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Amir Elion

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................... 2
Introduction What this book is all about ........................................................ 3
Chapter 1: Creativity Lessons - Basic steps for a creative process ...................7
Step 1: Motivation & Mood............................................................................................... 8
Step 2: Focus and Detail .................................................................................................... 9
Step 3: Manipulation........................................................................................................ 10
Step 4: Make Real............................................................................................................ 11
Creative Process Diagram................................................................................................ 11

Chapter 2: Creative Ideas - Presentation Content............................................ 12

Chapter 3: Creative Ideas - Presentation Planning and Order......................... 31
Chapter 4: Creative Ideas - Presentation Design and Delivery ....................... 43
Chapter 5: Creative Ideas - Audience Participation ........................................ 58
Chapter 6: Creative Ideas - Atmosphere & Environment ............................... 83
Chapter 7: Special Ideas .................................................................................. 93
Chapter 8: Two final Ideas.............................................................................116
About ...............................................................................119

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.

Introduction What this book is all about

The purpose of this book is
to serve as a practical tool, helping you make your presentations
unforgettable and more effective than otherwise. This purpose is realized
through 100 creative ideas that you can easily use for your presentations. All
of these ideas are practical, and none of them require expensive equipment or
rare talents. Being creative, some of them may seem at first a bit challenging
and unorthodox but thats the whole point isnt it?
Another goal of this book is to improve your ability to come up with creative
ideas by yourself whenever you need to, in virtually any field and for every
occasion. That is the reason I included an opening chapter detailing a
suggested process for generating creative ideas individually or in a team. The
exhaustive list of ideas, and their detailed description, should also be a source
of inspiration that can be transferred and applied to subjects other than

This book is NOT about

standard practices for making presentation effective. You will not find a
basic presentation structure or outline, suggestions on correct body language,
or The 10 commandments of effective presentations. In a way, this book
assumes that you already know and apply the basics of making and giving
presentations, and are looking for ways to go beyond the average presentation.
Also not included are any technical instructions for using presentation
software (such as MS PowerPoint). Both these subjects are covered by many
other sources on the Internet or printed books.

The format of the book, and how to use the book

Chapter 1 proposes several steps that can help you come up with creative
ideas in almost every subject. I used similar steps for generating the creative
presentation ideas you will find later in the book, and have facilitated
innovation workshops based on similar processes in a variety of companies.
You may choose to read this chapter first, or get to it later, after youve read
and used some of the creative presentation ideas.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.

Chapters 2 through 8 are the main section of this book. They include 100
creative presentation ideas divided into the following groups:
Chapter 2: Presentation Content (ideas 1-18)
Chapter 3: Presentation Planning and Order (ideas 19-29)
Chapter 4: Presentation Design and Delivery (ideas 30-44)
Chapter 5: Audience Participation (ideas 45-67)
Chapter 6: Presentation Atmosphere and Environment (ideas 68-75)
Chapter 7: a list of Special ideas (ideas 76-98)
Chapter 8: Two final ideas (ideas 99-100)
This division allows you to find the type of idea you are looking for, as well
as enabling you to combine ideas from different chapters, thus innovating in
both presentation content and atmosphere, for example. Although some ideas
could have been listed under other sections as well, they were placed under
the section that was found most suitable.
I would recommend reading first through all of the 100 ideas if you can find
the time and energy to do so. This will enable you to understand the scope and
style of the ideas, and will later make it easier to come back to those ideas
which are just right for a certain situation. Another option is to go directly for
a specific chapter, using the Bookmarks on your Acrobat reader (the toolbar
on the left). You may also try using the search tool of Acrobat Reader to look
for terms that are related to what you need.

The format of the ideas

Each of the ideas is presented in the following detailed format, to make it as
clear and as useful as possible:
Idea Title: Number and a short description of the idea
What for? Major benefits of the idea, or how and when it should be used
Variations: way to adapt the idea to the settings, goals and audiences
Comments: what you should pay attention to when using the idea
Each idea is described on a single page, leaving some room below for you to
add you comments, preparation notes, other variations, etc.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.

Copyright and License

The content of this book and the ideas included in it are copyright of and the author - Amir Elion.
You may use the ideas without limit to make your business, educational or
personal presentations more creative and effective.
You may NOT copy, reprint or distribute any of the ideas in any form
printed, digital, audio or otherwise without prior written consent from the
author. You may print a single hardcopy of the book for your personal
convenience, but may not print or distribute copies to others.
The purchasing of this book allows only one person to use the book. If you
wish to inquire about bulk purchasing or organizational or facilitator licensing
please contact me through email at

Publish your own ideas

I would appreciate any comments, suggestions and feedback on the book and
the included ideas. I would especially like to hear of cases that the book
helped you make great presentations and would be happy to publish your
success stories with your permission on the Best100Ideas website.
I sincerely hope many of you will also be able to come up with yet more ideas
of your own as you read my own ideas. If you wish, I can let other readers of
this book read your ideas through my free Creative ideas Newsletter, giving
you due credit (you will maintain all copyright to your ideas, of course).
Pleasant and fruitful reading,
Amir Elion

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.

Chapter 1:
Creativity Lessons
Basic steps for a
creative process

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.

Chapter 1: Creativity Lessons - Basic steps for a creative process

Many theories and tools have been developed in order to help people be more
creative. This short chapter offers 4 basic steps that provide direction for
producing practical creative ideas. If you are anxious to read the creative
presentation ideas, you may find them in Chapter 2, and later come back to
this part.
You may use the suggested outline when you wish to work on creative ideas
by yourself, or as a part of a creative ideas team.
Here are the 4 steps that can help you tread the creativity path:
Step 1: Motivation & Mood
The most creative people, working with the best creative tools would fail to
generate practical creative ideas if they had no motivation to do so, and if they
were to go about it in the wrong mood. Moreover, practical creativity is
almost always achieved through a great deal of HARD WORK, which
demands enough driving force and persistence.
This means that a person or teams embarking on a mission to develop some
innovative ideas need to be prepared for the long trip ahead, and have to
support each other and create the right atmosphere for their effort.
Motivation can be built through an understanding of the benefits of
the creative work.
Mood must be observed and boosted periodically, through various
personal and group activities.

Action Tips
a. Before you begin your work on creativity, list 10 major benefits of the
process you are about to work on. These benefits can be either
organizational or personal (regarding individual team members), but in
any case must be such that are relevant and motivating to the group.
b. Throughout the process, celebrate your advancement, and commend the
work being done. If you are working alone share some of your
successes with friends and colleagues that appreciate it.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.

Step 2: Focus and Detail

Some creative techniques suggest that you use stimulation from other fields
(e.g. Random Word technique). Others recommend methods for clearing
your thoughts in order to encourage creativity. However, I find that the Focus
approach is more useful for producing practical creative ideas.
In principle, this approach entails clearly defining the subject or area you are
trying to come up with ideas for, and then producing as many details as
possible of the subject and the things that are related to it. The more details
you amass at this stage, the easier it will be to come up with creative ideas on
the next stage.
Heres an example of using this method to focus on the subject of
presentations. This is similar to what I did as a preparation for developing the
creative presentation ideas for this book. For the purpose of this example, I
have included just a part of the elements I did in fact have on my original list.

Focus & Detail Example











Related Issues



Time of day












Daily news



The Internet

Peoples age

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.

Step 3: Manipulation
This is the part when you actually start coming up with those creative ideas!
The way to go about it is to start manipulating the details listed in the previous
stage, changing them from their normal or customary settings into new,
manipulated characteristics and features.
There are numerous tools to assist this kind of manipulation. The explanation
of these tools goes beyond the purpose and scope of this book, but you may
read some tips and suggestions in articles and newsletters published on my
Here is a small example of applying Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences
theory for developing creative presentation ideas (for a detailed explanation of
how to use this techniques see this online article).


Creative Intelligences and Presentations

Linguistic: Presentation in rhyme (see idea 14)
Logic-Mathematic: Logical support for the presentation (see idea 47)
Bodily: Make participants move (see idea 60)
Intrapersonal: Recall successful presentations (see idea 61)
Interpersonal: Participants compliment each other (see idea 82)
Spatial: Presentation on more than one wall (see idea 90)
Musical: Use of musical instrument (see idea 36)

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Step 4: Make Real

After a list of preliminary ideas has been reached, it is important to choose the
ideas that seem most promising and make them more real. That means
adding substance and meaning for each idea, much like the way I added
detailed suggestions on what to use the presentation idea for, variations on the
idea and how-to implement comments.
Creative Process Diagram
Here is a diagram summarizing the 4 steps outlined above:
Step 1:
Motivation & Mood
Get the energy going
& keep it high

Step 2:
Focus & Detail
List as many elements as possible
of the subject & environment

Step 3:
Play around with normal setup of
things to come up with ideas

Step 4:
Make Real
Add substance to your most
promising ideas

Practical Creative Ideas

Well, its time to bring all these ideas into play!!!
Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 2:
Creative Ideas Presentation Content

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 2: Creative Ideas - Presentation Content

Idea #1.
Do not use titles in your slides
What for?
Tell the viewers that you left out the titles intentionally in order to
see if you could deliver your main points clearly without them.
When using the presentation as a learning aid in a workshop, if
your audience is required to complete the titles, they will have to
think about what you are teaching and actively participate in the
Leave the titles out for only some of the slides perhaps the ones
that will be used for a review of the presentation so far, or to
trigger a discussion on a controversial issue.
Write only half of the title, and ask your audience to complete it.
You can use a printed complete version of the presentation for
yourself, where you keep the titles you meant to use.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #2.
Make the presentation in Gibberish (nonsense language)
What for?
Sometimes you find it hard to put the messages you want to convey
in words. If you want the group to concentrate on your body
language and emotional expression, you can put some images on
your presentation that represent some hints and directions of your
subjects. Your movements and tone of voice would transmit your
approach and feelings on the subject.
Use this for just a part of the presentation (beginning, middle or
end) especially when bringing up an emotionally loaded subject,
and ask them to say what their interpretation of that part was.
Instead of making the presentation in Gibberish, tell them to make
their comments or questions in Gibberish, so that you have to reply
according to your interpretation of their intention.
If you are uncomfortable with Gibberish, you may use a different
language they dont speak (if you know it, of course).

