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English 1 - 2016-2017 Plan for Success

Welcome to Ms. Verdy and Mr. Ks class!

Course Description: English 1-2 is the beginning course in the series for required English credits.
Instruction builds upon the reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking foundations
established in 8th grade. Included is the study of thematic literature collections related to personal
experiences. Reading comprehension strategies and control of the informative and argumentative writing
is emphasized. Active listening and speaking are practiced in formal and informal situations. A variety of
media presentations is evaluated for social and cultural messages.
Materials Required: Students have a copy of the textbook here at school. There is not a copy for
them to take home. However, they can access it online. They will also need:
Notebook with five tabs
Notebook paper (100)
Pencil and a blue or black ink pen
Lack of materials will cause grades to drop. If you do not come prepared to work, it is almost impossible to
get things done. If you are unable to obtain any of these supplies, please let me know as soon as possible.
It can be confidential and we can easily find a solution.


Grading System:





Bell work

10-50 points week

100-90 =A

10% = District Final

45%= Term 1, 3

Final Essay

100 points per quarter

89-80 =B

Short Answer Writing


20-50 per Quarter

10-100 points
By District Mandate

79-70 =C
69-60 = D
59- 0 = F



45%= Term 2, 4

Students and parents can access up to date grade information by accessing the student portal on the
district website: using the students student id and school password
to login. If you ever have any questions about the grades please feel free to contact me directly at and I will respond as quickly as possible. Students with IEP and 504 plans will
receive accommodations according to their individual needs.

4. Title I Program: Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support
for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding
is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Biera or
Assistant Principal for Instruction Dr. Gard for additional information at 602-764-7500.
Daily tutoring will be available during advisory (4th period) for students struggling in class. All students are
encouraged to take advantage of this tutoring. If your grade falls below a 70% you will be assigned
mandatory twice a week tutoring until the grade is once again above a 70%.
Make-up Policy: Making up work is allowed for excused absences only. When the student is absent,
he or she is responsible to obtain work or assignments from me, and has three days after his/her return to
do so. For each day you have an excused absence you will have one day to make up the work. All work

should be turned in on time, if the work is one day late you will receive half credit, if the work is more than
one day late, no credit will be given.
Attendance: Absent is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than
one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Tardy is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing.
(PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Students may fail the class for the semester in any course, when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused
absences and after school-documented interventions have been exhausted. (Student Procedures
Handbook page 22)
Everyday Routines:
Students enter the room in an orderly manner and sit in their assigned seats.
Students get out their three-ring notebook and any other required materials
for the day.
Students are silently working on bell work when the bell rings. Anyone not
doing this will be marked tardy.
DISCIPLINE: I expect each student to come to class on time, prepared, and ready to work hard. English
is a critical part of our lives and my classroom needs to have a learning environment conducive to that.
Guidelines for proper behavior are posted in my classroom. I expect every student to adhere to these
standards. They are as follows:
Respect everyone at all times.
Dont speak while someone else is speaking. Never put down anyone for their opinion. Do not use
derogatory terms.
Always be prepared. Expect me to be prepared as well.
Bring materials every day. Lack of materials will cause grades to drop. If you do not come prepared to
work, it is almost impossible to get things done. I cannot supply everyone all materials. It will affect
Have all assignments done on time.
All assignments are due on their due date. If there is a problem with turning those assignments in, it is the
students responsibility to contact me and make arrangements to adjust the time line.
Participate in class.
Make a positive contribution. Do not let others influence your attitude negatively.
School rules, such as dress codes and conduct, are always in effect.
Your ID must always be showing. No cell phones in class. If I see them, they go to security. This includes
headphones and any other music/electronic devices.
Tardiness: Student are expected to come to class on time and prepared to work. Student not in their
assigned seats silently working on bell work will be considered tardy. The first two tardy violations for the
semester will be warnings. After a student is tardy a third time, and every subsequent time, they will serve
a half hour detention.

Contact the Teacher: If you have questions or concerns, you can email me at: I check my email on a regular basis, and it is the easiest way to get in touch

with me. I can also be contacted by calling the school and having them transfer you to my classroom.
Please dont hesitate to contact me about anything.


I have read and understand the Plan for Success for English 1 and comply with its
content and criteria. I agree to follow the guidelines set forth and am aware of the
consequences. I have a copy of The Plan for Success and have shared it with my

Period ______________________ Student ID# ________________________

Student Name (please print) _______________________________________
Student Signature ________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ________________________________

Parent/Guardian phone number ____________________________________
Parent/Guardian email ____________________________________________

Parent Signature _________________________________________________



Type of Contact

Reason for Contact

Description of Communication

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