{l fresenceof inlets,alor\'ilrgcLrm

the waterso the lagooDanLi
the sea. Sanrlr le\,els present i1 tlis lithofacies
are thought to be conrectdto storm events.
,,.- ,rd
rr. -,
'. " .
shallol\' ifaters, where clals rich in org:,nicnaiior
i!'ere clepositd (CBL3 litholacicsl r.licaing a
llarsh] en|ironment. tion.itions of this kin.l.
prhaps reflectingproxnrit\ lo clastc inll).,
occulled intemlitientl\'.lring lhc \holc pcrio.l
of the salevelse.
Thc sandvbodi{]sof the CBL4 lithofac-"s
ber iDterpreted
ashover lar
Inhe... ,ord'rr" o l 1-.ri., l \ ',,.,t,, i,
relaiion to ilc distrbLrtar\L:hannels
Lrfthe Tjber
rellaand coastalbarrier(Fig 6).
Shelf-transition depositional system (ST)
This .lq)osilional s\slc nclLrdesthe sed
cl ol ollhore-tfansilionand offshoreshelf
l[ ,, . ]quh.l .r.,1 I '.
o ,!iI!
" l.r \ra+
from 20 to 30m. The Sl depositionals]'sten is
coer,al ith CBL and consists of thrco litholacics,
rrith transitional contacis \!hich .orslitrLtea
coafsoninq-ul\rards{iqucnco(Iig. 5D,nl.
The ST1 lithofacies(i.e.lg. -D,El (i lhc iopl s
ronposc.l 01 sand\ siLt Nith lequeDtrrtercala
iions of lne sand, bioclastic le\.els and vegetabl
.lt tus.
r 1 1 r 1 rl f5 ) i 1 r . . i

[-]F".a s"d

l l -"'""






lig, ti. Crossscctionwhercslstcmst.llts depos ron.l

' '| 'a D' ''\_
TST, transgrfssi!e srstems 1r..ti llST. highsland
srslestra.t {l or crusssectionorictaiionscf Fig.2 l
Thc ST2 lithofaLicsis composcdof clalet sili
$'ith ntcrcalatiors of fin ard \.crv 1ne sandi
is $'idcl! presenl.
The S'f3 litlo1cies(ar the bottom) is composed
of greenish-gre,r'cla! $'iih rare nlercalatioDs
of sand\ silt lal'ersr it sho\rs a n1oderaio bio
An abLmd. t microtaLrnais pesent in all three
lithofacies,\'ith coastalbcnlhonic forms 0.companiedlx deephabitatspecirs(Table2l PanLton
is scarce and the species arc Glabi8enaidcs
.rl,1iqrus. erifr-"rnrs ard rL/er. Remains of
brackish rraier fauras, ,ith BiffiL/, rctcu\atutl1,
'" f '-n
h , \ o L e e n : e r. i . d r , " $ .
GraiD sizc, rricrofaunaancl stratigfaphic rclations
of these dcpositsith ihe coval ones of the
coastalballier lagoon depositionalsvsle leacl
depous lo irtrpret lhcnl as a shell-trarsition
sitiorl s,1'steln.'lhcsand]
bioclaslic ler,els and the |egetablc
tle produ.rt of storm cvents tlat can
material Lel.r\! the mear tiiNeather $a!e base
b\, the mixing of foraminifa of
This is suggeste.l
.,oastal and rra.:kish Nater ith tlose of deoper
habitats.Tle fotmaiion of slorn beds is \!'ell
koNn in the presont shorelc{r. offshoretransition ond offshore areas lHales, 1967i
Ho\rar. & Reineck.1981iMorton, 1981iNelson.
1!82i Figeiredoet al., 1982: Snodden ef o.1,
I e d g J T r r " I i . 1 d , .| - : . L l , l " 6 n ' ' g e t. t ,

\ s s . . i L i rf l S c d n c r t ! e i s t iS e . t j r e ! r , l ! ! r 4 2 . l i l i 6 3 . 1

621 P. Bcllotti et al.


2. Ilenthori. lominilcra lmsert ir the STl.

S 1 2 a n d S T 3 l i t . 1 a .e s .

sll sTz




lslrororior st.ll.r,r.nrn
B z dI itla oc titl -.n s s


It i I )1
i ft llu subttndd
Prc b eI p hidj tr gton. s t

nertc eni.,ironmentu,ith repaiod flu{ lLrations

between thc rptef irfralittoral linncr sher']and
Fluvial braided depositional system (FBl
This depositionals]stem reganto der,rtopabout
:10000 ]r Br and gar.-"rise not onl\ 1.)the d,"!'el
opment ol th{r flrvial litholcies bul also to the
building of a srnalldeltaicbod\' insirlothe coastal
lagoo1. Three lithofacies ha!c been identified
Th FB1 lithofaciesis m.rinlv saDd] and localh'
containsgra\.land 1agmented
rerlorked shcs.
These deposits have a thickness ranging frorn a
few metfcs to about 20 m a d are organized nrto
ninB-upNard sequenccs $'ith coarse san.l nd
gra!el at the basc, r'r'hich grade up$ard to
medtu and lne sand. The bsal .ontd!,s ale