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #3.
Use animal metaphors and images in each slide
(and maybe bring a pet as well)
What for?
People relate to animal stories and remember them well. If you use
animal examples and images in each slide, it will make it easier for
the participants to understand your messages as well as get them
emotionally involved.
A simple example: when your message is about working in a group
towards a goal, you could refer to and use images of lionesses
hunting in a group.
Start the presentation with a short scene from a National
Geographic movie to get people into the desired theme
teamwork, determination, surprise, learning, etc.
Bring a live pet to the presentation! A cat would go well with a
message such as We need to offer elegant solutions to our
clients, while ants might be good when talking about the hard
work lying ahead and the need to work together towards a common
As for bringing the pets, you could hire the services of kids
activities operators that let children know all types of animals.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #4.
Write texts with missing letters
What for?
This will add a sort of Hangman game aspect to your
presentation. Leave out some letters in some of your titles or slide
text, and ask participants to complete the words.
People like to solve riddles and prove their wit. It will keep
participants on their toes, and get them involved in your
presentation in a fun way.
You can make a break in the presentation to play Hangman with
a full phrase related to your subject.
Pay attention as not to overuse this idea e.g. dont leave out
letters in every other word as it will probably just annoy people.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #5.
Tell the presentation like a fairytale Be a storyteller!
What for?
This would go a long way in helping you create a concrete vision
of the things you are talking about. It is most appropriate for
presentations in which you share a vision with the audience a
company vision, a department vision, a product vision or a
personal vision.
People will remember many more details when you tell it like a
story rather than a simple list of facts and arguments.
You could give participants a page or two with the main plot of
the story, again - written and decorated in fairytale style.
Dont hesitate to use expressions such as Once upon a time or
and the employees lived happily ever after it will add to
the atmosphere of the story you are telling.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #6.
Make your slides without any text only images
What for?
Images are easier to remember than text. This way the presentation
can support things you are saying, and to help make people
remember more vividly what you talked about.
Strong images usually invoke a much more emotional response
than words. This will get people involved in what you are saying
(especially if you intentionally choose emotionally charged
You may choose to repeat a regular text based presentation with
5-8 image-only slides. This will enable you to review or highlight
the main points, as well as add a creative twist to the presentation.
Try to maintain a specific style for all the images you use in the
same presentation. For instance use only clipart images, or
only artistic photography. This will make the presentation more
pleasing and coherent.
You may use a digital camera to photograph your own images, to
fit your presentation messages.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #7.
Use only three words for each slide
What for?
You will have to be very focused on the important issues when
preparing the presentation. Your messages will also be very direct
and to the point, making it easier for people to understand and
After youve prepared several presentations of this format, you will
find it easier to prepare presentations very quickly, and to the point.
You may even build yourself a reputation as someone who says all
that is important in not so many words.
Although using only two words per slide is usually not enough,
you could try to do so for very specific occasions and reasons (if
you wish to make a clip like presentation; if you have just 3
minutes for it; if you want to make your presentation funnier)
If you find it hard to say what you want in 3 words, start by using 4
or 5 words per slide, and work your way down to 3,
Preparing this kind of presentation is in a way a kind of poetry
putting the essence of the subject in very few words. You may even
call it A poem in the opening slide instead of A presentation.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #8.
Include a small preview of whats next in each slide
What for?
The preview may be used for various purposes. For starters,
listeners will know what is your current discussion leading to, and
understand the context of your arguments.
If you choose the text for your preview wisely, you are bound to
raise anticipation and curiosity about that which is still to come.
It will be much easier for you to remember the order of your slides,
and keep the presentation flow and your own confidence high, even
for very long or complicated presentations.
Instead of a preview of the next slide, or in addition to it, have a
short review of the previous slide or topic. This will enable you to
return and to elaborate on important points you were trying to
make earlier.
The preview can simply be half a sentence describing the subject of
the next slide, for example Next: Competitors information

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #9.
Use the Internet instead of slides
What for?
The Internet is full of information, images, stories, and ideas.
Instead of preparing regular slides, demonstrate the things you are
talking about with relevant information and images for the World
Wide Web.
You will be able to compare your products to those of competitors,
to show important reference information from Internet
encyclopedias, to suggest new strategies by exploring innovative
web based business models, and much more.
Although this type of presentation does require time for preparation
(especially for researching and finding the right web pages), it may
save you the need to prepare a PowerPoint slideshow.
If as a result of your dialogue with the audience you want to show
more information, you may find it through hyperlinks on the web
pages you chose, or by using search engines to find further
information quickly.
Instead of deciding by yourself on the order of the websites you
take the audience through, let participants suggest where you
should surf to next. This will let you tap into their knowledge of
websites you dont know, and make them a part of the final
outcome and discovery made during your presentation.
You need to navigate through the pages you chose to show. A good
way to do so is to use an Internet browser or add-on that opens
different pages in tabs. Open each page in a different tab, and then
go through those tabs with the mouse or the softwares next tab
shortcut key.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #10.
Add a story from your life with real personal photos
What for?
If you tell people a true personal story about yourself, they will
remember it, especially if you use some photos and images.
If you choose the right story, you will also gain peoples sympathy.
Too often, our relationships at work or business remain very
impersonal. If you let people see that human relationship is
important to you, the personal ties at work will strengthen, and
perhaps even more friendship will be built.
As for the subject you are presenting, and the messages you are
trying to get through - using a real life story may help you make
those better understood and related to actions. For example, if you
are talking about overcoming mistakes, you could tell them of a
time your mother or father taught you how to overcome one of
your mistakes. Or, if you are talking of an innovative product, tell
them of something you and your friends did as children which was
innovative and different.
Tell another real persons story as a part of your presentation. This
could be someone you know, a well known figure or a regular
person about whom youve learned through the media, Internet or a
book. When you do so, be respectful of that persons privacy and
dignity. Again, if it is possible, it is recommended to use photos.
After telling the personal story, you may invite the audience to
share their own personal experiences that are related to the subject.
This leads to an even more open and warm atmosphere and

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #11.
Add an age limit rating to the presentation
What for?
This is a well-known trick in the movie industry. Adding an age
limit to a movie makes it special and gives the impression that
theres some special provocative (=potentially more interesting)
content in it. If you want to add an air of mystery and curiosity to
your presentations as well as a touch of humor, use a similar rating
system for your presentations. If possible, include some
provocative information in your presentation, or use a different
style and words to describe otherwise ordinary content.
Since most presentations are originally intended for adults, this is
simply saying something about your presentation content and style,
and will not be used to actually limit the entrance of people under a
certain age. However, if for some reason you want to make a
presentation for a group of people over a certain age, this is a polite
way of doing it. For example, if your lecture is on Sex life over
the age of 60, a poster advertising that lecture may definitely
include the Rated ages 55 and above stamp.
Instead of making a minimum age limit, use a different age range,
for instance only for people 25-35 years old. Again, this may be
used to say something about the presentation (Working extra over
the weekend presentation - this is only for young people without
kids, or Your career path at the age of 40). This may also be
used to actually restrict the audiences age if for example you
know that in a certain age range, theres a significantly higher
percentage of people interested in a product/service that you offer.
Use the rating system for specific slides that have some real or
cynical provocative information, e.g. - Provocative news item: our
company really plans to make a profit this year
The category of Parental guidance could be especially funny
when used for adults.
If you are presenting to a younger group even children you
could use a top age limit, saying that you presentation is only for
ages 12-17 if you want to gain the trust and approval of teens.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #12.
Use the Guinness Book of Records
What for?
The Guinness book of Records is one of the best selling books in
history. People find the detailed data and extraordinary human acts
described in the book fascinating. You can use this to add your
interesting or bizarre facts to your presentation, and give people
something to talk about later. The wealth of records could easily be
related to your presentation topic (for instance the Furthest 737
Plane Pulling by a Team record when talking about teamwork,
Farthest Building Relocation record when an urgent task is called
While it will not be an easy task, you may attempt to make or break
a Guinness World Record yourself during a presentation. This
could include some interaction with the audience or something
about the way you deliver the presentation (the biggest audience in
a presentation, or the presentation with most words said in one
hour). If you succeed in making a record, and even if you dont but
you make the attempt anyway, the presentation will never be
considered ordinary.
I recommend bringing the actual book to the presentation. If you
cant do so, some of the records are available online on the
publishers website.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #13.
Teach participants a song or a poem
What for?
When people sing they feel better. Singing together also makes
people feel closer to each other, and break down nervousness. If
you choose song lyrics which you like, and talk about it with
passion, participant will usually be moved by that passion and join
you in your enthusiasm.
Many songs or poems carry quite philosophical thoughts and ideas,
and you may use those as a springboard for encouraging serious
discussion directions.
Doing so may help you develop an image of a leader. One aspect
of leadership is providing people with a vision. The language and
style of poetry may be very much in line with a visionary attitude
(if you are willing to give up all sarcastic comments of kitsch).
If people really like the song you chose, and seem to go along with
the singing, you may prepare a short Karaoke session for the end of
the presentation. This will produce a positive climax for the
meeting, and people will walk away smiling.
You may wish to print the poem or song lyrics on a scroll-like
page, and hand out a copy to the participants. This way they will
have something to remember the presentation by, and away to
recall the vision you were trying to convey.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #14.
Write the presentation in verse
What for?
Poems follow set patterns which are more easily remembered than
dry texts. If you add rhyme to your presentation and use
repetitive patterns in your sentences and paragraphs, you may even
hear some of the participants reciting your poem after the
presentation is over.
Any subject you discuss in the presentation will look very different
when presented in verse. It is very appropriate for presenting a
company or a personal vision, but do not rule out using it for
heavier subjects such as financial or market reviews it may be
just the right thing to make people listen to it without getting lost in
numbers and graphs.
Instead of making up your own poetic pattern, use an existing
famous poem or song and change the lyrics to suit your message.
This will have the added advantage of being more easily
remembered by participants.
You may be able to compose music to go along with parts of the
poem and even record a song based on the texts you wrote.
Although this will usually require that you find a musician, it opens
all kinds of possibilities such as giving away a CD with that
poem, sending it as a computer file to participants, and more.
Writing verse is not an easy task. If you find it difficult to do so
yourself, you may request the assistance of a coworker who does
not necessarily know the subject itself, but who does have a way
with words.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #15.
Take participants through a pictorial voyage to some faraway place
What for?
Many people like to go out on trips. A presentation that will take
them through a voyage will make them feel better, as if they were
on a vacation. This may be used not only for presentations about
foreign cultures and locations. You may harness this passion for
travel to make an otherwise ordinary subject into a fascinating one.
People will remember your presentation through the images of the
virtual tour and will be able to revisit the ideas you talked about
invite them to do so and even handout postcards with important
landmarks of the subject.
To make the presentation even more impressive, you may obtain
video clips of the city or country you will touring and add them
in the correct timing. Such videos may be filmed by someone you
know who lives or travels there or by yourself, and you can
actually plan the route of the tour to include chosen spots that
convey your message.
The tricky part is thinking of the voyage that will help you talk of
the things you came to talk about, of course. Consider your main
message, and then try to look for places that carry a similar
message through their culture, geography, history, architecture,
festivals, successes, conflicts and so on. Pictures of silicon valley
may be right if you are talking of a technological change your
company is about to go through, images of major world events of
the past year may be what you need for your annual speech, etc.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #16.
Make a walkthrough of someones daily route and activities
What for?
Showing snapshots of a persons everyday activities is good if you
are discussing a consumer product or service, the lives habits of
your clients, co-workers or employees, or something that made you
yourself think about the way you do things and perhaps a change
you wish to instate.
Since all participants have their own daily habits and activities,
many of them will be able to sympathize with such a personal story
and relate otherwise abstract arguments to real-life examples.
Give one or more of your clients, employees or friends a camera
and ask them to record their own activities and habits on a regular
day. Then share this small piece of personal story with the
audience in the presentation and discuss the insights and
implications that you all have from the details revealed in the
Any digital camera should be capable of producing the desired
photos. You may determine that a picture should be taken every 30
minutes or so, and decide on other criteria for the photos such as
what things should a photo include (people, environment, shopping
activities, etc.).

