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Core Training 100 Syllabus

In your Core Training

100 program, you will learn how to work with any client and help them achieve greater
happiness, success, better relationships, peak performance, and communication skills.
You will get a Certificate of Completion from Robbins-Madanes Center for 100 hours of
training as a Strategic Intervention Coach.
Core Training 100 contains four Mastery Units which focus on Strategic Intervention
Megastrategies, Navigating Life Stages, Personal Transformation, and Key Decisions. You
will learn through watching, doing, discussing, listening, journaling and reading about
Strategic Intervention Coaching. We like to empower our students by using every learning

Details about Core 1 Training

Mastery Unit 1: Introduction to Strategic Intervention

In Mastery Unit 1 you will master the Megastrategies. Having broken down hundreds of
complex master-level interventions, weve been able to identify what we call
Megastrategies. Megastrategies are the master moves that create 80% of the results
in an intervention. If you compare the results of a master coach and a less skilled coach,
the big difference is not always in what is said it is in their strength in the
Megastrategies. The cool thing is that these are strategies that you can practice in
everyday life with friends, family, or even at the supermarket. This way you can start
building your skills long before you ever have a coaching client.
Most importantly, Megastrategies can be communicated simply and deliver a
disproportionate level of results. For example, one of the most simple and self-evident of
Megastrategies is the Elevation Strategy, meaning your ability in a conversation to bring
someone to a higher level of positive intention. This can be done through talking about a
goal in an inspiring way, or it can be done simply by complimenting someone on their
strengths. Its an essential skill for any interventionist, and therefore its something we

ask our members to practice independently in various situations until they become
skillful. As you can imagine, being able to inspire someone is a basic but indispensable
skill for any leader. For us, it is just one of a number of Megastrategies to be mastered.

Module 1: Expanding the Unit

Title: Starting Over: How to let go of the past and celebrate your life
Topic: Identifying resources and overcoming helplessness
Intervention: Lyndsey
Types of challenges addressed: Marriage, Illness in the Family, Addiction, Low SelfEsteem, Life Purpose, Negative Metaphors.
Megastrategies: Changing the Metaphor, Finding the Greatest Resource, Attributing Good
Intentions, Expanding the Unit.

Module 2: Elevation Strategy

Title: Sexual Healing
Topic: Finding meaning and purpose
Intervention: Dana & Greg
Types of challenges addressed: Marriage, Sexuality, Identity, Emotional and Spiritual
Megastrategies: Stages of Emotional and Spiritual Development, Discovering the Positive
Intent, Elevation Strategy.

Module 3: Finding the Spark

Title: The Power of You
Topic: Identifying a strength and magnifying it to create real results
Intervention: Beverley
Types of challenges addressed: Obesity, Health.
Megastrategies: Finding the Spark, Elevation Strategy.

Module 4: Understanding Life Stages

Title: Breaking Through: Creating The Life You Deserve
Topic: Overcoming fears and breaking through to the life you really want
Intervention: Tahnee
Types of challenges addressed: Depression, Trust, Relationship, Crazy Eight.
Megastrategies: The Triad, Crazy Eight, Changing the Metaphor, Moving to the Next Life

Mastery Unit 2: Navigating Life Stages (Part 1)

In Mastery Unit 2 youll learn how to navigate life stages as a coach. One of the most
important ways to understand someones needs (including your own) is to understand the
life stage they are working on. You may have two clients come in who express the same
desires, have the same goals, and are asking the same questions, but if one of them is a
23 year old single woman, and the other is a 55 year old grandfather, then your
understanding and approach need to be different. In our view, each of these life stages

represents a juncture point with three or four major goals to be accomplished. These are
big achievement items that represent 80% of the success of that life stage by creating a
basis for the next stage of your life. For instance, if youre in your late teens or early 20s,
one of your major goals is to leave home in a good way and start working towards a
future. If someone comes to you for help as an interventionist and you understand the
three or four major goals of the life stage they are in, you are in a great position to orient
them towards what they really want and need, and to help them make progress quickly.
We focus on stages of the family life cycle from leaving home, to coupling and getting
married as a young adult, to having young children, middle-school and teenage children,
and managing relationships with older and adult children.

