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Annual 2015 Paper-Il English Jurisprudence Time Allowed: 3hrs. Max Marks: 100. Note: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1. Define Jurisprudence. Explain various kinds of Q3. Q4. QS. Q6. Q7. Q8. jurisprudence. Discuss the circumstances that tend to increase the authority of a precedent and those that decrease its authority. Explain the term ‘question of law', ‘question of fact' and ' mixed questions of law and fact’. Discuss various theories of punishments. Define Custom. Explain various kinds of Custom? Explain the doctrine of vicarious liabilities. Give illustrations to support our: answer. Define possession. What are the various modes of acquisition of possession? Explain with examples following kinds of legal right. (a) Re Propia and re aliena (b) Principal and accessory (co) Vested and contingent Q9. Dfine person. Explain various kinds of legal persons: Q10. Discuss various modes of production and evaluation of evidence. wee Examination LL.B (Part-1) Annual 2014 Paper: II English eae (C oer Time Allowed: 3hrs. . agen ks: a Attempt an edo owing. all questions carry ; WW marks. Q.1. Is Law territorial in nature? Explain? Q2. Explain the classification of civil Law? Q3. Discuss various theories of punishment? Q4. Explain, the prerequisites of a valid custom? QS. Explain various kinds of legislation? Also discuss ‘principles of interpretation’? Q6. Write a short note on the following. i. Fiction ii, Presumption iii. Obiter dicta Q7. discuss the circumstances that tend to increase the authority of a precedent and those that decrease its authority? QS. Define the concept of possession? Discuss its following types. i. Possession in fact and possession in law. ii. Corporeal and Incorporeal ao iii, Immediate and m Q9. eg of a legal . Q uss the secondary functions of the courts of law? Yew te Paper: II English Jurisprudence (Common) Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. QI. Define law. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fixed seg of law. ~ Q2. What do you understand by the term ‘question of law! and ‘question of fact'? Also discuss mixed question of law and fact. Q3. Define the term ‘legal right’. What are its Kt Q4. Define ownership. What are its sate Q5. Discuss various sheds OA anes aone is most suitable in Pakistan and Q6. Discuss various rules of interpretation of enacted law. hment. In your why? Q7. What is liability? Explain the difference between civil and criminal liability. Q8. What is legislation? Discuss its various kinds. Q9. Define contract. Discuss its essential elements. Q10. Define the term property. What are different modes of acquisition of property? ANNUAL 2012 PAPER - Il ENGLISH JURISPRUDENCE (Common) Time Allowed: 3 Hours : Max. Marks. 100 Oo opo0 AO Q. 8. Q.9. Q.10." Attempt any, FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. "Law is the body of Principles. recognised and applied by the courts in the administration of Justice”. Discuss. Discuss in detail various theories of Punishment. Explain the difference between substaniive law and procedural law. | Explain the essential elements ofa eat «oKN Define legislation. Discuss its v What is preced eae enroute classes/ types of cea iain\t octrine of strict liability substantiate i ANS answer by giving relevant examples. Discuss imperative theory of law. Also. highlight the ’ criticism levelled against this theory. Define the term contract. Also discuss essential elements of a Valid contract. Mr 'A' is the owner’of a-newspaper. Mr. B is one of ‘ those. persons employed by Mr. ‘A’. Mr.."B' has written.a defamatory article against Mr. 'C', who has -Sued ‘A’ being the master of Mr. 'B’. Mr. A takes the ~ plea that he cannot be held liable for the act of his servant. Do you think that Mr. 'A’ is justified in taking the said plea? Please give your arguments as to the extent of Mr. ' A's liability for an act done by his servant. Examination LL.B PART-I A/2011 Subject: English Jurisprudence PAPER: I TIME ALLOWED: 3 Hrs MAX. MARKS: 100 Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1. Define Jurisprudence. Explain various kinds of Jurisprudence. Q.2. Discuss the "Imperative Theory' of Law. Also discuss the city ah against the theory. a ow Q.3. Define Precedent. What “qaun the binding force of precedent? © \. 1 osneyet 3 of interpretation of enacted law. fe Q fmé a legal right. Discuss various kinds of legal right. Q.6. What is procedural and substantive law? Q.7. What is possession? How possession can be acquired and lost? Q.8. What is liability? Explain the difference between civil liability and criminal liability. Q.9. What are administration of justice? Discuss its stages of development. Q.10. Write a note on following: a) Unbom Child as a legal Person. b) Corporation. c) Status of Animals and mosqure under law. Examination LL.B Part-I A/2010.- . Subject: English Jarre ee Paper: II Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Max, Marks: 100 Important Note: All the candidates shall attempt the «papers in Englisk Language only. Papers attempted in any other language will not be entertained. - Attempt any FIVE questioins in all. All questions carry equal marks. Ql. Define Jurisprudence. Discuss its various kinds. Explain the scope of Analytical Jurisprudence. 