FB2 |ithofacies
is not \,or! extersii.eand its
thicknessis less than 1 m. Nrld is th prflalcnl
lilhologv brt thin bcds of fine sand and sandv
,r , .nr!u.",r
. r drp
"l.o r,..rr Th" r. rJ
exclusiveh, ol pLrlnolategasiropod!.
The l B3 lilhofacies is genef.rllt lLltldat th top
01,or lat-"ralhto, the fining-uptrardsquencs
the FB1 lthofacies.
t is onl! scarceh'reprcscntcd
ad .rrnsists ol irave.tine deposits and .al
carcous cocretions.gereralh, associatcdNith
lB2 lithofacies.
As a rfhoe. the deposits.loscribed
scdimentar! body $ilh a tabrlar geond.r rhat
e\lerds or:er 3-5 km r\.ith a thickness between
10 and ll0 m.


Geonetr\', lextLrrond organization of these de

positslcad us to attribrLte
FB to a bfajded Iluvjal
depositionalslslcm (Fig 5A). Th lithotrpes
that the slstem was supplicdb1'the
outcrops .rf Plcisto.ene deposits,rhich lie along
the landlard boundarl of th0 pfcseni .lelta plair.
Th0 FB I lilholciescan be attrilrutedto sandv
graverbars lhat fille.l ile low'sinrosit! chan
nes (l\'illians & RLrst,l969i Miall, 1977. 1981:
Galloifa,l' & Hobdar, 1983).
The Fts2 lithofacies is thought to br: an o|crbank and/or a le\'ee deposit Er,aporalionand
perhaps pholoslnlhosis in the snall ponds
allowed the preoipitatjo ol cailo. (1"83litho
fron \ratersrich in.rol.riInbicarbonate.
1he tabular geometr) of lh;s .lopositional
svsten is due to the latefal nigttion oi
lo'"sinuosit] channels(nobie chn.el bdt of
r ''ro. i.r J. lubJ lh" \'i luri",/,r"r.
upr|ard scquencesand the texture of th sediments suggost.r depositionals]stem simlar to
that ofNfiall's(1985)m.,dol3, in \t,hich.follo\l,ing
suddenfloods,massflon deposils(sL,pplio.l
thc Pleisioceehills) ar intercalate!L
lhin the u\.ial dposits.
Tiber lagoonal delta depositional system
'fhis is
lhe .lryositional s,t'ste of the Tiber Delta
when the ri\'or mouth la] l!'iil tle coastal
lagoon. Thftro cnticlar sandv boclies\lith thick
nessesvariablc fom a lc\\ netres to abort 30 ln
and extending om 2 to 3.5 km ho!'o bcen identi1cd (Fig.61. Ti!'o lithofaciescharacterizethcse
three sedimentar] bodics r'hich t'ere laned nr
orderof decreasing
ageas T1. T2 and T3.
The TDL1 litholacics is prevalentill the upper
part of each deltaic bodl and is conposed ol
I e . l i u , r , F ' " - r , . r r . t h \ p r p r " L r ', ' , . i
The'flll,2 lithofacessiro\\s transitiorarLU!
tacts wth prerious lthoiaciesand occqresthe
loer part of eachdetairbodt. lt is characterized
lalers, hich bcae prevalent do$nlr,ads.
TDL2 shoifs gradationalcontacts\!ilh thc mddt
dcpositsof the .oastallagoor.

Tle three saDdt bodies (T1, T2. l3l ca be con

sideLedas fluvialll' domirated tleltas (Uaorta-r,,

l1r9; htprxlnra,\!s!!inti!i

! S.Lli Lr.L.sists Sp.lirx-"!nt,!r

42,01t r3.1

Thc Lole PlLtistocene-HalacncTllw Delt .leposltion(tl settut:

n(:e 625
Table3. Bcntlioni. and thnkl,Jfif loraninilcra !r.senl in the \VDD2.\'VULI3
rn{l \'!DDaljlhnfa.ies.



B .. c I h ft i,-:d a g L t I 1tLL
jbt. 1p]1dju1 ld :)p iens
Elpnidrurn disl,
l i I i t ) li n e l e s u L t u r o n d a
Q r i , q l t \ | | )t u t u b u l s d


CrJsidlnro sug1rosd



I)h )h i-!ei no tulcon. t1sis

Cloh4rti naides t1ot\1s
Ck gct t1 d. s tt j lb u s
Cl bE. t t1 dt s o t)I tt rris
Clobhttnades n11)el