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #17.
Use visual jokes every few slides
What for?
Humor and laughter will get your listeners in a positive mood and
may be just what you need to lighten up a serious or grave matter,
or for simply getting them on your side. Since not all of us are
talented at telling jokes, you may find what you need in funny
pictures, cartoons and short video clips. These may be used as a
means to transfer a specific message or simply as a short break
from the serious discussion.
If you have the ability to produce funny images with people from
the office or with other participants in the room including
yourself - it may be a great way to add some self-humor to the
Take care not to use jokes that offend any minorities or someone in
the audience. If someone in the audience is involved, make sure
you accept their consent before using any images they appear in.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #18.
Discuss a real dream you had
What for?
Dream can be productive sources for creativity and for
understanding. Many times, our dreams process the problems that
we face and offer psychological or real solutions we do not think of
consciously. You may employ the power of the group to reach a
better understanding of your dream, especially if it is related to the
presentation subject.
Sharing a dream with the participants is an authentic illustration of
trust. It exposes to the your most private secrets and invites them to
discuss your subconscious and its meanings. Such an act will be
interpreted by most participants as an act of leadership or
comradeship. If the group meets you for the first time, it is a quick
way to grow comfortable with them.
If the atmosphere and response to your own telling of the dream is
supportive, you may invite other individuals to share a dream they
had with the group.
Keep a notebook by your bed. Recording your dreams is essential
for this idea, and many other good things can arise from writing
them down and thinking about them in a clearer mind.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 3:
Creative Ideas Presentation Planning
and Order

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 3: Creative Ideas - Presentation Planning and Order

Idea #19.
Run your presentation from end to start
What for?
This will focus the attention on the conclusion in the beginning,
and raise the curiosity on how you reach it. Youll then be able to
take participants through the logical basis for that conclusion.
Do it only before the actual presentation. You will be able to test
the strength of your arguments, as well as focus yourself on the
major points youre trying to make.
I suggest that you really do run the presentation from the last slide
back to the first one, and not just reverse the order of the slides
when you build your presentation. This will make a stronger effect
on your listeners.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #20.
Make more than one ending to your presentation,
according to the audiences responses or choices
What for?
Use this idea to grab the viewers attention and make them part of
the discussion.
You may also use this idea to invite users to discuss several whatif scenarios. Your role would be to provide relevant data and
possible implications of the various choices.
After going through one chosen scenario, you may return and
resume the discussion at the point they had to make a choice, thus
exploring more than one possibility.
Choose a question or an issue which has 2-3 distinct answers or
choices. There should be a real dilemma about this question, or the
choice would be too obvious and participants would not feel as if
you really cared about their opinion.
You can use the built-in hyperlink feature in MS PowerPoint to
navigate to different slides according to the choices they make.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #21.
Break the presentation up into 3 parts:
First 15 minutes: if participants tell you to stop you pay
Next 15 minutes: if they tell you to stop they pay
Final 15 minutes: they pay double
What for?
This idea may be used to demonstrate that you are in a sense
willing to invest in the valuable time of the participants. If you do
not grab their attention in the opening minutes, you are probably
just wasting the time.
On the other hand, if they like what you are saying and are
interested in hearing you out, even if it means they have to pay for
it, you have some extra credit in your favor (you may even joke
along this line - Well, now that youve paid for it, you have to
give me the project, or a similar line).
Youd have to focus on the beginning of the presentation in order
to make it fascinating enough for people to want to hear all of it.
Of course, you may break the presentation up into three parts of 5,
10, or 20 minutes each.
Have a timer set up at the beginning of the presentation so that
everyone may keep track of the time left for each part.
As in the previous idea, the money may be donated to their chosen
charity organization.
Explain the rules for paying before you begin the presentation.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #22.
Repeat the opening slide several times
What for?
Choose this idea if you wish to focus the discussion on a single
issue or subject. The opening slide could present the main question
related to the subject, and then show it again and again to address
the question as thoroughly as possible.
You may also use this idea if you want to start a discussion over an
assumption everyone takes for granted. When you repeat the
assumption more than once, using a different tone of voice each
time, you are preparing the ground for the second thoughts or
doubts you believe should be raised. In many cases, you will not
even have to ask it yourself after you repeat the slide 3-4 times,
someone is bound to ask Why are you repeating this?, and you
can turn the question back to the audience Why do you think I
You dont have to use it in the opening slide, although I believe the
dramatic effect would be greatest if you do.
You may change the text just a bit with each slide, rather than
repeating an exact copy of the first slide. Each change can
emphasize a different point you are trying to make.
This is similar to a common business or life coaching technique, in
which the coach repeats a question several times to focus the other
person on a more accurate or complete answer (e.g. What is your
goal for the next 6 months?).

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #23.
Start the presentation on a random slide
What for?
If one of the purposes of your presentation is to provoke a creative
discussion of the subject, starting it on a random slide will
challenge the way people normally think about the subject. You
may open a discussion on a specific question at hand before all the
facts are known to allow for some speculation and
experimentation, or ask people to contribute their own knowledge
of the subject before you show the information that you have
prepared on it.
If youve made the same presentation time and time again, starting
it on a random slide may help keep you on your toes, and add some
new enthusiasm and surprise to your attitude.
It will also improve your skills for handling the unexpected.
Make the entire order of the presentation slides random. This will
make the discussion more chaotic and creative. It may be most
appropriate for issues on which you have only limited information,
and find it hard to come up with a tightly formed description or
Some Visual Basic for Applications programming may be used to
generate the random moving through the slides. It may be
interesting to let it pass more then once through a slide to see if
the discussion may lead to new insights the second time around.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #24.
Divide your presentation into three parts
Emotional, Logical, Creative
What for?
It has been demonstrated, and is also common sense, that different
people have different personal strengths (for further reading on this
see, for instance, Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple
Intelligences, or De Bonos Six Thinking Hats). Tuning different
parts of your presentation to these various strengths will get more
people to understand and experience your ideas in a more complete
fashion. It will also make the subject more interesting and diverse.
You may use this to discuss the same point but to highlight the
emotional, logical or creative aspect involved in it. A different
tactic would be to choose different yet related subjects and discuss
each one from the point of view you wish to stress.
You will be able to demonstrate your personal abilities on a wider
spectrum of situations and tasks. If one of the things you are trying
to do is to promote yourself as a person or as a business partner,
proving that you can handle emotional, logical and creative
functions is quite valuable.
You can change the order of the presentation sometimes
beginning with emotional aspects, moving to logical ones and
ending with creative aspects, or in any other order you find
In many cultures and especially in business or formal
organizations, emotional discussion is less common and people are
less prepared for it. You may need to guide participants into using
emotion-related words. You may also need to learn how to express
yourself emotionally as well

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #25.
Plan the whole presentation like a commercial
What for?
Commercials are powerful and successful tools of getting a
message through and impelling people to action. If you can learn
from commercials how to do that, you may get better results from
your presentations.
The basic format of commercials is If you do X, you will get
Y. Building a presentation that follows this same basic pattern
would make your message clearer and participants will know
exactly what you expect them to do as a result of the presentation.
It will be a good opportunity to learn more about advertising and
its source of power. You may also share that knowledge you
gained with your audience.
Advertising campaigns often have more than one commercial, and
drive the same concept through several ads and media types.
Likewise, you may plan a complete presentation campaign to
make different audiences act in a way that promotes your goals.
Before working on the presentation take the time to watch and
analyze TV commercials, newspaper and street ads. Try to find one
that you like and that make you remember the message, and build
your presentation based on the format of that commercial.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #26.
Make the presentation A to Z
What for?
This can provide both structure and originality to your
presentation. It can be accomplished in several manners. First - you
may make each slide contain sentences or keyword beginning with
one letter of the alphabet. For example a presentation on the
goals and strategy of the company for the next 3 years may have a
first slide discussing Achievements, Actions, and Abilities, the
next focusing on how to Begin, the Building Blocks, and Business
focus, the third on Capital Considerations and Creativity, etc. If
you need to make a shorter presentation, you may include 2-3
letters in each slide.
Another way is to use the ABC as a metaphor. The letters are the
building blocks of words and sentences. Similarly, you may present
the ABCs or basic building blocks and issues of your topic, and
then make different combinations to create various meaningful
sentences regarding that subject.
When making a series of related presentation, you can assign
several letters to each presentation, making it possible to reach up
to 26 presentations (and then starting over, of course). You may do
this even if the presentations are not necessarily related or even if
different people are in charge of giving the presentations. In other
words, you will be establishing a tradition of labeled presentations
people can talk about (Remember the K presentation last
spring?), and expect (Are you coming to the T presentation on
To complete the effect of the presentation and to make more
tangible you may design the rooms and place labeled objects
representing the letters.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #27.
Think like a reverse hacker
What for?
Hackers look for weaknesses and flaws in systems or software and
then devise way to take advantage of these holes for their own
purposes. When you are planning a presentation and you want to
make sure that everything goes perfectly as planned and nothing
goes wrong, begin by thinking of and writing down everything that
could go wrong. Then go through that list and figure out courses of
action that would avoid or minimize those dangers.
When you are making the catastrophes list, you may come across
some that bring a smile to your face, indication that they might
produce a funny response by the audience as well. Consider
allowing these incidents to happen on purpose, when you control
them and then demonstrate your ability of handling the
Asking other people to help you think of messy incidents during
the presentation can prove helpful. Others may see your faults and
errors more easily than yourself.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #28.
Make the presentation in half the time you normally would
What for?
When you have to cut the presentation time to about half the
normal time, you are compelled to choose the most important
points and to give up insignificant details. This is especially helpful
if in previous occasions you have been told that the presentation
lacks focus. A shorter presentation does not strain the listeners as a
longer one would, thus facilitating the memory of its essence.
You may use the rest of the time reserved for the presentation for
one of the creative ideas listed in this book or for any other
valuable activity that would promote your goals.
When you speak to the point and do not beat around the bush, you
are making an impression of a practical and straightforward
presenter and business person in general.
If you have difficulty finding things to say to use all the time
normally used for a similar presentation, you may try to do just the
opposite. Imagine that the time you must stand before the audience
has doubled, and plan your presentation accordingly. Do not just
pack the presentation with more details, but rather strive to find
ways to analyze and discuss the issues in a deeper and more
meaningful manner.
If you find it difficult to cut the presentation short to half the time,
begin by making it of the time. After youve succeeded and have
seen the benefits of this suggestion, you may move on to a more
drastic reduction of content and delivery time.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #29.
Send participants to experience something outside the room in turns
What for?
When there is an important piece of information that is more
difficult to convey to the larger group you may set up a private or
small group demonstration outside the main room, and let people
experience it in turns before or during the presentation in turns.
In controversial issues, use this idea as a kind of Divide and Rule
strategy. In small groups or in person, less people are likely to
express disapproval early. Obviously this should be addressed
later, but it may gain you the attention of the majority without
disturbance until youve covered some crucial information.
You may opt for not sending everyone outside, but only a chosen
few. Use this to neutralize fierce opposition (without revealing that
this is you actual goal), to provide senior participants or advanced
students with some extra data that is important to get them on your
side or keep them interested, or to target any key participants with
a particular message.
Depending on the nature of the private demonstration, you may
need to position an assistant to illustrate and monitor the groups
that pass through it.
It may well be wise to ask people who have gone through the
demonstration outside to refrain from speaking of it until all have
gone through the process. You can also choose to arrange the
seating in the main room in two groups those whove already
been outside and those who havent.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 4:
Creative Ideas Presentation Design
and Delivery

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 4: Creative Ideas - Presentation Design and Delivery

