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Classroom Management Plan

Vision of Education
My students will be able to balance multiple responsibilities,
while sustaining their personal health. I will aim to empower children
and young people with knowledge, skills and attitudes to become
informed decision-makers and to demonstrate behaviors that will foster
the promotion and protection of their personal development and the
well-being of their families and communities (Senah 21). InTASCs
standard #3, which states, The teacher works with others to create
environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and
that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in
learning, and self motivation. Based upon my recent experiences
teaching in the middle school, the kids enjoy my presence and respect
me for the most part. Im learning a lot about the culture and the way
of a middle school student in this new era. I believe the teachers need
to focus on utilizing better resources and differentiated instruction in
order for students to fully appreciate and learn the content that is
being presented to them. These students dont fully grasp the value of
science or appreciate their ability to be educated as a whole. Through
each visitation of the schools, my skills as a teacher have been further
developed and modified.
I believe it is my duty as a teacher to teach my students the
academic skills based on the subject area that I teach, important social
skills, and basic human essentials. Through my observance in the
classroom, I have realized that a teacher has a lot of influence on each
individual child. It has become clear to me that education should be
seen as being about acquiring knowledge and skills, but also about
acquiring values and attitudes (Watkins 88).
In my classroom, I want my students to feel comfortable being
who they want to be. I want them to fall in love with science. Students
will have a voice in how my lessons are presented and many
opportunities to share their knowledge. The most important part of my
classroom environment will be integrating the idea the science is a
part of everyday life.

My Philosophy on Classroom Management

Science is important for students to learn due to the foundation it
sets in real world situations. It provides information about the
environment, the body, and the many chemical reactions that occur on
a daily basis. Science provides explanation to many phenomena that
could otherwise not be explained. It encourages students to constantly

explore and challenge facts with further questions and experiments.

Students utilize science at least once per day and as a teacher I want
to show them how and why their basic activities are, in fact, scientific.
As technology continues to grow and develop, I want my students to do
the same. With science, it is important for students to be literate in
scientific terminology and comprehension. This goal of improving
science students abilities to logically and rationally investigate the
world is the reason that implementing an effective classroom
management plan is vital when teaching young people about such a
complicated topic. As with any good scientist, research on effective
classroom management plans was performed thoroughly in order to
find the most beneficial techniques for students. With this, there are
several theorists who have framed my beliefs on managing the science
classroom as a teacher. I believe that successful classroom
management includes student choice, organization, constantly growing
relationships with parents and students, and interactive student
In the early 1900s, education theorists Fritz Redl and William
Wattenberg focused on the idea of group dynamics, students self
control and comprehension of reality, and the pleasure-pain principle.
Their theories laid the foundation for later educational theorists. Redl
and Watterberg believe that by establishing rules and required values
in the classroom, students will be able to control their own behavior
since they understand the limits of their reality. In the pleasure-pain
principle, the teacher hopes that the good feelings surrounding a
pleasant experience will motivate an individual to repeat a desirable
behavior, while an unpleasant experience will lead to avoidance of the
unwanted behavior (The Free Library 1).
William Glasser emphasizes the idea of student satisfaction with
the use of Reality Therapy Model in the 1960s. It involves establishing
a caring relationship with the student, having the student accept
responsibility of their current behaviors, and developing and
implementing a plan for change. Similarly to Redl and Wattenbergs
idea of teachers connecting the effects of their behavior,
consequences and desirable outcomes of this plan would be
communicated in detail. Research on the effects of this aspect of
reality therapy supports its effectiveness when used with individual
students (Emmer & Aussiker, 1990). Glasser also developed Choice
Theory, which involve students being in The Quality World. This
means that students needs of survival, belonging, significance, fun,
and freedom are being fully met. He believes that if these needs are
being met then the student will not have any behavioral problems. The
student behavior is based on the four components of acting, thinking,
feeling, and physiology. When applying this in the classroom, teachers
build positive relationships, focus on quality of concepts, have students
self evaluate their own performances.