'l97Jt Coeman & Priof, 1980)

r\.herethe il\:o
lithofaLies respecijva! represent the mouth bl
(deltafiontl and prodltadeposils.Thc g0orDetr!
and cxlelsioDofthesedoltai. l)odiessrLggests
the] originated fiom lhc coaesceDceof ser,eral
mouth bars, conll t{r a seriesof distribriaf\
, " rFl-. ',1. Inhl:, ,,ld Ie-u:Kd|.\. rq-nj
closespa.rhgof one charl to anoih an.l
their probabclateralnigration di.l noi allow th
der,eloprcl of real intrLlistribt{ba\s, but
gave rise io ll)c formatio1oi extonsi\'c .rofnposite
letcularbo.lics,in ,hich the bars int{r.ffngered
rrl ". I rhrr,.o,r ..r,
,, 1r, I.pol
T l - h r L u . r r ' " , . c i ' , , I r h " 1 , " . o r . \ " i ation in dischargc.n,l sediDent supplv ot tho
1lbe Ri\,or and the rate of iho soalrvel ris
fonditioned the developm{rl of these bodies
as shown nr simlaf dcpositional settings b\'
Donalclsoei dl. (1970), Kanes (1e701.r\itls
\ " l , . r , 1n, . R " b . . t r R B .
" d
Tiber wave-domilated delta depositional
system ($IDD)
This depositionlslsteDrdevelopeddrrinB lhe
presenthighsiand Lrf sea level, sincc lho Tiber
River bogan to flor,! directll into the open sea.
Five lithofacishavebeen dillifentiatd.the \,erti.l or:aDizatior of \r,hich feflects th sea\r,ard
o the Tibcf Dclra (Fig.JCl.
The $rDDl litholaciesis conposedof a mud.
\.arying in colour tuom dark grcv to greer to

1illlorrish broi\'n. r"-ith solne inl{c.rlations ol

gravcl an.l fine sand. travertine concrctions. and
(more rarelvl di.rtonjtcsand altered Yr-rlcanic
material mud cracks are also boquent. The lauDa
is sc.lnivand composdof pLLlmonatc
Tho lirholcies is .seneralh 2 3 m thi.,k nd
towardslhr)l)otlonii.rhangesto CBL3 lithoforiics
cortainirg pci and peair mrd lrith legetoblc
detritlsard shcll\.lcvcls.
\\DD2 litholciosis generall,r'composeLl
fine and metliLrnrsanl.lri'ith aburdartmalc mirerals,coastalen!ifonnent nicrofauna {'fable 3l
ancl\.egetabl-"rmains.Ycllr:,$'ish-broitnaDd gret
llledium to coarsesanr contanhg the remaiDsof
molluscsand pr.rmicelaBmcnisarc also locallv
found. Loir-angle,e|en, parallellaminaiionsare
that constitute
ils lithofacies have a thi{ k{rss1o 5 to 20 m
and shol\,a lablargeometrt.
The formcI ljtholciesis gradationall.tall\,
alld verlicallv io the \vDD3 lithofacies!\'ich is
characterzed b\ finc sand lrith silt] intercotionsr foramiifera of coastalenvifonets iTable
3l and vcgtableremainsa.e also prcsent.
Do$l$'rf.1. \{DD3 sho$,s gradalional contacts
'|{ith thc \VllD.r liilofacies charactrfizcd b]
cla]et silt wilh farc intercalationsof ver\ finc
sand ard moderateproscnceofnhalittoral microfauna (Table 3J and ve.ectablc renai1s This
litholaciessho ,s gradatioDal.oniacts with th
sc.liments of th trarsition shef dcpositioral
NDD5 lithofaciesis c(,mposcdoffrne sand
.rnd tho ihickness. rllich is LrsrLalltbet\ten I
and ,l m, occsionlltreachesas mrLrh as 10 ir
sand is reddish 1clol, rich in qua z and

! 1rrrr5htcfuatiaDaAss..irL.r1,lSernnennrl.qj:ri.S.r;r,r,l!qr..12,{j1itiilr


L Bellatti Pt al
10.000 yea6

1 40 0 0



Fig. 7.llolocene sealelcl
fr thc Tiber llelta arca

mica with small quantities of heavl minerals.

Tabular and trough cross'beddhg are ftequnt as
ell as biotrrbatior due to roots. IDD5 is local
ized in the coastalbelt and extendslandnards for
about 4km on ih-" prescnt shoreline. Fauna.
\\,hcr prcsent, is corstituted b\' pum.rnaia
gastropodaand relrorked littoral nicrofauna.

se {rNe

iransition-shclf area, rePfosents the prodelta

Thc WDD5 liiholcies reprose1tsan acolian
., !n-i \\in 4,.. I oga\ h" ho ''r h' \ ' i r.
shorclnes of the maine delta prograclation


The $IDDl ithofacies is the product of the
flur.ial marsh! ard floodplain se.iimentation
tvpical of a delta plain and roprcscntsthe closure
of trc old coastal lagoon.
WDll2, Wllll3 ad WDD4 iiholacies
togcther cLrnstitutea coarsenirg-uprrard sequoncr:
$hich is interpreted, on the basis of palaeogeLr
graphical context. as a prograding barrier beach
(the flrvial-marine sequence of Scruton, 1{ltj0i
Currar & luooe, 196,1iOonlkens. 1970 Gallowa\'.
1975rtioleman& Prior,1980i\{right. 198-i Ellioi,
Th \{DD2 and \VDD3 lithofacis costitrte,
respecti\,elt', thc uppcr and lowcr dclia lont,
{'hereas the distal portion of the entire bodl
(WDDa lithofacis), r,rhich degrads i1 the