Idea #30.
Let your audience choose the presentation design template
What for?
This is a fun way to begin the presentation, and to get the audience
involved right on the start.
You can tell something about the audience from their choice. This
would help you know how you should talk during the presentation
(e.g. if they choose a heavier design be serious, if the choose a
lighter one, you could allow yourself to loosen up).
Instead of letting them choose a design, show them 2-3 design
templates you considered using, and tell them why you chose one
of them. You may ask them if they think your choice was
appropriate, and why.
You should have 2-3 classic designs to choose form as well as a
more colorful and even extreme one.
Even with the colorful design remember not to let the design
overshadow the message youre trying to get through.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #31.
Have a painter/caricaturist assistant drawing images/cartoons on a flipchart as you explain
What for?
This would make your presentation live on the go. Instead of
using slides, the sketches would visually convey the major points
you are trying to get through. For example - when you talk about
the tough task lying ahead, a simple drawing of mountaineers
climbing up a steep mountain would etch that image in the viewers
A caricaturist could add a touch of humor to your presentation with
funny images and hints.
If you have the talent you could draw the sketches yourself as
you speak.
If theres an electronic drawing pad you could use it and show
the drawings on a screen as they are drawn.
Alternatively - ask some of the participants themselves to help you
and draw those images on the flipchart as you speak.
You could prepare and give the participants a comic book with the
important things you talked about.
Make sure there are enough flipchart pages you could use, and that
everyone can see them well.
Rehearse the presentation with the painter and list the major
subjects you are going to talk about so that s/he would have time to
think about how to make meaningful and relevant drawings.
Here are a few pointers on where to find the person to draw for
you: look for high school or college art students who wish to
practice and demonstrate their talent for a small fee or free of
charge; ask around for other employees that have that talent and are
willing to give a hand. Of course, if the presentation is worth the
investment, you may always hire a professional caricaturist.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #32.
Use real cartoon-like bubbles
What for?
Several times during the presentation raise signs youve prepared
in advance, with funny remarks on your thoughts - e.g. I must
be boring them, Oh, I forgot the gas on!, They must hate me
by now, etc. This will help make a very long or serious
presentation lighter, and show that you can take yourself less
seriously as well.
The signs may also be used to encourage or provoke some reaction
from the audience. They may include questions or requests to
participants, giving them the legitimacy to interrupt you in
moments you actually wish to be interrupted.
If you are presenting a very strong argument, but you still wish
participants to be aware of opposite or alternative views, the signs
may be used to challenge the main message you are
Instead of making real signs, have them appear as an animation on
the presentation on some of the slides. A good way to do so is to
have some animated figure walk in to the slide holding a protest
sign with those remarks.
Note that cartoons are usually written is simple, direct language.
That is why you can use this to express your Ego without feat in
them. Try to use this idea in a similar state of mind.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #33.
Present in Black and White retro style
What for?
If you want to have a touch of nostalgia in your presentation, using
retro style is a good idea. Some presentation topics may be
especially appropriate for this style an introduction initial
orientation workshop on the organization to new employees
(showing The beginnings of the company, even if it was
established just 2 years ago); a summary of the performance and
results of the past 5 years, etc.
Black and white was used in the initial, more nave days, of movie
making. If your message is that you should be doing things in a
simpler way, back to the basics and to common sense, the black
and white design and style could be the visual representation of
that content and message.
If your presentation is about a futuristic vision, or an unorthodox
and innovative approach, you could use a very colorful and wild
In a black and white presentation you may include snapshots from
old movies and movie stars. Choose famous scenes and lines, and
change them a little to be related to your message, e.g.: After
alltomorrow is another dayso go out and get those client!!!

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #34.
Deliver a message through a local radio station
What for?
Imagine a moment in your presentation in which you stop
everything, connect a local radio station to the speakers, and
everyone hears an important message on the subject being aired
live! Such an event is bound to be the talk of the town for a long
Obviously, using the radio will transmit the message to the general
public, and may be used as a part of an advertising campaign,
public relations or public education project.
Delivering a good message using the media requires very high
skills of communication and message delivery. This will make you
prepare well for the message and the entire presentation since
you know how important it is to be clear and effective that one
Other mass media devices may be considered although TV is
usually harder or more expensive to get into, and newspapers are
not live. Still a direct or encrypted message in a classified ad
may add a nice touch to the event.
Instead of speaking yourself on the radio, get someone else to talk
about the subject, or to deliver a message intended for the audience
at the presentation. If you can get a famous person to do it, or at
least someone that most participants know and respect, the effect
will be quite positive.
Youll have to find a way to get on the radio for this idea if you
are discussing a subject that may be of interest to the general
public, you might be able to find a program willing to interview
you. Otherwise, a one time short ad on the radio can be bought at a
reasonable cost.
Timing is also important, as you have to tune in to the Radio at the
right time. It might be a good idea to get someone to record the
program, which may also be used later again and again.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #35.
Use Lego blocks in the presentation
What for?
One creative use for the blocks may be to add a block with each
important point you make. This will emphasize the fact that you
are building the argument or the knowledge on a certain subject.
You may also build a structure that exemplifies the messages you
are presenting a solid base if you mention the solid financial base
of the firm, a colorful and original structure if you want to stress
innovation or diversity, etc.
Lego is good for making models. If your presentation has to do
with any kind of model (management model, physical model,
abstract or theoretical model), the blocks may be used to clarify
and elaborate on the models structure, strong points or
Invite participants to help you in the building of the structure. You
may invite specific participants whom you wish to mention for
outstanding performance lately, or who are important for the
success of an upcoming project, for example.
Use large Mega Blocks so that participants may see what you are
building, or alternatively have a video camera zoom in on the
structure as it is being built and enlarge it on a screen.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #36.
Use a musical instrument during the presentation
What for?
Music is a universal language. You may use the musical instrument
in various ways to make musical time out from an otherwise
regular presentation. The musical interruptions may be used for
signaling breaks in the presentation or a shift in the presentation
direction. It may also be used as a prelude to important or climatic
parts of the presentation.
A different use is to make a refreshing and relaxing break in a
presentation on a difficult or demanding subject.
If you cant play an instrument, you may have someone who does
give you musical support. Another option is to ask people from the
audience to assist you and play the instrument.
If you can bring more than one instrument, a nice exercise in
playing in harmony may be done by giving the instruments to
several participants and having them join a jam session to make a
musical piece.
You may find talented musicians willing to perform for free or for
a small fee in local music schools. If you have a full band escort
you on stage, the presentation will feel like a concert.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #37.
Make the presentation without any talking
What for?
Verbal communication is the most common form of
communication for most of us. Using other means for presenting,
will force you to think of creative ways to demonstrate things. It
will also surely be remembered as different. Moreover, our other
senses sometimes have stronger and longer lasting effects on
people (for example, the sense of smell is by far the more dominant
than other senses).
If you are a poor speaker, or if for some other reason you find it
difficult to speak on a certain occasion, you dont have to give up
on the presentation altogether, or to accept the fact that it will be
mediocre. Think of it as your chance to make an unforgettable
If you do not wish to give up talking altogether, thinking of the
presentation in such a way is still useful you could find ways to
enhance the audience experience through the use of other media
and senses to complement the verbal part.
Instead of verbal talking, you could use sign language or body
One way for executing the above idea is to make the presentation
into a tour through an exhibition of large scale displays. Print or
draw relevant images and messages on body-size posters, hang
them around the room, and ask participants to go examine the
items, providing them a with written or audio instructions and
List how-to and implementation notes

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #38.
Exaggerate the positive result of your presentation
What for?
Exaggeration is widely used in comedy and advertising. It is a way
to make something surprising or shocking. It helps emphasize a
positive or negative attribute of a product, service or person. In
advertising, for example, such ads are able to draw the attention of
newspaper readers or TV viewers several times more than regular
ads. If you exaggerate the value of your presentation and of its
benefits to participants, you will surely get their attention, and may
also be able to generate some smiles on their faces.
You may also exaggerate the positive result of following any
recommendation you make during the presentation. Although
participants understand that this is an exaggeration, they remember
the recommendation and the powerful result you presented and
may be more motivated towards action than by a mere factual
description of normal results.
In commercials the extreme result is often demonstrated using
images and slogans. In comedy it is made real by detailed
descriptions and imagery. You may incorporate such techniques to
support the extreme message you wish to get through.
The usual way to think of such an exaggeration is to think of a real
attribute or benefit and then make it much more extreme. Begin by
listing the major benefits, and then imagine what the result would
be if that benefit had been multiplied.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #39.
Exaggerate the negative result of rejecting your presentation
What for?
This is yet another power technique use in advertising and other
fields. By amplifying a certain danger that could be caused by not
paying close attention to your words, you may grab the attention of
the audience.
Similar to the above, you may exaggerate the negative result of not
following any recommendation you make during the presentation.
In a way, you will be planting a hidden and unconscious fear in
their minds, making them more hesitant of dismissing your words
and arguments.
Instead of stating the negative result directly, you may use hints or
insinuations to make a more subtle effect if you fear a more direct
approach might raise open opposition from participants.
Try to make it more real by telling a true story of someone who
failed to follow the recommendation you made in a previous
presentation, and suffered unfortunate consequences.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #40.
Exaggerate the effort you made to prepare the presentation
What for?
This may serve as a light introduction to your main subject. It can
help you make the audience feel special as you talk of the
importance of the occasion and of the reasons you went to
extraordinary lengths to make this a special presentation.
It may be a complementary idea to use with the previous two ideas
of exaggeration (see above).
Instead of exaggerating your own effort, overplay the effort the
listeners will have to make in order to succeed in what you are
asking them to do. Speak of it as of incredible deeds and superhero
To make things funnier, you can use symbols or images of
superheroes on the presentation template, on your own clothes, or
to let participants wear some superhero outfits, etc.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #41.
Use a sandbox for demonstration
What for?
A sandbox is both a childs play and a symbol of military tactics
and cleverness. It can serve as a refreshing way for communicating
a suggested strategy, or as a flexible and easily changeable
demonstration model.
An evidently fitting mode for using the sandbox is to think and
present the situations as if you were speaking of a battle. This can
be used to portray an upcoming struggle with competitors, a
difficult task you all have to cope with, an assessment of a project
that has been completed recently, etc.
Bring 3-4 smaller sandboxes, set up the topography and units
on the sandbox in the same way as you did with the main
demonstration sandbox and let participants move the units around
according to your instructions and explanations. As an exercise,
you may also ask them to suggest the best tactics or solution for a
certain situation or problem.
You can use any cardboard boxes to put the sand in. The sand can
be found in any greenhouse equipment store, if there is no beach
near you. Any simple toys and games can serve as plastic units
and terrain features.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #42.
Perform magical tricks
What for?
There is a multitude of simple magical tricks, as well as basic
magician equipment to choose from. If you find tricks that have to
do with your presentation topic, it may serve as interesting breaks
in a long discussion, as well as encourage creative thinking.
Many tricks can allow you to let the audience take part and
volunteer as assistants. This is good for drawing more reserved
listeners in to greater involvement or conversely to tap the
enthusiasm of energetic participants for the enhancement of your
For major presentation events you can hire a professional magician
to perform extravagant acts in designated parts of your presentation
or even at the lobby of the conference hall before you begin.
Practice the trick you want to perform several times until you are
certain you can get them to work. It can be quite embarrassing to
make a lame stunt when you are the center of attention.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #43.
Make a cubistic presentation
What for?
One of the things that make Cubism unique is the breaking and
challenging of conventional structures and patterns. A cubistic
presentation would attempt to do the same by placing titles below
text in some slides, using irregular locations for the presenter to
stand on (one of the chairs in the audience, for example), making
the sound heard a-symmetrical, and so on.
A cubistic presentation may serve the purpose of challenging
common axioms and assumptions. It is appropriate as a preliminary
device for discussing an innovative business idea or internal
A more radical implementation of this would be to rearrange the
content of the presentation and not just appearances. This would
mean you mix the content of slides, perhaps even using some
collage design effect to indicate that texts have been cut and
pasted from their original, natural places. It is possible that the
audience might need time to understand such an artistic
presentation, so think of ways to make things accessible to them
(printing confusing slides, repeating difficult parts of the
presentation, etc.)
To prepare the audience for an irregular experience, you may hand
cubistic art posters on the walls, or print them on an invitation to
the presentation.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 5:
Creative Ideas
Audience Participation

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 5: Creative Ideas - Audience Participation