In the mid-1900s, Rudolf Dreikurs developed several ideas and

models in response to childrens actions. He developed a logical
consequences model that primarily focused on giving students a
choice to behave as instructed. This idea of freedom is similar to
fulfilling Glassers aspect of freedom as a students need. Students
often inaccurately perceive certain actions as rejection, which can lead
to their misbehavior. Dreikurs goes as far as explaining that the birth
order of a student is key in the development of their behavior. This
strongly differs from the ideas of William Glasser, Fritz Redl and William
Wattenberg. However, similar to the Reality Therapy Model, Dreikurs
suggests that teachers understand the students behavior from a
psychological standpoint and have the students connect their behavior
in order to show their true motives. The main idea of Dreikurs theories
when applied in the classroom involves collaborative decision-making
and a sense of belonging for students. These theorists offer important
support in the development of my classroom management plan. The
theories provide effective pedagogical practices that benefit student
engagement and active participation.

Personal Expectations
Visiting other elementary schools in the area showed me the
difference in techniques for teaching. As a teacher, an emphasis on
creativity and organization is highly important. Lessons should be
creative and diverse, and teaching styles while being organized and
orderly. In addition, organizing children and young people to
undertake projects and assignments enable them to confront their
values and to defend these values in public among their peers (Senah
110). One of the keys to teaching involves personal development while
keeping passion in teaching and for students in learning. The most
important part of my classroom is that a learning environment is made
that is accepting and effective for all types of students. Relationships
are essential in keeping a positive atmosphere in addition to promoting
students motivation. Expectations should be positive because success
is an instinct and is directly correlated with attitude. I will hold students
responsible for their learning in order to be an effective teacher. I want
my students to become our futures leaders. I expect them to be
professional, cooperate with their peers and myself, and enhance their
learning. As a teacher of science it is important to demonstrate:
An adequate understanding of scientific knowledge
An adequate understanding of scientific inquiry

An adequate awareness of educational foundations and the

place of science education as a discipline in the larger
realm of education
An adequate understanding of and ability to use teaching
methods appropriately
An adequate interpersonal relations and an enthusiasm for
working with all students (Bybee 12-13)

What do I expect from my students?

Students tend to learn as little or as much as their teacher
expect. Teachers who set and communicate high expectations to all
their students obtain greater academic performance from these
students than do teachers who set low expectations (Wong and Wong
40). As a teacher, I will have high expectations for my students.
I expect my students to give 100% effort each and every day. I
want my students to be active in their own learning. This is important
for a student-focused classroom. I want my students to be proud of all
they have accomplished and learned. With 100% effort, this includes
coming to class prepared and following all classroom procedures and
rules. I want my students to create an environment that is open and
accepting of all kinds of learners. All people have a natural instinct to
strive to be successful, which is why the expectations a teacher has for
her students are so important (Wong and Wong).

Classroom Operating Procedures

I was able to observe in on one of the best Spanish teachers in
the state and saw the middle school students absolutely excel with the
freedom that they were given. I also want my students to find a
balance between independence and respect. I want to be able to give
my students independence in order to gain their trust as well as give
them the opportunity to express themselves in order to be creative (7
Developmental Needs). In giving them their independence, I expect my
students to continue respecting me as an authority figure regardless of
my treatment to them as adults.
Young adolescents need structure and security provided by
structure and clear limits in order to learn and grow (7 Developmental
Needs). Each day when the students walk into my classroom, there will
be a list of Tasks/Lessons/Activities with an estimated amount of time
that each will take. There will also be a section on the board that will
be specifically for assignments and their due dates. I plan to use
folders with pre-class worksheets by door to take role and be efficient
of time. As students walk in, they will retrieve their folder and quietly
begin their pre class work and turn their homework in, if there is any. If

a student doesnt do their homework, he or she will not be

embarrassed for not passing it up and being called out in front of their
The teacher is committed to supporting learners as they
participate in decision-making, engage in exploration and invention,
work collaboratively and independently, and engage in purposeful
learning (InTASC Standard). One student each week will chose
appropriate music to be played during pre-class worksheet time. This
student will be chosen because they had a successful past week or
received a strong grade.
The early adolescence generalist is committed to seeking out,
developing, and continually refining practices that address the
individual needs of young adolescent learners (EAG Standard). During
class, there will be a one-bathroom pass with timer that they will carry
with them as they go. The maximum amount of time will vary
depending on how far away the bathroom is, but it will be reasonable.
It will not be allowed to be used during a test or quiz.
The teacher works with others to create environments that
support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage
positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self
motivation (InTASC Standard). Depending on the classroom, I hope to
have tables instead of desks, but chairs instead of stools. I want my
students to be comfortable and to be able to easily interact with their

Lab and Safety Procedures

A tentative lab schedule will be established within the first week of
school. All students must follow the rules below.
Students must:
Wear required lab wear
Behave responsibly and safely
Participate actively during lab
If students are not wearing appropriate lab wear, they will not be
allowed to participate in lab. I will send out an agreement form that the
student and parents must sign before the first lab.
Each student will have a job within their lab groups of 4 as well as
between their lab partners. These jobs will change for each lab.