A relativesca-levelcur!'0{or the last 11 000 !ears

has been calculated (cxporential turve
'=0.8sJ for the Tiber Dclta area [Fig. 7J usn]g
radiocarbor data fcpo ed ill Bolluomini el 1ll
onlv ih prodLrclof
This cune ropresents
the glacio'eustaticrisc becausesubsidencehas
been negligible drriDg thc last 18 000 years The
absenceof local subsidenccis suffeslcd br the
h.rfizoltal postion of the peat lavers Presct in
the coastal lagr-ronrud (cross-se.tion reporlc.l
in FiB. 6l corsideredas datum planeswith resPc.l
to the Pleistocene substratun. The absence ol
regional subsidence was also found b,r, lvlarani
et ol. (1986Jalolgihe coDtnentalshelf bett!'een
the Tibcr Delta and Cap Circeo (abort s0 km
sorth of the Tiber Rivor outh) Ths it is
c\.i.let that thc ate of the glacio ustaii. rise

( r 1 r l r 5I n t . i r i . n a A + o L i a t i ! . o l S c d i m e n t d r e i r s - " d i r r e r r l i i , i l i 1 2 6 1 7 l i : r l

Thc Lat. Plcistane. Holocene Tibo Delta depsithnal sequen. 627

' 5000lr sr"
coincides r!ith the rale of dccomno.lation time. uDtil f{rachhg aboul I nm \-r
Moreor,er,consideriDgthe lasl glacial lowstan.l at
lPosanerteret {r1..1S88J.
,.nI l,'b2 he po..\- - r, m., d I \
approximateh l20m (sharkleton & opd,\'ke.
glacial sealevel rise is consideredmore or less
l97ili Aloisi et ol.. 1975i Ca er ef d.l, 19861
Nlarani ei d1., 1986! Hernandez-Molinaef ol..
continuous bf sone authors (Shepard.1963t
r rcsults
1992) a rale higher thn 10nlmvr
Nfillin1ar& nnert, 1968iBloom, 19701and cpi'llese
:i961i CL a!, 1965:
betwccn 18000 and 10000vr 8P.
sodic b_1'others
q-r: I 'l\\ o -l o/
\ - l - ' r B r, \ . l q - 0 : l - r d / .
lated rates agreelvith Nlilliman & nme "s (19681
1981i Caer ef al., 1986i AndersoD& Thomas.
data, $hich indi.,ate a Darked 1ll ir |alucs
1ee1l. Stratigraphic eliderce in the Tiber Delta
bet$oen 7000 and ,1000vr wrll as i,rith tho
data of Ranpino & Satders (1980J uho report
arlrairdi.alos ihat scalevel risc was discotinvalues of o\cr 5 mln !r ' bdbre 7000 tr BP.rore
oLrsnd chract.fizedbl. a soriesof rapid rises
- r l ' , l . ' , I , . i - . r i - r ,' l r l \ . , \ . l n \ \ ' *
tlan 2.5 nrn1!f ' ret een 7000 and 3000l Bl
rate aDd then rerl slo$' acconmodatio rie)
a n . lc l o s et o 1 m n \ , ' f o r t h e l a s t3 0 0 0 \ r 1 o m
(Bellottiei ol., 1s8sa).This episodicsealevel rise
the Long lsland area.Siilar rates aro repoed b!
does not appar in the eustatic cuNe rpo ed in
Parkinson{1e8e)for soLrth-lrest
Fig. 7 ol] becausof th scarcitl'of radiocarbon
Deasurncnts seem to shor! an invcrsion of
the trend \,ith r.alues ranging bet.|{een :1 and
Pcat $as lbrrnt.] in a bra.rkish-i,rtef marsh
:1.Jmn)r r (Braatz& ubrel'. 1987i Gorniiz &
(sce Nelson & Bra!. 1970Jtsuch a depositional
L p b ,L l - r . l 0 8 - . l l , " . l a r l. , . p " r t o l h ' r t ' i I
I g h , . b . ' n d , " , 1 . r . i l l r 1 , 0 0\ . B or . i n q i p
crlilonment \{as fbrmed aher the space created
dr.rringeachsea-levelrise (time of pafaseqLren.ies datareportedin Fairbridge[1961],Curravl1!651.
fonationJ was mostlr filled lvith lagooral mud.
Nfmcr(19tjs)ard Nlillimar& Emery'[19tj8).This
ln this l'|av the lagoon l\as transformed illto a
hasallowodindicatiorso be obtainedon the ages
sedineniaofthe coastallagoonpeatalers locatedat depths
below 30
lhe basisof thes.
bet$'een 66 m and the presentsea level. No
data are arailable to allo\r identifilation of the
other stillstandsbet!!eer
120m hrositroDol
the sea le\.e dLrrng the last
6Dm. Other authors (HernanctezMolina
- r ' 1 . . t q q 2 h . ' , r , . u ; i z " , l - i l l r J - o f + "
r.\eoprpnl ' rl i..edim'n'd \ 'r,,P.'iur '
wc have ranrod the Tiber DepositioDal
lc\.el at 90. 80 and 73 m depth on the Northern
Sequerce [rig. 4], reflects a high-1cquenc]
Contincnial lvlargin of lho ,{lboran Basin
eustatic changelilked to climatic chargescars0d
Anderson & Thomas
lave suggestedthat
br Milankolitch orbital cr,cles.This c,rclicil!
allol,-edthc lormation ol ath order high-froquencv
r , f l r ' r r , r i n . r h ^ r ' r r .
"rir' .'
scquces(100-200 ktr) as $'ell as the 5lh and
a pausibleme{rh6ih orders (10-20 kvrJ $ran $Iagoner ef o./.,1990r
anismhich pcrmitsrisesin seale!cl ofthe ordcr
cf 2 5 m per centLrrt(Thomas& Bentle\',1978).
Mitclun& Van Wagoner.1991rVail ef d1, 19911,
Rclative to ile Late Pleistocene-Holocere seahich devr-'lopedduring ihe Quatefar]'
cvel ise. these sane.uihors sho,ed aL uls
Facies and seqrencesiratigraphiL anl-l'sesof
Roman QLLat{nar}depositshare been carried ort
mcchanismis probab]rcsponsibloIor the 1o|rna(Milli. 11192J.
Thesedepositshav beeDsubdrl,
ti!,n of the nlafine flooding surfa.resbounding
in a retrogradationalsetiing (traDs
idc.l irto t$,o 3fd order depositionalseqtrences
grssnel. Nloror,er. o the basis of several
[Mc,ntc Mario ard Ponie Galeria sequences).Thc
siudies on passive continental nargins. ther
latter, dcveloped betccn 800ktr rP and the
presenl. is made up of oight ,rth ofdcf dePo
rccognizedihe shorelinepositi.xst 15, 24,
each ilh a duration of about
29 and 39 ni al sil]lil.lf.lepths.the shorelme
positionhas also been rccognizedin thc studicd
100klr. The Tiber Sequerceis the mosi rccentof
these. 11 s bornded at the base b] a tvPe 1
I hc ,1, Lrl.,tcJ.c.lcr'.1 . u ro ind r.r o. . \-ri
unconfornit,r(Vail -"101..
'incomplete' sequcnce
ablerate of rise.^roLrnd10 000 vr Bpit $as about
Ibeginning 180001' BP
10nmtr I ald progressivelr:decreasedover
aDd still e\,oh,ig)that car be consideredboth as
5 r r i r i . . i L , \ r s . r i i i r o s r L . n . L . E i s r s . s i n . r r . l . ! . 1 2 , 6 1 i
! 1 1 r 1 rI n


