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Comenzando con Rails

Todo lo que necesitas para instalar Rails y crear tu primera aplicacin.
Fundamentos de Active Record
Esta gua te dar una introduccin al modelo, a la persistencia en una base de datos y
tambin al patrn y a la librera de Active Record.
Migraciones Active Record
Esta gua cubre como puedes utilizar las migraciones Active Record para cambiar tu
base de datos con una metodologa estrurada y organizada.
Validaciones Active Record
Esta gua cubre como puedes hacer validaciones utilizando Active Record
Retrollamadas Active Record
Esta gua cubre como puedes utilizar los callbacks (retrollamadas) Active Record.
Active Record Associations
This guide covers all the associations provided by Active Record.
Active Record Query Interface
This guide covers the database query interface provided by Active Record.
Active Model Basics
Work in progress
This guide covers the use of model classes without Active Record.
Action View Overview
Work in progress
This guide provides an introduction to Action View and introduces a few of the m
ore common view helpers.
Layouts and Rendering in Rails
This guide covers the basic layout features of Action Controller and Action View
, including rendering and redirecting, using content_for blocks, and working wit
h partials.
Action View Form Helpers
Guide to using built-in Form helpers.
Action Controller Overview
This guide covers how controllers work and
how they fit into the request cycle in you
r application. It includes sessions, filte
rs, and cookies, data streaming, and dealin
g with exceptions raised by a request, amon
g other topics.
Rails Routing from the Outside In
This guide covers the user-facing features
of Rails routing. If you want to understand
how to use routing in your own Rails appli
cations, start here.
Digging Deeper

Active Support Core Extensions

This guide documents the Ruby core extension
s defined in Active Support.
Rails Internationalization API
This guide covers how to add internationali
ation to your applications. Your applicatio
n will be able to translate content to diffe
rent languages, change pluralization rules,
use correct date formats for each country a
nd so on.
Action Mailer Basics
This guide describes how to use Action Mail
er to send and receive emails.
Active Job Basics
This guide provides you with all you need t
o get started in creating, enqueueing and ex
ecuting background jobs.
Pruebas para Aplicaciones Rails
Work in progress
Esta es una gua muy completa de las difer
entes herramientas de prueba en Rails. Aba
rca todo, desde Qu es una prueba? hasta
las APIs de pruebas. Disfruta.
Securing Rails Applications
This guide describes common security probl
ems in web applications and how to avoid t
hem with Rails.
Debugging Rails Applications
This guide describes how to debug Rails ap
plications. It covers the different ways of
achieving this and how to understand what
is happening "behind the scenes" of your
Configuring Rails Application

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