At least one partner will have this job:

Executive Secretary
o Writes partners report

o Records data
o Provides record of partner and job responsibilities

Other possible jobs for lab:

CEOChief Executive Officer:
o May ask questions of teacher for the group
o Guides and organizes group
o Helps keep group focused
o Safety officer for groups
Laboratory Technician
o Responsible for lab set up and obtaining equipment
o Checks that equipment is in good repair and
o In charge of groups clean up
o Responsible for group lab area

Each student in my class will be assigned an accountability

partner. These partners will be expected to help each other on the
homework, without cheating or copying, and make sure it is turned in.
If their partner is absent, the student will be expected to collect work
and take detailed notes. If one of the partners does not come to class
prepared with all the materials, then the pair must sit together and
share the materials.

Student Rules and Expectations for Behavior

Beyond the rules for safety in my classroom, General Rules are
expected behaviors for my students and myself. These rules will be
developed, made and continually checked for fairness by the students
on the first day. Ideas and typical rules will be advised along with
research from the students. Students will vote on rules and rank them
as well based on importance. An example of this is:
1. Respect your teacher and classmates in your words and your
2. Be prepared with all required materials and ready to learn.
3. Participate in all classroom activities and follow the teachers
Consequences can be defined as what the students chooses to
accept if a rule is broken. The severity of the misbehavior will match
the severity of the consequence. For example, if a student interrupts

me while I am lecturing, the student will receive a verbal warning. I will

use a clipboard in order to track privately if a student misbehaves in
my class. The consequences will be in gradual order as listed below.
After each step, student will be required to stay after class and fill out a
reflection of their behavior that led them to signing the classroom

Two Non-Verbal Warnings

Verbal Warning
Detention after school
Written plan for improvement
i. Move Student to Another Seat
5. Guardian contact
i. Conference with a Coach (If applicable)
6. Severe clause: Fill out Student Behavior form and set up
Meeting with Principal

Assessment Procedures
The purpose of assessment is to provide feedback to both the
students and the teacher about student understanding of concepts to
use skills (Bybee 27). In science, assessments should measure
success and ways to learn by relating decisions and connecting
inferences with data. Classroom assessment can be characterized as
diagnostic, formative, or summative (Bybee 139).
In my classroom, we will have vocabulary quizzes each week
over current material, take home tests on each chapter, an in class test
on combined chapters and partner tests on units with labs. The goal of
my assessments, although taken for a grade, is for me to provide
multiple ways of learning and seeing their comprehension of topics. I
do not want to trick my students or stress them out. I want my
assessments to be accommodating to what students want and a way
for them to show me that they understand all the material that I am
presenting to them. Science teachers need to use a constructivist
approach to organize teachingsand to use authentic assessment
strategies (Bybee 292). Students need conceptually fundamental
concepts, to understand and relate concepts and procedures in
science, and to focus on the concepts through metacognitive skills.
During an all lecture class, we will have a mid stop yoga stretch in
order to activate the brain again and for my students to relax.

Instructional Strategies
The values a teacher holds are an essential determinant of their
actions (Watkins 82). This holds true to all kinds of teachers for all

