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Assalamualaikum Wr.

secure and prosperous Wb Greeting for us all

Minister for Public Health [of] Republic Of Indonesia Which we respect the, Dosen UGM [of] Faculty
Of Mediciness And also happy Student friend
let us climb to praise and thank goodness for presence of God Allah Which Single The most, what
have given the blessing taufiq and also hidayahnya, so that I can submit a brief oration [at] this
morning without a[n any barrier
Attendant which I respect
Allow me to stand up here to submit a oration which have theme [to] [of] health [of] concerning
gracious neck cancer or a more regular conceived of [by] cancer serviks. cancer Serviks represent of
a kind cancer which is 99,7% because of a so called virus [of] human papilomma. this cancer Serviks
groan part of gracious neck [at] a woman and result the haemorrahage. Transportation;Journey from
infection of Human Papilomma Virus till become the cancer serviks eat the sufficient time, that is
about 10 till 20 year. But process this infection oftentimes [is] not realized by all patient, because
process of Human Papilomma Virus later;then become the pra-kanker [of] most taking place without
gracious Neck cancer [at] stadium [of] early [do] not show the typical symptom, even can without
symptom. [At] stadium continue often give the symptom [of] like blood of post coitus, abnormal turning
white, blood hereafter menopause ( menopause) and also go out the yellowish abnormal dilution,
smelling and mixed the blood
Attendant which I respect
There are some factor influencing the happening of cancer serviks. That is natural factor, hygiene
factor, and choice factor
Natural factor [is] factors which [is] naturally became of [by] the somebody and (it) is true we over a
barrel to prevent [it]. What is the included in natural factor [of] pencetus of cancer serviks [is] above
age 40 year. Old progressively a woman hence more and more high [of] its risk [is] incured [by] cancer
serviks. Of course we cannot prevent the happening of process penuaan. However us can
[do/conduct] the other efforts to prevent the increasing of risk of cancer serviks. [Do] not like cancer
[of] generally, factor genetik [do] not too playing a part in [of] the happening of cancer serviks. Hygiene
factor among other things - Turning white let continuously without cured. There [is] 2 kinds of turning
white, that is normal and which below par. Normal turning white if/when mucus of transparent
chromatic, odourless, and [do] not itch. If/When just one from third the condition [is] not fullfiled to
mean the the turning white told below par. Immediately take counsel with Your doctor if/when You
experience of the turning white which below par
- Sexual Contagion ( PMS). PMS represent the contagious disease [through/ passing] sexual
[relation/link]. PMS which enough [is] often met [by] for example syphilis, gonore, herpes simpleks,
HIV-AIDS, wart kelamin, and virus HPV.
- pregnant Bandage Usage [of] substance dioksin. Dioksin represent the whitener used to whiten the
bandage [of] result of recycle from seconds, for example crayon, hardboard, and others..
- Third factor [is] choice factor, including things which you Can determine [by] xself, among other
things correlate the sexual first time [in] age under age. Flit the partner seks. More than one partner
seks will improve the risk of venereal disease infection, inclusive of virus HPV. Owning a lot of child
( more than 5 people). Moment borne, foetus of melewati serviks and generate the trauma [of] [at]
serviks. If/When You set mind on to own a lot of child, more and more often [is] also happened [by] the
trauma [of] [at] serviks. [Do] not [do/conduct] the Pap Smear routinely. Pap Smear represent the
simple inspection which can recognize the disparity [of] [at] serviks. routinely [do/conduct] the
papsmear, disparity [of] [at] serviks will [is] faster known so that give result of medication progressively
Attendant which I respect the
Prevention to cancer serviks can be [done/conducted] with the program of skrinning and vaccination
gift. [In] developed countries, cancer case [of] this type of have started downhill [of] blessing of[is
existence of program detect early [through/ passing] pap smear. Vaccine HPV will be passed to [by] a
age woman 10 till 55 year [of] [through/ passing] injection of[is three of times;rill, that is [at]
month;moon to zero, one, and six. From [done/conducted] research, proven [by] that immured respon
work twice the high [at] adolescent [of] putri have age [to] 10 till 14 year compared to which have age
[to] 15 till 25 year
Hence from that, matter [of] concerning cancer serviks very I need to submit to all brothers and
sisters because amount of pengidap of cancer serviks in Indonesia reach the big enough number.
Even cancer serviks referred [as] with the murderer of woman nomer one in Indonesia. Let us keep in
good health our body [so that/ to be] protected against assorted [of] disease especially cancer serviks.
Diligent for the berolah of raga and live with the regular and healthy pattern

The above is true matter I which can submit to hit the cancer serviks, hopefully what I submit useful
for the all of us of. That'S all oration from me, if a lot of word which having the pleasure to less [in] one
and all liver, I apologize
Thank you
Wassalamualaikum WR.WB.

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