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Escape The

Prison of Your
Your Western, Thinking Ego is
Holding You Captive!

-Rion Freeberg

Has your mind ever stopped you from truly enjoying the moment? Have you tried
to meditate but then you couldnt help but think of all kinds of things?
Have you wanted to get emotional at times (even supposed to) but you were
stuck in your ice cold Egoic mind?
Have you found its really hard to silence your thinking mind and to be able to
actually meditate? Do you find it hard just to stop thinking?
If you were like I was, you may even have felt like a prisoner to your mind or your
Whatever you do, its like it always thinking and judging things. (By the way, if
you havent read Eckart Tolles The Power of Now I encourage you to do so).
Often its not really your true self who is in control, its the conditioned programs
of your incessantly thinking Egoic mind that is never really present and in the
It creates all kinds of neuroses, fears and anxieties. Its limiting you from truly
being present and empowered on all levels. Has that been your experience?
Has it been your dominant modus operandi?
Years ago I wanted to see the world with new eyes. I wanted to find the simple
beauty in things but I couldnt. I was trapped within my constantly chattering,
Western mind.
I wanted to feel Happy but it took something rare and outside of me to ever feel
that in its true form.
Even when I was skydiving, I couldnt fully be present and enjoy the moment.
Why? Because my Ego was keeping me a prisoner. I could rarely feel things

I couldnt get outside of it to experience true presence or beauty because I was

always thinking in the past or future, creating all KINDS of mountains out of
molehills. And I was often negative or restlessly bored.
Have you experienced that?
Isnt time just to be FREE from it? To liberate yourself to truly be balanced? Its
like being an eagle but youre just stuck in a chicken coop..the infestuous
limitations of your mind from your true and greater self.
It sucks because it seems like there is no solution and the solutions youve tried,
you were still fighting your Ego so it seems like meditative bliss is far far away.
Unfortunately, the shackles of the Ego is the STANDARD and embedded in our
social values and Ego-driven society. Everyone is used to living in the mind and
look at all the solutions we seek to escape it often unhealthily with extremes or
addictions (entertainment, drugs, alcohol, porn, etc.)
Instead of self-healing, maybe youve looked to external things to make you feel
good because you could never resolve things within your mind and you just
wanted to escape it.
Why CANT we as busy Westerners just be fully present and see the beauty all
around us? Why cant we escape it or silence it without having to seek external
Why cant we feel joy in the simplicities of life? Because your mind OWNS you.
Fortunately things have changed for me and now I have the BEST of both worlds
and more.
What you really may be missing out on is more of the greater, holistic experiences
that are possible including better health, peace, bliss, creativity and balance. You
know, from more ancient and Eastern philosophies that seem so impractical to
your busy, professional life.
Do you want the value that traditional meditation has to offer but always found it
difficult to actually stop thinking?

Whether youve studied Confucianism, Taoism or Buddhism doesnt really matter

right now. Even if youre Catholic or Christian, if your thinking mind is STILL in the
way of greater peace, balance, health and bliss, its still an issue and its
something you probably would like resolved.
Wouldnt it be great for it NOT to have full control over you so you could really
relax and balance yourself out?
Maybe you dont even know what its like to be in a truly silent mind because
even when youre supposed to meditate you just cant stop thinking.
So our issue here is really with the Ego. Eckhart Tolle talks about it a lot in The
Power of Now yet maybe youve found that it sounds good but youve never
been able to experience or apply anything that profound.
Why? Your Ego still has a hold on you. Its stopping you from truly living, feeling
and being present.
It is filled with social programs and limiting beliefs. Yet it is only a fraction of our
total power. It is in the way of bliss.
Fortunately, we also have a Non-Egoic self. Its separate from our Ego-based
self-identity but for most of us Westerners we are completely out of touch with it
because we are so intrinsically tied to our name and personality.
Were run by our thinking, logical minds and suppressed in our spiritual, sexual,
emotional and physical power potential. You ARE more than your Ego but if its
always thinking and operating, its holding you back from that more holistic and
powerful you.
And that means being in your physical, emotional, sexual or spiritual self to
experience infinite drug-free peak states of bliss, wisdom, happiness, inspiration
and more.
To really get into all of this holistic stuff, you have to accept and understand that
you ARE greater than your Egoic self-identity which says this is my name and
these are my thoughts and opinions.