Module 1: Leaving Home

Title: Leaving Home
Life stage: Young person leaving home
Intervention: Scott
Types of challenges addressed: Leaving Home, Transitioning to the Next Life Stage,
Hierarchical Incongruities and Cross-Generation Coalitions.
Megastrategies: Understanding and Correcting Cross-Generation Coalitions, Expanding the
Unit, Moving to the Next Life Stage.

Module 2: Married with Children

Title: The Power of Connection: Rekindling Intimacy With Your Lover
Life stage: Understanding a Partners Changing Needs
Intervention: Arantza & Alan
Types of challenges addressed: Connection, Intimacy, Understanding a Partners Needs.
Megastrategies: Understanding a Partners Needs, Increasing Presence, Creating a
Permanent Bond, Rekindling Passion.

Module 3: Early Marriage

Title: Untitled Audio
Life stage: Taking Responsibility for the Relationship
Intervention: Marcus & Belle
Types of challenges addressed: Trust, Connection, Intimacy, Overcoming Infidelity,
Taking Responsibility for the Relationship, Identity Issues, Rekindling Passion.
Megastrategies: Revisiting Identity, Building Trust, Rekindling Passion, Creating a
Permanent Bond.

Mastery Unit 3: Navigating Life Stages (Part 2)

In Mastery Unit 3 we continue to learn about navigating life stages. The second half of
the family life cycle often covers different territory where the couple needs to balance
more priorities including older childrens needs, career, finances, and health. As older
children become more independent and no longer a source of convenient love, the couple

needs to align in their goals, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their bond. This Mastery
Unit displays four powerful strategies for resolving conflicts between couples or partners
of any sort. Life Stages apply not only to family and relationship life, careers and
businesses have life stages also which need to be understood to provide a well-rounded
journey. Youll learn to be a Six Human Needs expert, able to help anyone at any stage of
life by understanding their six human needs.

Module 1: Human Needs

Title: Back From the Edge: Creating Everlasting Love
Life Stage: Young Couples
Bonus Teleclass: Creating a Permanent Bond
Intervention: Paul and Jenn

Module 2: Relationships 5-10 Years

Title: Healing the Pain of Betrayal
Bonus Teleclass: Finding Forgiveness
Life Stage: Setting Aside the Past
Intervention: Jessica

Module 3: Relationships 10-15 Years

Title: Relationship Storms: Man Enough to Stay the Course
Bonus Teleclass: Building Trust
Life Stage: Creating Presence and Building Trust
Intervention: Sam & Daryl

Module 4: Families with Children From Prior Marriages

Title: Overcoming Issues With Stepchildren and Finances
Bonus Teleclass: Managing Relationships
Life Stage: Integrating Step-Families
Intervention: Susanne & Ole

Mastery Unit 4: Individual Transformation

Mastery Unit 4: So many personal performance issues come from an internal incongruity
a decision, identity, relationship, or belief structure that contradicts or limits your
greater intention for your life. These are advanced core strategies for aligning yourself
for maximum performance and fulfillment. As Strategic Interventionists, we give each of
these an interactive dimension so that you find alignment not only within yourself, but in
your key relationships as well. In this Mastery Unit youll help clients to revisit and revise
the Key Decisions that have directed their life (and can free up new energy and direction
from now on.) Youll learn how to break old strictures in your identity, how to overcome
personal crisis and prioritize, and how to reconfigure your life values to bring your
maximum congruency and strength.

Module 1: Revisiting & Revising Key Decisions

Title: Reclaiming Your True Identity: The Power of Vulnerability

Bonus Teleclass: Key Decisions & Family Structure
Intervention: Lise

Module 2: Breaking Identity

Title: Overcoming Preconceptions About Yourself
Bonus Teleclass: Overcoming family cultural limitations
Intervention: Sukey

Module 3: Overcoming Crisis & Managing Emotions

Title: Untitled Audio
Bonus Teleclass: Accessing strength & response to crisis
Intervention: Jim

Module 4: Reconfiguring Life Values

Title: Creating Integrity: Finding Your Values
Bonus Teleclass: Values Elicitation
Intervention: Jim 2