628 P Bellatti et al.

ihe initial Part of a ad ordor scquon.,e
and a 5th
order sequece as inicrpreted bl Bord et a-1.
(1!8e)fbr the latest Pleistocneand Holocro
sediments of ihe GrU ol M.xicr,.
Th stratigfaphic or8aDization of th Iiber
Dcpositional Sequencecnblcs a trarsgressrre
s|stems tfact (TS'fl aod highstard slstens tract
(HSTI to be Llistinguished.
El'idonccoi deposits
relatiDgto the lo\rstndsfslemstract(LSl) (aLoLrt
18 00UIr Brl. ifhcn thc Tiber Rn'-"r morths $.ere
near the shcll descr.ibed
b\'(lhio.,l:i &
Nomark (19e21.The exact time i\'hcn rhrr TST
reganio (l{iv{iop
is unkno\l,n.Ho\c!cr. u)nsrdrr
ing thc datarepofiedin Hernaldcz-Nlolira
ef {r1.
(1992).it could hare stadcddeYeloping14 tlU0r'r
Bp,{ith the shoreliJclocatodat a depth ol90 nl.
Durirg the pedod ol lj'ne bet$eer 18000 and
140001'r Rp . lo\!stand \!edge s!stcns traci
(L\\ST) do\'cotell.Thesedata,togthe1\,ththc
eustatcclrvc. ir(li{ ate aD a\,eragrate of scalevel rise ol .boLrt 7.5l1nl\.r r. duing thc
L\{S'f. \riable bet\reen14 and I mm rr I dur
.B h Tsl
drrr'g r"
",..1,,..r' trr"\
Durg the I-NST the Tiber Rivr probablr
consirr.iio(la deltaic bod\. at the crd (t thr
alluvial vallN. on the outer continctal shcll.
cn bc suggestd
onl,1'on thc bassol stfatj
gfaphi., and palaeogeographic.rl
bcausoihc la.k of seismicpulsc ponclrotjondid
noi porfnil detectionof such a dcliai.rbodr'.
',' l\f
,:onn\rq""r ,l,nu{.
"\plopoo rJ
a stckig pattn ol rcirogfadationalparase
FouI depostionalslstel]ls(CBL,ST. FB
ancl TLDI erc a.iljve dLuhg the development ol
the TST lts stratigraph\.rt'asslfog) conditionerL
b! the rate ofthe sea-le!(jfise. nhich ir particu
lar iuencedr {1) th0 stratigraphic organizatio1
ol the lhrvial braideddepositionals]'stemr[2] ho
neclanismnd rate of the coastalbalricr'sandward migfalionr[3Jthe phvsiographi.alo!ollion
ol the lagoonr(al tho dclel{rfment and nigratior
{,f the Tiber lagoonaldolta depositionalsr'.stenls.
Each rise crcaicd nou spacefoL sedimentation
('accomllodaiionof lerre], 1e88) allowing Iol
the LlevelopmeDtof parasequencescoftposcrt oi
.lifiircrl I ithofaciesassociatons
An overall fining-upvards r d characterizes
rhc alhL!ial sediments{)1thc flLrvialbraideddepo
silional s\:stem.This hcnd is cosideredto be
co rectecLto a backlllirg deposition as a resull ol
sea-lcvelfise (Schumm, 19931.On the parase
qLrencesscaie. such a mechanism should be
equalh actil''e.Each sea leiel ris led to a bascleYel risc cctcrminnrga vetica accrctior ard

