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1. What does ... stand for?

(Apa arti dari kata ... ?)

2. What does ... mean ?
(Apa arti kata ... ?
3. How do you spell ... ?
(Bagaimana anda mengeja .... ?)
4. How do you pronounce ... / this word?
(Bagaimana cara mengucapkan kata ... / kata ini?)
5. What's the difference between ... and ... ?
(in meaning/pronunciation/spelling)
(Apa perbedaan antara ... dan ... ?
dalam arti, pengucapan, atau cara mengeja)
6. Is this a noun or a verb/an adjective or an adverb?
(Apakah ini adalah kata benda atau kata kerja/sebuah kata sifat
atau kata keterangan?)
7. Can you repeat that please?
(Dapatkah anda mengulanginya?)
8. Can you say that one more time please?
(Dapatkah anda mengucapkannya sekali lagi?)
9. Can you play the CD one more time?
(Dapatkah anda memutar CD-nya sekali lagi?)
10. Can you tell me which part I missed?
(Dapatkah anda memberi tahu bagian mana yang saya lewatkan?)
11. What was the homework?
(Apa pekerjaan rumah (pada pertemuan yang lalu?)
12. What should I do to catch up?
(Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untuk mengejar ketinggalan?)
13. How can I improve my speaking/listening/fluency/vocabulary?
(Bagaimana saya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara/
14. Which syllable / word is stressed?
(Suku kata/kata mana yang memiliki penekanan?)
15. How many syllables does it have?
(Berapa banyak suku kata yang dimilikinya?)
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Percakapan Tentang Perkenalan

Danny : May I sit here?
Andy : Yes you may.
Danny : I am Danny. What is your name?

Andy : You can call me Andy.

Danny : What are you doing here Andy?
Andy : I am waiting for my mother. How about you?
Danny : I just left my home and waiting my mother too.
Andy : We have the same purpose actually. Where do you live Danny?
Danny : In Delima Street 05, and you?
Andy : I live next to your street. It is Srikaya street 05.
Danny : Nice. Just call me if you want to visit my home.
Andy : May I get your phone number?
Danny : Sure you may. 081234527898.
Andy : Ok, I will call you soon.
Danny : I am waiting for it.
Percakapan Tentang Hobi
Hody : Had, how are you?
Hady : I am fine Hod, how about you?
Hody : I am fine too. Where will you go?
Hady : I will go fishing. This is my hobby that I do every week.
Hody : It sounds good.
Hady : And you? Where will you go?
Hody : I will go camping near the Muara Buana river.
Hady : Lets go together because I fish at that river too.
Hody : Ok, lets go.


Hi Era, how are you?

I am fine. How about you?
I am fine too. What are you doing here?
I am looking for my book.
What book are you looking for?
My English book.
May I help you?
Sure you may. Thank you Eri.
You are welcome.

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