We use a variety of teaching tools to train our Strategic Intervention students to become
incredible coaches. Since we believe in your personal strengths, we always give you
different modalities for learning. This way all different styles of learning are covered.
Below is a list of the way the training meets different learning modalities:

Anthony Robbins Live Intervention Video

These are documentary films of Anthony Robbins live one-on-one interventions with real
people in a group setting. The films begin when one or several people stand up to share a
serious life challenge (getting a divorce, going bankrupt, struggling with their health,
dealing with family or parenting issues, coping with sex or relationship problems, dealing
with a tragedy or trauma) and ends an hour or more later when the problem is resolved.
Most films feature follow-up interviews with the participants one to five years later,
showing how the intervention has continued to impact their life. Narrated by Cloe
Madanes, these films reveal to you step by step what enables people to create dramatic,
permanent core changes in their lives, and how you can learn from these interventions to
be able to do them as well. This is the only training available that guides you in detail
through interventions from the inside.

Homework Journal
Each film comes with a homework and journal/questionnaire to strengthen your grasp of
the concepts and experiences of the films. If you like to learn by writing, exploring, and
doing exercises, this will stimulate your learning process in written form and solidify the
concepts in you.

Recorded Teleclass with each Module

Cloe Madanes and Mark Peysha take you through a one-hour discussion of a major strategy
in Strategic Intervention, as well as key information about how Strategic Interventionists
navigate different kinds of relationships and situations. You will hear answers to the most
common questions from your fellow students, and exactly how these strategies work.

Discussion Forum
This is a place online where you can have in-depth on-topic discussions with students
about each of the Mastery Units. Bring your questions.

Small Live Phone Discussion Groups

You get together with 10 other students to discuss the Mastery Unit you are working on.
Together you understand how the strategies affect different types of people and

Unit Quiz
When you complete a Mastery Unit, you take a short 5-10 question multiple choice quiz to
confirm your understanding. You get instant feedback on your responses. These quizzes
are a tool for you to test your knowledge and skills they are not graded and you can
keep taking them until you are 100% solid in your understanding.

Live Power Sessions

In addition to the recorded teleclasses with each Module, Cloe, Mark, and Magali offer
live Power Sessions where they take any number of questions about your practice or even
your life. Participants often find while absorbing the material that they derive benefits or
make new decisions in their personal as well as their professional life. You get weekly
practice hearing the most typical problems coaches encounter, solved within a few
minutes by applying the right strategy.

Coaching Practice Sessions

Participants learn to coach by practicing telephone coaching with another participant.
Study Buddies can review material, discuss films, and are given exercises to do together.
This is a series of extremely practical training materials that will take you step-by-step
through key moves of Strategic Intervention. Coaching Practice Sessions are a great
opportunity to make new and lifelong friends. You may utilize Coaching Practice Sessions
as much as you like, and will do a minimum of three sessions as a coach, and three
sessions as a client.

Reading Journeys in Strategic Intervention

To broaden your understanding of Strategic Intervention, choose some books from a
library of relevant books in therapy, coaching, negotiations, management, psychology, or

Client Startup Kit

In this kit you get the exact template for your first three coaching sessions so that you
know you can start coaching and adding value to people with confidence. You receive

three recorded phone coaching sessions which are narrated with explanations and insights
about your first sessions with any client.

Coach Marketing Business Plan

An important part of marketing your business (or if youre not going to be a coach,
getting clarity about how youre going to use SI) is understanding the clients needs and
points of view. In this training Mark helps you get started planning your coaching career
and learning how to create a strong practice leading with your strengths.

Relationship Education Kit

This is a comprehensive kit for leading couples through five relationship education

Discussion Community
Robbins-Madanes Training has a vibrant online community of over 1,600 active members in
its private members area. Here you share ideas, ask for advice, brainstorm, discuss
important topics, give and get client referrals, and make sure you are learning and
connecting every day. This is the premiere community of coaches online. Its an amazing
place to build relationships, network, and make great friends. Ask a question, youre
likely to get several dozen responses. Amazing.

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