You have to value something outside of your Egoits something a lot of

Westerners still arent ready to do but theyre missing out on a much richer,
deeper and priceless experience of life (if only they could silence their Ego for a
while here and there).
If you unfortunately would ever go into a coma, you would be separated from
your socially conditioned and personality based mental self. Youd be more
clearly in your physical self or body absent of your Ego.
But how about being truly in your body without the clutter of your mind? Your
body is a physical self - a biological identity that is separate from your mental
thinking identity. Your biological body in itself is a living miracle. See this video:
See, right there you ARE greater than your mind but how much of that potential
are you using?
Its so difficult for us to differentiate and truly separate ourselves from our selfidentity because were thinking all of the time. You may be restless and never at
peace or in the moment because of this.
But what if you could fully embrace and harness your TOTAL self and the infinite
energy power that exists there? What if you could be as present as a trained
monk but without years of effort?
That would be somethingwith more presence and Non-Egoic power, you would
have more influence in your energy, Nonverbal behavior and your communication
with people too.
More sexual power or energy = more sexual influence on the opposite sex for
More emotional power = more influence on your environment on the emotional
level which is VERY powerful by the way. Just look at the person who is laughing
the most and with authenticity in the room they have more influence!

But if we only have Ego-driven power, that can easily be our demise AND its
usually holding us back from our greater potential. It may be your emergency
brake and you find you stop yourself a lot thats the Ego.
Arent you sick of just being a mental and Ego-driven person?
I was and it took me years to figure out it was holding me back. Now I know how
to use my power energies (the Non-Ego) to live a more empowered, present and
influential life. Ive got the best of both. I can now instantly access the envied
State of Flow to produce and create on a level far above what my Egoic mind can
do. Youre missing out if you are still stuck in your mind!
But how can we BRIDGE to our greater self if were not a trained Buddhist monk?
What if we dont do traditional meditation? What if were busy professionals who
WANT the advantages of silencing our Ego so it doesnt control us and so that we
have more balance, health and power in life? How can we clear ourselves of our
blocked energy and anxiety?
What if we want the capability to free ourselves from the limitations of our stressinducing mind? Is traditional meditation the only way?
The idea with traditional meditation is to get outside of your Ego or to silence it.
To be in Non-thinking states of presence. The benefits are many.
But what if you CANT get outside of your thinking mind? What if it still controls
you? What if its hard to silence your mind and to fade it down in the mix?
What if you dont want to be a zen master on a mountaintop shunning all
practical and modern Western life?
See, we can TALK about meditation or I can give you the same old breathing
exercises but the fact of the matter is, youre having a HARD time ever shutting
your mind up.
I had the exact same problem. My mind ALWAYS wandered and kept thinking. I
remember I would create these obsessive-compulsive rules in my mind and I

would often keep clacking my teeth and going over the same thought 100
Maybe you have your own mental controls. Those were same the issues I was
going through as well but now I can silence my Ego instantly and I have access to
infinite inspiration, creativity and bliss.
Now, I feel like a billionaire in my mind, body and soul because I was able to
escape the prison of my mind and access my greater, Non-Egoic self.
And I did it as a Westerner who never could get into traditional meditation.
No longer do I have the bad problems of my Ego plaguing me and holding me
captive. Now, I can use it to my ADVANTAGE as a busy, professional. It is the
captain of the ship and all of this other power is whats driving me now.
Since Ive been where you are yet now Ive experienced impossible states of NonEgoic natural highs I know how to teach you because its with the same new
techniques I use.
Breathing techniques didnt work for me but for the past 6 years Ive been
following a path to enlightenment that you could say is parallel to Buddhist
indirect influence and works with Shakti energy and Relational Meditation.
Youll find out more about the power of this stuff soon.
So if you feel youre plagued by your Egoic mind and want access to the greater
power you have; spiritually, emotionally, physically and even sexually, then youre
in the right place.
How do you escape the prison of your mind? The answer is to silence your Ego.
The answer is what I call Ego Fading.
The idea of Ego Fading just INCLUDES the practical application of ACTIVELY being
able to silence your incessant, chattering, thinking Mind. You can view it like an
audio mixer where youre just bringing the channel of your thinking mind down in
the mix so its not heard anymore.

You dont lose your mind, its still there but being able to silence it FREES you to
experience everything without thinking and truly being present, more awake and
more aware.
Its not that it even has to be truly silent, its just that you can fade it down
enough so that you can also get more value out of meditation, alternative
meditation and other holistic techniques, concentration in prayer or even just
enjoying the moment.
Few Westerners have really achieved a true level of presence and can sustain it.
Normally it takes YEARS of practice and traditional meditation. But you dont
have to fight against your tainting Ego anymore.
By being on my email list Ill be giving you more free advice on some of the things
Ive been doing that will really help you to achieve peak states and levels of
empowerment you didnt even think were possible.
And, Ive got some good news. In my new book Ego Fading, I will be giving you
real world techniques that work for hardcore busy and professional Westerners
even if theyve never done any meditation in their life.
These techniques will help you to access the priceless ability of being in deeper
states in your greater self. It all hinges on being able to silence your thinking
mind, to bring it down in the mix.
Ill give you a clue to the biggest secret right here: You dont have to do it alone.
See, traditional meditation relies on COMPLETE SILENCE and no assistance. And
its then you sitting there battling your thinking Ego to ever get into a meditative
No wonder millions of others give up on it like I did years ago! How can you EVER
reach meditative states if thats really the only way?! Its seems impossible at
times so you just give up.