kinds students and is so beyond important to the educational system. I

have learned that I truly value empathy and inclusiveness. Education
requires the reduction of prejudice, development of an equity
pedagogy and field experiences to increase understanding of and
sensitivity to cultural diversity (Watkins 78). This statement signifies
that teachers have a duty to develop students social interactions in a
non-exclusive way. I see a large importance on teaching social skills
because with manners and respect towards peers and elders, greater
opportunities can become available.
Most of my strategies when teaching will involve graphic
organizers due to the complexity of my subject matter. I want my
students to associate vocabulary with pictures and diagrams as well as
basic meanings. I will use my dry erase board in order to illustrate
ideas in a visual form. During class time, I also would like my students
to have constant interaction with their peers through exchanging
information and ideas about a topic. I plan on demonstrating many
ideas in labs and using virtual field trips in order to complement their
learning experience in the classroom. My questions will encourage
higher order thinking while giving students the opportunity to identify
and resolve the problem. When developing projects, I want my
students to utilize any kind of technology available. This provides the
students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding
interactively and creatively. Research indicates that knowledge of
subject matter, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular
knowledge are all important to effective teaching (Bybee 33).
An important practice to follow incorporates more speaking,
listening, and viewing in relation to the discussion, creation, and
understanding of the content. Findings suggest that peer-led
discussions produced richer and more complex interactions than did
teacher-led discussions and resulted in the internalization of the
cognitive processes associated with engaged reading (Meltzer 31). It
is important to recognize that students need to receive information in a
multiple of ways in order for them to analyze and evaluate its meaning
and value. Despite its age, a study in 1993 suggested, oral
explanation and use of text can be complemented by the expanded
use of visual material, dramatization, and hands-on activities (Meltzer
33). While the importance of utilizing different and captivating
activities is vital in a science classroom; it is important to realize the
need for individual, personal and professional growth among science
teachers. The magnitude and complexity of science content
knowledge and science pedagogical content knowledge calls for a
constant support system for teachers in order for students to actively
participate and acknowledge the significance of science (NSTA 6). With
this in mind, students of my science class will greatly benefit in all
aspects of an individual. Teaching is not just about the content
material, but also rather about the individual growth of students

academically, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Students in my

class will learn key values of independence, responsibility, teamwork,
and empathy in addition to science. My belief pursues the idea that
science education should be regarded as education through
science, rather than science through education(Marks 232).

Multiple Intelligences and Diverse Learners

Celebrating diversity allows all learners to develop to the best of
their ability and increases their chances of becoming lifelong, selfregulating learners (Bybee 2). My classroom will be accepting of all
kinds of students from every walk of life. In terms of utilizing
strategies, studies revealed that implementing varied instructional
strategies and a flexible curriculum based on a cognitive or
metacognitive model was necessary for ELL and ESL students to be
effective learners. Cognitive strategies are guided learning procedures
for internalizing new information and performing higher level thinking
operations (Meltzer 36). Developing metacognitive skills for the
second language learner should be a top priority due to its thinking
and reflective processes. Having these skills while reading involve the
use of texts, tasks, and strategies, and vary based on the
characteristics of the learner.
In Teaching Secondary School Science, the authors encourage
the use of cooperative groups. Research shows the cooperative
groups, when adequately implemented help all students become
involved and learn science (Bybee 291). Classroom discussions
encourage a positive and safe atmosphere with their peers,
establishment of mutual objectives, and the promotion of a students
self-knowledge. These skills, along with the teachers limited
leadership roles, prevent disciplinary issues. This theory and its many
details helped form many of the rules and expectations that I have for
my students.
My classroom will be student-focused. In terms of groups in the
classroom, students often imitate other students behavior, which can
be beneficial when students are behaving properly. If one student has a
temporary omission of their control system resulting in bad behavior,
others could copy this misbehavior unless, as these theorists suggest,
the teacher immediately assists the student in an appropriate manner.
In Teaching Secondary School Science, the authors want science
teachers to make decisions that enhance learning through awareness
of culturally different groups and evaluating students involvement.
In terms of multiple intelligences and diverse learners, students
will be divided into multiple group and partner activities divided by a
color, which will be stapled onto their folder. The red group will be
made once all my students take a learning test online during the first

day of school, the blue partner will change depending on each topic
and will be used for in-class partner activities. The yellow learner will
involve students being paired with students that work together
productively. This will be based on social interactions during classroom
activities as well as
Red: Same kind of learners
Blue: Student with strong understanding and
one struggling
Yellow: Lab partner depending on behavior of