Idea #44.
Have participants place real cash bets during the presentation
What for?
This is a sure-fire way to get people listening to you from that
moment on! Everyone will want to win their bet.
You should use this about halfway through the presentation after
youve set the background and outlined basic information about the
subject, and before you are about to discuss 3-4 alternatives for
Have participants bet against each other (by choosing 1 of 3-4
possible options) or by betting against you. You can also play a
simple game such as black-jack taking out another card every 2-3
It would probably be best to declare that the winning money was
going to charity, and that the winning person would get to choose
which organization it would go to.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #45.
Ask participants to make a time capsule with their comments on
one of the questions in the presentation
What for?
When the presentations involves a discussion on the outcome of a
future event, it would be interesting to know what people thought
after a certain time has passed, and make a follow-up discussion on
If you are not supposed to make a follow-up discussion, you may
simply send all the participant the summary of their positions after
the presentation and again after the future event has occurred.
If participant hesitate to expose their real views on the subject, you
could do this exercise anonymously.
Prepare a paper for each participant on which they will write their
opinion on the subject or question you present. When people are
required to write things down, they are more likely to take things
seriously, and truly address the matter.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #46.
Ask one of the participants to be the Devils Advocate
What for?
If you are concerned that the group will not question your
arguments, or would like to demonstrate that you have carefully
considered counter arguments, a Devil\s Advocate would be able
to pose all the important questions and allow you to answer them.
When one person raises these questions, it is more likely that
others will feel more comfortable to express any doubts they have
about what you are saying, and you would have a chance to address
those doubts.
The Devils Advocate could be given time to prepare by making
the request with sufficient time before the presentation. You may
even make a briefing meeting in which you could discuss the
arguments s/he could use.
You may either tell participants that you asked the person to be a
Devils Advocate and why you did so, or keep it between you and
that person.
If you feel up to the challenge, allow the Devils Advocate to really
play the role e.g. think of really difficult things you should

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #47.
Ask one participant to always support your ideas
What for?
This is the exact opposite of the previous idea. This approach
might prove useful when you expect the group to be skeptic or
cynical of the message youre trying to convey.
Ask the entire group to go along this kind of game, by agreeing on
discussion rules somewhat like those of brainstorming: participants
may only point out positive and supporting arguments about any
statements you make in this particular presentation.
Of course you have to get this one person to agree to support you
on the presentation. The best tactics is to talk to that person some
time in advance and share your concerns about the possibly
negative responds of the group. You should request that persons
assistance and go through several positive arguments she or he may
use during the discussion.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #48.
Let listeners participate using mobile phone text messages (SMS)
What for?
If you are presenting in front of a large audience you could use this
to collect information from the crowd, and get many of them
involved simultaneously.
The messages could be used for making a quick poll on some
options you just presented, for getting instant anonymous feedback
on a certain part of your presentation, or if someone wants to ask
you a relevant question without revealing who they are.
You could ask them to answer this kind of poll on a specific
question after the presentation is completed, and then send them
the results or publish them.
Of course, the simple hands up method would be simpler - unless
theres a special need for discretion (in a case of a sensitive,
personal question). However for real large groups, the above idea
could be easier.
Technically - you could have the messages delivered to your own
mobile, or have an assistant collect and count the votes. In larger
groups, you could use the services of designated SMS poll firms,
which might allow you to instantly show the results in the form of
graphs and charts.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #49.
Participants pay for the presentation if they like it
What for?
This is a creative way for you to measure the success of your
presentation. Instead of analyzing a feedback survey, you simply
count the cash you collected. Chances that after the presentation
you will know what people truly thought about the things you said.
It would probably boost your motivation to work harder each time
you make a presentation in order to make more and more money!
If appropriate for the impression you wish to leave on the
participants, you could say that you chose to use do this because
you are very results oriented.
If you think using real cash money is too much, you may provide
participants card representing cash notes.
The amount they choose to pay will depend on how much they
liked the presentation. For instance, if someone really liked it, they
pay 20$, if they thought it was just OK, 5-10$.
A good way to get participants to go along with this idea is to
donate the money to their chosen charity. Still, ask them to pay the
amount they think your presentation was worth, even if they would
like to donate more.
Explain the rules for paying before you begin the presentation.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #50.
Have participants invite someone else to the presentation
What for?
First of all, more people will be exposed to the subject you are
presenting, so do this if you want to have a bigger audience.
It will also make the presentation a livelier event and is expected to
make the general atmosphere more positive. People like sharing
and discussing things that interest them with friends and
colleagues, and there is a greater chance they will remember the
event, and think highly of it.
Such an encounter is good for promoting networking and mingling
with people outside those who would usually appear for the
Specifically ask participants to invite a member of their family.
This will make the presentation a social event.
You may choose to let participants invite the rest of the audience
for the second part of the presentation. This will let you tell things
that you do not yet wish to make public to the original group, and
still have the larger gathering later on.
Prepare an invitation template and send it to participants in
advance, so that they may use it to send invitation to the
presentation. You may also prepare a tell-a-friend online form
they can use to send email invitations.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #51.
Play a bingo game during the presentation
What for?
A bingo game is easy to play, especially in large audiences. It will
get everybody to pay attention to what you are saying even more
so if you give out some nice prizes for the winners.
You may use important words from your presentation on the bingo
cards, and participants should mark the topics or words that
appeared on the slides. This will also make people remember those
words and topics better, as they have them in front of their eyes all
the time.
As some of the participants will shout Bingo sometime through
the presentation, you may use these moments to make a short and
funny prize giving ceremony. This may help you make built-in
breaks into a long presentation or lecture.
Instead of using a bingo game with words from your presentation,
you may simply use a regular bingo game to make a methodic
break halfway through the presentation. This might be easier to
prepare as the bingo cards will have numbers instead of words.
You will, however, lose the effect of having the important
presentation terms in front of the participants eyes all the time.
You may make a special mark on the slides to highlight the words
used in the cards (an underline, a special font color).

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #52.
Divide the group into smaller subgroups
and work differently with each subgroup
What for?
When you want the presentation to be a good starting point for
generating ideas, breaking up into smaller groups will let each
group examine the subject from different angles. You may
strengthen this effect by giving each group a slightly different
presentation (for example with different discussion questions, or
with emphasis on different kinds of data).
This practice may also be used when you feel the discussion in the
larger group may lead to excessive arguments due to the make-up
of the group.
An even more radical implementation of the idea may be to give
each person a different version of the presentation, in order to tap
into the diversity of the group, or in order to achieve a written
objective judgment or response from each participant, before
collecting those and coming back to the joint group discussion.
A subgroup should ideally be made up of 2-4 members. This
usually encourages participation on the part of all its members, and
still allows the group to effectively reach practical conclusions, if

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #53.
Allow each participant to view the presentation at their own pace
What for?
If your most crucial goal for the presentation is to achieve
maximum understanding by all participants, you must allow each
participant to take the presentation in at their own pace. This may
be appropriate for a presentation on a new and important company
quality or safety procedure, or on a legal issue.
Another way of achieving a similar effect is to allow whoever
needs time to go over the presentation to do so once it is over on
their own or with your assistance.
If the subjects are to be presented to a large group of people,
divided into several groups, and if you have the ability to map or
determine each persons learning style and pace over a certain
period of time, you may assign participants to different learning
groups according to that style and according to the time they need
to understand subjects of similar nature. This will eventually create
groups with similar learning patterns, making life easier for both
presenter and the group members.
Obviously, the Internet and numerous E-learning platforms now
allow for content to be viewed by different people at their own
convenient time and pace. However, the same approach may be
used in a face-to-face presentation or lesson setting. One way to do
so is to allow participants some time to go over the important slides
on their own on different PCs in the room, or to read it from
printed folders. Those who complete it faster than others may be
invited to join an advanced or further discussion in another part of
the room.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #54.
Let participants play a game of Values exchange
What for?
In this simple game, each person writes down on 5 blank cards 5
values that guide them in their professional or personal lives. They
then pair up and must agree on 5 common values that they both
accept. This is a great way to begin a presentation that has to do
with social values, community support, and related subjects. This is
also good for a presentation that deals with your own values, the
department or company values or vision, or a presentation on a
product or service that is closely related to a common human value.
Participants will get to know each other and find common grounds
in a new and interesting way, and will have a chance to hold a
hearty discussion on the things that motivate and move them. This
is bound to charge new energy into the group and bring about a
positive emotional event that will be connected with your
Normally, this game should be played at the beginning of the
presentation. You may, however, use it as a methodical break or
even as the ending climax of your speech driving a strong
message through.
To make things easier for participants, you may have a slide with a
list of common values when they need to choose their initial 5
guiding values. Examples include: honesty, excellence, originality,
accurateness, perseverance, courtesy, and many more.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #55.
Use the participants business cards
What for?
If you dont know the participants, this will let you make the
presentation relevant to their jobs and types of business. Ask them
to place there business cards in the center of the table and have an
assistant collect those cards into a box.
You may analyze the data and share your conclusions with them
during the presentation it self or afterwards (For example 25%
of the people in this room are top-level mangers, 35% manage their
own business, and only 3 out of 127 do not have an email
address). Another thing you could do is tell them that you will
make a collective contact list and send it to everyone for
networking purposes.
It is an elegant way for adding all those people to your mailing list
or contact list.
If most of the participants have a PDA, they may beam their
business card data to an assistant with your own PDA or to another
electronic data collection gadget. This may make the summary and
analysis of the data easier and faster.
Consider asking prospective participants to send you their contact
details before the presentation, so you may even begin the
presentation with what youve learned about them.
Having an assistant help you may be very valuable to make the
most out of this idea as youll achieve the strongest effect by
sharing your conclusion with the, as quickly as possible.
Otherwise, try to make a break in your presentation and use it to go
through the cards by yourself.
You may prepare an Excel template to help you summarize and
analyze the data on the cards.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #56.
Ask all participant to make a call message during the presentation
What for?
If you want the things you are talking about to turn into actions, or
if you want the participants to practice a certain skill live, this
phone call may be the first action you are asking them to make. For
example, if you are talking about the importance of customer
relationships, ask them to call a client that they wanted to talk to
and didnt, and practice a communication skill you demonstrated
before, or set up a meeting with that client for the upcoming week.
Having several participants share the results of the calls will
provide plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your subject further.
If you feel more data is for an important decision that has to be
made in the course of the presentation, or if you want to show
participants that you consider it their responsibility for retrieving
important data, ask them to make calls to whoever they think can
provide more required information.
Other means of communication may be used where appropriate
mobile phone text messages, instant messaging (chat) software, etc.
If not all participant have mobile phones, prepare regular phones
they can use for outgoing calls in the presentation room itself.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #57.
Send participants out on a mission during the presentation
What for?
This will get people involved and active about the things you are
talking about. The mission can be to go out and apply a skill or
approach you talked about, to get some information related to the
subject from a library, to bring an object that is related to the
subject, to get find and arrange a conference call with a famous
person or with an expert on the subject, etc.
If you have been trying to get people to do something for some
time, with limited success, the presentation might be a good
opportunity to get everyone keyed up about it, and to finally get
things done.
You may make it into a kind of competition the person who
completes the task first or with the best results will be declared
winner, and may even win a prize. You will be surprised what
people are willing to do to win a prize!
The task may be performed in pairs or in groups to encourage
teamwork and to enable feedback on individual performance
during the task.
You should make the task not to easy to complete, yet reasonable
and achievable considering the time allowed and available
resources. Otherwise, you might end up with everyone completing
it with 2 minutes, or no one who was able to finish it after several
The task should have a specific time frame for people to report
back. Declare that anyone appearing after that time will be
disqualified, and continue the presentation when the time is up.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #58.
Plan the presentation and each slide as an action provoking trigger
What for?
Think of what actions you want the presentation to produce. Move
on and define a most desired response for each slide. This will
make your presentation more provoking and active.
Actions may include making participants respond or even protest to
the slide content, having them express a sound of surprise, clapping
their hands, checking their calendars, moving uneasily in their seats
or even leaving the room in anger.
Focus on the one or two most important people in the room for the
goal of your presentation (the senior manager, the most strategic
client, etc.). Plan the presentation to provoke the most desired
response by that person or persons.
Before you begin preparing even the first draft of your
presentation, make a list of the actions you want participants to
carry out during or following the presentation. Then plan your
presentation to produce as many of these actions as possible.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #59.
Ask participants to make a flowchart of your arguments
What for?
A flowchart is used to draw a representation of the logic or
decision path for a given subject. By asking participants to try and
outline the logic of your arguments using such a drawing, you will
be able to make sure your line of reasoning is understood, and
clarify points that have been misinterpreted.
This exercise may be used just before the summary of the
presentation or before moving on to a more advanced subject.
Participants may complete it individually or in small groups.
Obviously you may make the flowchart yourself, but then you miss
the chance to see how the audience understood you. You may,
however, conduct a dialogue with participants while you would be
the one drawing the actual diagram on the board according to their
Instead of asking participants to draw the flowcharts on blank
papers, give them cards with major points of the presentation
which they have to put in the correct order or add other flowchart
shapes to.
Before you make an important presentation, have friends or
co-workers listen to a rehearsal of that presentation, and ask them to
make such a flowchart. This will provide you with important
feedback and will enable you to refine the arguments and the way
you introduce them.
Flowcharts have standard forms to represent various types of data.
These may be found on MS PowerPoint, for example.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #60.
Ask participant to move according to the content
What for?
Physical expression is an underused resource in modern times, in
spite of the fact that for some it is a very effective way for
communication and memory. By asking participants to come up
with physical expressions of specific concepts or messages 5-6
times during the presentation you may take advantage of this
resource and help people associate the content of the presentation
with tangible actions.
Some of the moves you ask them to make may include connecting
hands with other participants. This could be used to make the
atmosphere more personal and informal.
Try to get people to agree on the moves that are to be associated
with the major points of your presentation. You may even make up
a simple presentation dance as a secret code or language among
the participants. They will be able to remind each other of things
you talked about using that sign language.
If you find that people are uncomfortable with making those
moves, be prepared with your own moves. At least some of them
may be willing to repeat the moves that you make.
Because most people are less accustomed to this form of
expression, begin by asking them to make simpler and less
demanding moves. This will make it easier to get everyone to go
along with the exercise.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #61.
Ask participants to recall successful presentations they made
What for?
Before you begin any presentation it is important to get people into
the right mood, and to make a transition from the world outside
into the world of the presentation. A good way to do this is the
talk about presentations. But instead of you doing the talking,
asking participants to recall successful presentations they
themselves did will serve as an introduction to your own
presentations. You may build up on things they say to explain the
goal or format of your presentation.
Invite those who answer to share with the audience the way they
felt about successful presentations. Their descriptions and the way
the rest of the audience responses to them will give you many hints
on what things interest or are important to these people.
Talking about success is a good way to actually make things
successful those who speak of their successes would feel good by
doing so, the audience will be in a positive mood, and your own
confidence will be built.
Instead of success presentations, ask participants to share their
experiences of failed presentations. I recommend doing so not in
itself but after theyve had a chance to talk about successful ones. It
may be especially suitable if the subject of your presentation is
something that went wrong and if you wish to tackle it through a
rational analysis.
Prepare guiding questions for participants, such as: What made the
presentation successful; How could you tell it was successful;
Were there things that could make it even better; etc.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #62.
Ask participants to make up one summarizing slogan
What for?
Asking participants to make up a summarizing slogan at the end of
the presentation or several times during the presentation will make
the summary more interactive and creative. It will also help them
bring to mind the major points of the presentation later on.
If you divide the participants into several groups and compare the
variations of slogan each group comes up with, the summary will
emphasize diverse aspects of the presentation.
You may provide participants with the template of the slogans, and
ask them to complete the missing parts. For example write the
first part of a sentence and have them continue the rest of it, or use
a pattern such as If we do _______, we will get _________.
A good idea is to keep the slogans they came up with, print it on
large posters, and then offer participant hang them around the