Fortunately, traditional meditation is not the only way to Non-Egoic states of

(spiritual) bliss. Ive discovered some amazing secrets and shortcuts the LONG
way on my own because no one taught them to me.
Watch this video right now and come back:
What happened? Did you stop thinking as much? Goodyouve taken a step into
a consciously controlled new world of holistic power! But theres a LOT more.
Relational Meditation means meditative levels of Non-Egoic states so wherever
the TOP prosumer left off with media or resources, we begin. I will help you to
BYPASS the traditional fighting your Ego path of traditional meditation and yoga
to achieve meditative states far easier (and fun!).
RELMED and our other power techniques are MADE for Westerners who dont
have the straight Non-Ego power to begin with.
See peace, beauty, bliss and happiness already EXISTS. You just have to get in
relation to it and be affected by it. No more having to make it up in the still
chattering domain of your Egoic mind.
With Ego Fading, youll be able to actually get INTO your meditation or holistic
practices (and much deeper into) whether they be:
Traditional Meditation
Tai Chi
Natural Grounding (Shakti Meditation)
Sedona Method

Brainwave Entrainment, etc.

Youll finally be able to dig into the real benefits of those powerful practices.
Plus, youll be able to finally get into your practices even if youve been RULED
by your mind for 1,000s of hours while trying to get into deeper states of NonEgo. This will save you years of time and learning curve.
We will also introduce actual techniques and practices you can do to dive into and
condition yourself into great Non-Egoic states of mind. Imagine having that
power as a Westerner when you just couldnt before!
Or, maybe with Ego Fading youll want to start getting into new, holistic
practices that youve heard about and start experimenting with your greater self.
Ive got a lot of men who do Natural Grounding and still cant really get into the
deeper states because they KEEP thinking and it taints their experience and peak
state potential.
Fortunately, theyll now be able to overcome that with the powerful, new and
focused training in Ego Fading.
Even if youre already good at meditation, this book will help you to have more
control over your mind and to condition it to be far more silent. This will allow
you deeper and more priceless states of meditation and presence.
Ego Fading will also introduce a greater picture of your potential power and
energy as well as how you can use it to achieve, attract, manifest or do literally
It will introduce a more holistic view on life made FOR busy, Western,
professionals. This is extremely powerful stuff because I am a busy, Western
professional myself and the powerful techniques here are really effective.
They dont take long and theyre even fun to do. It brings a whole new dimension
to life.

How about something more? What about, instead of just trying to escape the
prison of your own mind to be Non-Egoic in the traditional meditative, Nonthinking spiritual zen sensewhat if you could be in purely peaked sexual,
emotional or physical states?
Im talking about going beyond just the general Non-Egoic meditative state and
into using and working with your other energy powers?!
Ego Fading will also introduce an entire new way of looking at holistic and
personal development which I call Holistic Empowerment. What if your State
represented everything about you in the now?
Not just your good and bad Ego, but your Power energies? What if your State
WAS your capability to produce, direct, flow, communicate or manifest anything
or everything? What if they were inextricably LINKED like the P/PC formula in the
7 Habits of Highly Effective People?
That would mean that by improving or empowering your total self, would
massively improve your capability to output or perform in any area of life. There
is infinitely more power, flow, creativity and inspiration when you know how to
channel and harness your sexual, emotional, physical and spiritual energy.
Holistic Empowerment is more than just meditative spiritual states of no-Ego, its
how to experience a peak state of life, its how to be a genius, how to apply and
channel your infinite energy to work for you, how to be the most prolific creative
professional even if your social conditioning and Ego-based mind believes that
you cant create, write, sing, produce, paint, draw or play anything.
Thats some exciting stuff there that Ill be teaching. I truly feel Ive become a
world authority on peak state. Being able to silence the Ego is crucial.
So the key to accessing your greater and more powerful self is in the leverage
point of being able to silence your Egoic mind and its control over you. This is a
priceless ability and if you dont somehow take it on youre probably going to
continue living in our Ego-based world missing out on the REAL bliss.

To be awake and fully conscious, present and in peak state is especially RARE as a
busy, professional Westerner. Its also your bridge into all this great Eastern
influenced stuff you keep hearing about.
Being able to fade your Ego down in the mix of your present state effectively will
start entering you into entire new worlds of bliss that you couldnt imagine before
especially when we start empowering these Non-Egoic states in upcoming
You dont have to let your mind control you. Sometimes I remember I just
wanted it to SHUT UP! But I couldnt. Now I can and Ive become a world leader
with these new power techniques that really work.
From there you can start experiencing Non-Egoic bliss and the benefits of
traditional meditation.
More information will be coming out very soon about Ego Fading. Are you ready
to crossover to your full potential? Ready for real freedom? Lets escape that
prison of the mind to really live life again.

-Rion Freeberg
p.s. Got questions or comments? Please post them here:

MindReel PeakState Technologies Copyright DreamCore Productions 2010

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