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Contact: Becky Warren Mobile: 916-607-0129

Recall Persky Campaign Chair Michele Dauber: We will continue to proceed with the recall election.
It is important for Santa Clara County voters to decide whether
Judge Persky should remain on the bench for the next six years.
Palo Alto, CA --- The Recall Judge Persky Campaign Chair Michele Dauber made the following statement in
response of Judge Aaron Persky decision to temporarily remove himself from criminal cases:

We will continue to proceed with the recall election as it is important for Santa Clara County voters to
decide whether Judge Persky should remain on the bench for the next six years. We are relieved that Judge
Persky will not be handling criminal cases, at least temporarily. However, he will still be a judge, and judges
rotate annually in our county. He can still transfer back to hearing criminal cases any time he chooses.

The issue of his judicial bias in favor of privileged defendants in sex crimes and domestic violence still must
be addressed by the voters of Santa Clara County. Furthermore, judicial bias is just as serious regardless of
whether a case is civil or criminal. Many issues affecting women are heard in civil court every day. In fact,
one of the most disturbing instances of his bias was in the De Anza gang rape case, in which a victim of an
alleged gang rape by the members of a college baseball team was subjected to biased rulings from Judge
Persky that allowed the defendants to place into evidence pictures of the victim attending the party in a
revealing outfit taken more than a year after the assault to supposedly prove that she didn't actually have

In our opinion, Judge Persky is biased and should not be on the bench. And voters of Santa Clara County
will have the choice to decide.

** PREVIEW: The official Recall Judge Aaron Persky campaign will be

holding a rally on September 2 at 10AM at the Hall of Justice with
congressional members, local elected leaders, prominent women
organizations and leaders. Stay tuned for more details.
The official Recall Judge Aaron Persky campaign is dedicated to collecting the
signatures needed to place Judge Persky on the ballot in 2017. Santa Clara
County voters have the right to decide whether Judge Persky should continue to
serve on the bench for the next six years. The campaign has been endorsed by
prominent federal, state, local elected officials and many prominent leaders and
organizations. A partial list includes: Congressemember Eric Swalwell,
Congressmember Jerry McNerney, Congressmember Karen Bass, Senate Pro
Tem Kevin de Leon, Senator Bob Wieckowski, Senator Jim Beall,
Assemblymember Susan Bonilla, Assemblymember Kansen Chu,

Assemblymember Nora Campos, Board of Equalization Chairwoman Fiona Ma,

Feminist Majory, National Organization for Women, Advocates for Youth, The
National Women's Political Caucus of Silicon Valley, Amy Ziering, Producer
of The Hunting Ground and Invisible War, Kirby Dick, Director of The Hunting
Ground and Invisible War, Christine Pelosi, Attorney, Author and Activist. For
more information about the recall, please go to

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