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #63.
Make a couples game show
What for?
This idea is good to break the ice and get people to know each
other better. Find out things about the participants relationships
with their spouses and prepare a guessing game in which other
participants have to guess details about the lives of the couple.
Questions may include - how they came to know each other, their
favorite type of restaurant, how they cope with stress, etc.
On a festive occasion, such as the summary of a successful year, or
the set up of a new project team, incorporating in this presentation
a game with prizes will add action and fun to the event.
If talking about family members seems too intimate or otherwise
inappropriate, think of a different relationship that can be referred
to the person that shares their cubicle, the student that sleeps with
them in the dormitories, etc.
The questions that listeners have to guess should be written in
multiple-choice format. Thus, you may ask Which type of
restaurant do Jake and his wife like to go to? and the possible
answers would be something like: Italian, Jewish, See Food or
simply Jakes mother in-law. After each participant has voted for
their guess, let the person concerned give the correct answer and
tell an anecdote related to the answer.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #64.
Make a competition between two or more groups
What for?
A competition creates action to any presentation. Peoples
adrenalin will be pumping, and everyone will want to win, even if
no prizes are involved simply in order to prove their worth. When
you make a competition between groups rather than between
individual participants, even the less enthusiastic will be drawn
into the team spirit and become involved in the subject.
You should be able to come up with a competition that is related to
the content of your presentation. For example, if you are presenting
a new product, give two groups 5 minutes to come up with the best
advertising approach for the product; or if it is on improving the
teamwork in your department, let the groups come up with as many
practical ideas as they can for promoting teamwork. This kind of
competition will serve as an excellent opening for your own
presentation, and will give you many starting points and ideas to
build on.
Instead of setting up a competition between groups, pose a
common task for the entire group, in which they have to complete a
certain task together with limited time and resources.
If you are giving a similar presentation to different groups, the
competition may be among the different groups that you meet. You
should present the records and achievements reached so far, and
urge the present group to enter your Hall of fame of groups.
In most cases, an ideal group should consist of 4-6 members. This
is big enough to produce interaction among its members, yet not
too big as to hinder a productive discussion and performance.
If you are able to arrange relevant prizes (perhaps from sponsors)
the heat will be truly on.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #65.
Play a True or False game
What for?
This simple game can be used in a variety of ways. You may make
a true or false game on facts related to the topic of your
presentation. You would offer 3-4 choices for certain question on
the subject at hand, and participants then have to say which fact is
A rather different way is to ask each participant to tell 2-3
sentences about themselves and the others need to guess which
sentence is true or false. The instruction for choosing these
personal declaration may also be related to the subject you are
dealing with in a presentation about the profits of the closing
quarter, for instance, ask participants to say 2-3 sentences
describing incredible profits they helped make in the past (of which
only one sentence should be true, of course).
Hang numbers 1-4 on opposing walls of the room. When you or
someone else say true or false sentences, number the sentences and
ask participant who believe a certain sentence to be true to go and
stand near the wall with that sentences number.
Participants may vote to choose the fact or sentence which they
believe to be true, or fill out multiple choice answer sheets to be
analyzed in the end.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #66.
Conduct an auction during the presentation
What for?
Auctions are dynamic events, stirring up the competitive juices in
people. When you want your audience to show a lively spirit and
fight for something to happen, make an auction of something you
know many of them would desire.
You can auction duties or responsibilities related to your
presentation. For example, if a difficult project is inaugurated
individuals may bid for their preferred job on the project. If
possible, you may allow for more than one winner for each
position. This will later raise their motivation to excel on that task
as they were the ones that committed to it publicly.
You may make the bid anonymous if you feel an open auction
would make some of the participants hesitant of taking part in it.
The auction may be conducted with real money or with virtual
money you may prepare by printing auction notes and giving
them to each participant as they walk in. Another option is to use
other resources available to all that are present (such as their time,
their knowledge, etc.)
Try to make the auction as fair as possible, so that not only a small
group of people can win the items on sale.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #67.
Make participant trade favors during the presentation
What for?
Many people are not accustomed to turning for their colleagues for
help. Todays division of work reinforces this tendency through the
division of work and responsibility. This stands in the way of
stronger teamwork, and the power of pulling hands together is
often unrecognized. By artificially making co-workers of even
strangers learn of the needs of the person next to them, and offering
their own strengths and resources to help solve some of these
needs, you are improving the teamwork and helping build a
stronger network of individuals.
When people are offered help they frequently feel relieved and
thankful. This feeling will ultimately be channeled to a more
supporting audience for your own presentation.
You may take it a step further by offering to trade favors with
members of the audience as a demonstration or as a declarative act
in itself. This is especially useful when you wish the trading of
favors to be heard and witnessed by all.
It is a good idea to provide participants with forms that would
serve as a contract in which traders record the favors and sign
their obligation to fulfill it.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 6:
Creative Ideas
Presentation Atmosphere
and Environment

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 6: Creative Ideas - Atmosphere & Environment

Idea #68.
Make the presentation outdoors
What for?
This is good for breaking the routine and combining the benefits of
a series presentation and discussion with those of team building
and relaxation away from the company offices.
If your subject is related to something that happens outdoors, you
may experience the subject directly on the field (e.g. - a
presentation on consumer behavior in a mall; a presentation on
leadership in a national heroes memorial, etc.)
Outdoors could be another floor in the building, if you wish to
make a certain point about that location.
If you are going outdoors, make sure the weather is not about to
ruin your day out. If there is a chance the rain will make it
impossible to go out, prepare a last minute alternative for the trip in

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #69.
Make the presentation in total darkness
What for?
This could be appropriate if you want people to join you on a kind
of imaginary trip towards the future. A presentation about a
projects future vision, for example, would leave a very strong
impression if you ask people to close their eyes in the darkness,
and then describe how you envision your joint achievements 12
months into the future.
If people are really tired, they may catch a moment of sleep (just
You may use the darkness for just the climax part of your
A good thing to learn and practice is the technique of guided
A technical note: you might need to use some curtains to achieve
total darkness.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #70.
Make the presentation feel like a movie
provide popcorn & drinks, seat numbers & tickets, and add
What for?
The point of this idea is to treat people who watch the presentation
as if they were there to have a good time. If you do so you can at
least be sure that theyll be on your side to begin with, and the rest
depends on your content, of course.
Add images of movie stars and names of famous actors to the
Try to build the presentation itself like a director would make a
movie think of the plot, the heroes & heroines, the action
scenes etc. You may also use these words in the presentation itself.
Here is an example: the plot our department is preparing the
special sales campaign for next month, the hero our new product
line, etc.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #71.
Make the presentation in the open office area or corridors
What for?
If your presentation has to do with things that are happening in the
organization, making it in the corridor would enable you to
demonstrate exactly what you were talking about.
A different use is when you want to use the presentation as a kind
of internal public relations act for yourself or for a group you are a
part of. People would stop and listen on their way from one place
to another in the building, and the word would go out in minutes.
Begin the presentation regularly, in a meeting room, preparing the
participants for what you intend to do, and then continue a short
part of it outside.
You may post an invitation to the upcoming event on the
companys message boards.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #72.
Serve a meal to your guests as you present
What for?
Thinking of the people who listen to your presentation as your
guest opens up many new possibilities for interaction with them. If
you serve them a 2-3 dishes as you speak, they will truly begin to
fell like guests. This is helpful if you want to make that group of
people feel good if they are very hardworking employees, or
great students that made you feel good during classes.
When the presentation is at the end of a long day, or after several
days of demanding work, and people are exhausted, a healthy or
tasty dish will get everyones spirit up, pumping some new energy
that is good for both ending a project with a positive feeling or for
helping people find new strengths if some more hard work is still
If you have regular meetings, classes and presentations, you may
turn this into a tradition or custom. For example - every time one or
two people could be responsible for bringing a special dish they
made or bought. If the group is consisted of people of different
origins and backgrounds, this may even help acceptance and
tolerance for diversity among its members.
Beware not to let the dishes become the center of attention. You
still want to get some messages through and the meal is supposed
to serve as an atmosphere builder. One way of making sure this
works well, is to have the meal served on a break, about halfway
through the presentation, or to plan on 3-4 five minute breaks
during the presentation when youll have a Delicacy surprise
slide, letting you control the time allotted for food.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #73.
Continue the presentation all through the night
What for?
Working together through the night is a remarkable team-building
event. It is appropriate for the founding of a task force or to
culminate a long and arduous project.
When an urgent and unexpected event is about to have critical
consequences, a night presentation will convey to seriousness of
the matter and the need to act without delay. If something has to be
decided by early morning, and you do wish to share the decision
process with a larger group this may be the only possible way to
achieve it.
Make this into a tradition have a night presentation every 3-6
months, in a kind of party atmosphere.
Try to think of the experience as of a night out on the camp. Build
the schedule so that it includes 2-3 climatic peeks during the night,
as well as times for loosening up and laughing.
Make certain there are enough refreshments to keep the energy
levels up. Some music may also be useful at some moment, when a
break is called for.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #74.
Simulate a different climate using the air-conditioning
What for?
When everyone is feeling exhausted by the summer heat, or
conversely shivering due to winter cold, surprising them with an
opposite climate can help you arouse a feeling of encouragement
and new spirit.
If your presentation has to do with change and innovation,
demonstrating that we are able to produce winter in summer or
vice versa can articulate in action a message of We can make it
When your presentation deals with something that is supposed to
happen or to end in a few months time, hyper-driving to that
future season is somewhat like using guided imagination for
discussing how you wish things to look like in that time of year.
You may enhance the experience by adding objects related to the
season you are simulating posters of the beach and ice cream
stands for summer, buckets of ice and a fireplace for winter.
You should probably give participants early warning concerning
the clothes they should bring to the presentation, or prepare clothes
items they may use in the unexpected climate.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 7:
Special Ideas