d{positiool coafscr sedimentsLrpslroamthat

ga\'-risc to a filling uprlard trend $'jthin thc
charnlsedimen{s Thus. crclir:al naturc of the
finingrrp$ard sequenrcsprcsent in the llB iq
thoughtto bc linked to the scolclel ris. ln this
sitc thev constitutr llr ph-lsicalxprcssionof
thdl devloped,$1th
the same pifasequencs
difTerent lithofacies associations. ryithin other
Lova dcpositional stslcms. th tabulal
geometr\ ol thc B d-"posilsis thought to be
connectedto a rolaiivelr slow basc-cvelse
(aiter10 000 }'I ?p. lh{r cusiaticcur!'e indicatesa
progressivdecreascol sclevel risel thal dctcF
with amalgandlcd
minffl an allu\.ialorgaDizalion
charDel grar,csandbodies(Posanetier& Vail.
1988rPosarriefcl dl.. 1988i1\..iHht& Marrot.
1993iShanc\ & \lccabe, 199.+).
formatioi and landr\ard mi8fation ol the
coastalra ier during a transgressive
thaso can
occul throLr8h !'nrious mechanisms sui:h as
retreal (Fishcr,1901rSwift. 197-1. inplar dolrning'(Sandefs & Kuar, 1975Jand
'traDsgressiv{r s bmergence' (Pllnlnnd er 41 ,
ln the tust phas. (]1the l ST (1,1000 13 0o0rr
Rpl the apid rise of sca ler,el deterlin{,(l lh{i
baselevel |ariation ol lhc Titrer Ri\.er that b,san
to dcposit most of 1s scdimentarrload in thc
allvial valle! The defrcascin sedimentsLrppl)
.lotcrmined the abandr)nocntol the lowstnd
scdgc dcltaic bodt rlhi.h \\,astraDsforned
an erosional headland ith llanking batners
(sta8c 1 of ihe transgressi!1r
Penland.l ol.. 19881.
The foloning phase (13000 s000if Brl is
.:.. i ,r

, l]d dF-,I L


' , r p- ' .


.e - .i\'

barrerisandarc l br Penlandcf.?1.(1e881,
the two nlailr dopositional sfstel]ls arr lhol]oastal
baDier lagooD ard lho Tber lagoonal dcltas
(T1, T2. l3J. This can be subdn ed inlo r!\'o
each one $ilh a .liferent rate ol scaleve .ise pfodcng a different tarc of land$'ard
migration oi tho .roastalbarrief. The 1fstsrbphase
occrured bet\le{rn 13000 and 9000 87001'r Bl,
rise as at its highcst
\'r'henthe rate of s{ra-lcvcl
At this time the episodi. ris(lof sa'e|el,tog{th.f
coastllplai and the scarce
rrith h0 lor\' graLlieDt
sedirncrt srpplv. allo ,ed the coast.rlbanier to
, r . r a" l r ' ' l r r .r i t \ \ ' 1 , l , i r . . l , , d r ' \ \ ' r g
, t"rn t' p'.'
r* hrr.i.r'
vationof thesebarficrsis due to a rapid risc of sea
le!'el(Krali,1s711.The T1 delti. bod,1'developed
r' .o'r.g
. r . l ; r " ' l r " l l r ^ r " , , p o l a , ,' r l l r .
onl,r' nloderate nlooonts
ol the
Thc lc.retion
thc stillstad
l s r L i d L i o n r 1 S l r l n r . t . r l . g j : t : .J c d l . r r t r r r ! r . r 2 . 6 i t i 3 1