Motivation & Cognitive Theory

In a recent school site visit, I observed a science class that had
students whom struggled in it the previous semester. The teacher
impressively handled the variety of personalities in the class with
diligence and kindness. I think teachers must give guidance to
students, who also must learn the significance of maintain academic
integrity. While academics are the key to being an educator, it is
important to highlight the students strengths in a certain subject so
that they can find a fitting career and future. In guiding each student, I
find it important to emphasize the importance of keeping an academic
honesty in all classes so that the student may be able to find their
strengths and weaknesses.
It is believed that in order to have successfully educated
students, the teaching approach must start with societally-relevant,
current, authentic and controversial issues from within society (Marks
234). This is a way to hook those uninterested students in and
captivate their attention. The Journal of Chemical Education concurs
with this idea that science can help improve society and should be
perceived as part of human culture (JCE 1559). In Motivation Theory,
motivation revolves around the ideas of choice, effort, and persistence.
Students are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to learn due to
their multiple types of goals within the course, their desire for support,
and their expectancy of achievement. This theory suggests utilizing the
idea of using students natural curiosity in combination with their
interests in order for students to be motivated to learn. Students will
be motivated to learn when the course is structured in a way that
students learn best when incentives for learning in a classroom satisfy
their own motives for enrolling in the course (Gross 1). In the
Cognitive Theory approach, teachers should present content in an
organized form, relate new material on subject to prior knowledge of
subject, and check for students understanding continually. Maslows
Hierarchy of Needs, specifically self-esteem, has a direct correlation to

a students motivation and engagement in class. These needs must be

addressed and continually assessed in each lesson. As a teacher, if I
can a safe, secure and predictable environment, students will be
effective learners. The most important idea of this theory is
establishing key social and emotional skills through connection,
contribution, and competence. This means I should make my
classroom a positive atmosphere, create meaningful and noncompetitive lessons and assignments, and encourage each students
strength and diversity.
Rewards are what the student receives for appropriate behavior.
Although there is much controversy with rewards, I like the idea of
encouraging and motivating my students to be intellectually rewarded
after showing large effort in learning material that can be tough.
Believing in effort gives students the promotion to fulfill certain
objectives. Most students do not grasp the importance of effort. If I, as
a teacher, can change the beliefs of the students in order to show the
connection between effort and achievement, then students will be able
to excel in my class. In my classroom, I will encourage self-reflection
and continually tracking their progress as my students. Reward is
most effective when it is depending on the fulfillment of some standard
of performance (Vatterott). If, as a class, we succeed in completing all
that was planned for the week and have no behavioral issues, we will
end our last class of the week with 5-10 minute of science related
online game in the computer lab or a video. In a classroom, it is
important to practice in providing recognition. I hope to continually
personalizing recognition for each of my students and provide rewards
to encourage a students success. I want to promote community
building in my classroom so that their peers constantly reassure their

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

In these two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation can have both positive and negative effects on students. It
is important to note that extrinsic rewards encourages mostly shortterm motivation, while intrinsic rewards, when established, encourage
long-term motivation as well as long-term memory retention (Schmid
1). Regardless of the types it is important to note research
consistently indicates that students are more affected by positive
feedback and success (Gross 1). In my class, I will develop a course
that will motivate students by using students interests, giving
students a choice in their learning, and creating a clean and fair
classroom for my students.
Daniel Pink suggests that four elements combine to nurture
intrinsic motivation (Gross 1). These four elements include autonomy,

which suggests allowing students control in certain aspects of their

learning, competence, which suggests continual positive feedback of
success, relatedness, which refers to the idea of students feeling
connected and safe among their peers, and relevance, which implies
that the content should be interesting and useful for their future.
Despite the pressure to avoid extrinsic motivation, I plan on
using some strategies very consciously that involve extrinsic rewards.
Verbal praise is an extrinsic motivator that positively alters attitude
and behavior.

Goal Setting and Engagement

Research suggests that students background, interests, and
experiences support student engagement and motivation (Meltzer
40). For my students, I want to establish a classroom that will promote
success by assisting with the goals they want to set for themselves. I
will help my students choose reasonable, but highly respectable goals
for their learning and my class. Goals are contingent on some standard
of performance. I will help students evaluate their progress by
encouraging them to critique their own work, analyze their strengths,
and work on their weaknesses (Gross 1).
An important aspect of goal setting, especially with students, is
providing clear communication for acceptable work in my classroom. I
want my students to succeed and will use the mastery-learning
concept in order to show my value of their input as my students. With
this in mind, grades will not be strongly emphasized and stressed for
my students. I want my students to want to put effort into my class
because the like the course, not because they are struggling to pass or
understand. I will do this by stressing the personal satisfaction of
finishing difficult or challenging assignments and continually providing
feedback for students in a timely fashion.