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 7: Special Ideas

Idea #75.
Present the presentation blindfolded!
What for?
You could definitely demonstrate your knowledge of the subject
and a good memory skill as well as self-confidence by using this
Use it to add some humor to your presentation: after you put the
blindfold on, intentionally make some funny mistakes when
referring to the slides, and only then show them that you know
what you're talking about...
Put the blindfold on for just a short part of the presentation, when
you want to make a dramatic effect.
Provide blindfolds for the participants, so their sense of hearing
will be heightened and you could test their memory after a few
Take care not to offend people with disabilities (e.g. blind people,
etc.). Use this technique when you are certain you can do so
tactfully and with good taste.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #76.
Give prizes for best listeners
What for?
People like prizes. If you give some participants prizes which are
meaningful to them, chances are they will be on your side by the
time the presentation ends and beyond that.
Its a fun way to get people to pay attention, and get them involved.
You can use this idea to add a lot of humor to your presentation,
with sentences such as: Well, I think I am out of prizes will
anyone listen now? or Who helped herself to a cigar? This was
meant to be the next prize, etc.
You could give different types of prizes: for best question asked,
for most challenging remark, for best dressed participant, etc.
The prizes should be appropriate for the type of audience e.g.
candy for children, cigars for businesspeople, concert tickets for
college students, etc.
You could use sponsors to pay for the prizes or provide them.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #77.
Make use of participants personal objects during the presentation
(e.g. pens, watches, credit cards, shoes, etc.)
What for?
You may demonstrate some of your arguments by asking your
participants to do something with their personal items. For
example, if you talk about your company, and want to stress its
financial stability, you could ask participants to take out their credit
cards, and say that even if they offered you all their cards together
for free spending for 12 months, it might be equivalent to your
companys financial stability.
Another example if you want to talk of innovation, ask them to
take out their pens and discuss with the person next to them what
innovations ideas they have for pens.
Use your own personal items that are not related to the subject of
the presentation.
Generally, you may think of this idea as the part in a magicians act
when a volunteer is invited to participate and to give a certain
personal object for the magician to perform a trick with it gets
people personally involved.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #78.
Have your child deliver the presentation
What for?
This might seem outrageous, but it would be a nice way to convey
a message of the simplicity of the ideas you wanted to present. It
might be most appropriate for a special occasion presentation
such as New Years presentation, or after the firm has moved to a
new location.
A very different type of benefit is the chance to share with your
child some of the things that you do at work, and the opportunity to
spend some quality time with them. It would also demonstrate to
other employees and colleagues the importance you place on
family and life-work balance.
Have your child present just part of the presentation either the
opening, the end, or an important part of it. You might add to the
drama by having the child wait in the next room and at the right
moment of the presentation tell your listener you have prepared a
surprise, and ask them in.
You could turn this into a company tradition by asking employees
who wish to do so ask their kids to participate in presentations
every now and again.
Obviously, the child should be old enough and comfortable with
this idea. You may present it to him/her as a kind of a game you
play together and help them prepare for it and feel relaxed about it.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #79.
Change the goal of your presentation
What for?
When you feel you have a hard time achieving the goal of your
presentations, try to think of a new way of looking at the
presentation. Write down the original goal of your presentation
(ask yourself: Why am I doing this presentation?) and then think
of quite a different reason for making it. The new reason might
prove to be just as important and easier to achieve.
If you feel you cant think of a new reason by yourself, ask a
colleague or a friend to help you tell them about the presentation,
and ask them to help you come up with other reasons for making it.
An example might make this idea clearer. You need to make a
presentation on a new product and get it approved by management.
A normal goal would probably to present the product and get it
approved. However, if you know for a fact that for internal political
reasons the chances of the approval are low, an interesting
direction would be to make a new goal for the presentation to
bring to the surface the politics behind the decision in such a way
that would contribute to your future chances of approving products.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #80.
Handout a miniature mini-book with
important points from your presentation
What for?
With such a handy summary of the presentation, people will be
able go over your information and arguments after the presentation
is over. You should also include your personal contact information,
in case they want to get in touch after a while (simply attach your
business card to the inner binding of the book).
Participants will be able to show others what you have presented,
for instance by placing the mini-book in a company waiting room,
by lending it to others, etc.
Give out more than one copy per person and encourage them to
give it as a gift to people who will find it useful.
Give out a data CD with the actual presentation or with an e-book.
This will allow you to include a lot more information which you
might not have had time to present.
This idea does entail some expense on printing the mini-book. You
could print a simple mini-book using a simple office printer, but
for larger audiences, you might consider using a more professional
Remember to include a copyright notice on the book if you want
the content to be protected.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #81.
Make different presentations for different times of day
What for?
People usually have different energy levels on different times of
the day. If your presentation first thing in the morning, most people
will be with high levels of energy. You may thus prepare a
presentation that requires more attention to detail, or some
advanced analysis of data.
After lunchtime, there is usually a drop in most peoples energy
levels. Your presentation should include less details and you
should even consider moving people around (e.g. to change their
chairs, or to perform a certain task), in order to get the blood
Prepare 2-3 versions of the presentation in advance and examine
the participants energy level before you begin the presentation
(you may ask them directly how they feel, or simply read their
body language as they walk in). Once youve figured out how the
energy is in the room, choose the appropriate presentation for that
An interesting option is to raise the issue of time of day and the
characteristic mind set of the participants. For instance, if your
presentation is about a certain vision, in the morning you could ask
people to vision how their day would be, and in the evening you
could ask them how this passing day might have looked like if they
took the time to make a vision for it in the morning.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #82.
End the presentation by asking each participants to compliment or
bless the person sitting next to them
What for?
When a presentation ends in a positive atmosphere, people are
likely to remember it for the better. Moreover, promoting positive
feedback among employees, colleagues, students and even clients
is generally a sound long-term strategy.
If you can link the content of the compliment or blessing to the
subject of your presentation, it will be a nice closure for the
subject. For example, if the presentation was about the plans for the
upcoming quarter, participants may exchange blessing they wish
for each other for the months to come.
Instead of ending the presentation with a compliment or blessing,
participants start it with one. You will then begin the presentation
with a smiling and supporting audience.
Rather then blessing or complimenting each other, give them a
chance to bless or compliment themselves. Many people are overly
judgmental of their own achievements, and this may be a chance to
let them appreciate their efforts.
You may ask participants to write the compliments or blessings
down and give them to each other. You may even design the final
presentation slide as a Blessing form in which participants may
write to their neighbor.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #83.
Give away a sticker I survived a presentation by [Your Name]
What for?
This sticker on the persons car or office window, or on the door to
their office, will serve as a constant reminder of the presentation
you gave. You could list your contact information on it, and it will
do you better service than a regular business card people might lose
or throw away.
If you choose a humorous slogan for the sticker, people appreciate
the fact that you are a fun person, not taking yourself too seriously,
even when dealing with important matters. If you use a more
serious slogan people will acknowledge your creative talent for
driving through important messages.
Here are ideas for other slogans you may use:
I made it alive through a presentation on new tax
I completed a dirty sales tricks crash-course
A different option is to highlight the main message of your
presentation on it:
Planning with 20% of the time save 80% of your unplanned
2006 - The year our firm becomes REALLY CREATIVE!
Other give-away gifts you can use are hats, t-shirts, umbrellas, etc.
Sticker may be printed professionally, printed on an office printer
or even written by hand on a blank sticker. If you have a nice
handwriting this might add a nice personal touch to the small gift.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #84.
Make a change of clothes for different parts of the presentation
What for?
The clothes you wear are part of the impression you make at the
presentation. If you want that impression to remain in peoples
minds, using your clothes is a simple idea. This change of clothes
could be related to the things you are talking about, or just as a
trick to get the participants attention.
The clothes can be used to set the mood of the part of the
presentation. For instance if the beginning of your presentation is
in a serious and critical tone, on the difficulties you faced in the
past - use a gray jacket and a conservative tie, and then change to a
livelier outfit and tie for the second, optimistic part in which you
talk about the positive prospects of the future.
For a truly memorable effect turn the presentation into a minifashion show! Wear some colorful outfits, and change them at least
4 times during the presentation.
If you can afford it - you may ask assistants or even use real
models to join you with the right outfit, at the beginning of 3-4
different chapters or parts of your presentation.
A small set of accessories may be used if you find it difficult to
carry heavier clothing items with you watches, bags, pins, hats,
glasses, etc.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #85.
Bring a personal object to the presentation
What for?
Sharing a story about a personal object with the audience makes
use of two powerful approaches for making people remember
making things personal and having things related to physical
You can use the object for various purposes to tell participants
something about yourself when you introduce yourself,
demonstrating a point you are trying to make that is expressed by
the object (for example - This is my a pocket notebook I just
bought for writing down creative ideas. I think this is a time when
we must think of ways to boost our innovation and creativity, and I
mean to do so personally. I ask that you all come up with way to do
so as a group as well).
Instead of telling the participants what the object is, you may ask
them to guess which personal object you have in your bag,
considering some hints you gave in the preceding moments. If you
use this riddle on a regular basis in every presentation you make,
people will be waiting for that moment and will be listening
carefully to what you are saying.
Cant find an object? Buy one which you can use and which is
related to the presentation. Dont have time to buy one? Go online
and look for one on an Internet shop, and then order it in front of
the audience at the right moment of the presentation.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #86.
Give each participant a lottery card in the end
What for?
For starters one of the participants might actually win the lottery,
and will be ever grateful to you. Even if no one wins, they will all
appreciate and remember the gesture.
If you tell the participants in advance that this is one the benefits
of attending, it will make your presentation full of guests who
originally came for the chance of winning the lottery, but in most
cases will be willing to pay attention to what you are saying. That
is your own chance of winning their support and approval on the
Instead of using the regular or state lottery, make your own lottery
draw for all the people who attend your presentations on a certain
Plan the time of the presentation to be right before the lottery draw,
and as you finish, check the lottery results on the radio or TV
together with everyone. The communal tension and emotional
responses will be something people will talk about later for a long
You may sell the lottery tickets to participants, and donate the
funds to charity.
Since this might cost a considerable amount of money, you might
consider have a commercial sponsor for the event or for the tickets.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #87.
Celebrate the birthday of a famous person
What for?
Famous people symbolize many things. You may associate the
things they symbolize to the messages you are trying to convey.
This will make your message clearer and more interesting, as well
as highlight the important points related to that well-known figure.
Mentioning a singer, actor, politician, business person or any other
figure is a good way to get people involved in the discussion and
express their opinion about that persons actions or values. You
may then channel the discussion to the issues that are relevant to
your presentation.
If it is a birthday or any other happy occasion, it may be an
excuse to add a festive air to your presentation you may even
bring a cake or balloons and raise a toast for the occasion.
Instead of the birthday you may celebrate the anniversary to the
famous persons death or to some important occasion in that
persons life.
Another option is to mark a historical event. This may be a famous
event, for instance an event symbolizing perseverance and
strength, or a less known event which is just what you need to
make a point, in which case you may tell participants of the
highlights of the story.
Birthday dates and other important occasions may easily be found
on the Internet, by typing famous people birthdays or biography
of [name of person] on any major search engine.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #88.
Screen the presentation on the ceiling
What for?
As they say, the medium makes a great part of the message. An
unorthodox way of showing the presentation, breaking the rules, is
especially appropriate for presentations that aim to move people
into innovative action.
A presentation that is on the ceiling may be viewed from more than
one direction, as there is no upper or lower part of the slides.
You may use this to make different texts readable from various
locations in the room. This may be useful for promotional or PR
presentations that are screened constantly in public places.
If the crowd is big, and there is a technical difficulty in letting
everyone see a presentation screened on one of the ways, screening
on the ceiling may solve that issue.
If the ceiling is too high or is not made of a surface that is suitable
for screening, you may hang a simple white cloth sheet from the
ceiling and use it as a screen. You may also tilt it in a certain angle
if you need.
You may ask people to lie down or at least recline the seats in
order to watch the presentation comfortably. This is another aspect
that will make the presentation different and unique.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #89.
Screen the presentation on the floor
What for?
For a small group of people sitting in a circle, a presentation
screened in the center of the circle will also be the center of
attention. If you or other people wish to comment on it, it will be
possible to actually step over the text or images and interact with it.
Similar to screening on a ceiling, a presentation on the floor may
be viewed from more than one direction. Again you may use this
to make different texts readable from various parts of the circle.
You may also ask people to start watching a slide in one location
and then move around the circle to look at things from a different
You may paint or stick some background image on the floor,
which should complement the changing slides. This may be your
logo, a product slogan or you may even place a sample of the
physical product on the floor in such a place that it will become a
part of the presentation.
If there is a transparent or semi-transparent floor, it may create a
very interesting effect for watching the presentation simultaneously
on different levels of the building.
A simple white sheet may become handy for floors that are either
dark or too shiny for screening on.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #90.
Screen the presentation on several walls
What for?
The presentation will be all around the room, and its effect will be
more encompassing.
Use it when you want to divide the attention of participants to
different aspects. For instance, screen different slides on different
walls in such a way that the audience has to turn from wall to wall
every 2-3 slides. One wall may be used for general discussion,
while another will feature examples and explanations, and yet a
third will list the possible difficulties of implementation.
If there is a large audience and the screen is too small for all to see
clearly, sitting them in 2 or more groups, each facing a different
screen may help solve this problem.
Screen different sizes of the presentation on different walls. In this
way, enlarged details may be examined on one wall, while a
general view will be seen on another.
You may wish to move yourself between the walls, in order to
focus the attention to that area.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #91.
Screen the presentation on an irregular surface
What for?
Special effects may be achieved by simply screening the
presentation on irregular surfaces such as mirrors, curved walls,
large balls, etc. It is important to use this technique wisely as it
usually makes the presentation less straightforward if only because
it is harder to see it.
You may use this idea to divide the images of the presentation into
more than one part. The upper part, for instance, may be screened
on a surface that is turning upwards and may discuss the vision or
the strategic goals related to the subject, while the lower part,
turned downwards, may deal with practical actions that must be
taken in order to make that vision come true.
You may make only part of the surface irregular. For instance you
may place a mirror or a white ball in the center of the screening
area, and design the slides to use that part of the screen for a
special effect.
You may make your own custom-made uneven surface using
cardboard boxes or furniture found in the room.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #92.
Use the presentation as a way to make new friends
What for?
Friends are valuable assets. Sometimes it is more important to
make friends for the long run than to achieve a short term goal. If
you approach the presentation as an opportunity to make new
friends, then even if you initial objectives fail, you should be able
to make the most out of the encounter.
In most cases, if you treat people as if they were your friends or are
about to become new friends, you will gain their initial support and
sympathy. This may definitely help you achieve the desired result
from your presentation.
Instead of making friends yourself, help the people in the room
make friends with one another. Include as many interactions
between them as possible, including a short personal introduction
they make to another person in the room.
One basic thing to do is to collect the contact details of the people
attending the presentation. You may do so by passing a bag or a hat
around the room for everyone to drop their business cards in, or ask
everyone to write down their names a