20 Q2. Define Law. Discuss the or and disadvantages of fixed tules of law. Q3.Explain the eet Tics a! SS ie the criticism Aye 4 due peel by the term ‘Question of Law" and ‘Question of Fact’? Also discuss the mixed questions af law and fact. 20 Q5. Explain the classification of civil law. 20 Q6. Explain the origin and necessity of ‘Administration of Justice’ Also discuss various kinds of justice. 20 Q7. Compare and contrast legislation with precedent as a source of law. 5 20 Q8. Define the term legal right. Explain the essentials of a legal right. 20 Q9. Define Ownership. Explain various kinds of Ownership. 20 Q10. Define Evidence. Discuss various kinds of evidence. 20° wyy Annual Examination LL.B 2009 Subject: English Jurisprudence Paper: II Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Important Note: All fe candidates shall attempt the papers in English Language only. Papers attempted in any other language will not be entertained. Note: Attempt any FIVE questions, all questions carry equal marks. Q.1.Explain the imperative theory of law; also discuss the objections raised against Austinian Theory. Q2. Define administration: of justice. Trace the origin of adrhinistration of justice. Q3. Explain the principles of interpretation of enacted law. . 4. Define HURSeseion. Disc publ ot acquisition of pos ea AU a mples the following types of legal WN hts: : (a) Rights in re-propria / right in re-aliena (b) Principal and accessory rights (c) Vested and Contingent rights _ Q6. Write short notes: (a) Obiter Dicta: (b) Ratio Decidendi Q7. Explain the doctrine of vicarious liabilities. Give illustration to support your answer. Q8. Define person. Distinguish between corporation and firm. Q9. Define jurisprudence and explain the various kinds of jurisprudence. Q10. _Is law territorial in nature? Discuss. wink Annual Examination LL.B 2008 Subject: English Jurisprudence Paper: II (New Course) I (Old Course) Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100 ‘Important Note: All candidates shall attempt the papers in English language only. Papers attempted in any r language will not be Sr haat who have be niversity of the Punjab Te (04-2005 in LL.B Part-1 are eligible to wins in Urdu/English language ull Supplementary Examination 2008. Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1. Define Jurisprudence. Explain various kinds of theoretical * Jurisprudence, discuss the scope of analytical Jurisprudence. biter sf alos ei 1 , Li postri Q.2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of fixed mules of law. / «Seite ath ag 2 Q.3. Discuss the ‘Imperative Theory of Law’. Also discuss the criticism raised against the theory. pe PBL Pit AP Leis a Q.-4. Define person, Discuss various kinds of legal person. iy BA vila Al 4 Q.5. Define Ownership. Explain different kinds of ownership. t= Lal Bi fe By AaASe S$ Q.6. Explain various kinds-of Interpretation of enacted law. ffeil 2 ABLE SCA AS ws bute 6 Q.7, Discuss \ various modes of acquisition of property. | APRA PBL JEM 7 Q8. Define a legal right. Discuss with examples ‘corr of a legal right ou Farias eqaaeDls eV) 15 8 Qa pA a twpes of Enforcement: BLES 9 Q10.Write short note on the following. f (i) Obiter dicta Gii)_ Ratio decidendi (iii) Fiction wie hoa 10 AP? () Jo yleu () 2adé C8) week _. LLB-I SUPPLEMENTARY 2008 PART-I — ENGLISH JURISPRUDENCE Paper: Il {New Course) 1(Old Course) O vi Time Allowed: 3 Hours. nye Bur Kinae 100 Important Note: All the ia al the papers in English Janguage only. nA in any other language will not be ail we A, the students who have been enrolled with the of the Punjab for the Session 2004-2005 in LL.B Part-I are eligible te dppear in Urdu/English Tanguaee till Sabnlementany Examination 2008, ‘Attempt any Five Questions. Ali questions carry equal marks. , IQs Islaw territorial in nature? Discuss through examples. User Ue Soult Woe Q2. Explain the secondary functions of the law court. ded Ses Sua PisrLudedie «of Q3. Compare legislation with precedent. Explain which one, as a source of law, i is ‘superior the other. ° 0 ahi Si fage srt. Lei AEG styL or eG ye phos Qa. Discuss those circumistances which increase: the authority ofa preced. itand those that decrease the weight of precedent. wi RES AL be Sane aioe itt eet Q3. Explain with examples the following types of legal rights: ~i) Rights in re-propria/rights in re-alcena. ii) © Principal and accessory rights. iii) Vested and contingent rights. fertre A ye SIP biG 0 Rights in re-propria/rights in re-alcena. d OP bv “ii OP Wun iii Q6. Define possession, discuss various modes of acquisition of passession. "2 DBL LL Macat Foot AL ay Q7 Explain the doctrine, of strict liability. feelin wey eo Qs. Discuss various rules ASA and valuati of glade V Fh Je BL d alee host? A Qo Hew: col rom firm? Discuss the liabilities ALS the objects of incorporation. wi a raieie Se ae bye Pre 4 . SAN SL Fug 6 Q 10. Write shot note in the following Principle of. . 1) Vicarious liabiljty 2) Res Nullius titel tee vale “ned Saves Cae

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