Building Meaningful Relationships with Students

Vatterott discusses the large emphasis on establishing a needsbased teacher student relationship as opposed to the traditional one.
This encourages teachers to treat all students equally and positively,
despite any preconceived notions. As a teacher, I want my students to
respect me and I, in turn, must respect them in order for my classroom
to have the atmosphere that I would like. I want my students to be
confident as learners and not be afraid of being wrong as long as they
learn from their mistakes. Individual relationships should be formed
over classroom ones due to the strong link between a teachers
confidence and encouragement with a student and the motivation and

success of a student. I want my students to view me as a stable and

supportive learner. I hope in my classroom that students and I build
trusting and respectful relationships in order to have a successful and
plentiful course for learning. My plan for developing my relationships
with my students will coincide with my plan for my students to form a
positive relationship with my course. The student-content relationship
must be developed and nurtured, much like the relationship between
the teacher and the student (Vatterott 225).

Parental Relationships
For my students parents, I plan on consistently communicating the
plans for implementing the content of the course, providing frequent
feedback for their student, and offering multiple opportunities to be
active in the learning of their student. There are many benefits to
establishing a positive parent-teacher relationship including their
involvement with the students learning at home, which then benefits
the students motivation for learning and good behavior. This in turn
benefits the teacher because the more interaction with the parents
leads to better knowledge and understanding of the student. I hope to
first provide my parents with a warm introduction as well as a survey
about their student. My goal is to demonstrate my interest in their
student, their students way of learning, and my enthusiasm for my
Although this is a new technology era, I plan on communicating to
my parents through my website, my email, and a biweekly packet. My
website will be continually updated with the latest of events, projects,
due dates, and other important information about my course. I will
always have my phone on me, so I will be active in responding to
emails as well as phone calls. In my biweekly packet, I hope to provide
a tentative grade for their student along with some assignments and in
class work that has detailed feedback. I will also include any behavioral
forms that were filled out and an updated calendar of due dates and
what to expect for the next week. In terms of phone calls and texts, I
hope to provide a list of the parents names and phone numbers for
each student in my class to the parents if they need help on helping
their student. As a last resort, they are more then welcome to text or
call me for clarification on questions that they may have.
I would like to give parents the option of attending and assessing
my class during a particular week of my choice. During this week,
parents will be given the opportunity to see what their student is
learning and how I teach. I encourage any and all kind of feedback and
will pretend that they are not there to ensure no disruptions in the
class for the students. I would also like to provide parent nights in
between each couple units in order to help prepare parents for possible

support and help those students might need with various future
assignments. I look forward to establishing my relationship with
parents as well as encouraging the support from parents to their
student to learn.

Ideal Day as a Teacher

An imaginary day that would be ideal for me if I were to become a
teacher would begin in the setting of a high school classroom. I would
be teaching an Honors Chemistry course to freshman and sophomore
students, whom decided upon this course based on their passion for
science, intelligence, and agreement among their parents and advisor.
I would arrive an hour early before school started just in case students
came to ask questions and to catch up on grading if necessary or
prepare todays lesson. For the three sections of the same class I
teach, I would use each one to build and better the next for it to run
smoothly and for kids to learn more efficiently.
Each lesson is a constantly changing toolkit for me. The lesson
would begin with a few reminders, turning in homework, and the Do
Now pre class work. A student who was already chosen before plays
approved music and discusses the questions and possible answers. We
review together what we have already learned and the topic of what is
being added today as a comprehensive lesson. I will show an example
along with explanations and include a form of media to grasp their
attention. A hands-on activity is started to encourage partner and
independent learning. I will walk around the room answering questions
and helping students whom may be struggling with putting the
material. Students who understand the material will help their peers as
well. Practice problems on the board by groups of students will further
encourage comprehension and if there is enough time, a lab may
follow as well. Students who are still struggling will be offered an extra
practice session to attend during lunch or after school and practice
homework will be assigned. Each student will turn in an exit ticket
before leaving my classroom that explains their opinion on this lesson
and their understanding levels.
My classroom will be a comfortable and safe space that allows
students to collaborate together in order to understand the
information. This may include presenting the information in multiple
ways and even using a student as the teacher instead. After school, I
will stay for a couple hours to help students in need and catch up one
work. Depending on the day, I may even attend a sports event or have
a department meeting.

Works Cited
"Chemical literacy: What does this mean to scientists and school
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Dreikurs, Rudolf, and Loren Grey. Logical consequences. Dutton Books,
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Wattenberg, William Glasser, and Thomas Gordon all have particular
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Marks, R., & Eilks, I. (2009). Promoting Scientific Literacy Using a
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