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #93.
Use the presentation as your personal physical workout
What for?
I do not need to stress the importance of physical health and
fitness. If you find it difficult to exercise regularly, using a
presentation and other occasions for this purpose is a smart way to
exploit your time.
When you feel tired and unenergetic, a presentation that includes
elements of physical exercise is sure to run some adrenalin through
your veins and get things going. It will also spread out energy
around the room, and focus people attention on what you are doing.
Offer the participants to join you in doing some of the exercises.
Their own energy levels will rise, and you will have their full
attention. You may hand them a certificate in the end to prove that
they successfully complete your unique Presentation Workout.
Make sure that you do not overexert yourself and your audience.
Begin with warm-up exercises, and take short breaks between
exercises. If you or someone else do not feel well, it is better to set
aside the exercises for a better moment.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #94.
Use many pockets packed with special presentation aids
What for?
Your pockets may turn into a store of surprises. If you are
discussing a small-sized product you may take a sample out of
your pocket and pass it around; take out a few plastic miniature
figures to show a certain formation or interaction between them;
pull out a balloon and fill it with air only to make it explode
seconds later; etc.
Hiding things in your pocket may be used as an emergency plan in
case things dont work out the way you planned them. It may be
difficult to change the presentation slides, but taking a book, a card
or any other object out of your pocket and using it to change the
course of the presentation requires only original thinking and
Instead of pockets use a surprise bag and draw things out of it.
To make things more interesting and dynamic, hide the different
items around the room before the presentation begins, and then
find them just at the right moment of the presentation.
You may add a Surprise button to the presentation slides that
indicate that you are about to take something out of your pocket.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #95.
Dont sleep the night before the presentation
What for?
At first thought this seems like a bad idea you will be tired and
unfocused for the presentation. However, there may be special
circumstances that make this a real option. Being deprived of sleep
you will be less in control this may be right if you have stage
fright and are too conscious of yourself.
If the presentation has to do with a certain vision, a sleepy mood
may be what you need in order to loosen up and daydream. Tell
the audience that you intentionally gave up sleeping in order to be
more open to new ideas and suggestions. Invite them to throw
ideas they would normally not dare to at you (after all, you will
forget everything when you wake up).
Instead of just not sleeping, use the night to do some crazy thing
you wanted to do for a long time, and that would get you in a great
mood. The feeling of freedom and achievement may compensate
for the lack of sleep.
If you want to be really wild, sleep the night before on the floor of
the presentation room itself! This may really get you in the mood
for the presentation. You may even choose to wake up and make
your preparations just when the first participants arrive, to make
things more shocking.
Well, not sleeping is easy rent out 3-4 good movies and watch
them all through the night

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #96.
Make an experiment during the presentation
What for?
Making a live experiment during the presentation adds quite a lot
of drama and tension to the atmosphere. The results are authentic
and may be used to prove an important point to the participants.
The experiment may be in any number of fields, according to the
subject of the presentation a scientific experiment, a social
experiment involving the audience, an experiment with products
and clients shown live using a hidden store camera on a large
screen, etc.
Instead of making an experiment related to the subjects and facts of
the presentation, use it to demonstrate and elaborate on a procedure
that is important for the subject of the presentation. For example, if
an upcoming project requires extra care and precision, make two
chemical experiments and show how a small error in one may
produce a totally different result from the other, more exact test.
Choose an experiment that may be performed within the time
frame of the presentation and using the available equipment.
Note that in a true experiment you cannot know for certain the
outcome of the test. Therefore be prepared for different kinds of
results, and be willing to accept unexpected conclusions.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #97.
Use the presentation to get name suggestions
What for?
The first benefit of requesting name suggestions from participants
is if you are actually looking for a good name for a pet, a business,
a product, a website, or even a child.
If what you ask them to suggest names to is related to the
presentation content (e.g. product, internal company process, etc.),
discussing the names that come up is an original way to cover
important aspects of the subject.
If the name is for a more personal purpose (e.g. pet or child), use
this exercise to get closer and more intimate with your audience. In
any case, try to show that your request has something to do with
your being there before them. For example, if you are talking about
the values of the company, including the feeling of familiarity,
asking them to suggest a name for your child is a powerful
expression of your trust in them.
If you wish to make things a bit simpler for them and less
intimidating perhaps, you may display a list of possible names you
are considering, and ask them to rate those names.
I believe such an exercise should be done only if you really intend
to consider the suggestions they would make. Otherwise you would
be abusing their willingness to help.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #98.
Use hypnotic-like techniques
What for?
Basically, we would all like the audience leaving our presentation
with a feeling that they have heard and learned incredible things.
Although hypnosis should never be used for unethical purposes,
you may learn from the techniques and power of hypnosis and
apply them to your presentations.
What you may learn may include using the tone of your voice to
create a certain mood in the room, asking participants to
concentrate on rhythmically moving objects (or images on the
slide) in order to produce a semi-hypnotic state of mind, etc.
Preparing for the presentation thinking that your goal is to
hypnotize the audience would get yourself in a special mood.
Use the techniques but share this fact with the audience and laugh
about it a few minutes later.
Intentionally use the techniques to get yourself in a confident mood
before you begin.
You should be aware of the countrys laws concerning hypnotic
techniques before attempting anything that might later be
interpreted as unethical or criminal act.

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 8:
Two Final Ideas

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Chapter 8: Two final Ideas

Idea #99.
Ask participants to give you creative ideas for your next presentation
What for?
In case you have used up all the creative ideas in this book, you can
seek inspiration from your audiences. An added advantage is that
these creative ideas will probably be highly relevant to the
attributes of similar audiences that you may stand before later.
When people will be asked to offer creative ideas, it would usually
induce a constructive and proactive attitude in each one and in the
room in general.
If you used several creative ideas from this book or from your own
sources, you may ask the participants for feedback on those ideas
or to rate the ideas for originality, effectiveness, execution, etc.
You may also ask for ways to improve the application of these
creative ideas.
If you like, you may email me the most original ideas you have
collected and I will publish them (with due credit) on my Creative
Ideas Newsletter. Please send your ideas to

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Idea #100.
Tell them of this book
What for?
Hopefully this book has and will continue to help you make your
presentations more interesting and effective. Sharing this with
colleagues will make the entire team more effective, and you may
also enjoy the application of creative ideas as a participant in the
near future.
If you wish to promote learning in general among the audience,
and learning how to be creative in particular, confessing that you
use study aids such as this book can encourage others to do so.
Well, you can look for other creative ideas books and articles on
my site. They are on many different subjects what participants
might find helpful.
Note that this books license and copyright allows only people who
purchased the book to read it in electronic or printed form. If you
wish others to enjoy the book, you may either direct them to or purchase a copy for them. For bulk
licenses please contact me at:

Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


Best100Ideas Website aims to be a constantly growing source of creative
ideas and tools.
It is focused on providing practical creative ideas for business, workplace, and
personal uses, as well as articles and tools for boosting the readers own

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Please contact me with any feedback, requests or suggestions:

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Creative Presentation Ideas 2005-2006.


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