TIE t,titc Pleisto.ene-Halaene Iibe Dcltu depoJtlioriil s-"quer.e 629







fi coasra
Lj raeon






I i s . 8 . C r o s ss e (l i o n ( l a d s r o r i d i t a t . d s e e F i B . 2 )w h c r c s l s t . m s t r c t s ,d e t o s i r i i r s \ s t e n sa n d t a r a s e q u e n c .
s e t so f l I e T D S r c e r n l e n (e d P S p a s e q u e n . e S
r B s c q u . n c eb a n d d n m 1 . sf r x i r , f l , r , , l n gs r J a . e .

lagoon\\,.rsin deficit (Nichols.1s8eJ The sl.ckirg pattern of the retrogra.laliollal paraseq c.{s
is evidenccdLdh lx the lan.lwardpositionof the
coastalbar.jer aDd extcrageometN ol the Tl
deltacbod\' (Fig.8J
llring the latter subphase(fiom 9000/8700to
5000]'I rrJ, the dccreasein tlc fale of seae|el
rise associai{-.d
!!ith tle ncrcase in coastal plain
gradi.rt prodlced a decreaseill ih. rate of
land$ard nigration of the coasial barrier. Thus.
J. ir. , '" ;
| - .n,.r, ..'"
stillstand [period
of parasequcncefonnation),
each coastal barrir stacke.l one or top ot tro
' r l r ^ . | | " t. n E I p " - i q |
u m p o . i- J r : l
"-.:.bod\ r!ith tabulargcooretr(cross-srx,1i,,n
of Fig.
8). Each barrier r.!as built $'ith ihe sedients
eroded and rer,,,orketlo tlc underh.ins barrier.
At the samo tjme, the lagoon exper.ienced
accretionr\status on balance (Nichols, 1989)
u'ith .rn exteDsionof th{i rnarshr areas 'fhr est
mtion of the sedincntatiorrate m ho rentral
lirl of the lagoonbetl{een10 000 and 5000vr Bp
i s a b o u t6 m m u ' .
$ , i t h i n t h e l a g o o nd e p o s i t s .
each paraseqLrence
.onsiituts a shallo\!ing
uprlard cr.clecappcrlb] a peat lavcr,on hich a
flooding slr1comarks the conla{:t from marsh
sednnents bolo$ to deepcr lagool] seLlrmonts

abo|e (seeFig. 5B). Scar\,r.l
a Loafscnngplftul.lbeachsequence
\'Vithi the lagoou. the Tibet Ri\'of slfic.l. and
blilt up th T2 deltaif bodl hilc ihc T1 bod]
rlas abandoned and traDsgressedb\ la3ooll.rl
ud. Thc'r2 delta de|eloped 'rithin the lagoon
up to 7000rf Bp.ln tho lnal part of the seale|el
rise a rew shift of the Tibor Riv{r .ioufso dcicrmincd the initial brildiDgof the T3 dltair bo,l\'.
DrLrirs this 1.l phase th last igratioll lardnarrl ocL:urrcdand the lagoonbecane narro$er
an.l marsht, forn]ing thc last ost extersile pat
t s e t , e e n1 3 0 0 0 1 . 1 0 0 0 a n d 5 0 0 0 t t R p , a l . o n dcnscdscctondevelopedon the coDtinentalshell
in 1ontol ihc pfcsontTiber Delta(Chiocci.1989i
Bellotti .,1o/., 1ee4J.A simila and covalelent
has been reportd for thc \,rississippi Delta l]-outit
ei al., 1S881.
Tle HSl'begar to delelop dln)ul 5o0o\r Bp.
Nith a rate o seale|el rise of 0 8-1 noir l
llring ihjs period of tme onll one paraseqLLencc
developedwith the sdne.leposilionalclenents
that appearin the presntTiber Delta:inner an.l
ouiof dolt plin, delta hont and prodeltaslLrpe.
The increasc io scdimcnt srppll'due to the

( r ( r r r i h L p r a t i . n a ; \ \ s . , i r t n m r l S . d i n . n . 1 ! e i : t 5 .S c d n n . n i . h r r r 'a. 2 . 6 i 6 3 a

630 P. Bellatti et al.






d.' hd,-.f lrs,,,"







in tho rotc ofsea-levelrise causcddeposition 'ithin the lagoon (siatus of accrtionar\
sufpls: Ni.,lols, 1e8s). \\,hirh bccallle infilled
anrl was entirdl transfoned into marsh! areas.
Thus, the top of h0 last pat laver shotld
coincide r!ith thc 'axinIll lloodirg srLrtacc'
rdich separatesth TST liom the HST (Fig. 81.
The Tibcr lagoonal delta (T3 l-rod1)prograded
rapiill) in ihe lagoon as far as the backbaDier.
creating lwo scparaiearsh,r'areas(Fig. 9). These
remained pra.rticltunaltereduntil the! \'cro
reclaimedat the end ol the 19th centrn. Il is
unknol\'n lvher tl mor.rth01 lhc T3 delta reached
ol a $'ar.e
thc sca,givingdse to the developrnr:nt
1em"rn,,r'l Ii.rn . d Jo,
tance n recooslru.ting the delta e\'olution o\,0r
thc last2500years(Fig.s).'lhe earliostremahs of
at the \,ermouth (OstiArtica) date
a settlenont
back to the ,lth centurv u(. This could inilicat.
that the maine ri!er mouth lfs ahad,r'actne ir

