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Most teachers feel anxious about the 2 generation curriculum and problem solving

situations .
To clarify this some important questions must be raised :


What is a problem ?
What is problem solving situation?
Why problem solving in teaching?
Is problem solving new in our teaching system?
How to plan problem solving lesson?
Barriers to problem solving teaching?
What are the classroom problem solving activities ?
A problem is a task that requires the learner to think through a motivating and
challenging learning situation which is not impossible to solve.

2. A problem solving situation is a process of working on facts, details ,

information and knowledge to reach a solution. It is an ongoing activity in

which we use what we know to discover what we don't know. It includes
expectable obstacles by generating hypo-theses, predictions, and arriving at
satisfactory solutions.
Problem-solving involves three basic functions:
a) Seeking information
b) Developping new knowledge
c) Making decisions
Problem-solving is, and should be, a very real part of the curriculum. It
presupposes that students can take on some of the responsibility for their
own learning and can take personal action to solve problems, resolve
conflicts, discuss alternatives, and focus on thinking as a vital element of
the curriculum.
It provides students with opportunities to use their newly acquired
knowledge in meaningful, real-life activities and assists them in working at
higher levels of thinking.

3. Problem solving learning situations is very important since it places

learners in situations that test/check their capacity to overcome

obstacles and problems . Languages are learned most effectively and
lastingly when they are used to solve problems through hypothesis testing
. Problems make the learners think and they learn by thinking. They
word their thinking in English while solving the problems.
4. Teaching and learning through problem solving situations has been

introduced in the Algerian teaching system since 2003 when the Ministry
of National Education opted for the Competency Based Approach . CBA
is an action-oriented in that it gears language learning to the acquisition
of know-how embedded in functions and skills. These will allow the
learner to become an effective/competent language problem solver
user in real-life situations outside the classroom.

5. Planning lessons through problem solving situations necessitates from

the teacher to take into account many important facts:

a) Consider and acknowledge the learners abilities and competences
toward the target language .
b) Adapt the lessons learning objectives to the learners level,
abilities , competences, needs and likes
c) Create a climate of communication by inviting the learners to act in
reflective thoughts .
d) The problem exposed must be of some interest to the learners who
must have experienced such similar problem situation.
e) Such problem must be motivating and stimulating to think about
the options to solve the problem.
f) The learner already possesses a minimum of data to deal with the
problem exposed .
g) Help the learner reach the solution in a complete autonomous way
where he or she feels responsible about his or her thoughts.
h) Put their ideas (solution) into practice and see their validity ( self
i) Encourage Independence : Have students work through problems
on their own. Ask directing questions or give helpful suggestions,
but provide only minimal assistance and only when needed to

overcome obstacles. Dont fear group work! Students can

frequently help each other, and talking about a problem helps them
think more critically about the steps needed to solve the problem.
Additionally, group work helps students realize that problems often
have multiple solution strategies, some that might be more effective
than others
j) Be sensitive : when working problems, students are unsure of
themselves. This lack of confidence may chain their learning. It is
important to recognize this when students come to us for help, and
to give each student some feeling of mastery. Do this by
providing positive reinforcement to let students know when they
have mastered a new concept or skill.
k) Encourage Thoroughness and Patience : Try to communicate
that the process is more important than the answer so that the
student learns that it is OK to not have an instant solution. This is
learned through your acceptance of his/her pace of doing things,
through your refusal to let anxiety pressure you into giving the right
answer, and through your example of problem solving through a
step-by step process.
6. The barriers that may trouble dealing with problem solving situation are:

a) Fail to recognize the problem

b) Uncertain about what is the problem is dealing with .
c) Being uncertain about the choice to adopt since the problem may
expose a variety of solutions.
d) Doubt about if the reached solution is doable and achievable .

Some problem solving classroom activities: Problem solving skill are very
important in real life and classroom activities can help a lot in preparing the
learner to face such problems in daily life. They do not need to be dull and
routine activities ( they depend on the type of the target language tackled)
a) Brainstorming : helping learners to generate as many as possible
as idea and elicit them in lists .
b) Guessing : using pictures ( generally the ones of the school
manuals) invite the learners to guess and improvise.( teacher may
help them to put their ideas black on white by answering
specific questions like : 1) where does the situation take place? 2)

who is in the picture ? 3) what is happening? ( learners will see ,

think then write short production )
c) Whats the problem ? This is a powerful technic to unify all the
d) Group activities: One of the motivating problem solving strategies
is group work where learners can express themselves easily ( shy
learners can easily share their ideas with their peers) .Learners may
deal with :
1) Brain Purge activity : Many ideas are suggested by all the
members of the group about the problem exposed which may
save time.
2) Brain sketching: instead the learners interact about their
ideas or interpret them in written way , they draw that on
paper , each member of the group does that then they share
their drawings.
3) Combo Chatter: is process of generating ideas then
selecting the best ones and developing them into workable
4) The sentence trigger = what if. ? : helps push the
limits of our imagination
5) Mingling: moving around and talking to peers or groups
which will oblige learners to take part in discussion about the
problem exposed.
These are just ideas , teachers can generate their own ones depending on their
learners needs and interests .what is important while using problem solving teaching
is the learner is a collaborator and an individual where all his needs and interests are
taken into account.
Using problem solving teaching helps to build who are not only excellent learners
but future problem solvers.
By : Mr Samir Bounab (Teacher trainer at MONE)

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