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Accelerated Math

Mr. Jacobs
(262) 637-2012

Course Description
In this course, students will develop a mathematical mindset and learn to see the math in the
world around them. We will follow the Common Core math standards and utilize the eight
mathematical practice standards to encourage excellent student learning. This is a fast
paced course that will require students to be motivated, responsible and organized in order to
In a students academic career, the goal of this program is to complete Algebra I by graduation, opening the door to advanced mathematics and science courses in High School. In a
students life, the goal of my class is to develop a mathematical mindset, foster intelligent
problem solving skills and instill a love of learning.

Grading Policy
Grades in my class will be based on a point system. The following list is the guideline I use
to assigning points, although some assignments and tests may be modified.

- 10 pts
- 100 pts
- 25 pts
- will vary depending on the project

The grading scale is as follows

100%-97%: A
96%-94%: A93%-91%: B+
90%-88%: B
87%-85%: B84%-82%: C+

81%-79%: C
78%-76%: C75%-73%: D+
72%-71%: D
70%: D-

Students in Accelerated Math must maintain an A or B average to remain in the program. If

the student seems to be struggling to maintain this a B-, a parent conference will be called
and together we will determine the best path for that student.

Classroom Expectations
There are three basic rules in my classroom for
1. Be Safe
2. Be Respectful
3. Be Responsible

Regular attendance is necessary for success. If you know you will be gone for
any reason, please notify me. I know
things come up and I understand some
students might miss my class for something unavoidable.

I have another expectation of all my students:

Becoming Self-Empowered Learners
The days of a teacher holding and giving
knowledge to students should be over, my role is
to help guide students in their learning. There are
many ways we learn and find information such as
an internet search, textbooks, YouTube videos,
Khan Academy, asking teachers/adults, and asking peers. Seeking out information is much more
powerful learning mechanism than listening and
absorbing. I expect students to seek out these
avenues and become more self-reliant.

Late/Poorly Prepared Work

There is no such thing as busy work in
my class. Every assignment is something I feel is a valuable exercise for
learning. All students are expected to
have any assignments completed before class starts. If there a pattern begins of late work or poorly prepared assignments, I will contact home.

Extra Help
I am available for extra support outside of classroom time for students in need. Students will
need to schedule a time with me. I am generally available after school until 3:00pm.

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