Fig. 9. Prl.fdgeographj. skclches

shoNing $,,1llion 01th Tibcr
D.positii,nl S.quc.{ e dring Lhe
t r a r s g r e s q i ! e ( p l i d s e sA . B , C ) a n d
hi.qhsla.d lpha,cs D, E. FJ slslcms

that perio.l (or na\ be before: Titus LiYii and

sa\'OstiaAntioa lt'
least thrce ceDturics earlief) Ihe mmairs ol
the impetil harbours of Claudius [s2^D] al]d
Tr.rianus[110{D], both north of thc river nonth.
ard the reains to the s.ruthof thc PatriciaD
along tle coaslalroad [via Se1'eriona],
slightl r:uspidateshoreliDein the 1st crturr AD
ttil 1.100there \tas no 3rct progradtion ol
thef irrDolia.lhepostion olsometol!crs bu1t
during Papal tule ad a serisof napsdraNrrp
in lho last two centrriesindicate progradatLon
phase at the beginillg of 1500 (\1ith an ad\'ancerl. shch con
mcnr of ihe shoreincof I n \T
linued $ilh progressi\'elllowcr rates unt rhc
b-"ghniDg ol this cenlrr\" At l)rcset the h...hes
car the rivct nouths afe urdrrrSoingintcsive
erosivefrocesss(Uaputot, dl., 1983).corne.te'l
$,itl the strong deLroaseof thc sedin]nt supPlv
drLeto the dansbuilt ir the liber Basirovcr ihe
last 50 \,ears.

, l l r r l l n t . n a t i o n a l \ \ { r . i i t i t r , , 1 S . d i n e l t f l , g : t s S e r l ' / .r , t l r l . ' r r . ' t 2 f i 1 i 6 3 1


Late Pleistacpnc H1.ftt)e Tlbet Delta dcpostanal sequenLe 637

Tho paeogeographical
ftr.r)rst.uftio1sot the
Tiber Delta area drlrng lh-" last 12 00ui.r Rparc
s h o \ r ni n F 9 . 9
Tho Tiber DepositioralScqLrence
(TDSI rcpLcseDtsa high-ficqu0nc\depositionalscquercethat
is still in c\oution and which dcvcoted du19
the las glaLioeustatic sca-lovelrise ard thc
present is mde rp of vc dq;ositjonalslstnlsthai .r.]nstitLrte
transgessi\.and Th-"lSl sho\\,s.rrdro
graclational st.r.king pattern o p.rr s{xlLrel1ces,
while thc HST is corposed
o1onll on progradaiioal parscqrLeDce.
Deposilsf0lating to a lorrstad s1stefts tract are prosriot near the sholf
break\!hile thosebelongingto a lo\l,standl!'cdgc
shold l)o pfesento the outer continentalsholf
and fornjnga deltaicbodl.
The TDS is an cxanple of a sedimoniarvsrLc
' r . o r r q l u n : i u .- o h \ , . , r , ' o l . t o .
{alloc}'cliclrortroll. \rherc rate of s-"alevl so
and th{r effectson basc-l'el change repLcsr:,,t
!crl important facioJrstrr stratigraphic oryan
izalion. Howev.r. aLrtocrclical pr(,cesses
also controlled tho facies
organizationand lhe geometl\.of ilc scdin1eDrar|
Iu.l '
r h" ,l , ,.i . r.4l.r.. r.. tl - -r.
Lreateddring each sea le\,el se (tjmo of paras,,1 .. r,,,\,..o,i,r,i',
ations \!hi.h .rhafacteriz tho or! rorlrerLS.
eithrbelonginBto depositionals\stemsor to thc
coeval depositiora1
svstcns(\lilli, 1ee2).Thus.
th0 same parase.luon.rcc.n have dilrcr1 ptrrsi
cal exprossionsand can bc .hifacterized. ior
exanplc, br a firing uplfrd sequencein flurial
'1 .,,i.,r,b,o,,,-.
i n { , . t , , \ " r , 1. 1 , .n' , . i l
(rrastaldeposits.This stratigraphicaf.rhrrecture
fcpresentsthe basic lfan]-"$'orkof thc TDS aDd it
is similaL to the stratigraphi{. afrhitectlue that
. | , r J ,r , , . t h . t l " i . n . p L r . u - i .
n t , ], r .
out alongthe hills aoun.llhe presentTibof D{rta
plin lN1illi,1992,1994iBellotti er dl., 19931.
This rescarch has been supporled Lr grants
on lumisto della PLbblica Tstnzione an.l
aionsigloNazorale dclc Rilerche. J l. \clls
and K. Shanlel ro\.ic$ ed this pape hcir critical
co'nnerts l{(i greatlv apprcciated. Thanks ar.c
1soo\lcdedto C. l. tssb)and l. T. \\'ells ro
rcad ar earh'r'ersiooof the nanus.ript.

r\loisi. I.C.. Nfonnr!. -l , Tlr.nrrefct. I
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